Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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During.s.HIlsiKEL i s regime the power in;.tner .. .....„...., toty . hir. t‘t,<br />

,.1..departments , then to depar tments . in :the,„.,..., ,,‘?PrOjAigftli'a ,t),.., :<br />

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HINT( Et, : swoia d always manage to r egain ...his,4 lace , :ratc,.. h , .. e'd: 1<br />

• -• ''' iz/i.ti'on'; of ,, authority in the RICK wait ..,'6,6' P. .6 .....thP \I; ilLtṛ,.:.,f;,,, i,i.ṛ''.6:-.76.1%14.,i'6;,.g,.., VW '''';<br />

of the-presidents• and business thanagerS;of,IthediTferenp., 4 aeparX -<br />

up,derminingtheir-influence and impor ktance, ,,!..LlatWg4Wr4 : V. 4s, •;,.. ' '<br />

. ... . : 1.. f . 1Z e ' ; +...<br />

• ,.;;;; '$.6iii-C'e.". says that HINKEL lacked tephnicall)ackgi-0 1. .In<br />

und ,...,:rtanct<br />

41 work '', to have been of Small value,, He 6 4, iii .',14 tiiAh'ei; tlii-tiraiter<br />

,..,..„ was, :. a .. ruthless turnover .of p er s On. n., ḅ., 1, 4..?,,:v,,,, ,1- . i 't ḣ. ii1r4 i,,a4pro1411 .zpi-5.ftnoti), :1;,,1411-9m, ' '<br />

..:'. - given i'?; . ,t... !... . . . . , .„ - .: , . , . - . ' ,,,,• . 1 . ,. !1 ..."■-''' .,:''' . f.l'• kt •<br />

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. , ,' . addition titular or.,the , it a„ :ther:ewas 3.a<br />

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to the<br />

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Senate') of 130 m embers 1 ', at ..firSt i ',diVidedq,e.cijiiiv.14.<br />

' iii:. , '' ( ICul n fur'e 1,<br />

adiai nis.tr a. tbrs”, (kULTURVERWALTU NGSFUEHRER ), ' and ', :cr e t:v; : ) :ir ''i,:.<br />

70 ' -: few :years! thev....)administriktive per sonnel:,,Were remO,V6d%fy<br />

1?ii.,', . senates C'Onifened . Once a year to heara- '. Speech by '''tfisi l<br />

, . • • .<br />

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1t 3.. ,4',°''.??;94 :1Lir.,., ;' .,<br />

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functioned 'under ,thev,„,).4: . ii ,pflit, „yet4'<br />

li :eeratuei ,939creorati i9Vi0.7tsEa,'..c.ahnddepraadt.tio4s,..0;;;,,„.<br />

men was 'dissolved i‘asnsdbuesd<br />

, . , ,:‘,...,..t r<br />

president, business<br />

s' . , who 'as in .,:.the:Ic...a..t...;f1.,p<br />

the :..,act ' ual - . h e ad. ' ‘ ',<br />

71 ; ',.There was, ' however, a certain ' ' 4illon l '''f':'''fl.ii'o ..° 1;.<br />

t<br />

, .' "L"..4h<br />

,pOwerl,Iabiong .<br />

: these ,..: v, ar offices within , 1,t ,<br />

'. 'c' h' —diSTRAUSS<br />

. ..t.A.,.,-..„.ri<br />

. ;. as president',<br />

was, tne..,le'.athdeingde134<br />

, ist.i.Zeati.<br />

R m:-,i t,ii ..i.. a26 ;iii ':#:Oililio:readtubyx:e Pr.deo pf P ii.l t e. RAABE: i<br />

led ! ,.t . - . department, ,.4,later<br />

.:,i..4:,.......:1).:..4.. 1 arly e'...141t.<br />

, f 613:owed<br />

.',.. ,;i17::xtic..e.<br />

t",./Ps'<br />

'RI: ii "cl r'SUCHENIVIRTli was business s thanage s .. . ..<br />

arof,-the thteiatle1r3d7errbtier'<br />

" an d4 Lir- 'e.'in'ere R B, CHLOESSER until ( iith ,<br />

..4.,also t.11W...er-i!<br />

.:!... c ,,,' ...<br />

''..." ' ' - fm`ue' ' f ' the -Propaganda Mini st ry ); :.•lati, ter....±Lt.Le....... -50. , ,sLo..va t.,..br,..44r4 .<br />

Paul<br />

v<br />

Pil<br />

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,,- lj : Ar41: .1itde,,partmentS u4:44' :a - ...- ' ' had . !1127MA11100Itte!111: from . . ees.,;.;.a.Ohi :.)517' 1<br />

43 Y31 '121<br />

015 i •gal2.-dfalY. Mini s t ty maintained branch .:office a :.:: .,.!.i.lit',11g1 irk<br />

'tiiir.'' l'efr trii seiit s ...:Of • t he RXIC maintained .", only '411eent<br />

•5` . EiCh`:`ItePiirtment .of the RICK was diVicledinto.:48e'dtille<br />

wtk,?,C.1,. were .41.1rther . divided into spécittl grbups.:,<br />

dep:ii:ctioeiit 6f* or ska'mple , was divided into the*,,..P.Oliowirle sfe.ṫtio<br />

i (BITE:iNE-Y1.•,' 14 ,4i4' entertainment ISTIK),, ('Zi'r'.-Cilt.4.:'.4itticre'vtiTer.<br />

(ART<br />

( ''<br />

.A/1) 7., .<br />

, actors (SCHAUSRIELER) , publishers. <strong>for</strong> ,the',.. Stake1(101<br />

Memh,)rithip , 'In ' sections varied ,<br />

.<br />

'' -T4 eaoosiiitifigei<br />

,,<br />

had ' abOilt 4-U 000 Members , the dance section about t- 6'.-bitio<br />

abou 1 00. . ' •<br />

, \ ,<br />

:rṭji 'e .`1: St a. ' 4e1.' , se ction of the theater de,per t me (114.i . ',' '<br />

.:,....,..,,<br />

ign) hiDe cial. groups<br />

c, . .. .<br />

•.• a ,l ..1 Produders :. State , district , city , ICRAFT‘DIJRCIi;.,FR4UP<br />

Thr °ugh' Joy ) ; private enterprises. s.<br />

••<br />

. • .., .,• • .<br />

•<br />

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-b Dir ec t Or GENINTENDANTEN (General mana,gerS ,) IDANT<br />

• •<br />

r" DYREKTOREN ( directors ) .<br />

,<br />

. . c ; . Stage Inanagers : play and opera managers .<br />

e r c ia 1 ma •iager s ; conductors, bal) et, i<br />

master<br />

d) ;tc torsi k,<br />

e) Singers.<br />

, f) Da ncersi<br />

g) Choir sinicers<br />

,<br />

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• `•-•• 1.'1<br />

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SECRET )1•••

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