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Florent DUCHAINE Young Senior in Fluid Dynamics CERFACS, France Research interests : • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) • Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) • Combustion instabilities • Multiphase flows • Code coupling • Massively parallel computations • Large Eddy Simulations (LES) • Optimization Phone num. : 06 83 81 97 51 E-mail : Url : CERFACS 42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis 31 057 Toulouse Cedex 01. France. Nationality : French 30 years old Professional Background 2010 – ... Young Senior at CERFACS → Multiphysics and code coupling 2010 Selected for the CTR Stanford University Summer Program 2010 → Sensitivity of flame transfer functions of laminar flames. 2009 – 2010 Postdoctoral fellow at Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse in PSC Team Advisor : Dr. Laurent Selle, IMFT (funded by the French project ANR SIGLE) → Eulerian models for turbulent spray combustion with polydispersity • Investigations in droplets coalescence in a LES framework → Numerical investigations of combustor wall temperature effect on Flame Describing Functions (FDFs) : • Thermal coupling of a solid conduction solver and a reactive LES fluid code, • Acoustic forcing of a laminar flame and determination of corresponding FDFs, • Comparisons with experimental results.

Florent DUCHAINE<br />

Young Senior in Fluid Dynamics<br />

CERFACS, France<br />

Research interests :<br />

• Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)<br />

• Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT)<br />

• Combustion instabilities<br />

• Multiphase flows<br />

• Code coupling<br />

• Massively parallel computations<br />

• Large Eddy Simulations (LES)<br />

• Optimization<br />

Phone num. : 06 83 81 97 51<br />

E-mail : Florent.Duchaine@<strong>cerfacs</strong>.fr<br />

Url : http://www.<strong>cerfacs</strong>.fr/~duchaine<br />


42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis<br />

31 057 Toulouse Cedex 01. France.<br />

Nationality : French<br />

30 years old<br />

Professional Background<br />

2010 – ... Young Senior at CERFACS<br />

→ Multiphysics and code coupling<br />

2010 Selected for the CTR Stanford University Summer Program 2010<br />

→ Sensitivity of flame transfer functions of laminar flames.<br />

2009 – 2010 Postdoctoral fellow at Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse in PSC Team<br />

Advisor : Dr. Laurent Selle, IMFT (funded by the French project ANR SIGLE)<br />

→ Eulerian models for turbulent spray combustion with polydispersity<br />

• Investigations in droplets coalescence in a LES framework<br />

→ Numerical investigations of combustor wall temperature effect on Flame Describing Functions<br />

(FDFs) :<br />

• Thermal coupling of a solid conduction solver and a reactive LES fluid code,<br />

• Acoustic forcing of a laminar flame and determination of corresponding FDFs,<br />

• Comparisons with experimental results.

2007 – 2009 Postdoctoral fellow at CERFACS in CFD-Combustion group<br />

Advisor : Prof. Thierry Poinsot, IMFT<br />

→ Numerical investigations of conjugate heat transfer in gas turbines :<br />

• Thermal coupling of a solid conduction solver and a LES fluid code,<br />

• Researches in coupling strategies,<br />

• Applications to gas turbine components.<br />

→ Collaboration with Airbus on Large Eddy Simulations for heat transfer problems<br />

• Assessment of LES in academic flows with experimental and RANS comparisons,<br />

• CHT in an experimental model of an aero engine nacelle cooling.<br />

→ Co-writter with Dr. E. Riber of the aerothermal STRASS project, 7 th calls for proposals of<br />

FNRAE<br />

2008 Selected for the CTR Stanford University Summer Program 2008<br />

Collaboration with F. Nicoud, Professor at University Montpellier II (France), A. Corpron and<br />

V. Moureau, engineers at Turbomeca (France)<br />

→ Conjugate heat transfer with large eddy simulation. Application to gas turbine components.<br />

• Assessment of unsteady thermal coupling with a wall/flame interaction,<br />

• First application of CHT with LES to an experimental film-cooled turbine vane.<br />

