01 NRDC Dyslexia 1-88 update - Texthelp

01 NRDC Dyslexia 1-88 update - Texthelp 01 NRDC Dyslexia 1-88 update - Texthelp


68 Research Report By stressing the importance of normal reading acquisition as a benchmark for reading difficulties, the model anticipates not one but several different patterns of cognitive and reading deficits. Whether the pattern is ‘nonalphabetic’, ‘compensatory’, ‘nonautomatic’, or ‘delayed reading’ will depend upon the point at which students go astray in reading acquisition. However, this is not to propose a new theory of causal ‘subtypes’. The model illustrates not ‘causes’ but developmental outcomes. It holds that any individual instance of reading difficulty will involve multiple causes as an outcome of interaction between the environment and the student’s individual characteristics. The cognitive process model of reading disability differs from the explicitly biological theories of dyslexia reviewed in Part two by acknowledging that developmental outcomes are a consequence of complex interactions between the individual and the environment. The model does not assume a biological abnormality as the default explanation for reading difficulties. It details a sequence of stages in cognitive processing through which people pass when they learn to read. At each stage, the model explains the conceptual nature of reading difficulties and it offers guidance on appropriate teaching strategies. A self-organising systems model of reading disability A challenge to the notion of specificity in dyslexia comes from a self-organising systems model of learning disability (Zera, 2001; Zera & Lucian, 2001), which derives from systems theory and nonlinear dynamics (see below). It has much in common with other concepts of developmental causality, whether they are general (Bronfenbrenner & Ceci, 1994; Cairns, 1996; Cicchetti & Cannon, 1999; Elman et al., 1996; Fischer & Bidell, 1998; Gottlieb & Halpern, 2002; Karmiloff-Smith, 1998; Sameroff, 1995; Sameroff & Chandler, 1975; Sroufe, 1997; Thelen & Smith, 1994; Thomas & Karmiloff-Smith, 2002) or specific to reading (Snowling, 2000). That is to say, the model is located within mainstream developmental psychology and its concept of ‘epigenesis’, in which both new structures and new functions are understood to arise in the course of individual development (Gottlieb, 1992). The self-organising systems model states three main propositions about cognitive development. First, the system is not modular but distributed. That is to say, complex behaviours like reading and writing are subserved by multifocal neural systems, not by specific anatomical sites within the brain, even though single-focus lesions may impair them. Whereas the specific learning disability concept suggests a more localised dysfunction, a self-organising systems model suggests widespread, diffuse outcomes. If this is really the case, then the notion of a ‘specific’ learning disability is mistaken. Second, the system is not static but dynamic. Learning disabilities do not stay confined to specific brain areas. Dysfunction is not focal and constrained but far more pervasive, as a

Developmental dyslexia in adults: a research review 69 consequence of dynamic and recursive interactions within the neurological system. These interactions may take place in response to either biological or environmental stimuli. Taking the brain’s plasticity (or capacity for reorganisation) into account, the model anticipates exponential effects from initial conditions. Once again, the concept of a ‘specific’ learning disability does not capture the dynamic interplay between the system’s various components. Third, the system is not linear but complex. Linear models of learning disability assume a closed-circuit relationship between brain functioning and behaviour, which in turn suggests direct causal links. We now know that this is not what happens in an open neurological system, where the components interact in a nonlinear, dynamic fashion. Although research into dyslexia has been dominated by linear causal models which then recursively advance the concept of ‘specific’ disability, it is clear that all disabilities become more pervasive over time, even those that appeared specific at the outset of development. In this way, there are adverse developmental outcomes. At some point a specific deficit begins to have more generalised effects on processes that underlie a broader range of tasks than reading alone. There are both cognitive consequences and motivational side effects, so that the performance deficits are increasingly global (Stanovich, 1986). According to the selforganising systems model, an inefficiency in processing might begin as a specific deficit but then become global, as underutilisation of a dysfunctional part of the brain leads to overactivation of intact brain areas and to aggravation of any imbalance; repeatedly maladaptive patterns of mental activity may create constraints for future learning; and brain areas that are activated to compensate for the dysfunctional area may come to perform their original functions less efficiently, even though there might be no essential relationship between the two functions. Tutors often encounter students whose reading problems overlap with impairments in the executive functions of attentional switching, selective attention, sustained attention and working memory. The self-organising systems model suggests that working memory and reading problems aggravate each other and that both might originate in phonological processing problems, in which case a working memory problem might be alleviated by an improvement in reading. Few practitioners and diagnosticians of learning disabilities have a sufficiently comprehensive understanding of the neurological system to be able to interpret disabling conditions from this perspective (Zera, 2001). However, if they were to gain such an understanding, the model suggests that their remediation strategies might then take into account the ways in which a supposedly specific disability interacts with other parts of the neural system and strategies of this kind might lead to greater success in alleviating the related symptoms of dysfunction. The self-organising systems model is compatible with the three-level model, although it entails a more complex view of causality than implied by that model. It does not challenge the idea of a developmental dysfunction resulting from an innate biological constraint, but it does challenge the notion that, regardless of how specific such a constraint might have been, the behavioural outcome itself could remain specific (see also Stanovich, 1986).

