Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board

Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board

Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board


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<strong>Exempt</strong> <strong>organizations</strong><br />

may be requested on the basis of support received<br />

since incorporation. §§1.508–1, 1.509(a)–3.<br />

(Secs. 508, 509; ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-469, 1977-2 C.B. 196.<br />

210.65 Status; application for recognition.<br />

An organization that is organized and operated<br />

exclusively for charitable purposes and is not a<br />

private foundation applied for recognition of its<br />

exempt status six years after it was incorporated.<br />

During its first three taxable years the organization’s<br />

aggregate gross receipts were less than<br />

$15,000. During the fourth year its aggregate<br />

gross receipts for that year and the preceding two<br />

taxable years were greater than $15,000. The organization<br />

is not exempt under section 501(c)(3)<br />

from the beginning of its fourth year until the date<br />

it filed the required notice. Consideration will be<br />

given in applying the Commissioner’s discretionary<br />

authority under reg. 1.9100-1 to extend the<br />

time for satisfying the notice requirement.<br />

§§1.508-1, 1.9100-1. (Sec. 508, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 80-259, 1980-2 C.B. 192.<br />

210.66 Status; application for recognition.<br />

An organization that is organized and operated<br />

exclusively for charitable purposes and is not a<br />

private foundation filed Form 1023 more than 90<br />

days after the end of its second taxable year. The<br />

organization’s gross receipts for the first taxable<br />

year were less than $7,500 but its aggregate gross<br />

receipts for the first and second taxable years<br />

exceeded $12,000. The organization did not satisfy<br />

the test under regs. 1.508–1(a)(3)(ii)(b) and is<br />

not exempt under section 501(c)(3) from the date<br />

it was incorporated until the date it filed the<br />

required notice. Consideration will be given to<br />

applying the Commissioner’s discretionary<br />

authority under regs. 1.9100-1 to extend the time<br />

for satisfying the notice requirement. §§1.508-1,<br />

1.9100-1. (Sec. 508, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 81-177, 1981-2 C.B. 132.<br />

210.67 Status; application for recognition;<br />

change in enabling instrument; 15-month notification<br />

period. Examples illustrate the effective<br />

date for recognition of exemption under section<br />

501(c)(3) when an organization makes a non-substantive<br />

amendment to its enabling instrument.<br />

The examples involve the computation of the<br />

15-month notification period under reg.<br />

1.508–1(a)(2)(i). Rev. Proc. 84-46 amplified.<br />

§§1.501(c)(3)-1, 1.508-1(a), 1.9100-1. (Sec.<br />

601.201, S.P.R.; Secs. 501, 508, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 84-47, 1984-1 C.B. 545.<br />

210.68 Status; application for recognition;<br />

date of filing The date of notice for purposes of<br />

section 508(a) is the date of the U.S. postmark<br />

stamped on the cover in which an exemption<br />

application is mailed or, if no postmark appears on<br />

the cover, the date the application is stamped as<br />

received by the Service. §§1.508–1, 301.7502-1.<br />

(Secs. 508, 7502; ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-114, 1977-1 C.B. 152.<br />

210.69 Status; application for recognition;<br />

FICA exemption. Forms SS-15 and SS-15a, filed<br />

in 1961 by a nonprofit charitable organization to<br />

waive its exemption from social security taxes<br />

pursuant to section 3121(k) were valid when filed<br />

even though the organization did not file an<br />

application for recognition of its section 501(c)(3)<br />

status until 1976. §1.501(a)–1. (Sec. 501, 3121;<br />

’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-315, 1977-2 C.B. 355.<br />

210.70 Status; application for recognition;<br />

requirements. Application instructions and<br />

requirements are provided for exemption from<br />

federal income tax under section 501(c)(25) of the<br />

Code.<br />

Notice 87-18, 1987-1 C.B. 455.<br />

210.71 Status; application for recognition;<br />

untimely notice. An organization that otherwise<br />

qualifies for exemption under both sections<br />

501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) filed the notice required<br />

by section 508(a) more than 15 months after the<br />

end of the month in which it was organized. The<br />

organization may apply for and obtain exemption<br />

under section 501(c)(4) from the date of its inception<br />

to the date the exemption under section<br />

501(c)(3) becomes effective. §§1.501(c)(3)-1,<br />

1.501(c)(4)-1, 1.508-1. (Secs. 501, 508; ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 80-108, 1980-1 C.B. 119.<br />

210.72 Subsidiary of exempt parent. A separately<br />

incorporated subsidiary of an exempt organization<br />

may not consider itself exempt merely<br />

because of its relationship to the exempt parent.<br />

Further, the inclusion of the financial information<br />

of the subsidiary on the information return of the<br />

parent does not satisfy the reporting requirements<br />

of the subsidiary. §§1.501(a)–1, 1.6033–1. (Secs.<br />

501, 6033; ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 67-174, 1967-1 C.B. 119.<br />

210.73 Title holding corporations or trusts;<br />

application instructions and requirements.<br />

Notice 87–18 is modified and supplemented to<br />

allow certain corporations to include organizational<br />

provisions in by-laws instead of articles of<br />

incorporation, and to provide additional requirements<br />

with respect to holdings and activities of<br />

section 501(c)(25) <strong>organizations</strong>.<br />

Notice 88-121, 1988-2 C.B. 457.<br />

210.74 Transition rules; lobbying expenses.<br />

With respect to dues assessed or received by certain<br />

tax-exempt <strong>organizations</strong> before 1994, that<br />

are allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political<br />

expenditures paid or incurred after 1993, the<br />

<strong>organizations</strong> may provide their members with<br />

required notices. In lieu of paying a tax on those<br />

expenditures, an organization may adjust notices<br />

provided for the following taxable year.<br />

Notice 93-55, 1993-2 C.B. 339.<br />

Instrumentalities of United States<br />

212.1 National farm loan associations. The<br />

Revenue Act of 1951 does not affect the exempt<br />

status of national farm loan associations. (Sec.<br />

101, ’39 Code; Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 133, 1953-2 C.B. 155.<br />