2006 Automatization of a multi-physic framework for the prediction of combustion chamber<br />

walls temperature. SNECMA Moteur (France)<br />

Iterative loop based on 3D solvers : reactive multiphase flows / radiative / conduction in solid<br />

media.<br />

2004 – 2007 Ph.D. at CERFACS (preceded by a 7-month training period)<br />

Advisors : Prof. Thierry Poinsot, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse and Dr. L.<br />

Gicquel, CERFACS<br />

Ph.D. funded by the European project INTELLECT-DM (contract of the FP6)<br />

→ Multi-objective Shape Optimization on Parallel Architectures with Metamodels and Couplers.<br />

Application to Aeronautical Combustion Chambers.<br />

Development of a fully parallel optimization tool based on a CFD reactive RANS code :<br />

• Researches and developments in design optimization and code coupling applied to CFD,<br />

• Implementation of the design tool on massively parallel architectures,<br />

• Shape optimization of a combustion chamber.<br />

2004 – 2005 Teaching in numerical fluid dynamics for Undergraduate students for Masters Degree in energetics<br />

engineering. ENSEEIHT (France)<br />

2003 Research training (6 months) at Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides<br />

de Strasbourg<br />

Advisor : Prof. Pierre Comte, IMFS Strasbourg<br />

→ Toward noise prediction of 3D turbulent jets.<br />

• Implementation and validation of characteristic boundary conditions in a LES solver,<br />

• Simulations of 3D compressible round jets.<br />


2004 – 2007 Ph.D. in Fluid Dynamics<br />

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (France)<br />

2003 – 2004 Mastère Spécialisé (label CGE) in Numerical Fluid Dynamics<br />

Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Informatique, d’Hydraulique et<br />

des Télécomunications (ENSEEIHT) de Toulouse (France)<br />

2002 – 2003 Masters of Science in Mechanics and Energetics<br />

Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (France)<br />

1998 – 2003 Masters Degree in Engineering : Fluid Mechanics and Thermals<br />

Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies de l’Ingénieur de Nancy (ESSTIN - France)<br />

Languages and Computer skills<br />

Languages<br />

Computer<br />

French : Native<br />

English : Fluent (TOEIC 690/990 points)<br />

Massively parallel computations : C3I label from GENCI (<br />

Programming : Fortran 90, MPI-1 and -2, C++, Shell, Matlab, Scilab, Maple, HTML<br />

Numerical Simulation : AVBP, AVTP, PALM (CERFACS codes), N3S-Natur, Fluent<br />

Software : Ensight, Tecplot, Centaur-Soft, Gambit, CFD-Geom<br />

Office : L A TEX, Word, Excel, Powerpoint<br />

System : Mac OS X, Unix, Linux, Windows<br />

Activities and Interests<br />

Capoeira<br />

President of the association Capoeiragem that promotes Brazilian arts (Toulouse)<br />

Graded student entitled to give lessons<br />

Publications<br />

Papers in refereed journals<br />

F. Duchaine, F. Boudy, D. Durox and T. Poinsot. Sensitivity analysis of transfer functions of laminar flames. In<br />

preparation - Combustion and Flame<br />

F. Duchaine, M. Boileau, X. Nicolas, Y. Sommerer and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of the flow and heat<br />

transfer around two square cylinders in a tandem arrangement. In preparation - IJHMT<br />

M. Boileau, F. Duchaine, Y. Sommerer and T. Poinsot. Large eddy simulation of heat transfer around a square<br />

cylinder. In preparation - IJHMT<br />

F. Duchaine, A. Corpron , V. Moureau , F. Nicoud , T. Poinsot. Development and assessment of a coupled strategy<br />

for conjugate heat transfer with Large Eddy Simulation. Application to a cooled turbine blade. International Journal

of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30(6) : 1129-1141, 2009<br />

F. Duchaine, S. Mendez, F. Nicoud, A. Corpron, V. Moureau, and T. Poinsot. Conjugate heat transfer with large<br />

eddy simulation. Application to gas turbine components. Compte-Rendus de Mécanique de l’Académie des Sciences,<br />