68<br />

Research Report<br />

By stressing the importance of normal reading acquisition as a benchmark for reading<br />

difficulties, the model anticipates not one but several different patterns of cognitive and<br />

reading deficits. Whether the pattern is ‘nonalphabetic’, ‘compensatory’, ‘nonautomatic’, or<br />

‘delayed reading’ will depend upon the point at which students go astray in reading<br />

acquisition. However, this is not to propose a new theory of causal ‘subtypes’. The model<br />

illustrates not ‘causes’ but developmental outcomes. It holds that any individual instance of<br />

reading difficulty will involve multiple causes as an outcome of interaction between the<br />

environment and the student’s individual characteristics.<br />

The cognitive process model of reading disability differs from the explicitly biological theories<br />

of dyslexia reviewed in Part two by acknowledging that developmental outcomes are a<br />

consequence of complex interactions between the individual and the environment.<br />

The model does not assume a biological abnormality as the default explanation for reading<br />

difficulties.<br />

It details a sequence of stages in cognitive processing through which people pass when they<br />

learn to read.<br />

At each stage, the model explains the conceptual nature of reading difficulties and it offers<br />

guidance on appropriate teaching strategies.<br />

A self-organising systems model of reading disability<br />

A challenge to the notion of specificity in dyslexia comes from a self-organising systems<br />

model of learning disability (Zera, 20<strong>01</strong>; Zera & Lucian, 20<strong>01</strong>), which derives from systems<br />

theory and nonlinear dynamics (see below). It has much in common with other concepts of<br />

developmental causality, whether they are general (Bronfenbrenner & Ceci, 1994; Cairns,<br />

1996; Cicchetti & Cannon, 1999; Elman et al., 1996; Fischer & Bidell, 1998; Gottlieb &<br />

Halpern, 2002; Karmiloff-Smith, 1998; Sameroff, 1995; Sameroff & Chandler, 1975; Sroufe,<br />

1997; Thelen & Smith, 1994; Thomas & Karmiloff-Smith, 2002) or specific to reading<br />

(Snowling, 2000). That is to say, the model is located within mainstream developmental<br />

psychology and its concept of ‘epigenesis’, in which both new structures and new functions<br />

are understood to arise in the course of individual development (Gottlieb, 1992).<br />

The self-organising systems model states three main propositions about cognitive<br />

development.<br />

First, the system is not modular but distributed. That is to say, complex behaviours like<br />

reading and writing are subserved by multifocal neural systems, not by specific anatomical<br />

sites within the brain, even though single-focus lesions may impair them. Whereas the<br />

specific learning disability concept suggests a more localised dysfunction, a self-organising<br />

systems model suggests widespread, diffuse outcomes. If this is really the case, then the<br />

notion of a ‘specific’ learning disability is mistaken.<br />

Second, the system is not static but dynamic. Learning disabilities do not stay confined to<br />

specific brain areas. Dysfunction is not focal and constrained but far more pervasive, as a

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