THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs

THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs


18 Chapter 1: General Introduction sound propagates through a quiescent homogeneous field, as in the far field for an open flame, no acoustic-flow interactions exist. In confined domains, on the contrary, this interaction might be crucial everywhere and therefore acoustic phenomena as scattering or refraction might be of considerable importance. Other issue to take into account in noise produced by confined flames is the influence of acoustic boundary conditions, since acoustic waves reflected by the system boundaries contribute to the overall noise inside the domain. During this thesis, an acoustic solver has been developed that resolves a simplified version of the Phillips equation. The purpose of this acoustic tool is to understand the problematic described above and to state the possible advantages and constraints that a hybrid approach might present when estimating noise from confined flames. Also, procedures and numerical tools for post-processing LES data are developed. An important issue of low Mach number acoustic codes, as the Helmholtz solvers or the acoustic solver developed during this thesis, is the implementation of reliable acoustic boundary conditions at inlets/outlets. These boundary conditions are expressed usually in terms of the acoustic impedance that in turn depends on the mean flow through the boundaries. The acoustic impedance is difficult to be obtained either experimentally or numerically. In order to obtain values of the acoustic impedance at the inlet/outlet of the combustion chamber from numerical CFD simulations it would be necessary to model the entire engine. An alternative then relies on what is known as quasi-1D Linearized Euler solvers. These numerical tools resolve the linearized Euler Equations LEE for systems in which changes in the mean flow, due to changes in the section area, are accounted for (see Fig. 1.2). Despite of this, the majority of the existing linearized Euler solvers consider isentropic and isenthalpic flows. In other words, neither changes in entropy nor in the total pressure are allowed. During this thesis, the development of a quasi- 1D Euler solver was performed, in which changes in entropy and total enthalpy through the domain are considered. As a consequence, a first approximation of the acoustic impedances at the inlet/outlet of an aeronautical combustion chamber can be obtained including the effect that compression/expansion stages might have on the acoustics of the system. 1.3 Organization of the manuscript This manuscript is organized as follows: first, the two considered approaches for the evaluation of combustion noise (the direct and hybrid approaches) are described in the second chapter. The governing equations of turbulent reactive flows are exposed as well as the governing equations for Large Eddy Simulation. Subsequently, both Lighthill’s and Phillips’ analogies are derived from the governing equations and some overview about the analytical solution of Lightill’s analogy is provided. The third chapter is focused on the numerical solution of a simplified Phillips equation. The acoustic code developed during this thesis (AVSP-f) is explained in order to focus on the discretization of the wave equation and the mathematical procedures involved in the solution of the underlying linear system. The forth chapter presents the test cases set up for the validation of the acoustic code including the noise produced by monopole

1.3 Organization of the manuscript 19 Compressor Inlet CC CC Outlet CC Turbine CC Figure 1.2: Acoustic solvers: The Euler acoustic solver is used beforehand to provide proper boundary conditions to the low Mach number acoustic solver. sources and by a two dimensional laminar premixed flame. In the fifth chapter the computation of the noise generated by a three dimensional turbulent premixed combustor is exposed. Both direct and hybrid approaches are used for the estimation of combustion noise. The sixth chapter consists in a review of the different analytical approaches proposed in the past in order to evaluate impedances of isentropic and isenthalpic quasi-1D ducts [55]. These analytical methods are then compared to the solutions of the quasi-1D LEE system solved thanks to a numerical tool (SNozzle) developed during this work. Finally, in the last chapter, the acoustic modes of a real gas turbine combustor are computed by a Helmholtz solver, in which the impedance evaluated numerically by SNozzle is imposed as an acoustic boundary condition. The effect of this boundary condition on the acoustic modes evaluated is discussed.

1.3 Organization of the manuscript 19<br />

Compressor<br />

Inlet<br />

CC<br />

CC<br />

Outlet<br />

CC<br />

Turbine<br />

CC<br />

Figure 1.2: Acoustic solvers: The Euler acoustic solver is used beforehand to provi<strong>de</strong> proper<br />

boundary conditions to the low Mach number acoustic solver.<br />

sources and by a two dimensional laminar premixed flame. In the fifth chapter the computation<br />

of the noise generated by a three dimensional turbulent premixed combustor is exposed.<br />

Both direct and hybrid approaches are used for the estimation of combustion noise. The sixth<br />

chapter consists in a review of the different analytical approaches proposed in the past in or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

to evaluate impedances of isentropic and isenthalpic quasi-1D ducts [55]. These analytical<br />

methods are then compared to the solutions of the quasi-1D LEE system solved thanks to a<br />

numerical tool (SNozzle) <strong>de</strong>veloped during this work. Finally, in the last chapter, the acoustic<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>s of a real gas turbine combustor are computed by a Helmholtz solver, in which the<br />

impedance evaluated numerically by SNozzle is imposed as an acoustic boundary condition.<br />

The effect of this boundary condition on the acoustic mo<strong>de</strong>s evaluated is discussed.

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