Bengali - Unicef

Bengali - Unicef

Bengali - Unicef


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urban frontiers: Girls in a changing landscape,<br />

Plan International, Brussels, 2010,<br />

<br />

docs/BIAAG_2010_EN2.pdf>, accessed<br />

19 September 2011, pp. 3–5.<br />

14 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,<br />

Refugee Education in Urban Settings: Case<br />

studies from Nairobi, Kampala, Amman and<br />

Damascus, Operational Solutions and Transition<br />

Section, Division for Programme Support and<br />

Management, UNHCR, Geneva, December 2009,<br />

pp. 25–30.<br />

15 Hart, ‘Planning Cities’, p. 25.<br />

16 World Health Organization, Global Status Report<br />

on Road Safety: Time for action, WHO, Geneva,<br />

2009, p. 17.<br />

17 Ibid.; additional reference provided by the<br />

UNICEF Latin America and the Caribbean<br />

<br />

TransMilenio S.A., , accessed 18 September<br />

2011.<br />

18 Quito, Ecuador; Cairo, Egypt; New Delhi,<br />

India; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea;<br />

and Kigali, Rwanda.<br />

19 Because I Am a Girl.<br />

20 World Health Organization, Prevention and<br />

<br />

Implementation of the global strategy, Report<br />

by the Secretariat EB 126/12, WHO, Geneva,<br />

26 November 2009, p. 10.<br />

21 Reinehr, Thomas, et al., ‘Obesity in Disabled<br />

<br />

of patients’, Deutsches Arzteblatt International,<br />

vol. 107, no. 15, 2010, p. 268.<br />

22 Hart, ‘Planning Cities’, p. 10.<br />

23 Ibid., p. 8.<br />

24 Ibid., p. 12.<br />

25 Evans, Gary W., ‘The Built Environment and<br />

Mental Health’, Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin<br />

of the New York Academy of Medicine, vol. 80,<br />

no. 4, December 2003, p. 545; Taylor, Andrea F.,<br />

Frances E. Kuo and William C. Sullivan, ‘Views<br />

<br />

inner city children’, Journal of Environmental<br />

Psychology, vol. 21, 2001, pp. 49–63; Kuo,<br />

Frances E., and Andrea Faber Taylor, ‘A<br />

<br />

<br />

study’, Research and Practice, vol. 94, no. 9,<br />

September 2004, pp. 1580–1586; Taylor, Andrea<br />

F., Frances E. Kuo and William C. Sullivan,<br />

<br />

green play settings’, Environment and Behavior,<br />

vol. 33, no. 1, January 2001, pp. 54–77; Wells,<br />

<br />

“greenness” on children’s cognitive functioning’,<br />

Environment and Behavior, vol. 32, no. 6,<br />

November 2000, pp. 775–795; Bell, Anne C.,<br />

<br />

intersection of green school grounds and healthpromoting<br />

schools’, Environmental Education<br />

Research, vol. 14, no. 1, February 2008,<br />

pp. 77–90; Sharp, David, ‘Giving People More<br />

Green Space’, Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin<br />

of the New York Academy of Medicine, vol. 84,<br />

no. 1, January 2007, pp. 3–4.<br />

26 Wells, ‘At Home with Nature’, pp. 781–783.<br />

27 Evans, ‘The Built Environment and Mental<br />

Health’, p. 545; Hart, ‘Planning Cities’, p. 13;<br />

Krug, Etienne, et al., eds, World Report on<br />

Violence and Health, World Health Organization,<br />

Geneva, 2002, p. 25,, accessed<br />

21 September 2011; Samms-Vaughan, Maureen<br />

E., Maria D. Jackson and Deanne E. Ashley,<br />

‘Urban Jamaican Children’s Exposure to<br />

Community Violence’, West Indian Medical<br />

Journal, vol. 54, no. 1, January 2005, pp. 14–21,<br />

<br />

arttext&pid=S0043-31442005000100004&lng=en<br />

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2011; Seedat, S., et al., ‘Trauma Exposure and<br />

Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms in Urban African<br />

schools’, British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 184,<br />

