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No. 71<br />

$4.99<br />

DIGITAL PLAYERS: The universal player,<br />

from McCormack, and the highly-praised<br />

Simaudio Equinox<br />

NEW CONNECTORS: We try new minimummetal<br />

connectors from WBT and Eichmann,<br />

and we try several cables from Atlas<br />

PLUS: Small but potent speakers from<br />

Totem, Reference 3a and Studio Lab.<br />

Paul Bergman lays out the arguments<br />

for the two-channel and surround sound<br />

protagonists<br />

ISSN 0847-1851<br />

Canadian Publication Sales<br />

Product Agreement<br />

No. 40065638<br />



Box 65085, Place Longueuil,<br />

Longueuil, Qué., Canada J4K 5J4<br />

Printed in Canada

“I’ve now found a way to recommend LPs to many audiophiles<br />

who bypassed that stage altogether.”<br />

Albert Simon, UHF No. 70<br />

JUST<br />

J U S T I C E<br />

MAY<br />

Justice Audio<br />

9251-8 Yonge St., Suite 218<br />

Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9T3<br />

Tel. : (905) 780-0079 • Fax : (905) 780-0443<br />

www.justiceaudio.com<br />

sales@justiceaudio.com<br />

“No matter what recordings you’re collecting, this could be<br />

your next player. And you might have it a long time.”<br />

Gerard Rejskind, UHF No. 71<br />

A U D<br />

AUDIO<br />

I O<br />

Goldring GR1<br />

McCormack UDP-1<br />

Just May Audio<br />

9251-8 Yonge St., Suite 218<br />

Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9T3<br />

Tel. : (905) 780-0079 • Fax : (905) 780-0443<br />

Castle<br />

QED<br />

Target<br />

Vandersteen<br />

Audioprism<br />

McCormack<br />

Rega<br />

WBT<br />

Gamut<br />

Apollo<br />

GutWire<br />

ASW Speakers<br />

Goldring<br />

Milty<br />

Perfect Sound<br />

Nitty Gritty<br />

Gradient Speakers<br />

LAST record care<br />

WATTGate<br />

Audiophile CDs<br />

Audiophile LPs<br />


Five Atlas Cables 32<br />

Who? That’s what everyone has been asking us.<br />

We do a blind test on some of these British cables.<br />

Simaudio Moon Equinox 35<br />

Good enough to be your last Red Book CD player?<br />

Issue No. 71<br />

Simaudio Moon I-3 37<br />

Like the company’s other integrated amplifiers, it<br />

looks deceptively small.<br />

Reference 3a Dulcet 39<br />

Can the company’s distinctive front-slanted<br />

loudspeakers be scaled down and still sound right?<br />

Totem Rainmaker 42<br />

A speaker to bring some sunshine into your life<br />

Studio Lab SLB 102 Speakers 44<br />

Too much bass? Just add a subwoofer. No, really!<br />

muRata Super Tweeters: a Second Look 47<br />

So, how high can you really hear?<br />

McCormack UDP-1 Player 50<br />

Silver discs? It plays ’em all. Now we set out to find<br />

out…how well?<br />

Cover story: Two of three small speakers reviewed in<br />

this issue: the Totem Rainmaker and the Reference 3a<br />

Dulcet. In the background: a field in the Eastern<br />

Townships of Quebec<br />


Multichannel and Stereo 19<br />

by Paul Bergman<br />

Is stereo slated for replacement? Dig into the<br />

history of the medium, and it turns out that it<br />

depends on what you mean by stereo.<br />

Rendezvous<br />

WBT Gets Religion 26<br />

WBT’s VP, Gabriele Hofmann, explains why her<br />

connector company has chosen a new direction.<br />

Think Small: Eichmann Connectors 28<br />

Eichmann’s Rob Woodland explains to UHF why<br />

most connectors contain too much metal.<br />

The Listening Room<br />

Making the Connection 30<br />

Do connectors change the sound of a cable? We<br />

compare three connectors on the same cables.<br />

Preview 53<br />

Amplifiers from Exposure, Rogue and Connoisseur,<br />

a universal player from Lexicon, and much more.<br />

Cinema<br />

Stories from the home theatre front 55<br />

TiVo versus the establishment, the end of a DVD<br />

copying program, and the fight over DVD’s<br />

successor.<br />

Software<br />

Requiem 56<br />

by Reine Lessard<br />

How Masses for the dead have brought comfort to<br />

the living<br />

Software Reviews 62<br />

by Reine Lessard and Gerard Rejskind<br />

Departments<br />

Editorial 2<br />

Feedback 5<br />

Free Advice 7<br />

Classified Ads 66<br />

Gossip & News 69<br />

State of the Art 72<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 1

UHF <strong>Magazine</strong> No. 71 was published in December, 2004.<br />

All contents are copyright 2004 by Broadcast Canada. They<br />

may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any<br />

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,<br />

recording, or any information storage or retrieval system,<br />

without written permission from the publisher.<br />


Broadcast Canada<br />

Box 65085, Place Longueuil<br />

LONGUEUIL, Québec, Canada J4K 5J4<br />

Tel.: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383<br />

E-mail: uhfmail@uhfmag.com<br />

World Wide Web: http://www.uhfmag.com<br />

PUBLISHER & EDITOR: Gerard Rejskind<br />

ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Reine Lessard<br />

EDITORIAL: Paul Bergman, Reine Lessard, Albert Simon<br />

PHOTOGRAPHY: Albert Simon<br />


Québec: Reine Lessard (450) 651-5720<br />

Alberta & BC: Derek Coates (604) 522-6168<br />

Other: Gerard Rejskind (450) 651-5720<br />


Stonehouse Publications<br />

85 Chambers Drive, Unit 2, AJAX, Ont. L1Z 1E2<br />

Tel.: (905) 428-7541 or (800) 461-1640<br />

SINGLE COPY PRICE: $4.99 in Canada, $4.99 (US) in the<br />

United States, $8.60 (CAN) elsewhere, including air mail. In<br />

Canada sales taxes are extra. 25% increase Feb. 1, 2005<br />

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (until Feb.1, 2005)<br />

CANADA:<br />

$25 for 6 issues*<br />

USA:<br />

US$25 for 6 issues<br />

ELSEWHERE (surface mail): CAN$40 for 6 issues<br />

*Applicable taxes extra<br />

Air mail outside Canada/US: an extra $1.10 per issue<br />

PRE-PRESS SERVICES: Multi-Média<br />

PRINTING: Interglobe-Beauce<br />

FILED WITH The National Library of Canada and<br />

La Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec.<br />

ISSN 0847-1851<br />

Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product No. 0611387<br />

<strong>Ultra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Fidelity</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> invites contributions. Though<br />

all reasonable care will be taken of materials submitted, we<br />

cannot be responsible for their damage or loss, however<br />

caused. Materials will be returned only if a stamped selfaddressed<br />

envelope is provided. Because our needs are<br />

specialized, it is advisable to query before submitting.<br />

<strong>Ultra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Fidelity</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is completely independent of<br />

all companies in the electronics industry, as are all of its<br />

contributors, unless explcitly specified otherwise.<br />

Editorial<br />

SACD vs DVD-A<br />

Did we stir up a hornet’s nest by declaring a winner in the battle (How<br />

SACD Won the War, in UHF No. 70)! We got a number of reactions, not all of<br />

them courteous. You’ll see a few of them in the Feedback section of this issue.<br />

Beyond the usual letters to the editor, there has been considerable discussion<br />

of the article on the Internet.<br />

A number of people have taken us to task because they believe that pulsecode<br />

modulation, the encoding system used by DVD-Audio (and Red Book<br />

CD too, of course) is superior to Direct Stream Digital, the less-familiar<br />

method used for Sony master recordings and for SACD. But at no time did we<br />

claim that SACD was better than DVD-A, only that it was a better-designed<br />

system, and therefore could survive, whereas DVD-A cannot.<br />

That is of course a prediction, and we are all too aware of the ways predictions<br />

can go wrong. The fact is, however, that we were convinced from the<br />

first that the very existence of these competing systems was choking both of<br />

them off. And we were telling readers that, if it were our money, we wouldn’t<br />

buy either system until we knew which would win. We believe the time has<br />

come to choose, and the rational choice is SACD.<br />

Of course, failed systems don’t necessarily vanish. There are still user groups<br />

and underground support resources for old computers like the Apple II, the<br />

Amiga and the Newton, and for supposedly dead formats like the Elcaset and<br />

(yes!) Betamax. Similarly, some producers will continue to make DVD-Audio<br />

recordings. They will claim that those recordings are superior to SACD, and<br />

perhaps they are right. However I don't think they’ll have any luck getting<br />

their products into record stores.<br />

As I’ve said before, one thing I learned from our original publisher, Michel<br />

Prin, is that the magazine must always have a point of view. Of course that<br />

point of view must not be selected at random, but it is important that we take a<br />

stand whenever it is appropriate, in order to help you make the right purchasing<br />

choices.<br />

That is our mission, and I’m not about to apologize for it.<br />

Measuring loudspeakers<br />

You can’t measure speakers without a good microphone, and we’ve just<br />

gotten in a pair of really good ones: model QTC1 from Earthworks. We<br />

became aware of these microphones because they are used extensively by one<br />

of our favorite classical record companies, Analekta (see The People Behind the<br />

New Sound of Analekta in UHF No. 54). The QTC1 goes out to 40 kHz, and<br />

has variations that stay well within a ±1 dB envelope. Just the ticket!<br />

But we’ve made some other changes too. At one time we had been reluctant<br />

to show any speaker frequency response data, because our method gave a<br />

much less “pretty” graph than that of most of our competitors, and that could<br />

lead to unfair comparisons. Since then, we’ve gone overboard the other way,<br />

reproducing raw graphs. The huge variations look rather disconcerting, and<br />

tend to mask much more meaningful variations.<br />

The response graphs we will use from now on show averaged results in<br />

bands a third of an octave wide. I think you’ll be able to figure them out more<br />

easily…and so will we!<br />

2 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>


Some audiophiles snap up every single issue of UHF, yet they<br />

hesitate to subscribe. Why? What they tell us is that they’re<br />

afraid of getting copies that are dog-eared or torn.<br />

So here’s a strange fact: dog-eared copies may be<br />

awaiting them at the local newsstand.<br />

It makes sense if you think about it. Where do copies<br />

sit around unprotected? On the newsstand. Where do<br />

other people leaf through them before you arrive? At<br />

the newsstand. Where do they stick on little labels you<br />

can’t even peel off? Well…<br />

Surprise! At a lot of newsstands, they do exactly that!<br />

We know that what you want is a perfect copy. And the perfect copy is the one<br />

in your mailbox. No tears or bends, because each issue is protected by a sealed<br />

plastic envelope. With the address label on the envelope, not on the magazine.<br />

Of course, you’ll have to make a certain sacrifice.<br />

Are you willing to pay, oh, maybe 23% less for the privilege of having a perfect<br />

copy? And be protected against the price rise of February 2005?<br />

And are you willing to qualify for a discount on one or both of our original books<br />

on hi-fi (see the offer on the other side of this page)?<br />

You are? Then perhaps the time has come.<br />


ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY, Box 65085, Place Longueuil, LONGUEUIL, Qué., Canada J4K 5J4<br />

Tel.: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383 VIA THE INTERNET: http://www.uhfmag.com/Subscription.html<br />

THROUGH JANUARY 31, 2005:<br />

FOR 13 ISSUES: $50 (Canada), $50 US (USA), CAN$94.30 (elsewhere, including air mail costs). For six issues, it’s $25 (Canada), US$25 (USA), $46.60 (elsewhere).<br />

In Canada, add applicable sales tax (15.03% in QC, 15% in NF, NB, NS, 7% in other Provinces).<br />

FROM FEBRUARY 1, 2005:<br />

FOR 13 ISSUES: $62.50 (Canada), $62.50 US (USA), CAN$118 (elsewhere, including air mail costs). For six issues, it’s $31.25 (Canada), US$31.25 (USA), $59<br />

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You may pay by VISA or MasterCard: include card number, expiry date and signature. You must include your correct postal or zip code. You may order on a plain sheet<br />

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options:<br />

13 issues 6 issues start with issue 71 (this one), or issue 72 (the next one)<br />

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NOTE: Price rising in early 2005!

