Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board

Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board

Exempt organizations - Uncle Fed's Tax*Board


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<strong>Exempt</strong> <strong>organizations</strong><br />

214.142 Supporting organization; integral<br />

part test. Reports of the type described in the<br />

example in reg. 1.509(a)-4(i)(3)(iii)(d), submitted<br />

by the trustee to each of the beneficiaries of a charitable<br />

trust, will not alone satisfy the attentiveness<br />

requirement of the integral part test. §1.509(a)-4.<br />

(Sec. 509, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 76-32, 1976-1 C.B. 160.<br />

214.143 Supporting organization; integral<br />

part test. An exempt trust whose trust instrument<br />

designates a bank as sole trustee and provides that<br />

75 percent of the trust income be distributed annually<br />

to a specified church with the remaining 25<br />

percent to accumulate until the original corpus<br />

doubles, at which time the entire annual income is<br />

to be distributed to the church, does not satisfy the<br />

“substantially all” requirement of the integral part<br />

test set forth in reg. 1.509(a)-4(i)(3)(iii)(a) and is<br />

not a supporting organization. §1.509(a)-4. (Sec.<br />

509, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 76-208, 1976-1 C.B. 161.<br />

214.144 Supporting organization; organizational<br />

test. The trust’s articles of organization, the<br />

decedent’s will, require that the net income of the<br />

trust be used “for the purpose of paying for the<br />

education at Yale College of such graduates of<br />

Duxbury, Massachusetts, High School, or bona<br />

fide residents of Duxbury.” The organizational<br />

test of section 509(a)(3) is met. §1.509(a)–4. (Sec.<br />

509, ’86 Code.)<br />

Warren M. Goodspeed Scholarship Fund, 70<br />

T.C. 515, Nonacq., 1981-1 C.B. 2.<br />

214.145 Taxable expenditure; awards including<br />

travel or study. Grants made by a private<br />

foundation primarily in recognition of past<br />

achievement, with the funds being unrestricted, or<br />

earmarked for subsequent travel or study and<br />

meeting the requirements of section 4945(g), are<br />

not taxable expenditures. §53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945,<br />

’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-380, 1977-2 C.B. 419.<br />

214.146 Taxable expenditure; compensation<br />

to research assistants by an individual grantee.<br />

The payment of compensation to research assistants<br />

by an individual grantee of a private foundation,<br />

where the grantee controls the selection of<br />

these persons independently of the grantor private<br />

foundation and where the private foundation’s<br />

grant-making procedures satisfy the requirements<br />

of section 4945(g), does not constitute a grant<br />

within the meaning of section 4945(d)(3).<br />

§53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 81–293, 1981–2 C.B. 218.<br />

214.147 Taxable expenditure; craft competition.<br />

An unconditional and unrestricted grant by<br />

a private foundation to the winner of a competition<br />

conducted among students attending schools specializing<br />

in teaching a special craft is not a taxable<br />

expenditure. Rev. Rul. 75–393 modified.<br />

§53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 76-460, 1976-2 C.B. 371.<br />

214.148 Taxable expenditure; educational<br />

grants; request for approval. A private foundation<br />

submitted a request for approval of its grantmaking<br />

procedures to the Service, did not receive<br />

a reply within 45 days, and considered the procedures<br />

to be approved under reg. 53.4945-4(d)(3).<br />

Later, the foundation was notified by the Service<br />

that its grant-making program did not conform to<br />

the requirements of section 4945(g). After receipt<br />

of the disapproval notification, the remaining<br />

installments of fixed-sum grants awarded during<br />

the period the foundation’s procedures were<br />

deemed approved are not taxable expenditures;<br />

however, the renewals of any grants awarded during<br />

such period are taxable expenditures.<br />

§53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 81-46, 1981-1 C.B. 514.<br />

214.149 Taxable expenditure; educational<br />

loans. Long-term, low-interest educational loans<br />

made by a private foundation under a program that<br />

specifically limits the use of the funds to furtherance<br />

of the recipient’s education at an educational<br />

institution described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)<br />

are individual grants. §53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945, ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-434, 1977-2 C.B. 420.<br />

214.150 Taxable expenditure; educational<br />

loans; employer-related. Guidelines are provided<br />

for determining whether educational loans<br />

made by private foundations under employer-related<br />

loan programs are taxable expenditures.<br />

Modified by Rev. Proc. 83-36. §§53.4945-4,<br />

301.7805-1. (Sec. 601.602, S.P.R.; Secs. 4945,<br />

7805, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 80-39, 1980-2 C.B. 772.<br />

214.151 Taxable expenditure; employer-related<br />

educational grant and loan programs.<br />

Procedures are provided for determining whether<br />

children of employees are eligible recipients of<br />

employer-related educational grants or loans of a<br />

private foundation for purposes of the 10 percent<br />

tests of Rev. Procs. 76-47 and 80-39. Rev. Procs.<br />

76-47 and 80-39 clarified. §§1.117-1,<br />

53.4945-4. (Sec. 601.602, S.P.R.; Secs. 117, 4945,<br />

’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 85-51, 1985-2 C.B. 717.<br />

214.152 Taxable expenditure; employer-related<br />

educational loans; scholarship and fellowship<br />

grants. Publicizing a private foundation’s<br />

employer-related grant or loan program in<br />

the employer’s newsletter, distributed to all<br />

employees of the company, will not violate the<br />

requirements of Rev. Procs. 76-47 or 80-39 if the<br />

foundation is clearly identified as the grantor of<br />

the awards. Rev. Procs. 76-47 and 80-39 clarified.<br />

§§1.117-1, 53.4945-4. (Sec. 601.602, S.P.R.;<br />

Secs. 117, 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 81-65, 1981-2 C.B. 690.<br />

