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was in con etant foar an through tho wintor , ..that a poried: of fino. iyo.o,t.i§, j',::214•12.4,0r"<br />

0:pita-to . trio' 6f<strong>for</strong>mivo 8.gainat Pr nnco . . •<br />

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It ,I as 'during<br />

, • ..•<br />

tho wintor of 1939-40 that 'a: cortatn..mi•Ohap,,o.O-o4i.r,O0•4<br />

, rO Sul t-9d . in GotRING I a ond , at loas-t as a, po3,:i.t3'...Oall.f.'i guro, pl.',.114,g r,-;107<br />

:: .08paany l 8 end, if tho accidont would have boen .,'Ok.p10.,itod, pr„Ot)P.r1k,L6 ...i.;.,,,,...,,,4<br />

' CrO-tmiiii co Ur i or ...wa s givon tho comploto .plans',, f§i' .0'0 .1 iilv...9..1.494,:.if4W:9,s37`<br />

:Varid.e; ill,lich...iloro to bo dolivorod at a Gonora17' .staibf ••oon<strong>for</strong>ptioo,0:::064-<br />

' op.o't;: -according to GOING, got 10(4 " and .l. and .Od • in BELGIUM6i6;-Mi+eit' '<br />

. . . , ., • . ..... • . „. .,.<br />

I:tor:0 , , ,,promiitl.y cao-turod, but ovorybody refusod to b.o.liovo t.1,?0,.--thek,e,<br />

but . a,. fako . , Whorl, tho ooUrior di scovor op.- tho. ml stako and ' 1hdt'p:;, : .ho ploa'<br />

lOndod, net on tho destined airfiold on tho right b.onk of't,I.i.s.:::1,14i.„, ta<br />

he ..Mad o an attempt to burn -thc pore, but ho . succeeded ..onli-r..40;i101.1.Y,;VI,,'„<br />

Of -then woro capturod oither int,act,, or - at 1 es.st, • in such .'lai;g0-.`',.ii''agOtrt.., „ L.<br />

main ., gi et of the dociunont s could not bo mi stakon • Whon 'Ilia, .policikAitOkb4S,',' . "4,iy ,-.4<br />

• happoncd , HITLER ri Ei:Vod at GORING and told him, that tho •Li.0;bwo,f,.174.q40:•,Listaivapp.rj.;if<br />

fOr :±thi Ei faux pas ., GO-MING told . lai, 0 audionco how ho at at lienie,'..;bY,;•::9•10..,<br />

. papor O trying • to r o con struct what had happonod, and ho,-ov -arn"., burtit,.., hi •g.r.,4),pg ...,<br />

,tb„,:.,f-ind out whOthor: or not the courior had he.a timo to burn niti.st.7.6 .1Y4.hiP,J; if<br />

'the .^initization of hi e wi fo, ho c al 1 od in Boy ar 0.1 di v inor a 4nd...,,,goi,..4:4,17tis. 4.,i'zi*.<br />

ill:10..1y , roaohod tho cOnclusion that t,ho dotailOd . part of tho,.Plati',.:_i6/1.;11;tlii:e.4.<br />

mubt • havb boon -do stroYod •<br />

•:•; •..\The , iOsul t of all thi s was that n now plan was' dr awn up, , whi,C4 vas"'<br />

, :.,.<br />

first, 'and which was finally oxocutod, i •o • tho b<br />

4It<br />

roakthrOUgh :.:atT'SPArt: * ,<br />

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1<br />

. 7.",GOEft,ING . Was. very enthuOiaatic about .tho way in which'. HOLI4.4.O;L•wari....;0; ....<br />

,iii . 145..pi Solf again and again, <strong>for</strong> his own ingonuity in this et■Api..5.9.1t40,/i.`:<br />

etriTi'-8 e ' .0. Dutch' first lieutenant who told about this<br />

'Gpnc<br />

ObnimandQr- of tho Dutch -Armod For co s , was called up on the te1:Pp..hciqc..1:%„.,_<br />

IriaS helii:ng .S. certain bridgo near the Albert Canal •. T'ao 1 attli3ked.'„hi%,<br />

mission , to 'blow up the bridgo because thoro wore p. ar aohuti . Eit 8 . digliP,4;fliZctfP:<br />

