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Nati--ideology, and he did s6<br />

.<br />

calmly and impersonitly(40:0W.thout hate and<br />

sYmpicth;ye niing the last months HIMIYILER 's importance, went to<br />

his head and. he played the great commander with a special'tr ain , : and<br />

great surroundings. In: . e.ndi.....PORP4111.4,1t1141::%emot,641 IMMER aisidev . •<br />

...........<br />

c) GOERING. GOERING was no National Socialist, but.alwaysthebie„<br />

gentleman. He never had contact with little party people<br />

He alone led HITLER into the war, by giving him wrong impressions<br />

powerf fpf,..the LUFTWATFE ., on ,whiciv, ‘HITLER:..basect ,.111:11 Repbt;.tho,p0fg<br />

was saying this GOERING, by ,coincidence ■ .Ws.s" :being led<br />

oner. • AMANfi ' jumped up excitedlypeiht lecr,.."•61A,.'.4he' l y/Pgrow at GOEIMIG ;1‘ g<br />

said, "This fat slob here, you should hot& J4rn.,. tp,o,nsAbli 4p,rot •<br />

the war• .and the death of rayson, is anc;<br />

AMANN :has no- proof of War: s eitAll:41ttrht<br />

F that "the 'people say it". " -<br />

`..4<br />

•<br />

'<br />

d) ,B$LS g0EE .; .MANN 4 Y 4.06het § 0E5liE. erfe*Y. ;44,14te<br />

iolii,4erf ere in the rtiii*,prrient of the press which IMANN.,fiSayiev.iasi/kOl■Ay<br />

he responsibility. 'AMANN belieVie BORMANN HIMKLER ant 030EBBE14:rwirt<br />

the three<br />

,<br />

bad spirts of HIT,LER.<br />


•<br />

a) Establishment. TATial .11,1/ipfZia<br />

AMON •HITLER wish took over • a -41nall . • • • , vAbltiphing;..tkoutj.<br />

f • • Ta<br />

<strong>for</strong>y.thiV:party . ,in 192O.. This concern WaS ...,, oWne.d oby,„ara.tri ..„—‘"<br />

It2 , is characteristic that AMANN allowed.the<br />

ntal: . of .only ,'.50 , 1314 until her<br />

...101091PAT.--Y4an kni,9e,hh.V.10:1<br />

rt .<br />

The.,paper at . that time the .9V0ELKISqqR "C)1 Hi . 40HTE$1,1 4. WaRAynol.<br />

Eitz icwrif-ria<br />

and was kept going only through the :Sale..of li,,O(48.r.P,11,,„1-010,TireAḶ7.;11:<br />

'etivecl . a , , fee... from the.. concern -<strong>for</strong> his. articles.<br />

KAMPP" , which the EHER . firm published . , HITLaike,d..on)y,110<br />

2 14<br />

the sales price. A large sum was still ..<br />

a.<br />

owed,...tO;H:17LER .....:.. .441.figg117., 4<br />

ing yfirm,.'was.• never. claimed.<br />

b) ,Organization.<br />

,4r104.•1<br />

f!eXq1-4p0<br />

'AMAillq admits • that he could Lot have succeeded<br />

sueh a big concern . without . help of men experienCed in the .publishingT.TITII.:<br />

EsPe el:illy' helpful were Dr l'aNCKLER /Aid Dr•IRIENIIADT4'•,bo_th'-tinfP3<br />

• BERLIN.' Aft rRIENHARD T went • tO .. HIINLER ff ' nine 1161 BAUER3 swilitlitiaN4.slo.-)-ti" ir><br />

right-, hand man. mail. • . • • . ••<br />

'L<br />

•<br />

•The system *controlled about' 700- 'daily 'neWispaperti.a1;.Tha:.,9V0ELKISCHERI:'<br />

BE DBACHTER" • with its three • editions . (BERLINVMUNICW, .V1ENNA)D had 74171.5 IVO<br />

t o tal 'circulation Of 1,500 , 000 ;. AMANN admits ' that 1-the'Pame.13:4,1iiiiiibee<br />

subscriptions , was 4 result of' poor .CCiiiterits. : ' .! . The YSTUERIYIERY!9.<br />

STREICHER •organ, was independent ; • MANN did not ẁant ttr.finhilai SY:stew:1,<br />

be:ause it was too filthy. On the other hand, HIMMLER i s paper, "DA8;i0TT...:<br />

SCitiARZE KORPS" was part of the chain, but was directed only by the<br />

editor, D'ALQUEkN.<br />

For organization of the system see appendix.-- •<br />

himself was in charge of ...the main, office in, MUN.ICII Rut<br />

se'reral months ago) Individual districts of the ,,Par(t.YJ<br />

. rece'ived' uie-<br />

- . third of the income of. the district publish,ini.:, houses......Aiiia, c'CijAtJ.4„.W:tiS,<br />

appointed ,district editors . but AMANN..held.the:.i.4.4lii.$•tris.44.c.tioW.<br />

To 'implications that AMANN had ruthleetsl,y , destrey.ed:p!Oie;ptiV3rA:CS.7,•!:i .<br />

:AMON replied that he' had compensated . ,%the:.,eivnpr's.:„4:T,Iii<br />

Publishers got 12 million , HUGENBERG . got .65. milUon,i,(44:-.14,Ei4n:44;rt<br />

SCHERL Publishing Co., KNORR & Publishing 'Cc'. in MUNI0H, 'd the<br />

Stoat Exchange Paper were Paid. AMANN • admits that k.14 '..of these "made<br />

.trouble' s , but he ie .es''nO injuStice . .in his iicquisitiori of. tii`e:se<br />

'<br />

• • 1:,*;<br />

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