01 NRDC Dyslexia 1-88 update - Texthelp

01 NRDC Dyslexia 1-88 update - Texthelp 01 NRDC Dyslexia 1-88 update - Texthelp


124 Research Report Snowling, M. J. (1998). ‘Reading development and its difficulties.’ Educational and Child Psychology, 15(2), 44–58. Snowling, M. J. (2000). Dyslexia: a cognitive developmental perspective (2nd ed.). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Snowling, M. J., Adams, J. W., Bowyer-Crane, C. and Tobin, V. (2000a). ‘Levels of literacy among juvenile offenders: the incidence of specific reading difficulties.’ Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 10, 229–241. Snowling, M. J., Bryant, P. E. and Hulme, C. (1996a). ‘Theoretical and methodological pitfalls in making comparisons between developmental and acquired dyslexia: Some comments on A. Castles & M. Coltheart (1993).’ Reading and Writing, 8(5), 443–451. Snowling, M. J., Goulandris, N. and Defty, N. (1996b). ‘A longitudinal study of reading development in dyslexic children.’ Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(4), 653–669. Snowling, M. J. and Hulme, C. (2003). ‘A critique of claims from Reynolds, Nicolson & Hambly (2003) that DDAT is an effective treatment for children with reading difficulties – ‘Lies, damned lies and (inappropriate) statistics?’ Dyslexia, 9(2), 127–133. Social Exclusion Unit. (2002). Reducing Re-offending by Ex-prisoners. London: Author. Sodoro, J., Allinder, R. M. and Rankin-Erickson, J. L. (2002). ‘Assessment of phonological awareness: review of methods and tools.’ Educational Psychology Review, 14(3), 223–260. Solan, H. A. (1999). ‘Visual deficits and dyslexia (letter).’ Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32(4), 282–283. Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S. (2002). ‘Psychological heterogeneity in AD/HD: a dual pathway model of behaviour and cognition.’ Behavioural Brain Research, 130, 29–36. Spear-Swerling, L. (in press). A road map for understanding reading disability and other reading problems. In R. Ruddell & N. Unrau (Eds.), Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, Vol. 5. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Spear-Swerling, L. and Sternberg, R. J. (1994). ‘The road not taken: an integrative theoretical model of reading disability.’ Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(2), 91–103,122. Spear-Swerling, L. and Sternberg, R. J. (1996). Roads to Reading Disability: When Poor Readers Become ‘Learning Disabled’. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Spear-Swerling, L. and Sternberg, R. J. (1998). ‘Curing our ‘epidemic’ of learning disabilities. Phi Delta Kappan, 79(5), 397–401. Spinelli, D., Angelelli, P., De Luca, M., Di Pace, E., Judica, A. and Zoccolotti, P. (1997). ‘Developmental surface dyslexia is not associated with deficits in the transient visual system.’ NeuroReport, 8(8), 1807–1812.

Developmental dyslexia in adults: a research review 125 Sprenger-Charolles, L., Cole, P., Lacert, P. and Serniclaes, W. (2000). ‘On subtypes of developmental dyslexia: evidence from processing time and accuracy scores.’ Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology – Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale, 54(2), 87–104. Sprenger-Charolles, L., Lacert, P., Bechennec, D., Cole, P. and Serniclaes, W. (2001). ‘Stability across sessions and across languages of dyslexia subtypes.’ Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages Chez l’Enfant, 13(2–3), 115–128. Sroufe, L. A. (1997). ‘Psychopathology as an outcome of development.’ Development and Psychopathology, 9, 251–268. Stanovich, K. E. (1986). ‘Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy.’ Reading Research Quarterly, 21(4), 360–407. Stanovich, K. E. (1988). ‘Explaining the differences between the dyslexic and the gardenvariety poor reader: the phonological core variable-difference model.’ Journal of Learning Disabilities, 21(10), 590–604, 612. Stanovich, K. E. (1994). ‘Annotation: does dyslexia exist?’ Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35(4), 579–595. Stanovich, K. E. (1996). ‘Toward a more inclusive definition of dyslexia.’ Dyslexia, 2(3), 154–166. Stanovich, K. E. (1999). ‘The sociometrics of learning disabilities. ‘ Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32(4), 350–361. Stanovich, K. E. (2000). Progress in Understanding Reading: scientific foundations and new frontiers. New York: The Guilford Press. Stanovich, K. E., Siegel, L. S. and Gottardo, A. (1997). ‘Converging evidence for phonological and surface subtypes of reading disability.’ Journal of Educational Psychology, 89(1), 114–127. Steele, J. (1998). ‘Cerebral asymmetry, cognitive laterality, and human evolution.’ Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 17(6), 1202–1214. Stein, J. (2001). ‘The magnocellular theory of developmental dyslexia.’ Dyslexia, 7, 12–36. Stein, J. (2003). ‘Evaluation of an exercise-based treatment for children with reading difficulties.’ Dyslexia, 9(2), 124–126. Stein, J. and Talcott, J. (1999). ‘Impaired neuronal timing in developmental dyslexia: the magnocellular hypothesis.’ Dyslexia, 5, 59–77. Stein, J., Talcott, J. and Walsh, V. (2000). ‘Controversy about the visual magnocellular deficit in developmental dyslexics.’ Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4(6), 209–211.