The books that explain…<br />

The UHF Guide to<br />

<strong>Ultra</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>Fidelity</strong><br />

The World of <strong>High</strong> <strong>Fidelity</strong><br />

This is our original book, which has been read<br />

by thousands of audiophiles, both beginners and<br />

advanced. It’s still relevant to much of what you want to<br />

accomplish.<br />

It’s a practical manual for the discovery and exploration<br />

of high fidelity, which will make reading other<br />

books easier. Includes in-depth coverage of how<br />

the hardware works, including tubes, “alternative”<br />

loudspeakers, subwoofers, crossover networks,<br />

biamplification. It explains why, not just how. It has full<br />

instructions for aligning a tone arm, and a gauge is<br />

included. A complete audio lexicon makes this book<br />

indispensable. And it costs as little as $9.95 in the US<br />

and Canada (see the coupon).<br />

Five dollars off each of these two books if you subscribe or renew at the same time<br />

This long-running best seller includes these topics: The basics of<br />

amplifiers, preamplifiers, CD players, turntables and loudspeakers.<br />

How they work, how to choose, what to expect. The history of hifi.<br />

How to compare equipment that’s not in the same store. What<br />

accessories work, and which ones are scams. How to tell a good<br />

connector from a rotten one. How to set up a home theatre system<br />

that will also play music (hint: don’t do any of the things the other<br />

magazines advise). How to plan for your dream system even if your<br />

accountant says you can’t afford it. A precious volume with 224 pages<br />

of essential information for the beginning or advanced audiophile!<br />

The UHF Guide costs $14.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15% in NB, NS, NF), US$19.95 (USA) CAN$25 (elsewhere).<br />

The World of <strong>High</strong> <strong>Fidelity</strong> costs $21.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15%HST in NB, NS, NF), US$21.95 (USA) or CAN$30 (elsewhere).<br />

See ordering information on the previous page.<br />

A $5 discount applies on either book, or each, when the order is placed at the same time as a subscription, a subscription renewal, or a subscription<br />

extension (if you subscribe, use the form on the other side of this page. No need to fill in the information a second time).<br />

PLUS:<br />

Finally, all of Gerard Rejskind’s State<br />

of the Art columns from the first 60<br />

issues of UHF. With a new introduction<br />

to each column, 258 pages in all. Check<br />

below to get your copy!<br />

YES! Send me a copy of State of the Art .<br />

It costs just $18.95 (Canada) plus 7% GST (15% in NB, NS, NF), US$18.95 (USA)<br />

CAN$32 (elsewhere, including air mail)

Feedback<br />

Although I have enjoyed your magazine,<br />

and found it helpful, I will not be<br />

renewing my subscription for a variety<br />

of reasons, and I thought you would like<br />

to know.<br />

I like the way you review equipment,<br />

with all three of you sitting in at once.<br />

However it is a little difficult to discern if<br />

your sonic preferences differ at all, therefore<br />

often making two of you redundant.<br />

A statement of sonic preferences would<br />

be helpful, and if you all listen for the<br />

same thing, get some alternative listeners.<br />

I like your general source-down<br />

philosophy.<br />

I think your Free Advice is a good idea,<br />

but (by necessity) it needs to be so brief<br />

I think most inquirers would be better<br />

served if they paid for it, and got a more<br />

complete statement.<br />

I find your feature articles always<br />

lacking. They are good, but incomplete,<br />

a novel without a last chapter. I almost<br />

always feel you were not knowledgeable<br />

enough to do a thorough job.<br />

A most irritating aspect of your writing<br />

is a pervasive attitude that you and<br />

your ears are right and the rest of the<br />

world (and audio press) is somehow lost<br />

in wonderland. Maybe you have been<br />

hearing how great you are from so many<br />

people that it has gone to your head.<br />

As a physics teacher, I realize that you<br />

don’t know it all, as I have found errors<br />

in your magazine and books. Nothing<br />

earth-shattering, but they shake my<br />

confidence in you.<br />

You, like all audio rags, are stuck in a<br />

rut as to the equipment you review. I got<br />

really tired of all the Chinese tube amps<br />

you were fascinated with for a while.<br />

Having shared this with you, (because<br />

I believe you care what readers think),<br />

I am not oblivious to the problems that<br />

publishers face, and the difficulties of<br />

a fickle market that in essence says,<br />

“why didn’t you review $1000 preamps<br />

Feedback<br />

Box 65085, Place Longueuil<br />

Longueuil, Québec, Canada J4K 5J4<br />

uhfmail@uhfmag.com<br />

this month, because that is what I was<br />

shopping for?” I don’t believe you will/<br />

should change your editorial personality,<br />

because the arrogance you display got<br />

you where you are. I think that fleshing<br />

out your articles some would be of real<br />

help to your readers.<br />

I will probably check you out online,<br />

or purchase more stuff from your audio<br />

store, but I will have to do it without the<br />

benefit of the hard copy. So ever onward,<br />

and best of success for you.<br />

John Loveless<br />


I very much enjoyed reading your<br />

comparison in UHF No. 70 of the<br />

screen technologies available for home<br />

theatre systems, the discussion of the<br />

SACD/DVD-A format war and the Linn<br />

Unidisk 1.1 review. Here’s my two cents<br />

on these topics.<br />

First, I was puzzled by the statement<br />

that no LCOS screens are available today<br />

for home use. This should perhaps read<br />

not available in Canada — Philips claims<br />

to use LCOS technology in their Cineos<br />

line of widescreen TVs. The 55” model<br />

lists at US$ 4,000 and a quick Google<br />

search finds Internet retailers offering<br />

it for about US$3,000. This is less than<br />

plasma, and it is competitive with LCD<br />

and DLP technology.<br />

On the question of SACD vs DVD-A,<br />

I think it’s premature to declare SACD<br />

the winner. Sony scored a hit with the<br />

hybrid disc concept, but the DVD-A<br />

camp seems to be belatedly waking up<br />

to the necessity of backward-compatible<br />

discs with their DualDisc. What keeps<br />

me from declaring either side victorious<br />

is that neither seems to have grasped the<br />

lesson of the Beta-VHS battle, namely<br />

that victory will go to the party that<br />

successfully floods the market with<br />

inexpensive hardware and software.<br />

Finally, while I was very impressed<br />

with the Linn Unidisk 1.1 at this year’s<br />

Festival Son et Image, I’m not yet convinced<br />

that the dream of a universal<br />

player has been practically realized.<br />

C$16,000 is out of reach for all but the<br />

most affluent, and even the “less expensive”<br />

Unidisk 2.1 or SC models cost what<br />

most audiophiles have invested in their<br />

entire system. I don’t think that music<br />

lovers of modest means (and isn’t that<br />

most of us?) can really consider it safe<br />

to do a major source upgrade until there<br />

are universal players below C$5,000 and<br />

C$3,000 price points that do a credible<br />

job of reproducing Red Book CD,<br />

DVD-A and SACD. You can see why<br />

I’m looking forward to the reviews of<br />

the McCormack and Lexicon universal<br />

players slated for UHF No. 71!<br />

John Schmidt<br />


I can only say that I disagree with you<br />

completely on what you wrote in issue<br />

No. 70. If you try to compare DVD-A<br />

and SACD you will discover that DVD-A<br />

is by far the better medium soundwise.<br />

Everybody in the business, from audio<br />

critics to audiophiles, is experiencing the<br />

same quality difference between the two<br />

formats. SACD is a laugh when it comes<br />

to the quality of the sound.<br />

I am fortunate that I have a very good<br />

high end system. I have, together with<br />

other experienced music lovers and listeners,<br />

compared directly the differences<br />

between DVD-A and SACD (yes, it’s<br />

possible!!). There is absolutely no doubt<br />

that DVD-A is so much better. I am only<br />

talking about two-channel reproduction<br />

of music here. Multichannel has nothing<br />

to do with high end audio if the aim<br />

is to create a truthful reproduction of<br />

recorded music. If you cannot, as a result<br />

of the standard and quality of your reference<br />

system, hear this difference, I think<br />

you have a problem.<br />

Further, I find it totally ignorant<br />

that you declare a “winner” when all the<br />

other high end magazines, such as TAS<br />

and Stereophile, have an open mind about<br />

this issue. I like the concept of an open<br />

mind instead of the ideas that your magazine<br />

publish. Just read Robert Harley’s<br />

editorial in the latest issue of TAS. Keep<br />

an open mind, it is always the best way<br />

to make a magazine interesting.<br />

My subscription ends with issue<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 5

Feedback<br />

No. 71. I will not renew it, because I find<br />

your magazine simply not good enough<br />

by any standard. In my opinion you are<br />

concentrating your reviews only on a<br />

handful of manufacturers, your show<br />

reports in the latest issue were a joke<br />

(two pages from each show!), and you<br />

give advice and recommend equipment<br />

to your readers. In my opinion this is not<br />

what an objective magazine should do.<br />

I am sure that you will manage without<br />

my subscription. I hope you will print<br />

this in issue No. 71 so that you can start<br />

a debate on these issues.<br />

Jan Petter Egidius<br />

ASKER, Norway<br />

Jan, to paraphrase the robot voices on voice<br />

mail systems, “your subscription is important<br />

to us.” However we would consider it even<br />

more important if we could see evidence that<br />

you actually read what we write. In issue<br />

No. 70, “two pages from each show” was<br />

actually five pages from just one show.<br />

Wow! Those are quite the definitive<br />

statements you have been making<br />

regarding SACD versus DVD-A: (issues<br />

No. 67 and 70): “The war is over,”;<br />

“DVD-A is Betamax,”; “How DVD-A<br />

blew it big time.” Well yes, I think<br />

they may have too, however I have no<br />

particular allegiance. They can both<br />

sound wonderful, or they can sound<br />

lousy (whatever works, eh?).<br />

6 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

This is part of an e-mail to me from<br />

Neil Wilkes, proprietor of Opus Productions<br />

in the UK:<br />

We have been very busy lately, and have<br />

recently got out a couple of DVD-A masters,<br />

at last, which should be getting the OK from<br />

the band’s label and management very soon.<br />

Then I will be clear of the non-disclosure<br />

agreement I’m currently under and will be<br />

able to share what and who it is. I’ll be happy<br />

to look at this magazine (UHF) and also try<br />

to point out to the editor just why I think<br />

that DVD-A is way superior to SACD, the<br />

DSP/PCM arguments notwithstanding.<br />

I hope he responds to you. And I<br />

simply adore UHF <strong>Magazine</strong> — always<br />

have, always will.<br />

Mike Bennett<br />


Just wanted to say I was a bit disappointed<br />

in reading the Reference 3a<br />

Royal Virtuoso review (UHF No. 70). I<br />

own the Royal Master, and was hoping<br />

for more of a direct comparison, but did<br />

not find much of that.<br />

Dave Ruel<br />


The Royal Virtuoso is a successor to the<br />

Royal Master, which we also liked a great<br />

deal, and it is a cousin of the Suprema II<br />

used in our Omega reference system.<br />

I have been reading your magazine<br />

for many years. I know how difficult it<br />

is to convince the non-initiated to spend<br />

more money on a good system that they<br />

would on a mass market one. Besides<br />

the obvious superior sound, there is<br />

another aspect they should be aware of,<br />

namely the good service offered by the<br />

audiophile companies.<br />

I bought a Simaudio W-5 amplifier<br />

a few years back in Chile. One of the<br />

amplifier channels blew up three years<br />

later and I had to return the equipment<br />

to Simaudio for repairs. They serviced<br />

the equipment at no charge and even<br />

changed the power supply to work on<br />

the 220 V power of the Chilean grid.<br />

Unfortunately, the amplifier suffered<br />

another breakdown, this one minor, last<br />

year. Before doing the repair, Simaudio<br />

took the trouble to contact the speaker<br />

manufacturer to ensure compatibility<br />

with the amplifier, and they made<br />

changes to the amplifier circuits to make<br />

it more stable under the difficult load<br />

presented by the speaker. This is not<br />

the service you would get from a mass<br />

market manufacturer.<br />

Richard Proulx<br />

SANTIAGO, Chile<br />

A note from Nicholas Wickenden of Edmonton,<br />

in a possibly recognizable format:<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: UHF <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Price: C$50 for 13 issues<br />

Dimensions: 272 x 210 x 4 mm per<br />

issue<br />

Most liked: Straightforward appraisals<br />

of equipment, including differences<br />

of opinion where they occur<br />

Least liked: Inability to spell “metre”<br />

and its cognates properly<br />

Verdict: A must-read from cover to<br />

cover<br />

Thanks for making us smile. As a Canadian<br />

publication with a large US readership,<br />

we have a style guide that includes some<br />

Canadian usages (judgement, not judgment,<br />

and synthetizer not synthesizer), but also<br />

American usages (color, not colour). The<br />

spelling “meter” is dominant in Canada,<br />

despite its ambiguity: a meter is also an<br />

electrical instrument. It’s a difficult balance,<br />

but you could be right.

