TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 1 OUTPUT 1: Policy development capacity of MoWA enhanced through the establishment of WPDC for ensuring other line ministries to develop and implement gender sensitive policies/strategies . 2 1. FINANCIALS ............................................................................................................................. 8 2. RISKS/ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 8 3. LESSONS LEARNED .................................................................................................................. 8 4. FUTURE PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 9 OUTPUT 2: Strengthened sub-national institutions to promote socio-economic empowerment of women ................................................................................................................................................ 9 1. FINANCIALS ........................................................................................................................... 14 2. RISKS/ISSUES ......................................................................................................................... 14 3. LESSONS LEARNED ................................................................................................................ 14 4. FUTURE PLAN ........................................................................................................................ 15 A. ANNEX 1: FINANCIAL TABLE ...................................................................................................... 16 B. ANNEX 2: EXPENSES BY OUTPUT .............................................................................................. 17 C. ANNEX 3: ACTIVITY .................................................................................................................... 18 D. ANNEX 4: RISK LOG ................................................................................................................... 20 E. ANNEX 5: ISSUE LOG ................................................................................................................. 21

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Gender Equality Project (GEP) aims to establish models in cooperation, coordination and public sector effectiveness for gender mainstreaming, promotion of gender equality and strengthening of the position of women, with selected key government and non-government partners. In order to achieve this, the project has two outputs of: strengthening the capacity of the WA) as a policy making and oversight body for an effective implementation of the National Action Plan for Women of Afghanistan (NAPWA) and strengthening the capacity of sub-national institutions with the establishment of Provincial -economic empowerment of women. In Q2, progress under Output 1 included improving the capacity of MoWA for the collection of gender-disaggregated data for the implementation of the NAPWA indicators and also facilitate the integration of gender sensitive components into the policies and programmes of line ministries (LMs), institutionalizing a networking mechanism within MoWA for the collection and dissemination of gender specific information, and the review of three LMs and two independent organizations. The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) mechanism was revised and submitted for the final approval before being implemented. In addition, support was provided to the other LMs which included the review of budget making documents of the Budget Directorate in the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for integrating gender in the preparation of budgets of the seven pilot ministries, development of capacity development of female extension staff at the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), closer coordination with the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs (MoHRA) for collaborating with religious leaders on gender sensitive issues, provision of guidance for the preparation of the gender policy of the MoHE among others. The training of Capacity Development Officers of the UNDP National Institutional Building (NIBP) and the officials of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) in collaboration with the UNDP Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA) project enriched the outputs of the Gender Cluster through GEP. As a result of these two interventions, both the projects have integrated gender as a main outcome of their different initiatives For Output 2, at the sub-national level, the GEP enhanced the capacity of the members of elopment Councils (PWDC) in four provinces (Bamyan, Balkh, Herat and Nangarhar) through its provincial offices in order to improve their service delivery for the socioeconomic empowerment of women. Other initiatives to support the rural women included improving the service delivery of the Legal Help Centres (LHC) and completing preparatory activities for the establishment of the toll-free hotline in the three remaining provinces to assist vulnerable women in accessing the justice system. In addition, GEP employed innovations interventions for sensitizing the religious leaders to improve their understanding about the role and status of women in society. Moreover, trainings for local media personnel to improve the quality of reporting on gender specific issues were also organized. Despite the achievements listed above, there were some challenges which impacted on the se were within the management of the project office and measures to address them were undertaken in order to continue with the activities. H ce and required close consultations with other development partners to ensure the delivery of those specific interventions were achieved with minimal delays. Despite these risks and issues, GEP is committed to its goals and will continue its work in overcoming deep-rooted gender inequalities in Afghanistan through partnerships with MoWA, civil society organizations, and Afghan women and communities. 1 | P a g e


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 1<br />

OUTPUT 1: Policy development capacity of MoWA enhanced through the establishment of WPDC<br />

for ensuring other line ministries to develop and implement gender sensitive policies/strategies . 2<br />

1. FINANCIALS ............................................................................................................................. 8<br />

2. RISKS/ISSUES ........................................................................................................................... 8<br />

3. LESSONS LEARNED .................................................................................................................. 8<br />

4. FUTURE PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 9<br />

OUTPUT 2: Strengthened sub-national institutions to promote socio-economic empowerment of<br />

women ................................................................................................................................................ 9<br />

1. FINANCIALS ........................................................................................................................... 14<br />

2. RISKS/ISSUES ......................................................................................................................... 14<br />

3. LESSONS LEARNED ................................................................................................................ 14<br />

4. FUTURE PLAN ........................................................................................................................ 15<br />

A. ANNEX 1: FINANCIAL TABLE ...................................................................................................... 16<br />

B. ANNEX 2: EXPENSES BY OUTPUT .............................................................................................. 17<br />

C. ANNEX 3: ACTIVITY .................................................................................................................... 18<br />

D. ANNEX 4: RISK LOG ................................................................................................................... 20<br />

E. ANNEX 5: ISSUE LOG ................................................................................................................. 21

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