Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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GENOBSZ .BE0kGENOBS T BEON then said, substantially, "I aci not sufficiently , I ■• • • : ,:‘<br />

in<strong>for</strong>Medgaiding tho details of the situation in the Army Group NORTH. Howovor,;:::H.':' ';•<br />

... .,- -,<br />

" . I:esigii4n000ho following diroctions <strong>for</strong> the further conduct of tho strugglo<br />

- Take":.CarothatArmy Group NORTH under no circumstances be out off and lose oon-<br />

. tact ,),With-. ; t4oREIOH. If nocossary the Army Group front must be withdrawn towards ".:'..<br />

list Priiieialith those words the conversation ended. It can be assumod that<br />

GEkOBSTOON",:fiGEN.DER.07 OLBRIOHT, and OBST VON STAUFFENBERG.gave numorous or-<br />

. der -SAAP4rOCtives in the same vein. Thus it was oasy <strong>for</strong> the SD later / to grab'<br />

IllAWF011ta4O:of:all officers connocted with the case, since through . tho un-;:'-<br />

0,' ,i,,,. cAlz: • • •<br />

aP.P 0.13.4: the attomptod assassination practically all the cards wore on ..<br />

!tiIiii.:.=',t0k4I,d4.4;,:,•'<br />

,<br />

:••••■•,t..<br />

,',...,A=Nic. nȯ.--tmnaro w-.-'d;many officors who woro not immodirtoly approhondod, thoir norvos,<br />

8 :tra.141.0 d 1pr .:pontal uncortainty, bought and found death on tho front or through , .:. ,<br />

Bi.4400T11,0wasftho case of OBST VON VOSS, 0 of S I Army Group Oontbr,and pre'<br />

ibli51.ySs' 9 t:11734:.yoN KOEHNV and HPTM Helmut p inVIT of BRANDWBURG Div. SoMo Of,-..,.:,!,k,g7<br />

.'.. -fiSo:etp 14 :i.*I:ri4 :0i . MAJ VON HAGSELT, ara of tho opinion that a high poroontage of the ACii:.P<br />

officers involved in the plot woroVdeized by the SD and that porhaps only onoH:...:J'- 4<br />

.i fifth-Werolift; I personally know of only ono, GENLT VON ROST, 0 of 8, III Corps' 1-<br />

in,MIJINhe was definitoly involved in the preparations <strong>for</strong> the eoup. UntiA..'<br />

.recentlYhPas'OG HOOH-UND DEUTS0H --;71 Div on the Eastern front ) EAST of<br />

:II3MNA.' .., ,At:first instrumental in the plans <strong>for</strong> the ovorthrow of HITLZR, he'latol<br />

.get celd ,. foot" and stopped aside".<br />

.<br />

' 72-<br />

.<br />

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,7t „Ism:PR isofq ;:.- BERLIN<br />

•i ! ':,,ty<br />

.."177-77 • 7"7"--" .. Alp<br />

• , •;, 4<br />

. A .,•: ,..,Onklipp;t1nLwas arrested by the SD, thrown into the AS11;1 Prison, 13.711LIN,<br />

, ALBTIA:011,014§§E) and shackled. The prison coils wore located along two cOrri4i&<br />

. 'ders141thd:7411ar.: I was confinod to Coll No 13 from 1 Sopt to 24 Nov: 30 sin<br />

-glOXceI1evWerociccupiod. In this SD prison I saw the following persons, somo.of<br />

• ••••■• • •<br />

-Whticamie'40knew personally, and others whom I knew only by sight.<br />

••• :• •

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