Free Advice<br />

Free Advice<br />

Box 65085, Place Longueuil<br />

Longueuil, Québec, Canada J4K 5J4<br />

uhfmail@uhfmag.com<br />

I am a longtime reader of UHF. Very<br />

good magazine, hey!<br />

My system consists of a Teac VRDS T1<br />

drive and DT1 DAC, Copland CSA 28<br />

amplifier and KEF Ref 104.2 (old, I know).<br />

The CD cables are <strong>Ultra</strong>Link Discovery and<br />

the speaker cables are Monster M-1. I’m<br />

using a Van den Hul “The Mainstream”<br />

power cord for the Copland.<br />

The speakers are old but I like their<br />

sound. They have a good bottom end a good<br />

mid too. Perhaps the sound is sibilant on high<br />

notes. It may be the recording, but I suspect<br />

the CD player.<br />

Fernand Fournier<br />


So do we, Fernand. Assuming your<br />

speakers have weathered the years well<br />

and are not suffering from cracked<br />

tweeters or dried-out crossover capacitors,<br />

they could give you plenty more<br />

service, and they were not noted for<br />

excessive sibilance. Indeed, they could<br />

be your most valuable component.<br />

The Teac transport is superbly made,<br />

the converters are known for digging<br />

out astonishing amounts of background<br />

detail. Finesse in the highs? That's something<br />

else again. We have suspicions<br />

about your interconnect cable too.<br />

I need some professional advice. I have a<br />

5.1 channel home theatre system, an Integra,<br />

along with the CD and the DVD players. It’s<br />

not a Copland, but its not a home theatre in a<br />

box either. I also have a two-channel system,<br />

currently not in use, with a NAD 7600<br />

receiver. My speakers are not too bad either.<br />

I have the Energy Reference Connoisseurs<br />

and the PSB Stratus Golds, currently being<br />

used in the 5.1 system.<br />

I would like to know if I should keep the<br />

NAD 7600 and the PSB as a starter for<br />

a two-channel system, or use the Energy,<br />

which I really enjoy. I also would like a opinion<br />

on which would be a better two-channel<br />

speaker, the PSB or the Energy?<br />

Should I get rid of everything and get<br />

a really good 5.1 channel sound system, or<br />

should I keep some of it and just add?<br />

Brian Johnstone<br />

DELHI, ON<br />

Brian, you can probably already<br />

guess what we’re going to say about your<br />

Energy speakers, since we are also using<br />

that model in our Kappa home theatre<br />

system. Though it is getting a little<br />

long in the tooth, it was an astonishing<br />

product in its day, and it remains much<br />

better than what you might replace it<br />

with. We tell you this with no intention<br />

of demeaning the PSB Stratus Gold,<br />

which is no slouch either.<br />

The down side to the Energy is<br />

that it has been so long out of production<br />

that there is no matching centre<br />

speaker available. In our reviews in<br />

UHF No. 67, we found two speakers that<br />

matched well, the Thiel MCS1 (which<br />

we purchased), and the ProAc Response<br />

CC-Two. Neither is cheap, but both are<br />

worth what they cost.<br />

You may or may not choose to stay<br />

with the Integra components, though<br />

for the moment you possibly will. We<br />

don’t consider any receiver to be a path to<br />

maximum quality, however, and you may<br />

ultimately want to consider alternatives:<br />

either a high end preamp-processor<br />

(expensive but potentially excellent), or<br />

a freestanding processor for video sound<br />

matched to a high end preamplifier with<br />

the requisite six inputs.<br />

Planning the upgrade is a little like<br />

playing chess: you see where you are<br />

on the board, and you find a way to get<br />

where you want to be — with your opponent<br />

checkmated — in the minimum<br />

number of moves. More specifically,<br />

sketch out what your system should look<br />

like in three years, or five years, and see<br />

how you can get there with a minimum<br />

of wasted moves and the maximum<br />

number of improvement at each step.<br />

I am planning to built a stereo room in<br />

the basement of my new house. Is there a<br />

perfect size room, or are there certain sizes or<br />

forms I should keep away from? How about<br />

the material that should be use for the floor<br />

and the walls? Is there a math equation that<br />

could help me optimize the dimensions?<br />

An architect in Montreal wanted to<br />

charge me $2000 for just for a plan. And<br />

I was not asking for any fancy finish. I was<br />

already told by a few local contractors that<br />

they would not do this type of room, due to<br />

the special work that would involve.<br />

I feel the room is the most important<br />

component of the system.<br />

Basile Noël<br />

OTTAWA, ON<br />

The room really is very important,<br />

Basile. For those designing their own<br />

rooms, we would suggest reading the<br />

series of Paul Bergman’s series of articles<br />

on acoustics, published in UHF No. 30<br />

through 36.<br />

Having a competent architect handle<br />

the design may involve much less hassle,<br />

however, assuming you’ve selected someone<br />

with a solid grounding in acoustics,<br />

not just structures. It rather sounds<br />

to us as though your local contractors<br />

have gotten fat on the building boom,<br />

and can’t be bothered doing something<br />

they haven’t done before. Talk to your<br />

architect. Unless this is his very first<br />

acoustical project, which wouldn’t<br />

necessarily be good news, he will have<br />

worked with contractors for whom his<br />

plans don’t look like gibberish.<br />

I’ve been reading you since issue No. 15.<br />

Bravo for your magnificent work!<br />

I need advice on the purchase of a home<br />

theatre system. I have a Linn system, and so<br />

naturally I’m leaning toward that company<br />

for my next purchase.<br />

However a friend of mine says he doesn’t<br />

recommend buying a high end system. His<br />

reasoning, which seems logical to me, is as<br />

follows. He says the sound track of a DVD,<br />

unlike that of an audio CD, is highly compressed,<br />

since the picture takes up most of<br />

the space available. Consequently, a high<br />

performance system would probably not be<br />

able to give audio quality in line with the<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 7

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cost. Of course he’s not suggesting I buy a<br />

low-end system, but he thinks audio units<br />

of more modest price (Rotel, etc.) would be<br />

quite adequate. It is also true that one might<br />

be less interested in subtleties of explosions<br />

8 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

in an action film than in those of a classical<br />

recording.<br />

Since I will be buying a ceiling-mounted<br />

projector (more costly than an ordinary TV),<br />

I don’t want to spend money for nothing on<br />

the audio side. I’m nonetheless open to other<br />

possibilities if the stakes are worthwhile.<br />

Jean Dufresne<br />


Well, Jean, your friend appears to be<br />

one of our disciples. We have also always<br />

insisted on the quality of the source,<br />

and it is true that DVD sound is highly<br />

compressed, with limitations that even<br />

the best electronics cannot overcome.<br />

But…and there is always a “but.”<br />

The priority given the source cannot<br />

be absolute. If it were otherwise, you<br />

would constantly be upgrading your CD<br />

player or turntable, and you would never<br />

think about getting a better amplifier, let<br />

alone better speakers.<br />

Though Dolby Digital sound is not<br />

perfect, it will sound more or less good<br />

according to the quality of the downstream<br />

system. Also, remember that<br />

some DVDs have an alternative DTS<br />

soundtrack, which is less compressed<br />

and usually sounds better.<br />

Since you’ve been reading us so<br />

long, you’ll understand the following<br />

comparison. Think back to a time<br />

when all phono pickups were made with<br />

elliptical stylii and high inductance<br />

coils unable to reproduce high frequencies<br />

plausibly. Despite those important<br />

source problems, it was possible to get<br />

great improvements by selecting a high<br />

performance amplifier or superior speakers.<br />

Moderately-priced electronics (in a<br />

relative sense at least), such as those from<br />

Rotel, offer a good quality/price ratio,<br />

and their performance can certainly be<br />

satisfactory. Can better units outperform<br />

them? Yes, no doubt, but we suggest<br />

listening for yourself. Does your Linn<br />

dealer have a home theatre demo room?<br />

You may want to spend a bit of time<br />

there, to see for yourself. And especially<br />

to listen for yourself.<br />

I have a Naim 3.5 CS player with a<br />

Flat Cap power supply, a Conrad-Johnson<br />

Premier 14 preamp combined with a Mark<br />

Levinson 23.5 amplifier, and a pair of<br />

Energy Veritas 1.8 speakers. None of these<br />

was selected for the current house I have.<br />

(Eight moves in 17 years says it all).<br />

Turns out the Veritas are a little<br />

overwhelming in the bass area in my large<br />

living/dining room. This fact, combined with<br />

a very positive previous experience with a<br />

pair of the original Aerius from the other<br />

“ML” manufacturer (Martin-Logan, that<br />

is), is driving me back to flat speakers, one of<br />

which I have recently auditioned, the Magnepan<br />

1.6. Curiously, I do not remember<br />

any review from your magazine on those.<br />

The American mags have a good word on<br />

the 3.6, but their size do not make them a<br />

favorable choice for my current environment<br />

(I’ll maybe have better luck on my next<br />

relocation).<br />

Still what’s your insight on that technology<br />

and that specific model?<br />

Would there be a benefit in trading<br />

the C-J for a Naim preamp, based on a<br />

hypothetical manufacturer design integration<br />

with the CD player, or is this a case of<br />

“if there’s nothing wrong with it, leave it<br />

alone”?<br />

Benoît Labelle<br />

HULL, QC<br />

Since we would expect very good<br />

results from both the Conrad-Johnson<br />

and the Naim, we probably wouldn’t<br />

try to fix what ain’t broke, Benoît. It’s<br />

possible you would prefer the Naim<br />

to the C-J, but equipment swaps are

Free Advice<br />

inevitably costly, and we wouldn’t do it<br />

without a reason. In general, mixing and<br />

matching brands presents no problem,<br />

though some manufacturers may have<br />

understandable reasons for suggesting<br />

otherwise.<br />

Some years ago we had an opportunity<br />

to review Magneplanars, but<br />

back then our Alpha reference system,<br />

which is in a small room, was our only<br />

system, and fitting large planar speakers<br />

into it was out of the question. We<br />

did review the Martin-Logan Aerius in<br />

that room (UHF No. 39), but even that<br />

was a stretch. We have of course heard<br />

several Magneplanar models under good<br />

conditions. They offer both advantages<br />

and drawbacks, like all other speakers,<br />

and their fan club rivals that of Star<br />

Trek in its enthusiasm. In the right room<br />

you might be really pleased with them.<br />

However, unless your series of moves is<br />

at an end (they say three moves equals<br />

one fire), you may want to choose speakers<br />

that will work well with any size and<br />

configuration of room.<br />

By the way, our experience with larger<br />

Energy Veritas speakers is that the way<br />

they are built allows them to feed a lot<br />

of low-frequency energy into the floor,<br />

which unfortunately doesn’t vanish…it<br />

returns to add a rather ugly bottomend<br />

signature to the music. When we<br />

reviewed the Veritas v2.8 in UHF No. 53,<br />

we found a major improvement when we<br />

put them up on Tenderfoot cones rather<br />

than the spikes supplied.<br />

I have read and enjoyed your review of<br />

the Foundation Research LC-2 line conditioner<br />

(UHF No. 58). I understand you<br />

have adopted it as a component, connecting it<br />

to the YBA power amp in one of the reference<br />

systems.<br />

The technical information on the LC-2<br />

states that it’s good for a Class AB power amp<br />

of 240 watts total (both channels) maximum.<br />

FR also states it can deliver current somewhere<br />

in the area of 20 amps. Have you ever<br />

connected it to a more powerful amp, like the<br />

W-5? If so, did it restrict dynamics?<br />

I heard through the grapevine that Ed<br />

Wolkow is developing an LC-3 for the largest<br />

amps. Have you heard anything about<br />

this?<br />

Ed Wong<br />


Up to *320% more conductivity<br />

than the RCA or Banana plug<br />

you presently use.<br />

Bullet<br />

Plug also<br />

available<br />

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These connectors from Eichmann Technologies<br />

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The weakest link in your system is likely to be the connectors.<br />

Even the best cables are compromised by poor conductive (gold<br />

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Introducing the Bullet Plug ® RCA connector – and the new<br />

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General Audio, Calgary 403-228-9130<br />

Audio 5.1, Edmonton 780-432-3232<br />

The Gramophone, Edmonton 780-428-2356<br />

Boyz On A Wire, Winnipeg 204-256-0462<br />

Audio Two, Windsor 519-979-7101<br />

Hi Fi Fo Fum, Toronto 416-421-7552<br />

Take Five Audio, Palmerston Ontario 519-343-4451<br />

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Ph: Int + 61 7 3374 3800 Fax: Int + 61 7 3374 3855<br />

Read the full story at www.eichmanncables.com<br />

Our LC-2 works well with our YBA<br />

One, Ed, but we have heard it sound<br />

much less good with some large amplifiers,<br />

especially tube amplifiers. The<br />

LC-3 never did reach production, and<br />

has reportedly been replaced on the<br />

drawing board by the LC-100, which<br />

uses different technology.<br />

My system consists of a Rega Planet<br />

2000, Linn Pre-Tek, Bryston 3B (original,<br />

but it just came back from Bryston last<br />

year with all new insides: caps, outputs<br />


"The Bullet Plug has, overnight,<br />

leapfrogged the performance<br />

available from existing phono<br />

plugs, and disappeared over<br />

the horizon. The benefits are<br />

huge, HUGE! They transform<br />

the performance of affordable<br />

cables, and I can't wait to hear<br />

them on serious leads."<br />

Roy Gregory - Editor Hi-Fi +<br />

Issue 12 July/August 2001<br />

"There was a cleanness to the<br />

sound that reminded me of<br />

hard-wiring."<br />

Jimmy Hughes - Hi-Fi<br />

Choice December 2001<br />

"The effect (of the Bayonet Plug)<br />

absolutely amazed me – with<br />

such tightness, super fast and<br />

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dynamics I have never<br />

experienced before."<br />

Hi Fi & Records –<br />

Germany December 2003<br />

*Brass is 28% IACS conductivity (International Annealed Copper Standard) where copper is 100% IACS.<br />

transformer, etc.), Paradigm Studio 40<br />

v.2 speakers, and a Monster Power 2600<br />

with high quality interconnects and speaker<br />

cables.<br />

About two years ago I wrote you and<br />

asked for some advice about my system being<br />

a little uninvolving, and asking for help. I<br />

appreciated the help you gave me, and ended<br />

up buying a Rega Planet, and finding my<br />

amplification for a good deal on the used<br />

market.<br />

If I could never upgrade again I would<br />

find it livable, but like all other audio<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 9

