Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board

Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board

Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board


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supplies to the sorority and its member chapters,<br />

neither the sorority nor its chapters can qualify for<br />

exemption as a social club or a civic or social welfare<br />

organization. §§1.501(c)(4)-1,<br />

1.501(c)(7)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 66-360, 1966-2 C.B. 228.<br />

218.506 Nurses’ association; maintaining<br />

employment registry. A nurses’ association<br />

which maintains an employment registry primarily<br />

for the employment of members is not entitled<br />

to exemption as a charitable organization or as a<br />

business league since its primary purpose is the<br />

operation of a regular business of a kind ordinarily<br />

carried on for profit and it is engaged in rendering<br />

particular services for individual persons rather<br />

than promoting the general business conditions of<br />

the nursing profession. Rev. Rul. 55-656 distinguished.<br />

Distinguished by Rev. Rul. 80-287.<br />

§§1.501(c)(3)-1, 1.501(c)(6)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 61-170, 1961-2 C.B. 112.<br />

218.507 Nursing bureau. A community nursing<br />

bureau operated as a community project,<br />

which maintains a nonprofit register of qualified<br />

nursing personnel, including graduate nurses,<br />

unregistered nursing school graduates, licensed<br />

attendants and practical nurses, for the benefit of<br />

hospitals, health agencies, doctors and individuals,<br />

which receives its primary financial support<br />

from various community <strong>organizations</strong> and public<br />

contributions, qualifies for exemption. Distinguished<br />

by Rev. Rul. 61-170. §1.501(c)(3)-1.<br />

(Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 55-656, 1955-2 C.B. 262.<br />

218.508 Oil production payments acquired<br />

with borrowed funds. A nonprofit organization<br />

may qualify for exemption from tax where it<br />

obtains funds for charitable grants and contributions<br />

through acquisition, with borrowed money,<br />

of oil and gas production payments.<br />

§1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 66-296, 1966-2 C.B. 215.<br />

218.509 Pension to retired employees. An<br />

organization created pursuant to the will of a<br />

stockholder of a company to pay pensions to all<br />

retired employees of that company does not qualify<br />

for exemption. §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 68-422, 1968-2 C.B. 207.<br />

218.510 Police-firemen’s benefit association.<br />

A corporation organized and operated exclusively<br />

for the benefit of dependent widows and children<br />

of policemen or firemen killed in the line of duty<br />

may, under certain circumstances, qualify for<br />

exemption as a charitable organization.<br />

§1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 55-406, 1955-1 C.B. 73.<br />

218.511 Political; separate bank account. A<br />

separate bank account used by a candidate for state<br />

public office to receive deposits of political campaign<br />

funds that are disbursed only for bona fide<br />

political campaign expenses qualifies as a political<br />

organization under section 527. (Sec. 527, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 79-11, 1979-1 C.B. 207.<br />

218.512 Political activities; assisting in transition<br />

of office of Governor. A nonprofit organization<br />

formed to implement an orderly change<br />

of administration of the office of Governor of a<br />

State by assisting the Governor-elect, during the<br />

period between his election and inauguration in<br />

screening and selecting applicants for State<br />

appointive offices and preparing a legislative message<br />

and program reflecting the party’s platform<br />

and budget, is an “action” organization, and does<br />

not qualify for exemption. §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec.<br />

501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 74-117, 1974-1 C.B. 128.<br />

218.513 Political activities; newsletter publication;<br />

congressional voting records. Certain<br />

publications in a nonpartisan newsletter of congressional<br />

incumbents’ voting records on selected<br />

issues do not constitute participation or intervention<br />

in any political campaign. Rev. Rul. 78–248<br />

amplified. §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 80-282, 1980-2 C.B. 178.<br />

218.514 Political campaign practices. An<br />

organization formed to elevate the standards of<br />

ethics and morality in the conduct of political campaigns<br />

that disseminates information concerning<br />

general campaign practices, furnishes teaching<br />

aids to political science and civics teachers, and<br />

publicizes its proposed code of fair campaign<br />

practices without soliciting the signing or<br />

endorsement of the code by candidates qualifies as<br />

an educational organization. Rev. Ruls. 60-193<br />

modified and 66-258 superseded. §1.501(c)(3)–1.<br />

(Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 76-456, 1976-2 C.B. 151.<br />

218.515 Political education organization. A<br />

corporation created to encourage greater participation<br />

in government and political affairs through<br />

the use of seminars, non-partisan workshops, and<br />

through the distribution of educational materials<br />

does not qualify for exemption as an educational<br />

organization but may qualify as a social welfare<br />

organization. Modified by Rev. Rul. 76-456.<br />

§1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 60-193, 1960-1 C.B. 195.<br />

218.516 Political education organization. An<br />

organization which, as its primary objective,<br />

advocates the adoption of a doctrine or theory<br />

which can become effective only by the enactment<br />

of legislation is not entitled to exemption since it<br />

is an “action” organization and thus is not operated<br />

exclusively for educational purposes.<br />

§1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 62-71, 1962-1 C.B. 85.<br />