124<br />

Research Report<br />

Snowling, M. J. (1998). ‘Reading development and its difficulties.’ Educational and Child<br />

Psychology, 15(2), 44–58.<br />

Snowling, M. J. (2000). <strong>Dyslexia</strong>: a cognitive developmental perspective (2nd ed.). Oxford:<br />

Basil Blackwell.<br />

Snowling, M. J., Adams, J. W., Bowyer-Crane, C. and Tobin, V. (2000a). ‘Levels of literacy<br />

among juvenile offenders: the incidence of specific reading difficulties.’ Criminal Behaviour<br />

and Mental Health, 10, 229–241.<br />

Snowling, M. J., Bryant, P. E. and Hulme, C. (1996a). ‘Theoretical and methodological pitfalls<br />

in making comparisons between developmental and acquired dyslexia: Some comments on A.<br />

Castles & M. Coltheart (1993).’ Reading and Writing, 8(5), 443–451.<br />

Snowling, M. J., Goulandris, N. and Defty, N. (1996b). ‘A longitudinal study of reading<br />

development in dyslexic children.’ Journal of Educational Psychology, <strong>88</strong>(4), 653–669.<br />

Snowling, M. J. and Hulme, C. (2003). ‘A critique of claims from Reynolds, Nicolson & Hambly<br />

(2003) that DDAT is an effective treatment for children with reading difficulties – ‘Lies,<br />

damned lies and (inappropriate) statistics?’ <strong>Dyslexia</strong>, 9(2), 127–133.<br />

Social Exclusion Unit. (2002). Reducing Re-offending by Ex-prisoners. London: Author.<br />

Sodoro, J., Allinder, R. M. and Rankin-Erickson, J. L. (2002). ‘Assessment of phonological<br />

awareness: review of methods and tools.’ Educational Psychology Review, 14(3), 223–260.<br />

Solan, H. A. (1999). ‘Visual deficits and dyslexia (letter).’ Journal of Learning Disabilities,<br />

32(4), 282–283.<br />

Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S. (2002). ‘Psychological heterogeneity in AD/HD: a dual pathway model<br />

of behaviour and cognition.’ Behavioural Brain Research, 130, 29–36.<br />

Spear-Swerling, L. (in press). A road map for understanding reading disability and other<br />

reading problems. In R. Ruddell & N. Unrau (Eds.), Theoretical Models and Processes of<br />

Reading, Vol. 5. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.<br />

Spear-Swerling, L. and Sternberg, R. J. (1994). ‘The road not taken: an integrative theoretical<br />

model of reading disability.’ Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(2), 91–103,122.<br />

Spear-Swerling, L. and Sternberg, R. J. (1996). Roads to Reading Disability: When Poor<br />

Readers Become ‘Learning Disabled’. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.<br />

Spear-Swerling, L. and Sternberg, R. J. (1998). ‘Curing our ‘epidemic’ of learning disabilities.<br />

Phi Delta Kappan, 79(5), 397–4<strong>01</strong>.<br />

Spinelli, D., Angelelli, P., De Luca, M., Di Pace, E., Judica, A. and Zoccolotti, P. (1997).<br />

‘Developmental surface dyslexia is not associated with deficits in the transient visual system.’<br />

NeuroReport, 8(8), 1807–1812.

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