Free Advice<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

nuts/music lovers, I am wanting to be closer<br />

to the music. Currently I find the system a<br />

little forced and strained. I know my Rega<br />

has more to offer than what I am hearing,<br />

so I am looking at my speakers and amps. I<br />

was hoping that you could help me out and<br />

tell me your initial thoughts on the Totem<br />

Rainmakers.<br />

Two major bonuses of the Rainmakers<br />

are that they are very affordable, and seeing<br />

as my current stands are already filled with<br />

shot (and too heavy to ship), I can use them<br />

for some additional savings.<br />

Also the Rainmakers are relatively easy<br />

to drive (compared to the Hawks and Model<br />

One), which means I can sell my current<br />

amplification and buy a high quality lowerpowered<br />

integrated instead of spending a<br />

small fortune on high-quality, high-powered<br />

separates. I was thinking of the Bryston B60,<br />

Simaudio I-3 and Plinius 8200, or even a<br />

YBA Intégré.<br />

I am really just trying to get closer to<br />

the music and feel what the artist is trying<br />

to relate. Whatever speaker I choose needs<br />

to have life emanating from it. When I am<br />

listening to someone singing, I would like it to<br />

10 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

59 REGINA ST. N.<br />


(519) 885-4750<br />

sound like the singer is in the same room with<br />

me, and the same goes for instruments.<br />

Nick Way<br />


The Rainmaker is indeed reviewed in<br />

this issue, Nick. This is an inexpensive<br />

speaker, possibly destined to replace the<br />

Totem Rokk, which has always left us a<br />

little cool.<br />

We’re pleased to say that the Rainmaker<br />

is much more “Totem-like” than<br />

the Rokk, and we do mean that as a<br />

compliment. However we would point<br />

out that Totem has other speakers that<br />

could be driven fairly easily, including<br />

the Arro and the Sttaf. Both cost more<br />

than the Rainmaker. They don’t need<br />

stands, but you’ve got them.<br />

I have an older (used, mid 80’s?) Rega<br />

Planar 3 turntable with RB300 arm. The<br />

RB300 had the bearings replaced by Rega<br />

about 12 years ago. At that time I also had<br />

a Rega Elys cartridge installed. Recently I<br />

found the cartridge seemed to be riding low,<br />

and was told by a Rega dealer technician that<br />

the cantilever mount was at fault.<br />

I had a Shure Me95ED cartridge, which<br />

I installed with a new stylus sourced from<br />

new Shure stock. It sounds fine to me.<br />

A friend of mine gave me his Sony PS-<br />

X40 turntable which he bought with a Shure<br />

V15 Type III mounted. The original stylus is<br />

damaged. A new stock stylus from Shure will<br />

cost about $150 plus tax. It is the VN35MR<br />

Microridge, which turns out to be an upgrade<br />

from the original hyperelliptical stylus.<br />

This is still quite an investment for an<br />

old cartridge. Do you think that the V15<br />

Type III will mate well with the RB300 (will<br />

shims be needed, etc.)? Would I be better off<br />

investing in a newer cartridge (the Audio<br />

Technica 440ML could be had for about the<br />

same price as the Shure stylus), or is the V15<br />

Type III worth keeping? It must have been a<br />

good cartridge for Shure to keep manufacturing<br />

replacement styli for so long.<br />

Keith Tombs<br />


Keith, the V15, in its various incarnations,<br />

has long been Shure’s top phono<br />

cartridge. It had advantages that were<br />

difficult to beat: though its stated list<br />

price was high, its street price could be<br />

surprisingly low, and it was initially alone<br />

among affordable cartridges in having a<br />

line contact stylus, offering better tracking<br />

and lower noise than a conventional<br />

elliptical stylus.<br />

However the V-15, right through<br />

<strong>version</strong> IV, shared a major flaw with<br />

most moving magnet pickups of the<br />

day: its high inductance limited its high<br />

frequency response, and the extreme<br />

highs you could hear were the product<br />

of resonances in the cantilever. It was<br />

only with <strong>version</strong> V, released 20 years<br />

ago, that more powerful neodynium<br />

magnets allowed Shure to reduce coil<br />

size and reproduce highs in natural fashion.<br />

We wouldn’t spend $150 on a stylus<br />

for <strong>version</strong> III. The Audio-Technica<br />

440ML is a much more modern pickup<br />

and includes a line contact stylus.<br />

It’s possible that you’ll need to add<br />

spacers to your Rega arm, but it’s worth<br />

the trouble.<br />

I have asked advice before and you have<br />

been very helpful with my selection of a YBA<br />

DT Intégré. I am very happy with this amp,<br />

which just never seems to run out of steam.

Free Advice<br />

I now want to turn my attention to my<br />

digital source. I have a multitude of boxes<br />

which make it up. The transport is a Cambridge<br />

CD4, the DAC is a heavily modded<br />

MSB Link DAC III with a Monolithic<br />

high current power supply, and I also have<br />

a Monarchy Audio 24/96 upsampler unit<br />

feeding the MSB Link.<br />

I have auditioned many one-box players<br />

in the sub-$2K Canadian range, but I have<br />

yet to find one that offers anything better<br />

than my current setup. I recall listening to<br />

the Audio Aero Prima, and I was impressed<br />

with its “wall of sound” effect. I find that<br />

most CD players I have auditioned offer a<br />

good centre (2-D) soundstage, but I haven’t<br />

found one yet that offers the side-to-side and<br />

front-to-back 3-D soundstage.<br />

Dan Fillion<br />


Well, Dan, there are people who<br />

would say your three-brand player is a bit<br />

of a kluge, and it’s certain that lots can<br />

go wrong in a complex setup. However<br />

you’ve spent some money on it, and by<br />

what you say it works pretty well. Should<br />

we be surprised that at least some $2000<br />

player can’t match it?<br />

Fortunately, the sort of quality we’ve<br />

associated with very high end players has<br />

found its way down into prices that don’t<br />

result in foreclosure on your mortgage.<br />

We’ve said good things about affordable<br />

players from Creek, Vecteur and Rega,<br />

to name only three. One of these might<br />

match your present player. Whether<br />

one of them might actually be better is<br />

something you’ll have to discover.<br />

Your Your shortlist… shortlist…<br />

Cyrus 8 wins ‘Product of the Year’ accolade!<br />

And the hits keep on coming!<br />

…just got longer!<br />

Canadian distributor of world famous European audio products<br />

Beyerdynamic, Creek, Cyrus, DNM, Eichmann<br />

Epos, Isoblue, Ringmat, Soundcare, Visonik<br />

I recently purchased the Cambridge<br />

Audio Azur 640A integrated amp and<br />

640C CD player (using an Atlas Equator<br />

interconnect), and paired them with the<br />

Quad 11L bookshelf speakers. I am fortunate<br />

to have a dedicated music room — 10<br />

x 12 feet in size — with plaster walls and<br />

hardwood floors.<br />

I absolutely loved the sound of the system<br />

at the store. Unfortunately, in my room the<br />

new system sounds harsh, especially at higher<br />

volume levels. I suspect that part of the problem<br />

is the size of the room and the abundance<br />

of hard surfaces. Any recommendations on<br />

warming up the sound?<br />

J.S. Haick<br />


www.europroducts-canada.com<br />

Well, we think at least one of your<br />

suspicions is correct: the abundance of<br />

hard surfaces is playing hob with the<br />

sound. (Did you ever play hob? It’s even<br />

tougher than quidditch, though possibly<br />

less dangerous.) Of course your room’s<br />

tiny dimensions are also causing some<br />

problems, especially at lower frequencies,<br />

with standing wave frequencies<br />

tending to bunch up, but the harshness<br />

is at the other end of the spectrum.<br />

Solving this problem is a process<br />

that defies summarizing, and we would<br />

recommend Paul Bergman’s acoustics<br />

series in UHF No. 30 through 36, as well<br />

as the acoustics chapter in our book, The<br />

World of <strong>High</strong> <strong>Fidelity</strong>. Still, perhaps we<br />

can make some suggestions.<br />

The hard surfaces in your room are<br />

allowing high frequency sound waves to<br />

bounce off with little attenuation, and<br />

to make hundreds, possibly thousands,<br />

of trips across the room before dying<br />

out. The result is that the sound seems<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 11

Free Advice<br />

Spherical Super Tweeter<br />

• Fast transient response<br />

• Wide dispersion (+/- 45°)<br />

Enjoy the deep and wide sound stage, while retrieving<br />

the lost inner detail throughout the audio range<br />

with muRata Super Tweeters.<br />

ES103A<br />

ES103B<br />

Visit: www.murata.com/speaker/<br />

Contact: speaker@murata.co.jp<br />

ES105<br />

50% of 90 mm<br />

Actual Size<br />

Specifications<br />

SPL: 90dB/w/m nom.<br />

Frequency Response 15 kHz-100 kHz<br />

Resonant frequency: ES103A/B 103 kHz<br />

ES105 105 kHz<br />

Nominal impedance: 8 ohms<br />

Dimensions (mm): ES103A/B 65 W x 110 L<br />

ES105 90 W x 118 L x 65 H<br />

Weight: (1.1 kg (2.4lbs)<br />

(Specifications may change without notice. See catalog or website for details)<br />

Response<br />

D25<br />

New vitality and<br />

potency from an<br />

internationally<br />

acclaimed design<br />

Sensation Musicale, Granby, QC, (800)313-4434<br />

ROTAC, Quebec City, QC (418)653-7768<br />

to be coming from multiple sources,<br />

and — worse yet — it keeps right on<br />

coming, smearing the music. It seems<br />

evident that adding soft surfaces, such<br />

as carpets and curtains, will reduce<br />

the number of bounces somewhat, but<br />

some of these additions will attenuate<br />

high frequency reverberation without<br />

having much effect on lower frequencies,<br />

including the midrange. The midrange<br />

is of course where most of the music is<br />

found.<br />

A thick carpet with a thick natural<br />

fibre underlay can do a lot. So can heavy<br />

drapes, with lots of folds, hung behind<br />

the speakers a few centimeters out from<br />

the rear wall.<br />

That’s only a start, but it’s where we<br />

would begin.<br />

Griffin Audio<br />

Box 733, Montreal, QC H4A 3S2<br />

Tel. (514) 945-8245 FAX: (514) 221-2247<br />

griffinaudio@cs.com proac-loudspeakers.com<br />

I own a Linn Basik turntable with an<br />

Akito arm. Recently the arm refuses to play<br />

to the end of some of my albums. It just sticks<br />

there towards the end of the last song. I have<br />

made sure that the setup is correct and that<br />

the turntable is level. Do you have any suggestions?<br />

I enjoy reading your magazine.<br />

Jan Palmer<br />


12 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

www.fabaudio.com 416-269-4911<br />

“<strong>High</strong> effiency loudspeakers”<br />

Canadian<br />

distributors<br />

of muRata<br />

spherical<br />

super tweeters<br />

fast, efficient, musical and coherent<br />

Dealer inquiries welcome<br />

Brat Stonehenge M1<br />

Warning: the muRata super<br />

tweeter effect is addictive and can<br />

positively become habit forming.<br />

The speaker is one of the best pieces of high-end equipment to grace my living room.<br />

Anthony Kershaw, audiophilia.com on the Fab Audio M1<br />

Dick Olsher<br />

enjoythemusic.com<br />





Free Advice<br />

I enjoyed reading your review of a pair<br />

of speakers I own, the Castle In<strong>version</strong> 15’s.<br />

I use an Arcam 10 integrated amp/preamp<br />

with them and an Arcam CD player. These<br />

speakers and the Arcam are a beautiful<br />

match, very musical and a perfect joy to listen<br />

to.<br />

However, there has been a lack of a<br />

sturdy low frequency foundation and power<br />

to much of the programming. There are<br />

individual recordings where this seems not<br />

so distracting, but I find myself increasingly<br />

unsatisfied by the status quo. The Arcam<br />

has no tone controls, so solutions will have to<br />

come through a better CD player or a speaker<br />

change. The Arcam CD is middle of the road<br />

at best but still a decent player. I will probably<br />

get a more sophisticated unit at some point<br />

anyway, so I am focused on the speakers for<br />

now.<br />

I am looking, therefore, at adding a<br />

Vandersteen 2Wq powered subwoofer to the<br />

system. What do you think of this idea? I<br />

want to have it blend seamlessly with the<br />

current setup, or it won’t be worth it. I spoke<br />

with Mr.. Vandersteen and he thought that<br />

the 16 cm woofer in the Castle would work<br />

well with his 2Wq subwoofer, although he<br />

is in general not impressed with two-way<br />

speaker systems and their midrange capabilities.<br />

I have heard several two-way designs<br />

that are great, those of Linn for example,<br />

14 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

This is a really easy one, Jan. and so I have to disagree with him, at least circuit, but it is dedicated to these two. I have<br />

