THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs

THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs


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[78] RAYLEIGH, L. The explanation of certain acoustic phenomena. Nature July 18 (1878),<br />

319–321.<br />

[79] ROGALLO, R. S., AND MOIN, P. Numerical simulation of turbulent flows. Ann. Rev.<br />

Fluid Mech. 16 (1984), 99–137.<br />

[80] ROGER, M. Aeroacoustics of wall-boun<strong>de</strong>d flows. In Lecture Series. March 9-13 (2009),<br />

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics.<br />

[81] ROGERS, D. E., AND MARBLE, F. E. A mechanism for high frequency oscillations in<br />

ramjet combustors and afterburners. Jet Propulsion 26 (1956), 456–462.<br />

[82] ROUX, S., LARTIGUE, G., POINSOT, T., MEIER, U., AND BÉRAT, C. Studies of mean and<br />

unsteady flow in a swirled combustor using experiments, acoustic analysis and largeeddy<br />

simulations. Combust. Flame 141 (2005), 40–54.<br />

[83] SAAD, Y., AND SCHULTZ, M. GMRES: A generalized minimal residual algorithm for<br />

solving nonsymmetric linear systems. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 7, 3 (1986), 856–869.<br />

[84] SCHMITT, P., POINSOT, T., SCHUERMANS, B., AND GEIGLE, K. Large Eddy Simulation<br />

and experimental study of heat transfer, nitric oxi<strong>de</strong> emissions and combustion instability<br />

in a swirled turbulent high pressure burner. J. Fluid Mech. 570 (17-46), 17–46.<br />

[85] SCHRAM, C. A boundary element extension of Curle’s analogy for non-compact geometries<br />

at low-mach numbers. J. Sound Vib. 322, 264-281 (200).<br />

[86] SCHULLER, T. Mécanismes <strong>de</strong> Couplage dans les Interactions Acoustique-Combustion.<br />

Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale <strong>de</strong> Paris, 2003.<br />

[87] SEARBY, G., AND ROCHWERGER, D. A parametric acoustic instability in premixed<br />

flames. J. Fluid Mech. 231 (1991), 529–543.<br />

[88] SELLE, L. Simulation aux gran<strong>de</strong>s échelles <strong>de</strong>s interactions flamme-acoustique dans un<br />

écoulement vrillé. Phd thesis, INP Toulouse, 2004.<br />

[89] SELLE, L., BENOIT, L., POINSOT, T., NICOUD, F., AND KREBS, W. Joint use of compressible<br />

Large-Eddy Simulation and Helmholtz solvers for the analysis of rotating mo<strong>de</strong>s in<br />

an industrial swirled burner. Combust. Flame 145, 1-2 (2006), 194–205.<br />


PRADE, B., KAUFMANN, P., AND VEYNANTE, D. Compressible Large-Eddy Simulation<br />

of turbulent combustion in complex geometry on unstructured meshes. Combust.<br />

Flame 137, 4 (2004), 489–505.<br />

[91] SELLE, L., NICOUD, F., AND POINSOT, T. The actual impedance of non-reflecting<br />

boundary conditions: implications for the computation of resonators. AIAA Journal<br />

42, 5 (2004), 958–964.<br />

[92] SENGISSEN, A. X., KAMPEN, J. F. V., HULS, R. A., STOFFELS, G. G. M., KOK, J. B. W.,<br />

AND POINSOT, T. LES and experimental studies of cold and reacting flow in a swirled<br />

partially premixed burner with and without fuel modulation. Combust. Flame 150<br />

(2007), 40–53.

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