212.2 Nonappropriated welfare fund; Armed<br />

Forces. A nonappropriated welfare fund, established<br />

and operated under Armed Forces Regulations,<br />

is considered an activity of the U.S. Government<br />

and is exempt from tax; it is not required to<br />

file an application for exemption or to file income<br />

tax returns. §1.501(a)–1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 67-249, 1967-2 C.B. 179.<br />

212.3 Railroad partially owned by R.F.C. A<br />

reorganized railroad company which has issued all<br />

its first mortgage bonds and the majority of its<br />

shares of common stock to the Reconstruction<br />

Finance Corporation in satisfaction of a debt, and<br />

has also issued and set aside shares of its common<br />

stock for subscription through warrants issued to<br />

private creditors, is not exempt from tax.<br />

§§39.22(a)-1, 39.101(14)-1. (Secs. 22(a), 101,<br />

’39 Code; Secs. 61, 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 56-93, 1956-1 C.B. 601.<br />

Private foundations<br />

214.1 Adjusted net income; pre-1970 principal<br />

and interest received. Repayments of principal<br />

received by a private foundation in taxable<br />

years beginning after 1969 on loans made in prior<br />

years to individuals for charitable purposes are not<br />

includable in its gross income to determine its<br />

adjusted net income for purposes of section<br />

4942(f). However, payments of interest on such<br />

loans are includible. §53.4942(a)-2. (Sec. 4942,<br />

’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 75-443, 1975-2 C.B. 449.<br />

214.2 Animal clinic. An exempt organization<br />

that maintains a free clinic for animals does not<br />

qualify as a hospital or an organization that provides<br />

medical or hospital care within the meaning<br />

of section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii) and is a private<br />

foundation. §§1.170A-9, 1.509(a)-2. (Secs. 170,<br />

509; ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 74-572, 1974-2 C.B. 82.<br />

214.3 Appeal of certain taxes. Procedures set<br />

forth the appeal process regarding certain taxes<br />

imposed on exempt <strong>organizations</strong> and farmers<br />

cooperatives and on certain individuals subject to<br />

the excise taxes imposed under Chapter 42 of<br />

Code relating to private foundations.<br />

§§1.501(a)-1, 1.507-1, 1.511-1, 1.521-1,<br />

1.641(a)-1, 1.1383-1, 53. 4941(a)-1,<br />

53.4941(b)-1, 53.4944-1, 53.4944-2, 53.4945-1,<br />

53.4947-1. (Sec. 601.105, S.P.R.; Secs. 501, 507,<br />

511, 521, 527, 641, 1383, 4941, 4944, 4945, 4947,<br />

’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 77-31, 1977–2 C.B. 540.<br />

214.4 Association of churches; different<br />

denominations. An exempt organization whose<br />

membership is comprised of churches of different<br />

denominations qualifies as an association of<br />

churches within the meaning of section<br />

170(b)(1)(A)(i) for purposes of classification as an<br />

organization that is not a “private foundation”.<br />

§§1.170A-9, 1.509(a)-3. (Secs. 170, 509; ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 74-224, 1974–1 C.B. 61.<br />

214.5 Blood bank; hospitals collecting fees.<br />

Hospitals that receive blood from a nonprofit<br />

blood bank under an agreement making each hospital<br />

responsible for collecting payment for the<br />

blood and remitting the payments to the blood<br />

bank, and requiring the hospital to pay for the<br />

blood if it fails to collect from the patient, are acting<br />

as agents for the blood bank. These amounts<br />

the hospital collects are treated as received by the<br />

blood bank directly from patients in determining<br />

if it satisfies the one-third support test under section<br />

509(a)(2)(A)(ii) as an organization not a private<br />

foundation. §1.509(a)–3. (Sec. 509, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 75–387, 1975–2 C.B. 216.<br />

214.6 Charitable trusts; filing requirements.<br />

Filing requirements for charitable and split-interest<br />

trusts are provided. Rev. Proc. 73–29 superseded.<br />

(Sec. 601.602, S.P.R.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 83-32, 1983–1 C.B. 723.<br />

214.7 Charitable trusts; nonexempt; investment<br />

income; unrelated income. Unrelated business<br />

income taxable under section 641(a) is not<br />

includable in the gross investment income of a section<br />

4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust in<br />

determining the tax on its investment income.<br />

§53.4940-1. (Sec. 4940, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 74-497, 1974-2 C.B. 383.<br />

214.8 Charitable trusts; nonexempt; substantial<br />

contributor. An organization that is a<br />

nonexempt charitable trust described in section<br />

4947(a)(1) that has made contributions to a private<br />

foundation in excess of the limitation in section<br />

507(d)(2) is not a “substantial contributor” within<br />

the meaning of that section for purposes of the tax<br />

on self-dealing under section 4941. The exception<br />

provided in reg. 1.507–6(a)(2) for section<br />

501(c)(3) <strong>organizations</strong> also applies to nonexempt<br />

charitable trusts described in section 4947(a)(1).<br />

§1.507-6. (Sec. 507, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 73-455, 1973-2 C.B. 187.<br />

214.9 Controlled by community trust; contribution<br />

limitation. A trust is operated, supervised,<br />

and controlled by the distribution committee<br />

of a community trust. Each individual donor to<br />

the trust has the right to designate charitable recipients<br />

of the income and corpus of the trust attributable<br />

to the donor’s contribution. The trust is<br />

described in section 170(b)(1)(D) (iii), and the 50

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