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SECRET<br />

Ref • No-stS),10/16' milsr,<br />

During . poripda whon tho.•situation was unfavorable, HITLER took it out on tho<br />

dif<strong>for</strong>ontbran'ehos oftho . armod <strong>for</strong> oos and .blamod their hoads <strong>for</strong> all mistakes.<br />

Souroo was singled out quito often, and had to tako robukos in front of all the<br />

officer° .•prosont• This load to the point whore tho officers bogan to loso thoir<br />

rosPoct <strong>for</strong> . 06,M,ING! s military ability. .<br />

t' homotingd' HITLER always presented tho latest dispatches of tho <strong>for</strong>eign<br />

prose,. whi'Oh ho thon di isoUssoct in his well mannor<br />

During tho last` fovi'montho the situation mootings woro hold in tho Winter<br />

'Garden or,i fhb . Cyqtrwollory arid thon to the vory last in HITLfft' e bunkor Luldornoath<br />

had a dimon sion of only in 54 All the officers<br />

'had 1oriid trite thi -s' dial' space and many of. thorn faintod during . thci, mootingo •<br />

The night mooting which usually started botwoon 2400 end 0100 hours Was not<br />

attended by àll tho offioors, but HITLER was always prosont After the meeting<br />

HITLER' a eamou tIcia`!1;tot11CF- tako pl asi3O Hero a ..emall circle of 'trusted friond a<br />

r'souldlnake doci sion a of prirso political importo.noo • Hero, too, BORMANN, Usod his<br />

strong influonoo to oVorrulo HITLER, who was usually tirod aftor . the previous<br />

inooting. OOERING maintains that all things not directly oonnootod with : tho<br />

conduct of tho war boom° tho rosponeibility of BORMANN.'• .-.• • •<br />

Th9 FUEHRER! toa guosts Usually included the following ,Poreons:<br />

ri .<br />

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fici#Eile",",GRUF M a j Gon),<br />

11't tlitabORk s:' Gtir d INF (Lt Gon), .<br />

13 OP :bathe-Of the adjutants, • and<br />

QC; Or) •4.<br />

" Mr JUNGE<br />

Jaifl 1<br />

Mro 80t,snOe.iuut<br />

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Mk 8, CHRISTILN<br />

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;TO .; ^ 11.,C1 ^ ""<br />

j ,1‘ ,,..zitla.L.pri.. 0onore of Wal•<br />

PW claims that it VMS HI nga .1 intention to doneunoo the GENE'VA<br />

Convention if tho yarl would havo 'lasted anothor threci months .......:4I: Allied 'PW<br />

oxoopt those valuable to tho Gorman war oconomy . Wore -to bo okterminatod .<br />

4.4,2,10.4f,S4rIg ti9 '.:09uroo, thiB plan booamo known to the gon oral. a . and tho<br />

Naa1„‘artr, . , le'adois;". all of whom took: a stand squarely against it, with the<br />

;oxoeption of . GOEBBELS • , .<br />

Itt ytaa ,pol.ntod..out to HITLER that Gorman :FT in Allied hands would have<br />

'to oxpOcst'thO danici fato. To this th? FUEHRai roplied'.that the-se millions of<br />

• .Goimans woro of no more u so to the war ef<strong>for</strong>t anyway ., but that aft.cir his<br />

F,Pro.pci pod no:tion thoro would be no moro do sortor .s. from tho German .z-my. The<br />

Gorman pooplo, Said ho, would thon fight to the last Men.<br />

'4 4.'4° 1 •_;- . C.•<br />

11) Chcaao9.1. Warfare<br />

Stato that',HITLER was rostrainod from the uio of OW during tho<br />

; last, poriod oA" thO .War only by<br />

•<br />

his fear of Alliod rot,aliation. Ho often<br />

.(<br />

-admitted +that ; hrid'missod tho °halloo to u se OW at the right tiino (i •o•,<br />

• JJ .n • • ' • 14o •• • •<br />

"diaring % tho !'stagos of the wok) • .4t that timo ho had boliovod German<br />

victory jclortctik;With ,,the uso of normal woapon a •<br />

44. v.i.1 xi ) . .<br />

• ' • f ;•'1-<br />

0) •HITLER<br />

*<br />

S.'<br />

, Whon the in BEalg had dotorieratod . boyond.'hopd, HITLER allowed<br />

foit'011 .76.51-4,3:1! 4,D„r .MOREL.L, to °soap() to the SOUTH of GorMany. MORELL had<br />

boon,:iadRItin ,ift,,oxink. er,„voky largo daily, :dose of hormones to tho FUEHRER • .SoUrco.<br />

boliOvOs % thatit.waajtho r suddon absonco of these tiortnonos which .oadeod HITLFA!ii<br />

genc 1 bra1cdowr cljn sub soquont doath .<br />

a.i..)' I • .i. Q • 4 I i<br />

11 _.gp)2...i.L FOliio . li:,.... nt20..., , , ..iNtivy 4 Jury' , ,<br />

!IA: tlio .FUEHRt ' 0 hoalth had boon declining. His 'right, log<br />

1 l • ‘.... , : I .<br />

&UM .f.:,'.'t41.41-acii..t9$111,agnoClia,aiy, and tho Epralost contradiction .irritatod .h1m....to, a<br />

high dogroo • .,* drilY BORMittr, WESSELS and FEGELEIN still' had any influoii60. , osti. .,.klim •<br />

•PW says , the. 'atm .° sphore of HITLM ' s sholtor was horriblo . Hi 0 aocrotary and. hi a<br />

int stroeis could stand it only by<br />

1<br />

boing drunk all day long. .<br />

'SECRET 2<br />


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