337(6-7) : 550-561, 2009<br />

N. Gourdain, L. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel, F. Duchaine, J-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot. High performance<br />

parallel computing of flows in complex geometries - part 2 : applications, Computational Science & Discovery<br />

2(1) : 015004 (28pp), 2009<br />

F. Duchaine, T. Morel and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-Based Kriging Optimization Tool for<br />

Aeronautical Combustion Chambers. AIAA Journal, 47(3) :631-645, 2009.<br />

Papers published in refereed conference proceedings<br />

F. Wlassow, F. Duchaine, G. Leroy and N. Gourdain. 3D Simulation of Coupled Fluid Flow and Solid Heat Conduction<br />

for the Calculation of Blade Wall Temperature in a Turbine Stage. GT2010-22513. In ASME Turbo Expo 2010,<br />

Glasgow, Scotland UK<br />

N. Gourdain, F. Duchaine, E. Collado and L. Gicquel. Advanced Numerical Simulation Dedicated to the Prediction<br />

of Heat Transfer in a Highly Loaded Turbine Guide Vane. GT2010-22793. In ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Glasgow,<br />

Scotland UK<br />

T. Leonard, F. Duchaine, N. Gourdain and L. Gicquel. Steady / Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes and<br />

Large Eddy Simulastions of a Turbine Blade at High Subsonic Outlet Mach Number. GT2010-22469. In ASME Turbo<br />

Expo 2010, Glasgow, Scotland UK<br />

F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T.J. Poinsot, D. Bissières, and C. Bérat. Optimization Loop Based on a CFD RANS<br />

Code. In ICAS 2006, Hamburg, Germany, 2006.<br />

Papers presented at meetings without reviews<br />

F. Duchaine, S. Mendez, F. Nicoud, A. Corpron, V. Moureau, and T. Poinsot. Conjugate heat transfer with large<br />

eddy simulation. Application to gas turbine components. In 2ieme Colloque INCA, CORIA, Rouen, France, 2008.<br />

F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, D. Bissières, C. Bérat, and T.J. Poinsot. Automatic Design Optimization Applied<br />

to Lean Premixed Combustor Cooling. In 1st Workshop INCA, pages 295-304, SNECMA Villaroche, France, 2005.<br />

Papers published in journals without referees<br />

F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Sensitivity of flame transfer functions of laminar flames. In Proceedings of the Summer<br />

Program Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2010.<br />

F. Duchaine, S. Mendez, F. Nicoud, A. Corpron, V. Moureau and T. Poinsot. Coupling heat transfer solvers and<br />

Large Eddy Simulations for combustion applications. In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence<br />

Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2008.<br />

Invited lectures<br />

F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Simulations of fame/wall interactions and effects on combustion instabilities. First

International Workshop on Near-Wall Reactive Flows, Darmstadt, Nov. 18-19, 2010.<br />

G. Dufour, N. Gourdain, F. Duchaine, O. Vermorel, L. Gicquel, J-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation<br />

Applications, VKI Lecture Series Numerical Investigations in Turbomachinery : the State of the Art. Rhodes-<br />

St-Genese, Sept. 21-25, 2009.<br />

Referees<br />

Thierry Poinsot, Research Director at CNRS, Leader of the CERFACS CFD Team. Co-author.<br />

Address : CERFACS - 42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis - 31057 Toulouse Cedex 1 - FRANCE<br />

Phone num. : +33 (0)5 34 32 28 93<br />

E-mail : thierry.poinsot@<strong>cerfacs</strong>.fr<br />

Laurent Gicquel, Senior Researcher, CERFACS - CFD Team. Co-author.<br />

Address : CERFACS - 42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis - 31057 Toulouse Cedex 1 - FRANCE<br />

Phone num. : +33 (0)5 61 19 30 46<br />

E-mail : laurent.gicquel@<strong>cerfacs</strong>.fr<br />

Laurent Selle, Researcher at CNRS.<br />

Address : IMFT - Allée du Professeur Camille Soula - 31400 Toulouse - FRANCE<br />

Phone num. : 33 (0)5 34 32 29 36<br />

E-mail :

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