Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

Download PDF for 519cd81c993294098d516433 - CIA FOIA

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SECRET<br />

Ref No SAIC/23<br />

25 May 45<br />

'S E'C 4,11E4f. avs:<br />

:Auth: CG, 7th Army<br />

SEVENTH ARMY INTERROGATION CENTER :Init: 6,4 410.4.) 4.4,. 0 •<br />

APO 758 US ARMY - :Datis: 25 Mayi194,,,r.<br />

SOUR3ES<br />


(Cf also Report Ref No SAIC/17, 24 May 45.),.<br />

,.•<br />

GUDERIAN, Hans, GENOBST (Col Gen), FUEBRERRESPY.,(9fficerqj00,1),<br />

rormer-Chief of Staff, German Gi und Forces, arid IhSpector'GeneParof<br />

.hrmored Units, is a 57-year old officer who apparehtly,Viantb_tp/tapPear,0<br />

Lail-Nazi. He talked freely and answered all que8tipns,Ni4iney but<br />

ctated emphatically that he did so only because HITLEPS'dth"ire ked him<br />

from his oath of allegiance. lo<br />

RtinK: B-2 Date of In<strong>for</strong>mation: See Text Interrogator: R.W.<br />

..'f1::(611r4o0 $Z<br />

VON GEYR, Leo, GEN D'PZTRUPPE (Lt Gen), Inspector , ofi Armored Units.<br />

F:70ud of his profession, of the old Prussian gener.a1-4PenCelgave<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation grudgingly; his personal pride borders upo4cIthiri:e4tilous.<br />

Having been Military Attache in LONDON <strong>for</strong> several years, source. olaims.<br />

to have an understanding of Anglo-American affairs.<br />

I fM0 nV •7,ftLT<br />

Rating: B-2 Date of In<strong>for</strong>mation: See Text' Interrogatbri s WW.-"<br />


17 Jun 1888 Born at CULM/VISTULA.<br />

1894-1901 School at-COLMAR.<br />

01-03 Officèrs candidate institute (KADETTEN'ANSTALT)<br />

Mi 1111,<br />

-t-,4)<br />

4,0L .)01%<br />

03-07 Main Off Candidate Institution (HAUPTKADETTENANSTALT) LICHT-<br />

• • ;:y11;;,t<br />

ERFELDE.<br />

. •<br />

.07 Assigned as 0 C (FAEHNRICH) to HANNOVERSaHES JAEdER'.130i0<br />

at BITCHE. • . . .<br />

27 Jan 08 Promoted to 2d Lt.<br />

09 Transferred to GOSLAR with Bn.<br />

12-13 On DS with TELEGRAFEN BN 3 (3 Telegraph<br />

Co.6.1<br />

13-14 War Academy (KRIEGSAKADEMIE) BERLIN. -------<br />

Aug I4-.Mov1I1rt CO of Radio Posts with various hqs.<br />

8 Nov 14 Promoted-to lst.Lt.<br />

Spring 15 Intelligence officer with various hqs.<br />

18 Dec 15 Promoted to Capt.<br />

,:•• • •<br />

Spring-fall:17 On DS on Staff of various hqs. . .<br />

(up to that time, his basic organization.was still 10<br />

JAEGER Bn)<br />

Feb-Nov 18 With a hq staff in Italy. .<br />

• .,<br />

Dec 18-Sep 19 FREIKORPS (GREDL;SCHUTZ) . (Frontier Guards) <strong>for</strong> - the EAST.<br />

Source helped to organize . these units. .<br />

•<br />

SECRET<br />


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