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BRT<br />

Monday wednesday<br />

BRT Enabling Technologies<br />

8:30 - 10 a.m.<br />

Grand Ballroom A, Level 2<br />

You might not need these technologies to have a<br />

successful BRT application, but they sure help.<br />

There are many technologies that can assist with operating<br />

a BRT system. Some agencies have deployed Vehicle<br />

Guidance, Transit Signal Priority, and ITS technologies with<br />

good results and some have learned some valuable lessons.<br />

This session will provide clues to how technologies can<br />

enhance the BRT experience and what provides the biggest<br />

bang for the buck.<br />

Related TCRP Documents: R-90, R-117, R-118 (See page 16<br />

for details.)<br />

Moder at or<br />

• Amy L. Van Doren, director of operations, Marin County<br />

Transit District, San Rafael, CA<br />

T he T echnol ogy E vol u t ion t h at is Occurring a nd How i t<br />

C a n Hel p BR T S ys t e m s<br />

• Peter J. Koonce, associate engineer, Kittelson and<br />

Associates, Inc., Portland, OR<br />

Bus L a ne w i t h In t e r m i t t e n t P r iorit y ( BL IMP) a nd i t s<br />

A p p l ic at ion t o BR T S ys t e ms<br />

• Graham Carey, PE, AICP, BRT project engineer, Lane<br />

Transit District, Eugene, OR<br />

Ov e r v ie w of V ehicl e A s sis t a nd Au t om at ion ( VA A )<br />

T echnol ogie s a nd A p p l ic at ions<br />

• Robert J. Gregg, director, transit management, Center for<br />

Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida,<br />

Tampa, FL<br />

Bus R a p id T r a nsi t S tat ion De sign —<br />

T echnol ogy In t egr at ion<br />

• Philip Klinkon, AIA, associate, IBI Group, Seattle, WA<br />

A<br />

wednesday<br />

Transportation Options for Older<br />

Adults: Programs & Resources<br />

8:30 - 10 a.m.<br />

Grand Ballroom D, Level 2<br />

Blazing new trails along the path from driving a car to<br />

transit options.<br />

With increasing numbers of seniors in transit service areas,<br />

transit managers are learning more about transportation<br />

alternatives that appeal to this burgeoning market. What<br />

services do older adults want and use? How is coordination<br />

best developed among human services transportation<br />

providers and how are transit systems moving forward?<br />

What are the benefits? Come hear about a host of options<br />

offered by leading organizations, how they work, and how<br />

they are funded.<br />

Related TCRP Documents: R-82 (See page 16 for details.)<br />

Moder at or<br />

• Crystal Lyons, chair, Corpus Christi Regional Transportation<br />

Authority, Corpus Christi, TX<br />

“Shop-n-Rol l” Pa r at r a nsi t Shopping Shu t t l e<br />

• Annette Williams, manager, Accessible Services Program,<br />

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,<br />

San Francisco, CA<br />

C ommuni t y Ac c e s s P rogr a m s in K ing C oun t y<br />

• Robert Sahm, supervisor, accessible services, King County<br />

Metro Transit, Seattle, WA<br />

• Cindy Zwart, director, Senior Services Transportation Program,<br />

Senior Services, Seattle, WA<br />

N at ion a l C e n t e r on Senior T r a nsp or tat ion :<br />

A Va l ua bl e R e source<br />

• Virginia Dize, assistant director, National Center on Senior<br />

Transportation, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging,<br />

Washington, DC<br />

• Jed Johnson, director, National Center on Senior Transportation<br />

& assistant vice president, older adult services, Easter Seals<br />

Project ACTION, Washington, DC<br />

70<br />


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