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aaeviire plane accident and :suffered critical in-<br />

. j •drieeplut'ne?vciiiiirshock: - It took several Weeks until he recovered, and<br />

iththeidiatiarafterlisardS.had an . automobile accident. Offers this as proof<br />

that he couldn't possibly have,had any connection with the abortive upriang -<br />

in Austria and the assasinatión - of Ghandellor'DOLLFUSS.<br />

All Austrian Nazi offices in Gemny were dissolved. FRAUENFELD himself, .<br />

who claims to have been profoundly shocked by the events of those last • few<br />

months, asked <strong>for</strong> permission to return to Austria. This was refused, and he<br />

was told • that.iithe , Wantedaomething to : do, he would have to find:a'job'it<br />

Germany.bAer,00ntacted Secretaryof : the.State,, FUNK and-accepted:theapostjof<br />


XULCUHKAMMERo(Theatrical . Wing , of•the National Deptof Culture)...-'AccOrding<br />

toFRAUENFELDIthies Marked theend . 7.ofhis.active political.tareerJ.n_Austria::<br />

.and i; • • • . • • .<br />

He claimed thatiwithinayear he . already had differences and_troubles at::<br />

his joband that one of his close collaborators was removed from office,,<br />

.and . mdPaliW=f41-thitiAisjob 1<br />

was made impotent by the pOintment of a : Chief .<br />

.4:AMMERPRAESIDENT, FRAUENFELD sought refuge in writing and in speaking totrs.<br />

Thisgave.him opportunity to travel extensively and bemOre.indePeridentthan;<br />

it would: have been possible under normal circumstances. His speeches and<br />

- le04;AP.O.U4figrithezhrst years.were . at times , contrary....to Offiaial policy;<br />

• • 00 • • , ( •<br />

' and hi0Was <strong>for</strong>bidden:AoA.ecture on seirera2-occasions. He alSo•taught-in,the:.<br />

SchoOl. ,00the German Theater . .in:BERLIN,...at . the Theater Schoo1,1# BOCHUM,:anC<br />


111Fp4pENFELDi!eXpectedetoreturn'tO,VIENNA.after the ANSCHLUSS 4 ..but diecov.-;:<br />

eredythatlthecitYZWas-<strong>for</strong>bidden to him:by Reich Commissar - BUERCKEL.. Howeveri<br />

under the pretense of scheduled lectures at•SCHOENBRUNA and various other art<br />

instCtilti7onshiltanaged.to-visit the 'city occasionally.' 1<br />

*JAI<br />

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Tn ti9ae thei .."sobering . Up process", as he calls it,:f011Owd:'"We'AUstrian ,<br />

' 1 . dreamerCwho fought Mr_the old idea of the Reich now found , . ore . us . , es v• so<br />

• • . • .<br />

21', ollt.A.B.1:00;APPenedwa,A.the ereatio0,f a: Greater "Prussia (GROSSPREUSSEi):<br />

- cViENNA on<br />

'<br />

oper'lhand; was rObbed2df ..her cultural;importanceland was<br />

ztntwiWIAt<br />

• •<br />

degradecl itolvt:subotainate provincial tOW . t. '"..:AcCording•td -himthe population<br />

• " LAW 1. Vhf!.1 11ii " ' . ' ' •<br />

of VIENN 7. tired of the machinations of cuptiuTSCHNIGG and ;BUERML, demanded'y<br />

qgnifq6eFA.4ilEk'ELD'Weriieti-hilviti campaigned in 0.4W*; •<br />

and •<br />

,the leveOstivWad_eniiely,spontaneous,.,Thit claims ṭhat<br />

OroughtaboUtthe sedond:tat.ty...:<br />

• itn,84k4grirn tOf:FR4IIENFELDThe- principal cause fdr . this'adtion wae"eh..;<br />

impre444 ircreted:.;by4reyloUs -<br />

events it VIENNA. However, the accusations:<br />

agAi4if -hith'itelUdedhairing USed,hiS'Official position to giye.aidand'coM-:'<br />

fo:7CGNISCHLINGE'ChalfAryarisYfOrilier1y active in theatrical dirdles:- The.'<br />

, caae,:,t5ri ved at,a . negativ,e_prinolusion and was dropped . . . He o asked to be<br />

. Feeikn'irom'putiliO_Offioelit:favcir of a seat on the HOird;of a.<br />

r<br />

, • •<br />

VIENNAbank;''This ,•• , .<br />

s Was flatly'refuded:'': ' • 7 ..<br />

After that<br />

Oiride_FHAUENFELD;decided it would be safer <strong>for</strong> him in the -<br />

ArinS6'%nd'in ,.1940:4i.itered:the:, GAF-as ,;i Captain. He was detailed to the .<br />

i., Fox4qt) !0?fi4 /AS ,:fiaiaon*fic'er. <strong>for</strong> various Army headquarters in occupied<br />

covntriee" .'liid dtitieifterMinated , • -with . a'iPinal injury received in:an . aUto .77.<br />

moileaccideit during the latter Part ri“940. Thereafter his job consisted<br />

of wri 'tilErWlWand-gilting , lectrires rit'the:political'and::46OnoMic'ait<br />

••• • • .<br />

atiOVV . .<br />


hall . ,431 -00 ,<br />

',Enal942helwas:,su4denlr pulled outof the Army, sent. to the OST- MINISTER •<br />

IUM (MiniAtx;Y.OorAEastern Atfairs),and.assigned as GENERALKOMMISSAR,(Genetai<br />

' PomniSsar).t<strong>for</strong>rithe .Crim ea...: He elaim4that he and GAULEITER ERICH KOCH; I541.15--<br />

was Reich'Commissar,IA'Aha UKRAINE, clashed immediately. FRAUENFELD<br />

,;•10:1<br />

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