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.)4 20:adduro,... P.iititad havo brought tho. garririon . to `.'.'ito...1c1.1 .os,<br />

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Xtiet . minuto HITLER r op.% sod i to<br />

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1?pa...; 1 9.- tio,i'sula sti uto or auppl anont -.t;446;i0oi-144Ili.ont<br />

t/i 'fit :H1T14FCi'a4ofu8al to a wry. out , tho .., pl 0.11 ii:',Iyiffie!:: Evli ' 4 .<br />

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Ce.k1far;:p40.z,fat . Ruda a •••. 'GOERING told ,hp t 1444t'<br />

aij to ,whnt ho h4,4wrj toxt ., 1004, '<br />

414TI■ER .7.-tO1d.' him , that i t was A*. too 14,0 1.:,#i)iititokị I:<br />

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i4ntad,;out to him that . o lion if hp ....do ti ,<br />

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tin thb 14-An tor 1941 that GOZRZYT6hn4 h i v4;<br />

' `pcmc di st 'silo° in : RU:a lib0. 404..<br />

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0 'rra El in oyj4000 6v. .,:tyaii-r§,;:4424h<br />

v13.1TL rofutiod Pto : ,16t tho 1. 200; 005410<br />

thrO ct that .ho J plQd tO,do41.<br />

itrtj itarr +.; :HITLZR cl.od GO.IWG on o<br />

tronsport planoevcd.e4lo ,:f<br />

• Iitto1d bim buttiddod . that tho i nuMb Or . Of.:j pianos<br />

jit thq i1ocod ' GO MI NG wh o th or...it ,<br />

▪ lpiiii .40Eftirigi, told . him that it . could .; bA...',:don<br />

borat; 9,r e wOro boing usod in tho b attl o "gaiz at<br />

US& of all availablo transport .. pianos and bomborbfioi<br />

now wing . of Ho 171 1 s, which was . 0 at 1' in ‘. tho pt.°<br />

fkr,), 13 1:1 '.<br />

<strong>for</strong> which GOING had a . particularly<br />

cLospor atolyy, . , trying to koop intact 4 urin rtho.:<br />

oulLsuoply tho ,%rmy of 200,000 with o.F.n6<br />

v, hc:),,,impcaibili.ty of tho job . duo to a numbor. ftioto,rp.?‘.:XP.,94....44.3. ,P6v,,,9t,f,C..1.„<br />

GOERII■TG;to ]d- :HITLCR that ho could not oxpoet to .hiiv`ofAl'Conetiint1.111YAng,f,-kr.(Sa..<br />

'fiit'titSomOi.daYs it would bo impo ssiblo to fly at al).<br />

..rOUPP1 i‘O's .roquirod tho following ..day uld bo • dOublod<br />

tricd t0 00mply withthe ord.aro Tho : attompto tO , r0tipply4h6, • I<br />

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