218.517 Premiums paid on assigned life<br />

insurance policy. A section 501(c)(3) organization<br />

will not lose its exempt status if it accepts, and<br />

pays premiums on an assigned life insurance<br />

policy in which the assignor retains the right to<br />

select the method of payment of the proceeds due<br />

upon his death. §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 67-381, 1967-2 C.B. 189.<br />

218.518 Preservation of buildings having historical<br />

or architectural significance. A nonprofit<br />

organization formed to promote an appreciation<br />

of history through the acquisition,<br />

restoration, and preservation of homes, churches,<br />

and public buildings having special historical or<br />

architectural significance and to open the structures<br />

for viewing by the general public qualifies<br />

for exemption. §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 75-470, 1975-2 C.B. 207.<br />

218.519 Preservation of properties having<br />

historical or architectural significance. An<br />

organization formed for the purposes of preserving<br />

the historic or architectural character of a community<br />

through the acquisition and occasional restoration<br />

of historically or architecturally<br />

significant properties, and subsequent disposition<br />

of these properties qualifies for exemption under<br />

section 501(c)(3). §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 86-49, 1986-1 C.B. 243.<br />

218.520 Prevention of cruelty to animals;<br />

birth control. A nonprofit organization formed to<br />

prevent the overbreeding of cats and dogs by providing<br />

funds to pet owners who wish to have their<br />

pets spayed or neutered but cannot afford the cost<br />

of such operations qualifies for exemption.<br />

§1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 74-194, 1974-1 C.B. 129.<br />

<strong>Exempt</strong> <strong>organizations</strong><br />

218.521 Prevention of cruelty to animals; legislative<br />

activities. An organization operated for<br />

the prevention of cruelty to animals, exempt under<br />

section 501(c)(4), is not exempt under section<br />

501(c)(3) if it substantially engages in promoting<br />

legislation for the humane treatment of animals,<br />

even though the legislation it advocates may be<br />

beneficial to the community, and even though<br />

most of its attempts to influence legislation may be<br />

indirect. Contributions to it are not deductible.<br />

§§1.170-2, 1.501(c)(3)-1, 1.501(c)(4)-1. (Secs.<br />

170, 501; ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 67–293, 1967–2 C.B. 185.<br />

218.522 Prevention of cruelty to children. An<br />

organization formed and operated for the purpose<br />

of preventing children from working in hazardous<br />

trades or occupations in violation of state laws, to<br />

protect children, and eliminate conditions detrimental<br />

to them, the income of which is derived<br />

from contributions solicited from the public<br />

through various agencies, is exempt from tax. I.T.<br />

2143 superseded. §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 67-151, 1967-1 C.B. 134.<br />

218.523 Private club operated by motel. A<br />

private club, controlled by the owners of an<br />

adjoining motel, which provides entertainment<br />

and operates a cocktail lounge as an integral part<br />

of the motel business does not qualify for exemption<br />

as a social club. §1.501(c)(7)-1. (Sec. 501,<br />

’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 66-225, 1966–2 C.B. 227.<br />

218.524 Private foundation; governing<br />

instrument provision; dissolution requirements.<br />

Provisions in an organization’s governing<br />

instrument that satisfy the requirements of section<br />

508(e), for purposes of qualification for exemption<br />

under section 501(a) as a private foundation,<br />

are not in themselves sufficient to meet the<br />

requirement of reg. 1.501(c)(3)-1(b)(4), that upon<br />

dissolution, the organization’s assets be dedicated<br />

to an exempt purpose. §§1.501(c)(3)-1, 1.508-3,<br />

53.4947-1. (Secs. 501, 508, 4947; ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 85-160, 1985-2 C.B. 162.<br />

218.525 Private hospital rooms. An otherwise<br />

qualifying organization that makes a private hospital<br />

room available to patients who can benefit<br />

medically from a private room but who cannot<br />

afford the expense of such a room is operated<br />

exclusively for charitable purposes and is exempt<br />

from tax. §1.501(c)(3)-1. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 79-358, 1979-2 C.B. 225.<br />

218.526 Private school; racially discriminatory.<br />

Private schools that practice racial discrimination<br />

do not qualify as tax-exempt <strong>organizations</strong><br />

under section 501(c)(3). Contributions to such<br />

schools are not deductible under section 170.<br />

(Secs. 170, 501; ’86 Code.)<br />

Bob Jones University, 461 U. S., Ct. D. 2018,<br />

1983–28 I.R.B. 8.<br />

218.527 Private schools; racially discriminatory.<br />

Respondents lack standing to bring suit<br />

charging the federal tax exemption granted to<br />

racially discriminatory private schools in their<br />

communities impairs their ability to have their<br />

public schools desecrated. (Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Allen v. Wright, 468 U. S., Ct. D. 2027, 1984-2<br />

C.B. 106.<br />

218.528 Private school; racially nondiscriminatory<br />

policy. A private school that does not have<br />

a racially nondiscriminatory policy as to students<br />

does not qualify for exemption. §§1.501(c)(3)-1.<br />

(Sec. 501, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 71-447, 1971-2 C.B. 230.<br />

218.529 Professional standards review. An<br />

organization was established to perform the services<br />

of a professional standards review organization<br />

(PSRO) pursuant to section 249F of the Social<br />

Security Amendments of 1972, and was desig-

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