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-JRET<br />

: Could he have =egally?<br />

L: No, in that case he would haVe had to put it on,paper.;-<br />

,<br />

G: Now I ask you, HERR LAMMERS, do you relay ,believ 1ia1<br />

after the ,FUHRER had publicly declared my appoiritmehas.,<br />

his successor, and since he further announced'myallnes;;or<br />

my withdrawal from office, he would not nave been'able.tO'.:<br />

announce ovet the radio such an important change as,i-Uat,,<br />

• " •<br />

of his successor?<br />

G: It was' ordered from elsewhere .. He (HITLER). threateneAtO.-,.<br />

shoot me or to throw me out of all jobs' eXeSpt.thy:app,o.int,<br />

merit as his successor.<br />

1.0.: NOT to relieve you as his successor?'<br />

No. That has no connection with any office:.<br />

I.O.: You admit that you did not actually resign?<br />

No. I was <strong>for</strong>ced to do so. etherwise•I Would hav,ei,<br />

ted immediately.<br />

Is: I would like to point out another thing .„-whi.W1i0O„ 700ft .-<br />

ance. After this action (GORING's<br />

appeared which stated that the resigned a '<br />

Commander of the Air Force, because of ailmet.<br />

he still retained his title as REICHSMARSCHALLahher,'<br />

decree (about HITLER's successor) wae the'refoie:still'Peffbo<br />

lye.<br />

I.O.: Now, I'd like to know, did you withdraw from all yo.r dUt4.es<br />

because of ill health, or was this step<br />

‘<br />

oidered'fro0166-<br />

where?<br />

4WY4- ,,vp<br />

G: Well,I must say, these damn coup<br />

that is outstanding.... I have alwaya.knoWnthati.C,<br />

even't' of something happening to the-PUHRERiig0(614:<br />

be ii the greatest danger <strong>for</strong> the following48hogrs*<br />

that time I would have per<strong>for</strong>med thesWearineinVandi<br />

would have been a legal fact, t any srateiwbulde46.1'<br />

dANN within 48 hours<br />

would have carr es ou wo personal- ac ions Mi. ddia,te;y::..,.:<br />

the 'arrest of BORMANN and the firing of RIBBENTROP;.:..-.Tliey::.<br />

were the two thorns in my:side ..• • • •<br />

. • `.., • . ,<br />

C . : I told some GAULEITERs who were close to me, about a year .<br />

and a half ago, when everything became clear to me l that if<br />

fate ever designated me as (HITLER's) ,successori I woftld. .<br />

place a High Court over me; I told myself that no man shoUld<br />

assume the responsibility of not having anybody over him...<br />

A dictatorship must never come again, it doesInot-work.<br />

see it now. As long as a man is good, as HITtER was in the<br />

beginning, everything is wonderful... but (then) it'came to<br />

extremes.<br />

3<br />


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