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Ref No SAIC/23<br />

25 May 45<br />

SECRET<br />

F;.V011,2<br />

ItM4APOP41M<br />

The GAF, unable to cope with Allied air superiority in the ViES;-was-rcomfaetely<br />

absent from•the Eastern front.: Source...<br />

inferior technical developments of the •Russian,Airjorge;Ae qoap4Ct,91;the<br />

Alliedithe GAF could achieve more in the<br />

butrit was;denied. .When the situation . becamemor,eal;NgkegoR,Akrmerly<br />

commanding Armyroup , Upper RHINE, ,whose<br />

firEttocatch deserters, appeared at the Eastern f2ront,centruWewgh,Jhe<br />

tasli. :of stopping the Russians. Source told HIMMLER:thatonticlg.'ihis<br />

function as leader of the German Police more importa4t,anc41;skehALR to;<br />

"stcpplayingtroop . leader". HIMMLER reported,this.o.onversat41:400tER,<br />

and.eventuailybrought about source's ousting as Chief,of',.4:t.a0:LtipOur:%<br />

alse-had . a conversation with RIBBENTROPP, in vhich:heypOinted,7,24t&aia.<br />

two-front-war-was too much to cope with,•andsasked:himtofmakekpeaCtLqther<br />

in , thetVEST or'i.n . the EAST. ThiSconversationiwas,also4;epotthtcat7tht.,<br />

FUEHRER; . and helped. .in bringing 'about GUDERIANjs,:dismissalikkAeurc,exc.14ms.<br />

that as early as 43 he had conversations with $PEERand:MEMEI,4A.ntreiard<br />

to the seriousness of the situation. Both agreed.with4sRur,9e,Z4P41,<br />

view; but were unable to influence HITLER: tostop)lieAptui,tiglay04aSe".<br />

The contemplated date and location of the .Ruspian: ,thilusimerWyet14own -<br />

to-thetop Eastern front 'leaders, source..claims;',HITLER/loyeverogd:ort<br />

belieVe that the situation was . dang7:-.7ous, believing Russia t01444attr<br />

the :"SUMMercampaign to start a new offensive. All materiel<br />

source <strong>for</strong> the Eastern front was shipped to the WEST in;14.ept64/4ig#LE,R„<br />

also erroneously overestimated . the . value , of the Tquip,4p source's Opinion.<br />

The RUHR'Was at that time already'crippledby . Aliiee&ii attacks, while.the<br />

• Upper Silesian . coal mines were still .working'fUllbiaSt 'SiiiWii"O wASAdecided<br />

to concentrate on the defense of the RUHR, SouCeiliiiiitgl-biltpthAt<br />

stronger resistance in the EAST would have helpe4German2 food pre;b1pMsf;, •<br />

sinca East Prussia was an essential factor in assuring.,theAnecepsm7copS.<br />


vg(T<br />

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• 7:;, 997. BlnrOg<br />

Although source was not involved in this offens'in7anSOOTtiZ311(0<br />

capac.ity, he Was watching it closely,' since all • hiS'iej.hfofealent'S'q the •<br />

Easti)rn front were used up during this campaign. Source thinks . that in the<br />

beginning the front, limited to valleys, was too narrow. According to his<br />

estimate, the offensive should have been broken off on 20 s Dec, after American<br />

resistance .on 'a larger scale appeared. RUNSTEDT, however, wpA.7.-ImF1121:<br />

to hold his gains at all costs.<br />


Source considers VON RUNDSTEDT as the best of all German generals at<br />

the present time. He is serious and still commands the confidence of the<br />

German people. Souce suggests him as a candidate <strong>for</strong> a role similar to that<br />

of HINDENBURG in 25.<br />

HIMMLER, source believes, is responsible <strong>for</strong> the deeds of the SS.. He is<br />

a mar. with bad illusions. Source expected HIMMLER to change the ,policy of<br />

Germeny by putting HITLER in his proper place.<br />

KESSELRING, source says, is very intelligent, clever, but an opportunist.<br />


When Gen PATTON broke out of Normandy, HITLER told his generals that they<br />

would be unable to employ such daring tactics, Gen GUDERIAN objected, recalling<br />

his historic breakthrough in the ARDENNES, in 1940.<br />

SECRET<br />


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