Like most tone arms, the Akito is not from my subjective experience.<br />

tried floating the grounds.<br />

designed to rotate 360 degrees, but only I just hate to think about using a different<br />

Chris Barnsley<br />

Discover classical music<br />

far enough to travel from the arm rest to speaker, and, judging from your review you<br />


the outer edge of the record label. What might be loath to give them up as well.<br />

You’ve wondered whether you should, finally, find out what’s so enjoyable about<br />

has happened is that the entire arm post By the way, I think your Web site is the Chris, normally we would trot out a<br />

Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, and all those other composers celebrated years and<br />

has been turned counterclockwise, so best I have seen for my hi-fi interests. number of suggestions, but since you’ve<br />

even centuries after their death? But you didn’t know where to start?<br />

that the arm reaches the end of its travel<br />

Grant Fergeson tried them all you’re saved us the trouble.<br />

This collection of 50 gold audiophile CDs of European artists is how to build<br />

before getting all the way over to the end<br />

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX As Sherlock Holmes would say, once you<br />

a basic library all at once. For just $4 per CD, an unheard of price.<br />

of the final track.<br />

have eliminated all of the obvious possibilities,<br />

the one that remains, no matter<br />

Please understand, these aren't old mono transfers by fourth rate artists. All<br />

Here’s how to fix it. Around the arm We also disagree with Richard<br />

of these recordings are in natural stereo, and includes some of the world’s most<br />

base are two screws that hold the arm in Vandersteen concerning two-way speakers,<br />

Grant, because we are all too aware And the possibility that remains is a<br />

how outlandish, must be the correct one.<br />

celebrated artists, from England, Austria and other European countries.<br />

place. You’ll need an Allen (hexagonal)<br />

And we’re not talking about mere excerpts, what some critics refer to sacrcastically<br />

as “one hundred musical orgasms.” These are complete works. Want<br />

key to loosen them. Before you do, put a of the sonic damage caused by complex gross level mismatch between the Audio<br />

pencil line along the arm pillar where it crossover networks (we have the greatest<br />

respect for Richard’s own work, For anyone reading this who is not<br />

Aero and the Simaudio.<br />

to hear Beethoven’s monumental 9th Symphony? All four movements are here.<br />

goes into the base, so that you can set the<br />

Want Vivaldi’s four Seasons. All four concertos are here, complete.<br />

arm to the same height (we’re assuming however).<br />

familiar with the components in question,<br />

some explanation is required.<br />

The whole collection is just $199.95 (Canadian), exclusive from UHF’s<br />

the height is correct in the first place). There’s a good reason your Arcam<br />

Audiophile Store.<br />

Rotate the arm slightly clockwise, so that amplifier has no tone controls: we consider<br />

such controls to be distortion gen-<br />

Unlike most CD players, the Capitole<br />

Hear samples on line. Or order the 69 minute sampler CD for $10, and get a<br />

it is free to travel all the way to the label<br />

$10 credit if you decide to get the whole set.<br />

edge. And then tighten those screws so<br />

And you will.<br />

they are really firm. We’d bet they were<br />

a bit loose to start with, and that’s how<br />

your arm got turned.<br />

erators, and we look with suspicion on<br />

any amplifier designer who thinks they<br />

are a good idea. Though an upscale CD<br />

player may well give you a more solid and<br />

extended bottom end, there’s not much<br />

to be done to extend the low-end extension<br />

of the small Castle In<strong>version</strong>s. Oh...<br />

except what you suggest: a subwoofer.<br />

The Vandersteen sub is probably a<br />

good choice. Years ago, in UHF No. 23,<br />

we successfully matched one to a pair<br />

of Quad ESL-63 electrostatic speakers,<br />

a major challenge. We’re not sure the<br />

Vandersteen would be the best option for<br />

a home theatre system that needs major<br />

kicking power, but its gentle and subtle<br />

work is a good choice for a music system<br />

such as yours.<br />

I have an Audio Aero Capitole MkII<br />

CD player running directly to my Simaudio<br />

I-5’s amp section, bypassing the Simaudio’s<br />

internal preamp.<br />

I’m getting a very slight hum from the<br />

speakers when run this way. I’m told that<br />

Audio Aero and Simaudio inherently have<br />

this problem when run together in this mode.<br />

I’ve tried switching cables, the Audio Aero<br />

dealer has tried various grounding options,<br />

and I have very good power conditioning on<br />

a dedicated line. I’m at a loss. When I use<br />

the Simaudio I-5 in normal integrated mode,<br />

there is no hum.<br />

There are no other components in the<br />

mix. Chassis-to-chassis ground has been<br />

tried. The cables are all Cardas. The player<br />

and amplifier are on the same electrical<br />

includes its own tube preamplifier.<br />

That’s why you don’t need your I-3’s own<br />

preamp section: you can feed the player<br />

directly to the power amplifier section<br />

of this integrated amp.<br />

Now here’s the problem. The player’s<br />

analog volume control is followed by a<br />

tube buffer stage. Tubes need not suffer<br />

excessively from hum, but since their<br />

hum level depends on the individual tube<br />

and not simply on the circuit design, it<br />

is not unusual for tubes to have detectable<br />

hum. On the other hand, Simaudio<br />

amplifiers have higher gain than most.<br />

This probably means that you can’t turn<br />

up the Capitole’s volume very high.<br />

When you run its volume control low,<br />

it sends a diminished music signal to the<br />

output. Any hum from the tube buffer<br />

won’t be diminished, however, since it<br />

originates after the volume control.<br />

There are only three possible cures.<br />

You can lower the gain of the Capitole’s<br />

buffer, you can lower the gain of<br />

the Simaudio’s amplifier stage, or you<br />

can get a pair of inline attenuators (a<br />

feedthrough plug that drops level by<br />

10 dB), such as the one from Rothwell<br />

Audio Products). The third solution<br />

is the only one that won’t require a<br />

technician and make your equipment<br />

impossible to resell.<br />

I feel pretty stupid as I write this, but I<br />

have done a stupid thing!<br />

Our CBC reception is pretty terrible<br />

through my receiver, so when I found an old<br />

set of bunny ears without a base, I thought

Free Advice<br />

I would use that as an antenna. I took the<br />

bunny ears and started waving them about<br />

to see if I could improve the reception. I<br />

accidently waved them across the speaker<br />

terminals on my speakers. Well, there was<br />

a loud pop, or amplified signal, that faded<br />

out as I pulled the plug on the amplifier, a<br />

Celeste 4150se. I thought I had blown the<br />

speaker, but I then plugged the speakers into<br />

the receiver, and verified that they are both<br />

working. Obviously there is an amplifier<br />

problem.<br />

Are you able to tell me what I have done?<br />

I must have shorted out the amplifier. Will I<br />

have caused major damage? Are amplifiers<br />

not protected against this kind of stupidity?<br />

Victor Curell<br />


There’s an old saying in electronic<br />

circles, Victor, sort of a variant on<br />

Murphy’s Law: during any electronic<br />

malfunction, a major component will<br />

always burn out in time to protect the<br />

fuse.<br />

Yes, the amplifier is supposed to be<br />

protected against short circuits, but<br />

Murphy supersedes all that. In our<br />

amplifier reviews, we often note that a<br />

unit is protected against short circuits<br />

by a fuse, breaker, or current-limiting<br />

circuit, but we never, ever test this out for<br />

ourselves.<br />

Oh…except when we do it inadvertently,<br />

just as you did. Don’t feel bad. It<br />

happens to us too.<br />

My existing setup: a dedicated electrical<br />

outlet, Creek 4140 s2 integrated amplifier,<br />

Cambridge CD500se CD player, Prisma<br />

interconnects, Audiostream speaker cables<br />

in and out of a Mirage BPS 100 gently set<br />

up to Camber 3.5 ti loudspeakers.<br />

Not the system of my dreams, but a<br />

warm and pleasant sound for almost all<br />

kinds of music (but definitely not the “nec<br />

plus ultra” for appreciating big orchestras).<br />

Of course I would like the music to expand<br />

out of the speakers with a little more sparkle<br />

and magic.<br />

What would be your suggestions for<br />

valuable and progressive upgrades? Is<br />

this system worth the investment of better<br />

interconnects and speaker cables, or should I<br />

keep it as it is?<br />

Pierre Vaillancourt<br />

LAVAL, QC<br />

Isoblue Naim Neat ProAc Rega<br />

Arcam Creek Crimson<br />

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is<br />

indistinguishable from magic”<br />

Sir Arthur C. Clarke<br />

hi fi fo fum<br />

The Goods<br />

Are<br />

Odd,<br />

But<br />

Your system is a basic one, Pierre,<br />

but you have a reasonable source, okay<br />

amp, and elderly but decent speakers. Of<br />

course you may at some point want to<br />

plan a (possibly gradual) upgrade, but we<br />

do think that at the moment your cables<br />

are the weak point.<br />

We know the Prisma interconnects<br />

well, since our own Audiophile Store<br />

sells them. Their main claim to fame:<br />

much better connectors than most<br />

economy cables, and a wonderful choice<br />

to replace free junk cords. As for Audiostream<br />

cables, it’s easy to do way better,<br />

and you should. Those two improvements<br />

will give you both the sparkle<br />

and an increased dose of magic, not to<br />

mention sound that is both warmer and<br />

more pleasant.<br />

When setting up loudspeakers in a<br />

room, isn’t it also important to make sure<br />

that either the distance to the side wall or the<br />

wall behind do not equal the distance from<br />

the woofer to the floor?<br />

John Tiong<br />

SIBU, Sarawak, Malaysia<br />

!<br />

The<br />

Odds<br />

Are<br />

Good<br />

935 Mount Pleasant Road<br />

Toronto 416-421-7552<br />

Ringmat Royd Visonik<br />

Cyrus Ecosse Eichmann Epos<br />

What an interesting question, John…<br />

if of course you meant it as a question!<br />

In the absolute you’re right, and that<br />

goes for a lot of other dimensions too,<br />

starting, naturally, with room dimensions.<br />

Distances of all sorts should,<br />

ideally, not be identical, nor should they<br />

be multiples of each other. Otherwise the<br />

standing waves will get reinforced.<br />

But it’s difficult to avoid some relationships,<br />

and in the case of the wooferto-floor<br />

distance, it may not be worth<br />

bothering about. At low frequencies,<br />

the woofer itself is not the only source<br />

of sound. Indeed, in some speakers the<br />

enclosure actually radiates more lowfrequency<br />

energy than the driver itself.<br />

If your speaker were an infinitely small<br />

point source, as the ideal loudspeaker<br />

would be, then it might be worth paying<br />

attention to its distance from floor and<br />

sidewalls.<br />

I recently purchased the Cambridge Audio<br />

A500 integrated amp and a D500SE CD<br />

player (using AR interconnects), and paired<br />

them with the Paradigm Monitor Series<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 15

