Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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'49-year-did..Huite: g$1<br />

ot. Dec 43 to Nov 44: 14*.i Ahq-Cfe;<br />

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.Gei .. O.NODFltA, who /is 43 years old, coitieri . froM a;<br />

f:lis -Wife :13,elongs, to a. Japanese family of the higheet:nOtiil<br />

•. -..-reili.ier ,,... . . to , the Emieror; . . a fact Of which the Geri<br />

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..• • A ', ' • • . . •. 1•41-io is 15 years old', is at .6..;;Cailet1;ii011683f.'"<br />

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Eer ..01 1YOk. .en'..tO. souroo in detail .aboUt.-hiiiljaar.i.§,r1. ,Vr,ii.ki• "u,/<br />

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60..fronii War • College, .. whOrgiir,he:!..).* .d.t..:eit) ..0.<br />

24-27 Various . aseignmonts. with higffei',...-commands, ...l.Vii,;:.,<br />

2 8.4•30 ,,..sėi7ved as Oapt:. (Intelli . gai-mles,100tiier ), ''.0r).:".::i1-4(4,sfifit<br />

,,.. p.o.sr.ng.....tho... Russians in Me:nChtir.14V .; Their.o...:•444.07<br />

.,.,:::::.i,.....,-.. .,tn-„,Rufti.iiiii.1.1a..p.glio.go, ' arid , : is<br />

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.,i•.•:..„..oOrding. ... . , .. to his sown. statc:monts',-. 7ho...<br />

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icrodit:;:<strong>for</strong> this work.<br />

:I.V06:0*ended an •..inf •div fighting -... .r.li.N.r.:,<br />

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to War College. as<br />

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linstructOr.,...'.,-..,,..,i,;,,.4..tiv •<br />

..'?".Assigned to STOCKHOLM as Military.:AtiaOhei...„/X<br />

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of this off ico is to furnish military intolligonOo tar-66 1. 1m-<br />

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Govornmont. Its importance was eonsidei ;od- so groat .: that:it'took<br />

tho Japanoso Logation at S TOCKHOLM. Gori : -011'ObTRA reptirts',.<br />

A rteL4S..1 . F.I<br />

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DOE 2001 2Q07'

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