Chapter 4 The Wavelike Properties of Particles

Chapter 4 The Wavelike Properties of Particles Chapter 4 The Wavelike Properties of Particles


Chapter 4 The Wavelike Properties of Particles Read Chapter 4 of the hand-written notes. 4.1 De Broglie’s Hypothesis De Broglie’s Wavelength The wavelength of any particle, with or without mass, is related to the magnitude of its momentum. p, by the relation: λ = h p . (4.1) Energy of a Particle in Terms of its Frequency E = hν = ω (4.2) Momentum of a Particle in Terms of its Wavenumber c⃗p = hνˆn = ⃗ k = cˆn/λ (4.3) where ˆn is a unit vector in the direction of the particle. 1

<strong>Chapter</strong> 4<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Wavelike</strong> <strong>Properties</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Particles</strong><br />

Read <strong>Chapter</strong> 4 <strong>of</strong> the hand-written notes.<br />

4.1 De Broglie’s Hypothesis<br />

De Broglie’s Wavelength<br />

<strong>The</strong> wavelength <strong>of</strong> any particle, with or without mass, is related to the magnitude <strong>of</strong> its<br />

momentum. p, by the relation:<br />

λ = h p . (4.1)<br />

Energy <strong>of</strong> a Particle in Terms <strong>of</strong> its Frequency<br />

E = hν<br />

= ω (4.2)<br />

Momentum <strong>of</strong> a Particle in Terms <strong>of</strong> its Wavenumber<br />

c⃗p = hνˆn<br />

= ⃗ k<br />

= cˆn/λ (4.3)<br />

where ˆn is a unit vector in the direction <strong>of</strong> the particle.<br />



4.2 Uncertainty Relationships for Classical Waves<br />

4.3 Heisenberg Uncertainty Relationships<br />

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relationships<br />

∆p x ∆x ≥ /2<br />

∆p y ∆y ≥ /2<br />

∆p z ∆z ≥ /2<br />

∆E∆t ≥ /2 (4.4)<br />

4.4 Wave Packets<br />

<strong>The</strong> general form for a wavepacket moving along the x-axis is given by:<br />

f(x, t) = 1 √<br />

2π<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

dk A(k) e i[kx−ω(k)t] , (4.5)<br />

where A(k) represents the “strength” <strong>of</strong> the contribution <strong>of</strong> wave number k to the formation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the packet. In complete generality, the frequency ω can be a function <strong>of</strong> the wavenumber,<br />

so we write its dependence on k explicitly as ω(k).<br />

<strong>The</strong> expression (4.5) is a “Fourier” transform. If we know the wavenumber spectrum, A(k),<br />

we can form its wavepacket, f(x, t). Conversely, if we know the shape <strong>of</strong> the wavepacket at<br />

t = 0, we can determine the wavenumber spectrum by using the inverse property <strong>of</strong> Fourier<br />

transforms. and computing:<br />

A(k) = 1 √<br />

2π<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

dxf(x, 0) e −ikx . (4.6)<br />

If we set t = 0 in (4.5) and substitute for A(k) from (4.6), we get, after some rearranging:<br />

f(x, 0) =<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

dx ′ f(x ′ , 0)<br />

( ) ∫ 1 ∞<br />

dk e ik(x−x′) . (4.7)<br />

2π −∞<br />

We must get the same function back, so this identifies one form <strong>of</strong> the Dirac “δ-function”<br />

commonly seen when doing Fourier transforms, namely:<br />

δ(x − x ′ ) = 1<br />

2π<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

dk e ik(x−x′) . (4.8)

4.4. WAVE PACKETS 3<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many forms <strong>of</strong> Dirac’s δ-function. It has the peculiar property that:<br />

f(x) =<br />

∫ x2<br />

as long as x 1 < x < x 2 , and zero otherwise.<br />

x 1<br />

dx ′ δ(x ′ − x)f(x ′ ) , (4.9)<br />

Another form <strong>of</strong> the δ-function commonly seen in Fourier transform analysis is<br />

δ(k − k ′ ) = 1 ∫ ∞<br />

dxe i(k−k′ )x . (4.10)<br />

2π −∞<br />

Uncertainty Relationship<br />

It can be shown from the general properties <strong>of</strong> Fourier transforms that:<br />

(Note to self: Pro<strong>of</strong> to follow at some later date.)<br />

Multiplying by gives Heisenberg’s uncertainty relationship:<br />

∆x∆k ≥ 1 2 . (4.11)<br />

∆x∆p ≥ 2 . (4.12)<br />

Group Velocity<br />

Consider now, (4.5), and imagine that the frequencies are strongly centered on some principle<br />

frequency k 0 , and that it is weakly dispersive, so that we may write in a Taylor expansion:<br />

ω(k) = ω(k 0 ) +<br />

and substitute this back into (4.5) and obtain:<br />

f(x, t) ≈ 1 √<br />

2π<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

( ) dω<br />

(k − k 0 ) · · · , (4.13)<br />

dk<br />

k=k 0<br />

dk A(k) e i[kx−ω 0t−v g(k−k 0 )t] , (4.14)<br />

where ω 0 = ω(k 0 ) and v g = ( )<br />

dω<br />

dk k=k 0<br />

. <strong>The</strong> above can be rearranged to give:<br />

f(x, t) ≈ ei(k 0v g−ω 0 )t<br />

√<br />

2π<br />

∫ ∞<br />

−∞<br />

dk A(k) e ik(x−vgt) , (4.15)


or,<br />

f(x, t) ≈ f(x − v g t, 0)e i(k 0v g−ω 0 )t , (4.16)<br />

which, apart from the overall phase term in the exponential, looks like the original shape <strong>of</strong><br />

f(x, t) at t = 0 moving with velocity v g . This is the “group” velocity for a general, weakly<br />

dispersive wavepacket.<br />

Does it make sense? If we identify the energy <strong>of</strong> a wave as E = ω and the magnitude <strong>of</strong> its<br />

momentum as p = k, we can identify the group velocity as<br />

v g = dω<br />

dk = dω<br />

dk = dE<br />

dp . (4.17)<br />

<strong>The</strong> group velocity <strong>of</strong> a photon (E = cp) is c, for a non-relativistic particle with mass m<br />

[E = p 2 /(2m)] it is p/m (or what we have called v), and for a relativistic particle with mass<br />

m [E 2 − (cp) 2 = (mc 2 ) 2 ] it is pc 2 /E, also what we have been calling v. So, it does make<br />

sense!<br />

4.5 Probability and Randomness<br />

4.6 <strong>The</strong> Probability Amplitude

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