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THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs


134 BIBLIOGRAPHY [93] SENSIAU, C. Simulations numériques des instabilités thermoacoustiques dans les chambres de combustion annulaires. PhD thesis, Université Montpellier II, 2008. [94] SMITH, M. J. T. Aircraft noise. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK, 1989. [95] SMITH, T. J. B., AND KILHAM, J. K. Noise generation by open turbulent flames. J. Acous. Soc. Am. 35, 5 (1963), 715–724. [96] SOMMERER, Y., GALLEY, D., POINSOT, T., DUCRUIX, S., LACAS, F., AND VEYNANTE, D. Large Eddy Simulation and experimental study of flashback and blow-off in a lean partially premixed swirled burner. J. Turb. 5 (2004). [97] STAUFER, M., SCHWARZ, A., AND JANICKA, J. On the simulation of premixed flames and coupling of Large-Eddy Simulation with computational aeroacoustics. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 95 (2009), 409–417. [98] STRAHLE, W. C. On combustion generated noise. J. Fluid Mech. 49 (1971), 399–414. [99] STRAHLE, W. C. Some results in combustion generated noise. J. Sound Vib. 23, 1 (1972), 113–125. [100] THOMAS, A., AND WILLIAMS, G. Flame noise: sound emission from spark-ignited bubbles of combustible gas. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 294 (1966), 449–466. [101] TREFETHEN, L. N., AND BAU, D. Numerical linear algebra. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM., Philadelphia, United States of America, 1997. [102] VAN KAMPEN, J. Acoustic pressure oscillation induced by confined turbulent premixed natural gas flames. PhD thesis, University of Twente, 2006. [103] WANG, M., MOREAU, S., IACCARINO, G., AND ROGER, M. LES prediction of wallpressure fluctuations and noise of a low-speed airfoil. International Journal of Aeroacoustics 3 (2009). [104] WHO. Adverse health effects of noise:, 1999. [105] WILLIAMS, F. A. Combustion Theory. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Menlo Park, CA, 1985. [106] WILLIAMS, J. E. F., AND HAWKINGS, D. L. Sound generated by turbulence and surfaces in arbitrary motion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A264 (1969), 321–342.

A About the π c ′ = 0 assumption A.1 When is π ′ T equal to zero? Let us recall the equation of conservation of the total energy through a compressor. It is defined as ρ 1 u 1 h t,1 + W = ρ 2 u 2 h t,2 (A.1) where W is the work done by the compressor. This equation can be also written as π T ρ 1 u 1 h t,1 = ρ 2 u 2 h t,2 (A.2) where π T is the total enthalpy ratio between the upstream and downstream flow. Equation (A.1) can be re-written as ρ 1 u 1 h t,1 + ρ 1 u 1 ∆h t = ρ 2 u 2 h t,2 (A.3) where ∆h t = ∆(Uv θ ) is related to the conservation of the rothalpy (see Fig. A.1) I = h t,1 − U 1 v θ1 = h t,2 − U 2 v θ2 (A.4) 135


[93] SENSIAU, C. Simulations numériques <strong>de</strong>s instabilités thermoacoustiques dans les chambres<br />

<strong>de</strong> combustion annulaires. PhD thesis, Université Montpellier II, 2008.<br />

[94] SMITH, M. J. T. Aircraft noise. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK, 1989.<br />

[95] SMITH, T. J. B., AND KILHAM, J. K. Noise generation by open turbulent flames. J.<br />

Acous. Soc. Am. 35, 5 (1963), 715–724.<br />


D. Large Eddy Simulation and experimental study of flashback and blow-off in a lean<br />

partially premixed swirled burner. J. Turb. 5 (2004).<br />

[97] STAUFER, M., SCHWARZ, A., AND JANICKA, J. On the simulation of premixed flames<br />

and coupling of Large-Eddy Simulation with computational aeroacoustics. Acta Acustica<br />

united with Acustica 95 (2009), 409–417.<br />

[98] STRAHLE, W. C. On combustion generated noise. J. Fluid Mech. 49 (1971), 399–414.<br />

[99] STRAHLE, W. C. Some results in combustion generated noise. J. Sound Vib. 23, 1<br />

(1972), 113–125.<br />

[100] THOMAS, A., AND WILLIAMS, G. Flame noise: sound emission from spark-ignited<br />

bubbles of combustible gas. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 294 (1966), 449–466.<br />

[101] TREFETHEN, L. N., AND BAU, D. Numerical linear algebra. Society for Industrial and<br />

Applied Mathematics SIAM., Phila<strong>de</strong>lphia, United States of America, 1997.<br />

[102] VAN KAMPEN, J. Acoustic pressure oscillation induced by confined turbulent premixed<br />

natural gas flames. PhD thesis, University of Twente, 2006.<br />

[103] WANG, M., MOREAU, S., IACCARINO, G., AND ROGER, M. LES prediction of wallpressure<br />

fluctuations and noise of a low-speed airfoil. International Journal of Aeroacoustics<br />

3 (2009).<br />

[104] WHO. Adverse health effects of noise:<strong>de</strong>lines2.html,<br />

1999.<br />

[105] WILLIAMS, F. A. Combustion Theory. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company,<br />

Menlo Park, CA, 1985.<br />

[106] WILLIAMS, J. E. F., AND HAWKINGS, D. L. Sound generated by turbulence and surfaces<br />

in arbitrary motion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A264<br />

(1969), 321–342.

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