Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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ko down <strong>for</strong> jus-t, the roason s indi catbd by GOERING . . The, WOattiorcyail<br />

moat of tho pl °no s woro ci thor wrocked: on',Jho, ground:,<br />

's er . -. • loot ini.:1<br />

.Ocidont s • . Tho ro suit of this vent,urc Wati th,at..aftor,<br />

Pir itti Bp o r t<br />

.o....shOrt: .,:te4pgt<br />

fil an o a many bombers<br />

and the On,t'i.r.ti,., fin 177. Witil<br />

'ithat ,.,.:,ho battle of . STALINGRAD Was<br />

weroimobI bc<br />

loot any -wai::! , .,- : • ..,::':;,...t.', 7 : : :•.- .-.:: . t--41:i:<br />

-<br />

1:'0I1IING .<br />

. ' .... , ., . , .., -,,<br />

s-tato a that from that timo ti, :: ..-.<br />

on, the r di atiprid4p-.104.)*10.,..1.1y4,,,.. o,t9,..ṛ<br />

. :<br />

RITLEF: , steadily' detorior ated . if ItLEtt Wo Uld ' give and<br />

..-:. 'that :COMING co ulitoormtin4'/Peds':';' :' 1<br />

waEi 'complotoly unab 1 o to ko op' . abr oast .. of<br />

have, ' ' . 7thO ;:iiiituatipi4i',.<br />

fl, conference with him in tho afternoon '<br />

,,,,, ( .:<br />

. and .., r o<br />

t .4.<br />

- olfonir<br />

turn.,tc6 ciii'is r.tir,lar,tiOrti.;,;,.!<br />

-....,„. g to find 'a<br />

,<br />

. Tbntic nod to certain order waiting there <strong>for</strong> - him •Wh.cih!:tho-,..TiJEHit<br />

him<br />

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during tho con<strong>for</strong> Onco .: ':': Nany., of thb,:a6.4-.or derlit •tkiiiiroy'Sr'11 .44,<br />

oi .t.) 1 'o.. to carry out • . As<br />

. . an example of one of thdr:sci<br />

!prdee from 1- . c6ntrairOrtii3Ogr ..-<br />

qTLM which ordorod o thentire Luf tw e • ... .. ..,... - .1. /.. I.<br />

alto te-.0ake,-.. I-<br />

:LENINGRAD in an attompt, to Id?oek Out, the :city •<br />

ai-! ;..!6,11:. . ti,...fx,<br />

•<br />

no;t po whon ssiblly ,:tr an s<strong>for</strong><br />

sciop iN4";!....t,4:4cr,ii::1441,1.,<br />

tho ontiro airpo wor again et . ono p b Cf•i?ipP:42)<br />

. Othor ' Ob jectiVos„ especially LONDON, untoUchpd, , ilITLER:'i aCesiti3O4<br />

, ' li" - '<br />

:.".. ' --<br />

' Ooi•tard to do '.ċlaiming that it was afr Lid •<br />

tO<br />

so of :,tho ' 44f gun s in ṫoll, . him that the AA pro tection of :LONDON , Wa 6<br />

LiM.s1■611<br />

-.<br />

... ,con si,d or ab ii it'si:',Ifti:C: gP ..,,<br />

...<br />

LENINGRAD, and that tho Gorman fl i or 8 had . no t shidd aWr.k3r<br />

tIANDON •<br />

,<br />

,<br />

.<br />

. from the .:.t'itirk''''<br />

. - 4 k 01-,<br />

. • Af#1.9<br />

00E1ING s attitude with rogd s ar to tho Ru'S si an War . ...:■'.;'1::;'.!-Iiri;40,*<br />

i941,: "It ilould bo tho best thing to hold on to what Ito<br />

woe<br />

have<br />

as foPOW,C1..441*<br />

atiompt, ponotr<br />

'541:13.9. 21 ato any fur thor . Lot us build an k4sti,1..1<br />

of workor s which we havo •<br />

:13roali -t,hrOUgh; our disposal,<br />

au ao we have a ouperior<br />

no<br />

tho Lu<br />

d'dfon nos<br />

ftyra.ffo, on'cr troy<br />

without an of o'rYnøz<br />

thb ;6 'fiti<br />

foctiv o Air For g o" •<br />

on SivO' ,We.s ronowod with tho won known ro Dui t<br />

However, th9l<br />

.,.;GOg:IisIG el aimed that during the<br />

LuftwaiTO had torrifi o su ocossoo •<br />

t 'almo.st all of than . on the ground .<br />

:of. What Was hap poning in the fir at<br />

, AUPPOr,todby \TONI BR AUCHITSOH, than<br />

43.1..ove; tho phonoinonal ouc co ns at fir<br />

:<br />

.-t .<br />

Putsch<br />

On one dv they knciCkod ,out -<br />

Tho Russian s, ho c1a1mo lid n6t<br />

fow hours • of thin d<br />

wont<br />

at, and only announood tho loss 614 ,o. a-.<br />

7 60ER ING;. said that ho was supposed to have boon pr<br />

. , :131:1P d tAllid, to talc°, ,o Omit; Ett .. iii-ti.:7-tziat$<br />

1<br />

.' in .East; plaeo between HITLER and NV SSOLINI :at, thd;1740,,kg.,4<br />

: Pr us si.a, but that duo to his di sliko of<br />

.. '.. ,tho , _ : mOottng ., It was ,<br />

14U S3OLINt;"ho'<br />

, only duo to thi a fact, that hd avoidOd<br />

4g. ,ii,''<br />

*undod .<br />

..,./.;,,. „.<br />

. si.iii.t.t143boiJ<br />

14: , .'GOER J:NG ' say 0 that it was<br />

.. impo Deihl ° to o r<br />

Tpht;-: at tho. I tittio - To do away with HITLER would'll gatO.:foo.. an Of'fo.Otiii44C 6<br />

.,,..4,gr.lo*Oilt(.. with . tho. SS on that mattor,<br />

, 'al& Pr b<br />

. 1.1P,.5'<br />

'!£,O4,:..-i-1,i an the .. ga.).<br />

Mork: .,S$ asked why ho did not pro to ot paid. -n . ZIA<br />

t6.,.4;04,,<br />

1<br />

' . .: . ,Jr..,...,<br />

iip el4t<strong>for</strong> :' 49-- phi of of tho Luft<br />

fin<br />

' e waff o , wbf<br />

COM I liG:# Ati .. .'.04 ' that/Ii..:4 )..104 .<br />

ul d..1.,'oe nhoctuloirtly lo so his plaoo a e suoc 0 ciao T,*,41<br />

f)",174itLE4.2,13.notti;:Piii!till; •Ve/01,1,<br />

cJf<br />

Pl:aCb4. by BOA/LINN, <strong>for</strong> whom ho c Iaim od to have' Jti': ,: ,11, i i c fa<br />

,<br />

1,:dislikii.'7';:"'',4:?;t:f.P:',..1<br />

' Ili& hOi. al ....... - cgal.. .iisi_ .ci f y a' Gori4/az<br />

i<br />

,<br />

' :.44-1;.0.6ERr. via i 0 explan J. ation <strong>for</strong> tho r ao i al p614.0y<br />

4<br />

'iOis.iiitiOn '',.Wa's not int,ondod to take On the .aEipa:st a.<br />

in"'<br />

which<br />

many<br />

it 1.<br />

: :*ra pt . !.a6.,:f01,10146 Th po<br />

or.igin1:Ly intended to squeeze only tho8e Jews wo<br />

did later o '<br />

...<br />


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