Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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SECRET<br />

Ref No SAIC/23<br />

25 May 45<br />

• .f. It V;<br />

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requests the production of light tanks was taken p'again<br />

F pr close combat developments of the flamethrower'tank'are<br />

pectad. The German flamethrowers suffered from the bad.qualityOff . the mill)<br />

also, the inflammable liquid was pi-,ced within the tank, The American<br />

solution of placing the inflammable liquid on a trailer was : *mush\more,ef4clent<br />

and com<strong>for</strong>table <strong>for</strong> the tank crew, and American Oil-is=ekceiletits<br />

a weapon, the flame throwing tank is limited to street fighting and fightt<br />

ing against an enemy that cannot be reached bytha , straightjiiih'of the<br />

machine gun bullet. It should be used as support weapon only. Source however,<br />

expects further developments of its fire technique which, he'believes,<br />

will be carried along artillery lines. The morale effect Of:the-;*flami th'r:ow. ;-<br />

• —.4A.4V.JI;<br />

4<br />

ing .:anks upon the enemy is considerable, • '<br />

Rockets, having the obvious advantages as to weight, .etc,<br />

gage point targets and are there<strong>for</strong>e unsuitable <strong>for</strong>.'„mCiinting-:en't*Oks0.4Ce'•<br />

this disadvantage of the rocket projectors is overcome', iii)Weveiank=MICiini-<br />

' ' • ) n I, 114'15<br />

ted rocket projectors will be commonly used.. •<br />

Source does not believe that tank-mounted arty weaponSowialv,unaergo<br />

side able changes. He points out that tank crews trouble<br />

with a long barrelled 88 mm gun, especially in the Case'<br />

muzz:_e braka, when passing a . ditch, <strong>for</strong> instance. A longWbarre ..l:' ;Iplarct<br />

seriously limit: the tanks' mobility, A.limited number:OCtanklietf.:1orY<br />

• • • ill<br />

penetration only might be the exception.<br />

• Y"Ye ft., ! • •• •<br />

Howitzers<br />

mounted.on SP chassis did not prove mery . stiecis6411, V0 axbept' '<strong>for</strong><br />

speci.fically assigned special misaions. .The best.Suited:Weapopv'<strong>for</strong>-,TIOUnt<br />

ing on tanks at present are guns of calibers between 754rift.9,12411,17<br />

German technicians had quite SOMO trouble in linding-,a,6O,danktiiin<br />

dust in Russia had a destructive effect or derman enginesiTISOUrCkthink<br />

that similar difficulties might be encountered by:the Amieridarii;,When-em;<br />

ploying tanks in China. He believes Mass employment Of-tank'sagainS.t-the;•<br />

Japanese in China possible, but difficulties might be encountered trying to<br />

employ armor on a large scale on the Japanese islands; ihxejtoth'elniiMerdUs:;-.<br />

river .s in China, further developments of amphibious tanks Would'tie,.c4 value. •<br />

Scurce believes that extensive adaptations of infra-red.raystbitank,<br />

warfare are to be expected. He is of the opinion that years t'o:L.CoilMight:<br />

brine in the field developments comparable to these in the fieldliWradib''<br />

equipment between 1918 and the outbreak of the present war. -.11:'j<br />


Source rates the German Royal Tiger as the best tank employed at present.<br />

Next is the Russian T-34, especially the model mounting , a 135:,mM-gua.<br />

is the American SHERMAN the main shortcoming of which : are itstool)narro<br />

tracks. The Russian T-34 has excellent tracks as well as'alight metal<br />

DIESEL engine. The quality of the.steel in Russian tanks was'.slowlYide<br />

clining, however, and the lack of easily turnable turrets aswell asfgood<br />

radio communication equipment were obvious disadvantages.<br />

Sa.zrce credits the German Army with having the best tank units<br />


Source does not believe that any attacks by the Germans and the Japanese<br />

were ,:oordinated. To his knowledge, in<strong>for</strong>mation on German tactipa Was<br />

given to the Japanese only once, in 1940. Afterwards the 'Japanese diplomatic<br />

representatives were seen by source with HITLER on rare ocCasiCns.<br />

During nine months of working close to the FUEHRER, source saw the Japanese<br />

Ambassador, Mr OSHIMA, only twice with HITLER. The 'ilapanethe' • Military<br />

Attache, Mr KOMATSU, was seen five times with HITLER during the same period.<br />

On the Japanese diplomatic staff was also a Mr NISHI (?), specialist in<br />

American questions.<br />


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