214.153 Taxable expenditure; grant to<br />

another organization omitted from return. A<br />

private foundation that failed to list on its original<br />

annual information return a grant to an organization<br />

not described in either section 509(a)(1), (2),<br />

or (3), but corrected the omission on an amended<br />

return filed after the due date, has failed to exercise<br />

the expenditure responsibility requirements of<br />

section 4945(h)(3) with respect to the grant, and<br />

the grant is a taxable expenditure. §53.4945–5.<br />

(Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-213, 1977–1 C.B. 357.<br />

214.154 Taxable expenditure; grant to instrumentality<br />

of political subdivision. A grant for<br />

exclusively charitable purposes made by a private<br />

foundation to a wholly owned instrumentality of<br />

a political subdivision of a state is not a taxable<br />

expenditure under section 4945(d)(4) even if the<br />

foundation does not exercise expenditure responsibility<br />

over the grant. §53.4945–5. (Sec. 4945,<br />

’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 81-125, 1981-1 C.B. 515.<br />

214.155 Taxable expenditure; literary<br />

awards. An award by a private foundation to the<br />

person who has written the best work of literary<br />

criticism during the preceding year, whether it is<br />

an article, essay, treatise, or book, is not a taxable<br />

expenditure. §53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 75-393, 1975-2 C.B. 451.<br />

214.156 Taxable expenditure; loan to disqualified<br />

person. A loan by a private foundation to<br />

a disqualified person that constitutes an act of selfdealing<br />

but otherwise is a permissible expenditure,<br />

is not a taxable expenditure. §53.4945-6.<br />

(Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-161, 1977-1 C.B. 358.<br />

214.157 Taxable expenditure; payments to<br />

consultants. Payments to consultants by a private<br />

foundation for personal services performed in the<br />

development of model curricula and design of<br />

educational materials to aid the foundation in its<br />

program activity of assisting educators to employ<br />

improved educational methods are not grants<br />

within the meaning of section 4945(d)(3).<br />

§53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 74-125, 1974–1 C.B. 327.<br />

214.158 Taxable expenditure; payments to<br />

students. Grants made on an objective and nondiscriminatory<br />

basis by a private foundation to<br />

worthy college students who acknowledge that<br />

they plan to teach in a particular State after graduation<br />

satisfy the requirements of section 4945(g)<br />

and are not taxable expenditures under section<br />

4945(d)(3); however, they are grants to achieve<br />

specific objectives as described in section<br />

4945(g)(3) rather than grants constituting scholarships<br />

as described in section 4945(g)(1).<br />

§53.4945-4. (Secs. 117, 4945; ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 77-44, 1977-1 C.B. 353.<br />

214.159 Taxable expenditure; scholarship<br />

grants. A private foundation that made grants to<br />

individuals after 45 days from the date it submitted<br />

an exemption application in accordance with procedures<br />

fully disclosed in its application did not<br />

make taxable expenditures under section 4945,<br />

even though the foundation did not specifically<br />

request advance approval of its procedures.<br />

§53.4945-4. (Sec. 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 86-77, 1986-1 C.B. 334.<br />

214.160 Taxable expenditure; scholarship<br />

grants. Grants awarded by a private foundation<br />

under an employer-related program are scholarships<br />

under section 117(a), even though the grants<br />

will be awarded without regard to the percentage<br />

guidelines of section 4.08 of Rev. Proc. 76-47.<br />

Therefore, grants awarded under the program will<br />

be described in section 4945(g)(1) and will not be<br />

taxable expenditures under section 4945(d)(3).<br />

§1.117-1, 53.4945-4. (Secs. 117, 4945; ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 86-90, 1986-2 C.B. 184.<br />

214.161 Taxable expenditure; scholarships;<br />

deceased or retired employees. For purposes of<br />

sections 117(a) and 4945(g)(1), a private foundation’s<br />

scholarship program for children of<br />

deceased or retired employees of a particular company<br />

is an “employer-related grant program” to<br />

which the guidelines of Rev. Proc. 76-47 apply.<br />

§§1.117-1, 53.4945-4, (Secs. 117, 4945; ’86<br />

Code.)<br />

Rev. Rul. 79-365, 1979-2 C.B. 389.<br />

214.162 Taxable expenditure; scholarships<br />

and fellowships. Guidelines are provided to<br />

determine whether a grant made by a private<br />

foundation under an employer-related grant program<br />

to an employee to which the program relates<br />

is a taxable expenditure or a scholarship or fellowship<br />

grant. Amplified by Rev. Proc. 77–32. Clarified<br />

by Rev. Proc. 81–65. Modified by Rev. Proc.<br />

83-36. §§1.117-1, 53.4945-4. (Sec. 601.602,<br />

S.P.R.; Secs. 117, 4945, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 76-47, 1976–2 C.B. 670.<br />

214.163 Taxable expenditure; scholarships<br />

and fellowships. Rules are provided under which<br />

private foundations may continue to rely on ruling<br />

letters issued prior to December 27, 1976, approving<br />

their employer-related scholarship programs.<br />

Rev. Proc. 76-47 amplified. §§53.4945-4,<br />

301.7805-1. (Sec. 601.201, S.P.R.; Secs. 4945,<br />

7805, ’86 Code.)<br />

Rev. Proc. 77-32, 1977–2 C.B. 541.<br />

214.164 Taxable expenditure; scholarships<br />

and fellowships; employer-related. A private<br />

foundation that was created and funded by a forprofit<br />

company grants scholarships, based on<br />

objective standards, for the education of children

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