bus & paratransit conference & international bus roadeo / bus rapid ...

bus & paratransit conference & international bus roadeo / bus rapid ...

bus & paratransit conference & international bus roadeo / bus rapid ...


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Monday tuesday<br />

tuesday<br />

Moder at or<br />

• Walter Kulyk, director, Office of Mobility Innovation,<br />

Federal Transit Administration, Washington, DC<br />

How C a n I Ge t a P iece of t he P ie ? L e a r ning t he Gr a n t<br />

P rocess<br />

• Representative from the Federal Transit Administration<br />

A C a se S t udy in M ult i agency C oordin at ion f or Mobil i t y<br />

M a n agemen t: US 3 6 BR T P h a se 2<br />

• Reed Lee, senior transit planner, HDR ENGINEERING, INC.,<br />

Denver, CO<br />

BR T in t he Roa r ing F ork Va l l e y, C ol or a do : A Uniq ue<br />

A p p l ic at ion<br />

• William D. Byrne, p.e., ., vice president, David Evans and<br />

Associates, Inc., Denver, CO<br />

A p p ly ing a nd R ecei v ing F TA Ne w S ta r t/ Sm a l l S ta r t<br />

Gr a n t s : A n Agency ’s P e r spec t i v e<br />

• Karl Otterstrom, director of planning, Spokane Transit<br />

Authority, Spokane, WA<br />

BRT Fitting BRT to Smaller and<br />

Suburban Systems<br />

9:30 - 11 a.m.<br />

Grand Ballroom A, Level 2<br />

BRT is not just for the “big guys!”<br />

BRT has become a successful application in many smaller<br />

and suburban communities. Speakers will focus on how to<br />

apply the positive outcomes in planning and operating BRT<br />

to locations that have smaller population centers. Learn from<br />

what others have done to make their operations successful.<br />

Moder at or<br />

• James T. Jarzab, BSP system engineering manager,<br />

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose, CA<br />

Impl e m e n t ing a Successf ul L o w- C os t BR T a nd<br />

E x t e nsions<br />

• Richard C. Jarrold, senior director, engineering project<br />

management, Kansas City Area Transportation Authority,<br />

Kansas City, MO<br />

Sel ec t ion a nd Decision M a k ing P rocess L e a ding t o<br />

Sel ec t ion of t he Mos t F e a sibl e A r t e r i a l BR T C orridor<br />

in Pace’s Service A r e a<br />

• Dr. Tunde Balvanyos*, BRT coordinator, Pace Suburban Bus,<br />

Arlington Heights, IL<br />

48<br />

A<br />

Accessibility: Doing it Right<br />

9:45 - 11:45 a.m.<br />

Grand Ballroom D, Level 2<br />

Trading inside stories.<br />

Lessons learned in starting work with taxi services and<br />

transitioning from one <strong>paratransit</strong> contractor to another are just<br />

two of the life experiences that service providers said they<br />

wouldn’t have missed. They will describe how projects can be<br />

organized better the next time and provide their insights.<br />

Moder at or<br />

• Rick Ramacier, vice chair, APTA Access Committee, and<br />

general manager, Central Contra Costa Transit Authority,<br />

Concord, CA<br />

A DA Pa r at r a nsi t a nd t he P r i vat e Sec t or : W orking w i t h<br />

t he Ta x i Indus t r y<br />

• Kenneth I. Hosen, principal, KFH Group, Incorporated,<br />

Austin, TX<br />

Ta x i Debt C a r d<br />

• Annette Williams, manager, Accessible Services Program,<br />

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,<br />

San Francisco, CA<br />

Improv ing A r l ing t on, T e x a s Ta x i C on t r ac t s w i t h<br />

Bl ac k berry, M e n t or R a nger, a nd Googl e E a r t h<br />

• Ryan J. Larsen, president, Ecolane USA, Inc., Elk Horn, IA<br />

Seda n Voucher P rogr a m<br />

• Carol Perkins, director, mobility management services,<br />

Central Ohio Transit Authority, Colum<strong>bus</strong>, OH<br />

Se a m l e s s C on t r ac t T r a nsi t ion — Impossibl e Dre a m<br />

or Achie va bl e R e a l i t y ?<br />

• Steve Chang, director of access services, Access Services, Inc.,<br />

Los Angeles, CA<br />


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