Economics(Paper-4) - Shivaji University

Economics(Paper-4) - Shivaji University

Economics(Paper-4) - Shivaji University


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other sectors backward in developing countries, which tends to low national income<br />

and so as the saving and capital formation.<br />

2) Low productivity : The low productivity makes low level of national income,<br />

savings and finally low capital formation. It is the capital formation which may enhance<br />

the level of productivity in agriculture as well as industry.<br />

3) Demographic facts : In under developed country growth rate of population is<br />

very high compare to rate of capital formation. Such countries people’s life expectancy,<br />

becomes less. And at last demographic facts get affected.<br />

4) Entrepreneurial ability : The entrepreneurial ability lacks in case of developing<br />

countries as a result of this low capital formation takes place in such countries.<br />

Entrepreneur faces many problems such as small size of market, deficiency of capital<br />

lack of private property and contract etc. All these retard the economic development<br />

and capital formation become less.<br />

5) Lack of Economic overhead : Now a days economic overhead are called as<br />

infrastructural facilities i.e. power, transport banking etc. These lacks in developing<br />

countries. As a result of this capital formation becomes less available.<br />

6) Size of Market : The small size of the market is another reason for the low rate<br />

of capital formation in LDCs. It is a big hurdle in the growth of entrepreneurship. The<br />

purchasing power is always less in such countries as a result capital formation becomes<br />

less.<br />

7) Tax policy : Taxes also retard economic development and also capital formation<br />

if they are beyond certain limits. These and suma fact happens in case developing<br />

countries and the result is less capital formation.<br />

8) Technology : Obsolete (out of date) technology is also an important factor<br />

forces for low growth of capital formation in less developed economics Technological<br />

backwardness impacts badly on productivity and output and income etc. The net result<br />

is less capital formation in such countries.<br />

9) Weak financial Institutions : Aother important factor stands in the way of capital<br />

formations is lack of efficient financial institutions to supply the desirable funds. Generally<br />

heavy doses of funds are required for the productive forces. But due to inefficient financial<br />

institutions, such climate of finance does not available and this makes less capital<br />

formation.<br />

10) Deficit financing : Deficit finance is panecia for economic development for a<br />

country. If it never crosses the safety limits. But if it crosses the safety limits then tends<br />

to lower the rate of capital formation.<br />

B Sources of Capital formation :<br />

Capital formation depends basically on savings financial institutions and government<br />

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