Physical Chemistry 3: — Chemical Kinetics — - Christian-Albrechts ...

Physical Chemistry 3: — Chemical Kinetics — - Christian-Albrechts ... Physical Chemistry 3: — Chemical Kinetics — - Christian-Albrechts ...


11.5 Reactions of ions in solutions 239 I Dependence of the rate constant on the ionic strength: ³ ´ log =log 0 − 2 + 2 − ‡ 2 12 (11.62) with ‡ = + . Inserting ‡ = + ,weobtain log =log 0 − ¡ 2 + 2 − ( + ) 2¢ 12 (11.63) y log 0 =+2 12 (11.64) I Conclusions: • If and havethesamesign,then will increase with increasing , because the repulsion is reduced by the shielding effect of the ion cloud. • If and have opposite sign, then will decrease with increasing , because the attraction is reduced by the shielding effect of the ion cloud. I Figure 11.8: Kinetic salt effect for reactions of ions in solution.

11.5 Reactions of ions in solutions 240 11.6 References Eigen 1954a M. Eigen, Disc. Faraday Soc. 17, 194 (1954). Eigen 1954b M.EigenZ.Physik.Chem.NF1, 176 (1954).

11.5 Reactions of ions in solutions 240<br />

11.6 References<br />

Eigen 1954a M. Eigen, Disc. Faraday Soc. 17, 194 (1954).<br />

Eigen 1954b M.EigenZ.Physik.Chem.NF1, 176 (1954).

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