Free Advice<br />

Compact Monitor speakers. A Rega Planar<br />

3 completes my equipment. I absolutely<br />

loved the sound at first, but now I am not<br />

so sure about the speaker. I am using heavy<br />

gauge speaker wire and I am bi-wiring the<br />

system.<br />

What am I doing wrong ? Any recommendations?<br />

What would be the better choice<br />

of speakers for this system? The speakers<br />

seem dull, muted, not loud enough, maybe??<br />

I don’t know…<br />

Stanko Botic<br />


It does seem likely that your speakers<br />

are not up to the quality of your player<br />

and amplifier. You could certainly have<br />

done worse, buying one of those famous<br />

name hollow boxes that wouldn’t even<br />

stay together if it weren’t for the imitation<br />

wood veneer. Better speakers would<br />

be indicated, though of course which<br />

ones would depend on what budget you<br />

can free up. In general we don’t recommend<br />

making small upgrades, because<br />

trading equipment is always costly.<br />

But the cables could possibly use an<br />

upgrade too. Your AR interconnects<br />

might be one place to start. As for the<br />

“heavy gauge speaker wire,” we presume<br />

you are using some of the inexpensive<br />

generic speaker wire available from<br />

diverse sources. We’ve actually reviewed<br />

such cables, and they were the very worst<br />

we have ever heard. Your initial upgrade<br />

should definitely include them.<br />

I have a question regarding tube amp<br />

design and why certain tubes are only used<br />

in certain configurations.<br />

A friend recently purchased a Mastersound<br />

Due Venti 220 S.E. (single-ended)<br />

class-A, integrated amplifier that uses four<br />

EL34 tubes in a single-ended configuration.<br />

I had just purchased an EL34 tube integrated<br />

amplifier myself after listening to many<br />

different models from many manufactures,<br />

all of them push-pull designs. I eventually<br />

settled on the Audiomat Arpège Référence,<br />

considering it to be superior to all but the<br />

more expensive Audiomat amplifiers such as<br />

the Prélude Reference and the Opéra.<br />

When I took my amplifier over to my<br />

friend’s house to compare our respective<br />

choices, and secretly with the intention of<br />

trouncing his amplifier, I was astounded by<br />

what I heard. The sound from the Mastersound<br />

single-ended integrated was so lifelike<br />

and realistic that for the first time in all my<br />

years of listening seriously to audio equipment<br />

have I had the experience of thinking<br />

that the singer was actually in the room<br />

singing just for me. So realistic was the<br />

midrange of the single-ended amp that its<br />

reproduction of vocals was actually spooky.<br />

Now I understand why so many people<br />

pour so much money into their systems: to<br />

reach this benchmark. Moreover the highs,<br />

particularly with regard to the reproduction<br />

of the harp and violin, were just astounding.<br />

The single-ended designed only was bettered<br />

by the Arpège in terms of bass information,<br />

but not weight.<br />

I’m recounting this experience not to<br />

compare one manufacturer’s product against<br />

another’s, but to ask about amplifier design<br />

topology, independently of who is making the<br />

respective amps. I have owned single-ended<br />

amplifiers in the past that have used 300B<br />

tubes and heard ones that have used 845<br />

signal tubes, and both have traditionally<br />

sounded euphonic to me: too artificially warm<br />

and rounded. To the best of my knowledge,<br />

no one else other than Mastersound makes<br />

a single-ended amplifier using EL34 tubes.<br />

You can have it all<br />

in Toronto...<br />

Creek<br />

Cyrus<br />

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Isoblue<br />

Ringmat<br />

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But only at....<br />

Hi Fi Fo Fum<br />

935 Mount Pleasant Road<br />

Toronto. M4P 2L7<br />

Tel: 416-421-7552<br />

www.hififofum.ca<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 17

Free Advice<br />

Discover the Classics…<br />

at $4 per CD!<br />

It’s all here, with complete works, not mere excerpts: Mozart, Bach, Beethoven,<br />

Mendelssohn, Vivaldi, Bizet, Tchaikovsky, Gershwin…a complete classical library<br />

on 50 CDs, enough for a voyage of discovery. And these are gold discs, with good,<br />

sometimes top-grade, artists. And natural sound!<br />

See the complete list of contents, and even listen to on-line excerpts:<br />

www.uhfmag.com/discreviews/Classics.html<br />

This configuration seems like such a logical<br />

choice for a tube amplifier maker as I have<br />

long considered the EL34 tube to be the most<br />

musical tube available (and I know you do<br />

too). Proof of this seems to be vast number<br />

of companies that use the EL34 tube in<br />

push-pull designs. The tube is inexpensive,<br />

especially compared to 300B tubes.<br />

Why don’t other manufacturers use<br />

EL34’s in a single-ended configuration? Is<br />

there a drawback I am not aware of, as this<br />

design path seems just too good to be true?<br />

The Mastersound amp is said to use many<br />

of the same component parts as the higherend<br />

models, and my friend says he was told<br />

that it is sold as a loss leader. However, I<br />

know the Audiomat amps are designed with<br />

exquisite attention to detail and use superior<br />

parts as well. Hence, I’m attributing much<br />

of the difference in performance that I heard<br />

to the single-ended vs. push-pull design. I<br />

would love to know your thoughts.<br />

Rick Meyers<br />


18 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Rick, there’s a good reason most<br />

makers of single-ended amplifiers use<br />

tubes such as the 300B and the 845, and<br />

at least one manufacturer uses a tube<br />

designed for the output stage of broadcast<br />

transmitters! Using one tube instead<br />

of two reduces the available power, for<br />

obvious reasons, and the higher harmonic<br />

distortion of a single-ended tube<br />

makes it inadvisable to squeeze every<br />

last milliwatt from it. A big tube gives<br />

you a fighting chance to get a non-trivial<br />

amount of power out of the amplifier.<br />

In the case of the Mastersound<br />

amplifier, there are two EL34 tubes<br />

in each channel, just as there would<br />

in a conventional amplifier, but they<br />

are simply paralleled instead of being<br />

arranged in the usual push-pull arrangement.<br />

Push-pull, which is used in nearly<br />

all amplifiers, both tube and transistor,<br />

provides a greater voltage swing and also<br />

cancels out some of the even-harmonic<br />

distortion. Mastersound has sacrificed<br />

this advantage, and has also sacrificed<br />

the lower harmonic distortion it could<br />

have obtained by using inverse feedback.<br />

Talk about playing with fire!<br />

But there is an advantage to singleended<br />

operation. That pair of EL34’s is<br />

amplifying all of the sound wave. In a<br />

push-pull amp, one of them would be<br />

amplifying the positive half of the wave<br />

and the other the negative half. It’s<br />

difficult to maintain perfect symmetry<br />

when the tubes cannot be perfectly<br />

identical. Push-pull is way superior to<br />

single-ended at high level, but may sound<br />

less good at very low level, when the<br />

asymmetry becomes more evident.<br />

By the way, using more than one<br />

output device in a single-ended configuration<br />

is also a compromise, but then life<br />

is full of compromises.<br />

I have a good CD player now (47 Lab)<br />

and I want to keep it, but would like also to<br />

have a good player for all SACDs and DVD-<br />

Audio . The Esoteric is quite pricy.<br />

Do you think such players will be more<br />

common in the future and come down in<br />

price? If so, when?<br />

Mark Garmaise<br />


It has already begun happening,<br />

Mark. It’s true that our own player,<br />

the Linn Unidisk 1.1 has come close<br />

to setting records in selling price, but<br />

at the same time other companies have<br />

brought out lower-cost universal players.<br />

One of them, the McCormack UDCP-<br />

1, is reviewed in the current issue. It is<br />

considerably cheaper than the Esoteric,<br />

and it is worthy of a good music system.<br />

There will be more universal players in<br />

the next year, as Linn licenses out its<br />

technology.<br />

Our own point of view is that one can<br />

now safely afford to ignore DVD-Audio<br />

in favor of SACD, and if you agree, that<br />

will considerably widen your possible<br />

choices. We are searching for affordable<br />

SACD players good enough to make the<br />

technology seem worthwhile.<br />


UHF MAGAZINE, Box 65085<br />

Longueuil, QC, Canada J4K 5J4<br />

OR ON LINE uhfmail@uhfmag.com

Nuts&Bolts<br />

Multichannel and Stereo<br />

Are two channels enough for<br />

musical reproduction? There<br />

has never been a consensus<br />

on this question, and there is<br />

not still today. Do you wish or need to<br />

be “surrounded” by music? Would you<br />

be if you were present at an actual music<br />

venue? Can a multichannel system truly<br />

simulate the sound of such a venue?<br />

That’s a lot of questions. I shall now<br />

set out in search of answers to at least<br />

some of them.<br />

It is common today to hear from<br />

stereo purists who believe that using<br />

more than two channels does not add to<br />

music listening, but actually takes away.<br />

A frequent adjunct to this claim is that ,<br />

after all, we have just two ears.<br />

Whether that is relevant to the present<br />

question depends on interpretation<br />

of the nature of stereophonic sound<br />

itself.<br />

Binaural sound<br />

You don’t need a degree in the<br />

languages of Antiquity to know that<br />

“binaural” means two-eared. That said,<br />

where does “stereo” come in?<br />

The Greek word stereos means “solid,”<br />

or three-dimensional. In the 20th<br />

Century the word “stereo” first became<br />

popular in conjunction with stereoscopic<br />

photography. This is a typical stereo<br />

camera, made by Kodak in the 1950’s.<br />

by Paul Bergman<br />

The camera has two lenses and takes<br />

two photographs from slightly different<br />

points of view. You then arrange for the<br />

viewer’s left eye to see only the picture<br />

taken with the left lens, and the right eye<br />

to see only the picture taken with the<br />

right lens. The result is a 3-D illusion,<br />

and the impression of solidity.<br />

Could the same principle do wonders<br />

for sound? Of course.<br />

Instead of two lenses, we use two<br />

microphones. You could use unidirectional<br />

microphones spaced about 25 cm<br />

apart, like our two ears, then send one<br />

signal to the left ear and the other to the<br />

right ear. Such microphones do exist,<br />

and are sometimes even placed inside a<br />

dummy head.<br />

This two-eared approach, first<br />

developed in the 19th Century, is today<br />

called binaural sound. Its popularity<br />

was limited by the need to listen with<br />

headphones. I am, of course, aware that<br />

an entire couple of generations listen to<br />

music in that fashion, so binaural could<br />

be slated for a major return.<br />

Binaural sound can indeed sound<br />

“solid,” but many decades ago engineers<br />

set out to provide such 3-D sound with<br />

loudspeakers. The word “stereophonic”<br />

was applied to such multispeaker sound,<br />

though as we shall see it is not always<br />

appropriate.<br />

The birth of stereo<br />

You might be surprised to learn how<br />

old stereo actually is. In the early part of<br />

the last century, one enterprising company<br />

brought out two-channel <strong>version</strong>s<br />

of the cylinder phonograph, with two<br />

horns rather than one. Much of the pioneering<br />

work on modern stereophonic<br />

sound was carried out in the 1930’s by<br />

Bell Laboratories, a division of the then<br />

dominant US telephone company, which<br />

Is stereo slated for<br />

replacement? That<br />

depends on what you<br />

mean by stereo.<br />

would later invent the transistor and the<br />

Unix operating system.<br />

Early experiments actually date<br />

back to 1928, but in 1932 Bell Labs<br />

engineer Arthur C. Keller produced<br />

stereo recordings of the Philadelphia<br />

Orchestra, with an enthusiastic Leopold<br />

Stokowski conducting. The first<br />

recordings used two separate grooves,<br />

requiring two tone arms and cartridges<br />

to play them. Not long after, however,<br />

the lab produced stereo discs employing<br />

the 45-45 groove setup that would<br />

be adopted for the stereo LP nearly a<br />

quarter of a century later.<br />

The engineers at Bell Labs did not,<br />

however, consider two channels to be<br />

ideal, and by 1933 some of their experiments<br />

were done with three channels.<br />

Even this, I should add, was considered<br />

a compromise. Bell engineers thought<br />

that the ideal system would use an infinite<br />

number of microphones, with the<br />

sound from each reproduced by separate<br />

speakers, also infinite in number. This<br />

is, in my view, where the very concept<br />

of stereo began to shift and become<br />

something quite different.<br />

To be specific, the Bell engineers<br />

put the emphasis on the positioning of<br />

musical instruments. It can be supposed<br />

that with a hundred channels you could<br />

perfectly position each of the hundred<br />

instruments of a large symphony<br />

orchestra. If we wish to be a little more<br />

realistic, we could use three channels<br />

to reproduce groups of instruments in<br />

the correct position: violins at left, say,<br />

wind instruments in the centre, and<br />

violas and cellos at right. Attractive<br />

though this compromise then seemed,<br />

a three-channel system was ill-suited to<br />

a disc which had just two groove walls.<br />

Hence the modern state of stereo: much<br />

as we might prefer an infinite number of<br />

channels, we have had to settle for two.<br />

Let us, then, consider the gap that<br />

had opened up between binaural sound,<br />

the original “solid” sound, and the Bell<br />

Labs concept of stereo.<br />

In binaural, and in another interpretation<br />

of stereo, the analogy with<br />

stereoscopic photography had been<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 19