<br />

org/<br />

content/184/2/169.long>, accessed 21 September<br />

2011; Hart, ‘Planning Cities’, p. 13.<br />

28 United Nations Development Programme,<br />

‘Globalization and Cultural Choice’, Chapter 5 in<br />

Human Development Report 2004: Cultural liberty<br />

in today’s diverse world, UNDP, New York, 2004,<br />

ter_5.pdf>,<br />

accessed 19 September 2011.<br />

29 Qadeer, Mohammad, ‘What Is This Thing Called<br />

Multicultural Planning?’, Bridge, vol. 2, no. 9,<br />

<br />

metropolis.net/pdfs/qadeer_extracted_plan_<br />

canada_e.pdf>, accessed 10 August 2011.<br />

30 OnePeople, Singapore, ,<br />

accessed 18 September 2011.<br />

31 Palfrey, John, and Urs Gasser, Born Digital:<br />

<br />

natives, Basic Books, New York, 2008, p. 1.<br />

32 Menou, Michel J., ‘Information Behaviour of the<br />

“Google Generation” as a Factor in Sustainability<br />

for Mexican Cities’, Aslib Proceedings, vol. 62,<br />

no. 2, 2010, p. 166.<br />

33 Gasser, Urs, Colin M. Maclay and John G. Palfrey<br />

Jr., Working towards a Deeper Understanding of<br />

Digital Safety for Children and Young People in<br />

Developing Nations, Berkman Center for Internet<br />

and Society at Harvard University, Cambridge,<br />

Mass., June 2010, pp. 1, 9, 22.<br />

34 Because I Am a Girl, p. 107; Take Back the Tech!,<br />

, accessed 8 June 2011.<br />


The Child-Friendly Cities Initiative<br />

United Nations Children’s Fund Innocenti Research<br />

Centre, Poverty and Exclusion among Urban<br />

Children, Innocenti Digest No. 10, UNICEF Innocenti<br />

Research Centre, Florence, November 2002, , accessed<br />

14 October 2011; United Nations Population Fund,<br />

State of World Population 2007: Youth supplement<br />

– Growing up urban, UNFPA, New York, 2007, pp.<br />

iii–iv, , accessed 14 October 2011; United<br />

Nations Population Fund, State of World Population<br />

2007: Unleashing the potential of urban growth,<br />

<br />

UNFPA, New York, 2007, , accessed 14 October<br />

2011; United Nations Children’s Fund,<br />

tives’,<br />

, accessed 14 October<br />

2011; Buvinich, M., et al., ‘Achieving Policy<br />

<br />

in the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region as a strategy to<br />

reduce poverty and inequality’, Paper presented<br />

at the Fourth International Conference, Rethinking<br />

<br />

New York, 21–23 April 2008, cited in Bernard van<br />

Leer Foundation, Realising the Rights of Young<br />

Children: Progress and challenges, Early Childhood<br />

Matters No. 113, Bernard van Leer Foundation, The<br />

Hague, November 2009, ,<br />

accessed 14 October 2011.<br />

CHAPTER 5<br />

Improving the<br />

Health of the Urban Poor: Learning from USAID<br />

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Infectious Diseases and Nutrition, Bureau<br />

for Global Health, United States Agency for<br />

International Development, Washington, D.C.,<br />

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accessed 28 September 2011.<br />

2 Hailu, Degol, and Fábio Veras Soares, ‘Cash<br />

<br />

overview’, in Poverty in Focus, No. 15, edited<br />

by Degol Hailu and Veras Soares, International<br />

Poverty Centre, Brasilia, August 2008,<br />

,<br />

accessed 28 September 2011.<br />

3 Georgetown University Hospital, Pediatric<br />

KIDS Mobile Medical Clinic,<br />

, accessed 28 September 2011.<br />

4 Scott, ‘Research to Action’.<br />

5 United Nations Children’s Fund, Progress for<br />

Children: Achieving the MDGs with equity, No. 9,<br />

UNICEF, New York, September 2011, p. 81.<br />

6 Grünewald, François, and Andrea Binder, with the<br />

support of Yvio Georges, Inter-agency Real-Time<br />

Evaluation in Haiti: 3 months after the earthquake<br />

– Final report, Global Public Policy Institute and<br />

Groupe u.r.d., 31 August 2010.<br />

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‘Independent Review of UNICEF’s Operational<br />

Response to the January 2010 Earthquake in<br />

Haiti’, UNICEF, 14 July 2011.<br />

8 Human Settlements Programme, International<br />

Institute for Environment and Development,<br />

‘Building Better Cities with Children and Youth’,<br />

Environment and Urbanization Brief 6, IIED,<br />

London, October 2002, in Swart Kruger, Jill,<br />

with Louise Chawla, ‘We Know Something<br />

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local conditions in Johannesburg’, Environment<br />

and Urbanization, vol. 14, no. 2, October 2002,<br />

pp. 85–96.<br />

9 Hart, ‘Planning Cities’, pp. 15–18.<br />

10 Evans, ‘Built Environment and Mental Health’,<br />

p. 545; Taylor, Kuo and Sullivan, ‘Views of Nature<br />

and Self-Discipline’, pp. 49–63; Kuo and Taylor,<br />

‘Potential Natural Treatment’, pp. 1580–1586;<br />

Taylor, Kuo and Sullivan, ‘Coping with ADD’,<br />

pp. 54–77; Wells, ‘At Home with Nature’, pp.<br />

775–795; Bell and Dyment, ‘Grounds for Health’,<br />

pp. 77–90; Sharp, ‘Giving People More Green<br />

Space’, pp. 3–4.<br />


The paucity of intra-urban data<br />

Haddad, Lawrence, Marie T. Ruel and James L.<br />

Garrett, ‘Are Urban Poverty and Undernutrition<br />

Growing? Some newly assembled evidence’, World<br />

Development, vol. 27, no. 11, November 1999,<br />

p. 1899; Harpham, ‘Urban Health in Developing<br />

Countries’, pp. 107–116; State of the World’s<br />

Cities 2010/2011; Fotso, ‘Child Health Inequities in<br />

Developing Countries’, p. 10; Montgomery, ‘Urban<br />

Poverty and Health in Developing Countries’,<br />

pp. 397–425; Baker, Judy, and Nina Schuler,<br />

ods<br />

and approaches’, World Bank Policy Research<br />

Working Paper 3399, The World Bank, Washington,<br />

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worldbank.org/INTURBANPOVERTY/Resources/<br />

analyzingurbanpoverty.pdf>, accessed<br />

28 September 2011.<br />


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