Economics(Paper-4) - Shivaji University

Economics(Paper-4) - Shivaji University

Economics(Paper-4) - Shivaji University


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4.2.2 Foreign Capital and Aid in Economic Development :<br />

I) Introduction and Foreign Capital and Aid :<br />

The level of capital formation is very low in developing countries, thus, they can<br />

not meet the financial requirements to have their economic development. At this critical<br />

juncture, developing country must import capital which they can not produce. To pay<br />

for the imports, the external resources are borrowed in the form of foreign capital or<br />

aid.<br />

History reflects that almost every country had to rely on foreign capital and foreign<br />

aid for speeding up economic growth. According to Prof. W.A. Lewis England as well<br />

as U.S.A. have had assistance of foreign finance in 17 th , 18 th and 19 th century<br />

respectively. Thus it is very much clear that both developed and underdeveloped countries<br />

have to have a foreign capital to get desired economic growth.<br />

II) Meaning :<br />

Foreign Capital means investment by foreign government, private foreign investors,<br />

and international financial institutions in the productive activities to a receipt country.<br />

Thus, when a country receives capital from any corner of the world is called foreign<br />

capital.<br />

Foreign aid is the aid which flows from the Donar country or International Financial<br />

Institutions in the form of grant, loans, technical assistance to receipent country.<br />

III) Forms or Classification of Foreign Capital<br />

In the view of receiving country foreign capital can be divided into two parts<br />

1) Private Foreign Capital<br />

2) Public Foreign Capital<br />

1) Private Foreign Capital :<br />

The private foreign capital can be received from private sources, it may be private<br />

individual or private corporation i.e. Multinationals. They invest in private sector or public<br />

sector.Thus, the private foreign capital may be of the following types.<br />

a) Direct Foreign Investment (FDI) : Foreign Direct Investment is incurred by<br />

private enterprenuers in a subsidiary in another country or enterprises of a another<br />

country.The investors have full or partial control on the enterprises of another country.<br />

They bear risk as well profit.<br />

b) Indirect Foreign Investment : The indirect foreign Investment is also<br />

recognized as “Portfolio investment” or “rentier investment”. Foreign investor or a<br />

company can hold shares and debentures of some other countries. Such holdings of<br />

securities does not give any right to control over the company. But, they as a shareholder<br />

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