Nuts&Bolts<br />

Get the whole article<br />

This fascinating article by Paul Bergman is the longest he has ever written for<br />

us. Read the whole thing in our print issue.<br />

preserved: the two microphones were<br />

picking up the same signal, but from a<br />

slightly different perspective. In the ideal<br />

Bell Labs <strong>version</strong> of stereo, the three<br />

channels did not carry the same material,<br />

save for inevitable leakage.<br />

In the two-channel <strong>version</strong> this was<br />

not quite true. Early stereo recordings<br />

were actually three-channel recordings,<br />

in recognition of the perceived necessity<br />

for a minimum of three channels<br />

to reproduce the spread of orchestral<br />

sound. The centre channel was added<br />

in equal parts, but at lower level, to the<br />

left and right channels. If the listener sat<br />

in the exact centre position between the<br />

two speakers, he might hear a “phantom”<br />

centre channel.<br />

Nonetheless, though “stereo” had<br />

been named using a word that implied a<br />

three-dimensional quality, the concept<br />

actually added only one dimension:<br />

width.<br />

In the same period, there was another,<br />

very different, concept of stereophonic<br />

sound. It was born far from Bell Laboratories,<br />

at the British recording company<br />

EMI.<br />

Blumlein stereo<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

20 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do<br />

eugiamet vulla autatio commod te facidunt<br />

ad magnisim venissi tat ipsusci tis<br />

atet volore cor sim enim et lorper ip enit<br />

venisci ncilit autpatue consequate facing<br />

ea facipis nulput nit adiat autpatuer sum<br />

niat aliquat. Dunt dolorem in henit nos<br />

autem at alit irilit laore commy nim<br />

zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel ing et,<br />

consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis nit<br />

ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut<br />

num dio odiam, conulluptat. Lor iriure<br />

core con volortisit in er si blaore do dio<br />

commod digna feugue exercip sustrud<br />

ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at, quat<br />

la feugait nim at praessim dolorper<br />

alisl dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan<br />

esequipit ilit dolese ming eu feu facing<br />

ea amcommolut dit landrerostie tatue<br />

dolore te vel et ex et la am vent vel utat<br />

ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse<br />

feum dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt<br />

atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod<br />

dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad<br />

tem zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum<br />

nullutpat. Os dolute mod et lorerostrud<br />

mincilit dit prat accummod tis eugue<br />

faccumsandre mod dit prat nummolo<br />

rercipit lore faccummy nismolese consed<br />

enibh et pratet eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut

Nuts&Bolts<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Virtual microphones<br />

A Blumlein stereo recording setup is<br />

o Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Multimicrophone stereo<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore<br />

Quadraphonic sound<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 21

Nuts&Bolts<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do<br />

eugiamet vulla autatio commod te facidunt<br />

ad magnisim venissi tat ipsusci tis<br />

22 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

atet volore cor sim enim et lorper ip enit<br />

venisci ncilit autpatue consequate facing<br />

ea facipis nulput nit adiat autpatuer sum<br />

niat aliquat. Dunt dolorem in henit nos<br />

autem at alit irilit laore commy nim<br />

zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel ing et,<br />

consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis nit<br />

ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut<br />

num dio odiam, conulluptat. Lor iriure<br />

core con volortisit in er si blaore do dio<br />

commod digna feugue exercip sustrud<br />

ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at, quat<br />

la feugait nim at praessim dolorper<br />

alisl dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan<br />

esequipit ilit dolese ming eu feu facing<br />

ea amcommolut dit landrerostie tatue<br />

dolore te vel et ex et la am vent vel utat<br />

ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse<br />

feum dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt<br />

atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod<br />

dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad<br />

tem zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum<br />

nullutpat. Os dolute mod et lorerostrud<br />

mincilit dit prat accummod tis eugue<br />

faccumsandre mod dit prat nummolo<br />

rercipit lore faccummy nismolese consed<br />

enibh et pratet eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore<br />

Dolby Surround<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor.<br />

True 5.1 channel surround<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am

Nuts&Bolts<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do<br />

eugiamet vulla autatio commod te facidunt<br />

ad magnisim venissi tat ipsusci tis<br />

atet volore cor sim enim et lorper ip enit<br />

venisci ncilit autpatue consequate facing<br />

ea facipis nulput nit adiat autpatuer sum<br />

niat aliquat. Dunt dolorem in henit nos<br />

autem at alit irilit laore commy nim<br />

zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel ing et,<br />

consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis nit<br />

ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut<br />

num dio odiam, conulluptat. Lor iriure<br />

core con volortisit in er si blaore do dio<br />

commod digna feugue exercip sustrud<br />

ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at, quat<br />

la feugait nim at praessim dolorper<br />

alisl dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan<br />

esequipit ilit dolese ming eu feu facing<br />

ea amcommolut dit landrerostie tatue<br />

dolore te vel et ex et la am vent vel utat<br />

ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse<br />

feum dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt<br />

atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod<br />

dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad<br />

tem zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum<br />

nullutpat. Os dolute mod et lorerostrud<br />

mincilit dit prat accummod tis eugue<br />

faccumsandre mod dit prat nummolo<br />

rercipit lore faccummy nismolese consed<br />

enibh et pratet eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 23

Nuts&Bolts<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Building on Blumlein<br />