•iithiod .iii .:,O 1,46friity ; Gon WINKELMaIN rofu sod to boliov,o tho 'oter.Y.i•:' Egik139.,f<br />

•'re,train from blowing up the bridgo • A few minut;Os 1 ator tho L,t,:c,S.1;lid.'/?! . • rit<br />

•again* . . Gun . ' • WIls,HCELMANN . ,<br />

rofu sod to boliovo it, and adding that<br />

r<br />

he,..,..iefeiO04`..1.:6<br />

' ■<br />

:Ali<br />

• dpiion B • cut off from rot,roat, --tho so divisions wore bOinichb:446,0,,(•;,,bY, t-Op •<br />

ot,;ki, :,ittici ••'.front - -and that it was absolutely impossible that -•.0q:::i4f, 4.t.t,i"„0.P..<br />

d.:4C,g,-':-.t,"6-,'Irop behind tho linoa• A fow minutes 1 ator tho Lt Cal•Ioti,fttir.S4t:<br />

Oine r Gener al , I am about to be arrost ,.-,d" , and at that momenC,theiG:O'.'<br />

14' seePer'a,'Oaptured the Lt and the bridge intact • .<br />

• ..,<br />

._ _,,,• ;,,; ,,. ,,,.••••■:k, , '<br />

.1_12.:?::Bonibia'-:bi" t<br />


e . • -', f ,';'.<br />

.<br />

GONG ri • 8-toy of the bombing of ROTTE1DAM was vciry much!'in kliV,t46 sl•<br />

, -..,...-.:.,....i.t....T.4<br />

% ,,t, 1<br />

publi , , abod •stOrios . _. and the known facts • GOMING •claims that<br />

ii,l'ario 6 carrying , inOondiary bomb s, nono of Which oxcOoded<br />

‘ C4.5kING ' bee 'a*, • very oxcitod whon ho was asked <strong>for</strong> his ȯxpl Onati.8ii''•.144 1,;... ' . 0" f • ou<br />

1Y0i4. '.... Od f! . , ad -and . : wounded'. "What largo n ymbor s of woundOd?!'s : 711o'br.3,-,04.,) , t ,, ••<br />

, What ' hap ?onod , • tho fire brigado was so soarod to death (HAT:260 !,Y4 - .-<br />

tha-Vit • :7efu Sod ' to move out and do anything<br />

. ,, 1, ct•<br />

about the .fi,re ..:.'.Th01,.1:..i.s;/<br />

P.:iirt- of he city burnt,c,down • •The de st,ruotion could havO'heon t.rciitil.kitted'Itb'<br />

E010.11 'dr() 4 ., if the firo brigado would .have taken any . aotion . .on' it'....:;!iA"70.4.;fi,4<br />

13TOIGER/tig ?. .,<br />

.ISTOI of ROTTERDAM about that, and ho will toll you :t1.10 :ioin,C'. #,i,i.ii.k ..!i.4, .....<br />

1<br />

thboO 'otbiA,o6 ol'<br />

hundrod s or thousand ri of d oo.d and wounded ' are' juit...inen4,-Orliii:(,_., 4:.,<br />

fairy: t al. o s •( El/FT-IN/DUNGEN MD LIMO HEN) • At the mast • sometwority:.:oi.:,'.thi:17.,t;Y*)64133ik::;:<br />

. ' dOuld'' 'hri . O . died from Almos t whilo they vtoro hiding in the Col 1 •L'.<br />

- w.S.yo t' .....,),WhOii:;:$11171... . . , :13<br />

:',4 spc<br />

0,49r14,.`',,<br />

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, 4py or , Gon STUDMT • ordorod ' a rod • fl aro to bo firod to ,:pieiontith,d,-..dr05. g': .".; •<br />

'oe'tor.6•:,-,t onib a, , and this was done, and no fur thor bombs' wore dropped.• "<br />

- GOERING' c Flan For 2122 Modi-torr an oan<br />

41941 GOERING' had made plans <strong>for</strong> a massivo offonsivo in the, i'Meditori" .07. orati ,<br />

p about as folow ls; Throo Army Groups wore o to take part , 'w"hat:t.w'<br />

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