Physical Chemistry 3: — Chemical Kinetics — - Christian-Albrechts ...

Physical Chemistry 3: — Chemical Kinetics — - Christian-Albrechts ... Physical Chemistry 3: — Chemical Kinetics — - Christian-Albrechts ...


17 Reaction dynamics* 261 18. Electrochemical kinetics* (skipped for lack of time in the semester)

Appendix B 262 Appendix A: Useful physicochemical constants I Table A.1: List of useful physical constants (Cohen 1986). physical constant symbol value Loschmidt (or Avogadro) number =60221367 × 10 23 mol −1 gas constant =8314511 J mol −1 K −1 Boltzmann constant =1380658 × 10 −23 JK −1 electron charge =160217733 × 10 −19 C Faraday constant = 96485309 C mol −1 speed of light =299792458 × 10 8 ms −1 Planck’s constant =66260755 × 10 −34 Js ~ ~ =10547266 × 10 −34 Js electron mass =91093897 × 10 −31 kg proton mass =16726231 × 10 −27 kg neutron mass =16749286 × 10 −27 kg atomic mass unit =16605402 × 10 −27 kg Rydberg constant e e =10973731534 × 10 7 m −1 Bohr radius 0 0 =529177249 × 10 −11 m electric field constant 0 0 =1( 0 2 ) 0 =8854187817 × 10 −12 Fm −1 magnetic field constant 0 0 =4 × 10 −7 NA −2 0 =125664 × 10 −6 NA −2 I References: Cohen 1986 E. R. Cohen and B. N. Taylor, The 1986 Adjustment of the Fundamental Constants, CODATA Bull. 63, 1 (1986). An updated list is contained in every August issue of Physics Today.

17 Reaction dynamics* 261<br />

18. Electrochemical kinetics*<br />

(skipped for lack of time in the semester)

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