THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs

THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs THESE de DOCTORAT - cerfacs


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[47] LEYKO, M., NICOUD, F., AND POINSOT, T. Comparison of direct and indirect combustion<br />

noise mechanisms in a mo<strong>de</strong>l combustor. AIAA Journal 47, 11 (2009), 2709–2716.<br />

[48] LIEUWEN, T., AND YANG, V. Combustion instabilities in gas turbine engines. operational<br />

experience, fundamental mechanisms and mo<strong>de</strong>ling. In Prog. in Astronautics<br />

and Aeronautics AIAA (2005), vol. 210.<br />

[49] LIEUWEN, T., AND ZINN, B. T. The role of equivalence ratio oscillations in driving<br />

combustion instabilities in low NOx gas turbines. Proc. Combust. Inst. 27 (1998), 1809–<br />

1816.<br />

[50] LIGHTHILL, M. J. On sound generated aerodynamically: I. general theory. Proc. R. Soc.<br />

Lond. 211, 1107 (1952), 564–587.<br />

[51] LIGHTHILL, M. J. On sound generated aerodynamically: II. turbulence as a source of<br />

sound. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 222 (1954), 1–32.<br />

[52] LILLEY, G. M. The generation and radiation of supersonic jet noise vol iv - Theory of<br />

turbulence generated jet noise, noise radiation from upstream sources, and combustion<br />

noise. part II: Generation of sound in a mixing regionheory of turbulence generated<br />

jet noise, noise radiation from upstream sources, and combustion noise. part II:<br />

Generation of sound in a mixing region. Afapl-tr-72-53, Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory,<br />

1972.<br />

[53] LILLEY, G. M. On the noise from jets. Agard cp-131, 1974.<br />

[54] LYRINTZIS, A. S. Integral acoustic methods: From the (cfd) near-field to the (acoustic)<br />

far-field. International Journal of Aeroacoustics 2 (2003), 95–128.<br />

[55] MARBLE, F. E., AND CANDEL, S. Acoustic disturbances from gas nonuniformities convected<br />

through a nozzle. J. Sound Vib. 55 (1977), 225–243.<br />

[56] MARTIN, C., BENOIT, L., SOMMERER, Y., NICOUD, F., AND POINSOT, T. LES and acoustic<br />

analysis of combustion instability in a staged turbulent swirled combustor. AIAA<br />

Journal 44, 4 (2006), 741–750.<br />

[57] MENDEZ, S., AND NICOUD, F. Large eddy simulation of a bi-periodic turbulent flow<br />

with effusion. J. Fluid Mech. 598 (2008), 27–65.<br />

[58] MILLER, N. P., REINDEL, E. M., AND HORONJEFF, R. D. Aircraft and airport noise<br />

prediction and control. Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control. Malcolm J. Crocker,<br />

2007.<br />

[59] MOASE, W., BREAR, M., AND MANZIE, C. The forced response of chocked nozzles and<br />

supersonic diffusers. J. Fluid Mech. (2007).<br />

[60] MOREAU, S., AND ROGER, M. Effect of airfoil aerodynamic loading on trailing-edge<br />

noise sources. AIAA Journal 43, 1 (2005), 41–52.<br />

[61] MORFEY, C. L. Amplification of aerodynamic noise by convected flow inhomogeneities.<br />

J. Sound Vib. 31 (1973), 391–397.

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