I have already mentioned that Alan<br />

Blumlein was aware that playing his<br />

coherent stereo recording through a pair<br />

of widely-spaced loudspeakers would not<br />

24 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

result in correct spatial reproduction.<br />

Over the years there have been attempts<br />

to bring speaker listening closer to binaural<br />

headphone listening.<br />

The main problem is that, with<br />

loudspeakers, each of our ears hears<br />

both channels, and not merely the right<br />

or left. One can minimize this channel<br />

“crosstalk” by listening in the nearfield,<br />

in other words from very close to the<br />

speakers. Listening in this fashion<br />

minimizes the contribution of room<br />

reverberation, which tends to diffuse<br />

the source of the sound. You can actually<br />

experience the effect by listening to a<br />

boombox from a couple of feet away.<br />

Other methods have been devised.<br />

Some years back JVC developed a system<br />

which greatly emphasized separation<br />

by cancelling out the channel mixing<br />

electronically. This was done by adding<br />

some of each channel to the other channel,<br />

but at lower level (-6 dB) and in<br />

reverse phase. The feeling of depth and<br />

spaciousness was greatly enhanced.<br />

Subsequently, a firm called QSound<br />

built on this idea by adding tailored<br />

out-of-phase signals to each channel.<br />

The early <strong>version</strong> of QSound was actually<br />

used to process some recordings,<br />

including one by Madonna. It turned<br />

out, however, that people listening in<br />

mono (on a non-stereo radio for example)<br />

were hearing something rather messy.<br />

The system was subsequently modified<br />

to improve mono compatibility. QSound<br />

today is used primarily on playback<br />

equipment, including mini-systems and<br />

computers.<br />

Is stereo dead?<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut<br />

num dio odiam, conulluptat. Lor iriure<br />

core con volortisit in er si blaore do dio<br />

commod digna feugue exercip sustrud<br />

ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at, quat<br />

la feugait nim at praessim dolorper<br />

alisl dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan<br />

esequipit ilit dolese ming eu feu facing<br />

ea amcommolut dit landrerostie tatue<br />

dolore te vel et ex et la am vent vel utat<br />

ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse<br />

feum dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt<br />

atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod<br />

dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad<br />

tem zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum<br />

nullutpat. Os dolute mod et lorerostrud<br />

mincilit dit prat accummod tis eugue<br />

faccumsandre mod dit prat nummolo<br />

rercipit lore faccummy nismolese consed<br />

enibh et pratet eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore


Issues No.7-19 (except 11, 15, 17 and 18, out of<br />

print): nine issues available for the price of five<br />

(see below). A piece of audio history. Available<br />

separately at the regular price.<br />

No.70: How SACD won the war…or how<br />

DVD-A blew it. Reviews: Linn Unidisk 1.1 universal<br />

player and Shanling SCD-T200 player.<br />

Speakers: Reference 3a Royal Virtuoso,<br />

Equation 25, Wilson Benesch Curve, preview<br />

of muRata super tweeters. Other reviews:<br />

Simaudio W-5LE amp, the iPod as an audiophile<br />

source. Plus: future video screens, the<br />

eternal music of George Gershwin, and two<br />

reports from Montréal 2004.<br />

No.69: Tube Electronics: Audiomat Opéra ,<br />

Connoisseur SE-2 and Copland CSA29 integrated<br />

amps, and Shanling SP-80 monoblocks.<br />

Also: Audiomat's Phono-1.5, Creek CD50, as<br />

well as a great new remote control, GutWire's<br />

NotePad antivibration device, and a musicrelated<br />

computer game that had us laughing<br />

out loud. And there’s more: Paul Bergman on<br />

the return of the vacuum tube, the Vegas 2004<br />

report, and the story of how music critics did<br />

their best to kill the world’s greatest music.<br />

No.68: Loudspeakers: Thiel CS2.4, Focus<br />

Audio FS688, Iliad B1. Electronics:Vecteur<br />

I-6.2 and Audiomat Arpège integrated amplifiers,<br />

Copland 306 multichannel tube preamp,<br />

Rega Fono MC. Also: Audio Note and Copland<br />

CD players, GutWire MaxCon power filter. And<br />

there’s more: all about power supplies, what’s<br />

coming beyond DVD, and a chat with YBA’s<br />

Yves-Bernard André.<br />

No.67: Loudspeakers: A new, improved<br />

Reference 3a MM de Capo, and the awesome<br />

Living Voice Avatar OBX-R. Centre speakers<br />

for surround from Castle, JMLab, ProAc, Thiel,<br />

Totem and Vandersteen. One of them joins<br />

our Kappa system. Two multichannel amps<br />

from Copland and Vecteur. Plus: plans for a<br />

DIY platform for placing a centre speaker atop<br />

any TV set, Paul Bergman on the elements of<br />

acoustics, and women in country music.<br />

No.66: Reviews: the Jadis DA-30 amplifier, the<br />

Copland 305 tube preamp and 520 solid state<br />

amp. Plus: the amazing Shanling CD player,<br />

Castle Stirling speakers, and a remote control<br />

that tells you what to watch. Also: Bergman on<br />

biwiring and biamplification, singer Janis Ian’s<br />

alternative take on music downloading, and a<br />

chat with Opus 3’s Jan-Eric Persson.<br />

No.65: Back to Vinyl: setting up an analog<br />

system, reviews of Rega P9 turntable, and<br />

phono preamps from Rega, Musical <strong>Fidelity</strong><br />

and Lehmann. The Kappa reference system<br />

for home theatre: how we selected our HDTV<br />

monitor, plus a review of the Moon Stellar DVD<br />

player. Anti-vibration: Atacama, Symposium,<br />

Golden Sound, Solid-Tech, Audioprism,<br />

Tenderfeet. Plus an interview with Rega’s<br />

turntable designer, and a look back at what<br />

UHF was like 20 years ago.<br />

No.64: Speakers: Totem M1 Signature and<br />

Hawk, Visonik E352. YBA Passion Intégré<br />

amp, Cambridge IsoMagic (followup), better<br />

batteries for audio-to-go. Plus: the truth about<br />

upsampling, an improvement to our LP cleaning<br />

machine, an interview with Ray Kimber.<br />

.<br />

No.63: Tube amps: ASL Leyla & Passion<br />

A11. Vecteur Espace speakers, 2 interconnects<br />

(Harmonic Technology Eichmann),<br />

5 speaker cables (Pierre Gabriel, vdH ,<br />

Harmonic Technology, Eichmann), 4 power<br />

cords (Wireworld, Harmonic Technology,<br />

Eichmann, ESP). Plus: Paul Bergman on<br />

soundproofing, how to compare components<br />

in the store, big-screen TV’s to stay away<br />

from, a look back at the Beatles revolution.<br />

No.62: Amplifiers: Vecteur I- 4, Musical<br />

<strong>Fidelity</strong> Nu-Vista M3, Antique Sound Lab<br />

MG-S11DT. Passive preamps from Creek and<br />

Antique Sound Lab. Vecteur L-4 CD player.<br />

Interconnects: VdH Integration and Wireworld<br />

Soltice. Plus: the right to copy music, and how<br />

it may be vanishing. Choosing a DVD player by<br />

features. And all about music for the movies.<br />

No.61: Digital: Audiomat Tempo and Cambridge<br />

Isomagic DACs, Vecteur D -2 transpor t.<br />

Speakers: Osborn Mini Tower and Mirage OM-<br />

9. Soundcare Superspikes. And: new surround<br />

formats, dezoning DVD players.<br />

No.60: Speakers: Monitor Audio Silver 9,<br />

Reference 3a MM De Capo, Klipsch RB-5,<br />

Coincident Triumph Signature. Plus: a Mirage<br />

subwoofer and the Audiomat Solfège amp. Paul<br />

Bergman on reproducing extreme lows.<br />

No.59: CD players: Moon Eclipse, Linn Ikemi<br />

and Genki, Rega Jupiter/Io, Cambridge D500.<br />

Plus: Oskar Kithara speaker, with Heil tweeter.<br />

And: transferring LP to CD, the truth on digital<br />

radio, digital cinema vs MaxiVision 48.<br />

No.58: Amplifiers: ASL AQ1003, Passion I10<br />

& I11, Rogue 88, Jadis Orchestra Reference,<br />

Linar 250. Headphone amps: Creek, Antique<br />

Sound Lab, NVA, Audio Valve. Plus: Foundation<br />

Research LC-2 line filter, Gutwire power cord,<br />

Pierre Gabriel ML-1 2000 cable. And: building<br />

your own machine to clean LP’s.<br />

No.57: Speakers: Dynaudio Contour 1.3,<br />

Gershman X-1/SW-1, Coincident Super<br />

Triumph Signature, Castle In<strong>version</strong> 15,<br />

Oskar Aulos. PLUS: KR 18 tube amp. Music<br />

Revolution: the next 5 years. Give your Hi-Fi<br />

a Fall Tune-Up.<br />

No.56: Integrated amps: Simaudio I-5, Roksan<br />

Caspian, Myryad MI120, Vecteur Club 10, NVA<br />

AP10 Also: Cambridge T500 tuner, Totem<br />

Forest. Phono stages: Creek, Lehmann,<br />

Audiomat. Interconnects: Actinote, Van den<br />

Hul, Pierre Gabriel. Plus: Paul Bergman on<br />

power and current…why you need both<br />

No.55: CD players: Linn CD12, Copland<br />

CDA-289, Roksan Caspian, AMC CD8a. Other<br />

reviews: Enigma Oremus speaker, Magenta<br />

ADE-24 black box. Plus: the DSD challenge for<br />

the next audio disc, pirate music on the Net, the<br />

explosion of off-air video choices.<br />

No.54: Electronics: Creek A52se, Simaudio<br />

W-3 and W-5 amps. Copland CSA-303, Sima<br />

P-400 and F.T. Audio preamps (the latter two<br />

passive). Musical <strong>Fidelity</strong> X-DAC revisited,<br />

Ergo AMT phones, 4 line filters, 2 interconnects.<br />

Plus: Making your own CD’s.<br />

No.53: Loudspeakers:Reference 3a Intégrale,<br />

Energy Veritas v2.8, Epos ES30, Totem<br />

Shaman, Mirage 390is, Castle Eden. Plus: Paul<br />

Bergman on understanding biamping, biwiring,<br />

balanced lines, and more.<br />

No.52: CD player s: A lchemist Nexus,<br />

Cambridge CD6, YBA Intégré, Musical <strong>Fidelity</strong><br />

X-DAC, Assemblage DAC-2. Subwoofers:<br />

Energy ES-8 and NHT PS-8. Plus: Paul<br />

Bergman on reproducing deep bass, Vegas<br />

report, and the story behind digital television.<br />

Back Issues<br />

No.51: Integrated amps: YBA Intégré DT,<br />

Alchemist Forseti, Primare A-20, NVA AP50<br />

Cambridge A1. CD players: Adcom GCD-750,<br />

Rega Planet. An economy system to recommend<br />

to friends, ATI 1505 5-channel amp,<br />

Bergman on impedance, why connectors<br />

matter, making your own power bars.<br />

No.50: CD: Cambridge DiscMagic/DACMagic,<br />

Primare D-20, Dynaco CDV Pro. Analog: Rega<br />

Planar 9, Linn LP12 after 25 years. Also:<br />

Moon preamp, Linn Linto phono stage, Ergo<br />

and Grado headphones. Speaker cables:<br />

Linn K-400, Sheffield, MIT 750 Also: 15 years<br />

of UHF.<br />

No.49: Power amps: Simaudio Moon, Bryston<br />

3B ST, N.E.W. DCA-33, plus the Alchemist<br />

Forseti amp and preamp, and the McCormack<br />

Micro components. Also: our new Reference<br />

3a Suprema II reference speakers, and a<br />

followup on the Copland 277 CD player. Plus:<br />

how HDCD really works.<br />

No.48: Loudspeakers: JMLabs Daline 3.1,<br />

Vandersteen 3a, Totem Tabù, Royd Minstrel.<br />

CD: Cambridge CD4, Copland CDA-277. Also:<br />

An interview with the founder of a Canadian<br />

audiophile record label.<br />

No.47: FM tuners: Magnum Dynalab MD-108,<br />

Audiolab 8000T, Fanfare FT-1. Speaker cables:<br />

QED Qudos, Wireworld Equinox and Eclipse,<br />

MIT MH-750. Parasound C/BD-2000 transport<br />

and D/AC-2000 converter. And: Upgrading<br />

your system for next to nothing.<br />

No.46: Electronics: Simaudio 4070SE amp &<br />

P-4002 preamp, Copland CTA-301 & CTA-505,<br />

N.E.W. P-3 preamp. Digital cables: Wireworld,<br />

Audiostream, MIT, XLO, Audioprism, and<br />

Wireworld’s box for comparing interconnects.<br />

Also: YBA CD-1 and Spécial CD players. Yves-<br />

Bernard André talks about about his blue diode<br />

CD improvement.<br />

No.45: Integrated amps: Copland CTA-401,<br />

Simaudio 4070i, Sugden Optima 140. CD:<br />

Adcom GDA-700 HDCD DAC, Sonic Frontiers<br />

SFD-1 MkII. Interconnects: Straight Wire<br />

Maestro, 3 <strong>version</strong>s of Wireworld Equinox.<br />

Plus: Yamamura Q15 CD oil, and “Hi-Fi for the<br />

Financially Challenged”.<br />

No.4 4: CD players: Rotel RCD970 BX,<br />

Counter point DA -10A DAC. Speakers:<br />

Apogee Ribbon Monitor, Totem Mite, more<br />

on the Gershman Avant Garde. Also: Laser-<br />

Link cable, “The Solution” CD treatment,<br />

AudioQuest sorbothane feet, Tenderfeet,<br />

Isobearings. Plus: Inside Subwoofers, and<br />

the castrati, the singers who gave their all<br />

for music.<br />

No.43: The first HDCD converter: the EAD<br />

DSP-1000 MkII. Speakers: Gershman Avant<br />

Garde, Totem Mani-2 and Rokk, Quad ESL-<br />

63 with Gradient subwoofer. Plus: Keith O.<br />

Johnson explains the road to HDCD, and our<br />

editor joins those of other magazines to discuss<br />

what’s hot in audio.<br />

No.42: Electronics: Spectral DMC-12 and<br />

Celeste P-4001 preamplifiers, amps and<br />

preamps from Duson. Also: Sonic Frontiers<br />

SFD-1 converter, power line filters from<br />

Audioprism, Chang, and YBA. Plus: Inside<br />

the preamplifier, and how the tango became<br />

the first “dirty” dance.<br />

No.41: Digital: Roksan DA-2, EAD DSP-7000,<br />

McCormack DAC-1, QED Ref. Digit. Cables:<br />

Straight Wire LSI Encore & Virtuoso, Wireworld<br />

Equinox, van den Hul The 2nd & Revelation,<br />

Cardas Cross & Hexlink Golden, Transparent<br />

Music-Link Super & Music-Wave Super. Plus:<br />

Bergman on recording stereo.<br />

No.40: Integrated amps: YBA Intégré, Rotel<br />

NOTE: Price rising in early 2005!<br />

960, Sugden A-25B, Sima PW-3000, Linn<br />

Majik, Naim NAIT 3, AMC CVT3030, Duson<br />

PA-75. Stereo: what it is, how it works, why<br />

it’s disappearing from records.<br />

No. 39: Speakers: KEF Q50, Martin-Logan<br />

Aerius, Castle Howard, NEAR 40M, Klipsch<br />

Kg4.2. Plus: QED passive preamps, followup<br />

on the Linn Mimik CD player.<br />

No. 38: CD players: Roksan Attessa, Naim<br />

CDS, Linn Mimik, Quad 67, Rotel 945,<br />

Micromega Model “T”. Plus: How the record<br />

industry will wipe out hi-fi, and why women<br />

have been erased from music history.<br />

No.37: Electronics: Celeste 4070 and McIntosh<br />

7150 amps, Linn Kairn and Klout. Plus:<br />

RoomTunes acoustic treatment, why all<br />

amps don’t sound alike, and how Pro Logic<br />

really works.<br />

No.36: CD players: YBA CD-2, Linn Karik/<br />

Numerik, Sugden SDT-1, Mission DAD5 and<br />

DAC5, Audiolab 8000DAC, QED Digit, Nitty<br />

Gritty LP cleaner, Plus: an interview with<br />

Linn’s Ivor Tiefenbrun, and part 7 of Bergman<br />

on acoustics: building your own acoustical<br />

panels.<br />

No.35: Speakers: Castle Chester, Mirage M-<br />

7si, Totem Model 1, Tannoy 6.1, NHT 2.3, 3a<br />

Micro Monitor, Rogers LS2a/2. Plus: Tests of<br />

high end video recorders, hi-fi stereo recordings<br />

of piano performances of 75 years ago.<br />

Acoustics part 6: Conceiving the room.<br />

No.34: Cables: MIT ZapChord & PC2, Monster<br />

PowerLine 2+, M1, M2 Sigma, Reference 2,<br />

Interlink 400 & MSK2, Straight Wire Maestro,<br />

Isoda HA- 08 - PSR, Audioquest Ruby &<br />

Emerald, AudioStream Twinax, FMS Gold<br />

& Black, NBS Mini Serpent. Acoustics 5:<br />

Diffusing sound. “The Plot to Kill Hi-Fi,” the<br />

much-reprinted article on audio retailing.<br />

No.33: CD players: Spectral SDR-1000SL,<br />

Esoteric P-2/D-2, Micromega Duo.BS, Proceed<br />

PDT2/PDP2 and PCD2, MSB Silver, Esoteric<br />

CD-Z5000, Carver SD/A-490t. The future of<br />

audio, according to Linn’s Ivor Tiefenbrun.<br />

Acoustics part 4: Absorbing low frequencies.<br />

No.32: The Audio Dream Book: Our 152-page<br />

guide to what’s out there. Acoustics part 3:<br />

Taming reverberation.<br />

No.31: Amplifiers: Counterpoint SA-100 and<br />

SA-1000, Audio Research Classic 30, QED<br />

C300 and P300, Sugden Au-41, Audiolab<br />

8000P, Carver C-19, Arcam Delta 110 and 120.<br />

Why balanced lines? Buying audio by mail.<br />

Acoustics part 2: Predicting standing waves.<br />

No.30: Speakers: Castle Winchester, Energy<br />

22.2, P-E Léon Trilogue,NHT 1.3, Celef CF1,<br />

Polk RM3000, Response II by Clements.<br />

Acoustics part 1: Room size and acoustics.<br />

No.29: Turntables: Linn Basik & LP12 with<br />

Lingo. Oracle Delphi MkIV, Oracle Paris.<br />

Pickups: Goldring Excel, 1022 & 1042,<br />

Revolver Bullet, Talisman Virtuoso DTi, Sumiko<br />

Blue Point, Roksan Shiraz. Test CD’s. Dorian’s<br />

Craig Dory.<br />

No.28: Integrated amps: Linn Intek, Naim NAIT<br />

2, Arcam Alpha II, Audio Innovations 500 II,<br />

Mission Cyrus Two, Creek 4141, Sugden A-21.<br />

Aiwa cassette deck, a guide to distortion.<br />

To see a list of older issues:<br />

http://www.uhfmag.com/Individualissue.html<br />

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Rendezvous<br />

WBT Gets Religion<br />

Well, perhaps religion isn’t<br />

the right word, but this<br />

famous German connector<br />

manufacturer<br />

has long kept the faith, and brought both<br />

disciples and apostles together (include<br />

us in both of those categories). The faith:<br />

a connector must connect under pressure,<br />

else it isn’t truly connected at all.<br />

Now there is a new article of the faith:<br />

a connector must have enough metal to<br />

get the job done, and not a molecule<br />

more.<br />

Gabriele Hofmann is vice-president<br />

of WBT, responsible for sales and marketing.<br />

We talked with her about the<br />

company’s “nextgen” minimum-metal<br />

connectors.<br />

UHF: How old is WBT now?<br />

Hofmann: It’s exactly 19 years old, it<br />

began in 1985.<br />

UHF: And how did it start? Was there a<br />

strong public demand for a better connector?<br />

Hofmann: I don’t think so. The company<br />

grew out of the experiments of<br />

Wolfgang Thörner. He realized that the<br />

connectors of the time were not up to the<br />

26 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

quality of the equipment available. He<br />

saw that the quality of amplifiers, CD<br />

players and loudspeakers was constantly<br />

improving, and that this was true even<br />

of mass-market products, but that connectors<br />

were not improving accordingly.<br />

He therefore began looking closely at<br />

connectors, especially RCA connectors,<br />

because there was not even a standard<br />

size. He searched for a solution in that<br />

area in particular, and he created the<br />

famous WBT-0100. This first connector<br />

was solid and made perfect contact with<br />

the jack. Consumers had a good chance<br />

of installing the cable solidly, since it<br />

was easy to solder, it used Teflon as an<br />

insulator, and it was adjustable.<br />

UHF: Because of the collar…<br />

Hofmann: Yes, you could tighten the<br />

collar by turning the outside sleeve.<br />

This clamping device was the subject of<br />

WBT’s first patent.<br />

UHF: Was there an initial resistance on the<br />

part of manufacturers to this new connector<br />

that was, inevitably, expensive?<br />

Less metal…does it<br />

result in more sound?<br />

Hofmann: It took some years to convince<br />

dealers and the audio industry<br />

that this new sort of connector was an<br />

essential component of a quality product.<br />

What’s interesting is that it was initially<br />

the consumer who first adopted these<br />

phono and banana plugs, and convinced<br />

dealers to pick them up. The improvement<br />

was audiophile-driven.<br />

UHF: So initially WBT connectors were<br />

perceived as a sort of tweak.<br />

Hofmann: Yes, exactly. Then the dealers<br />

followed, realizing how much interest<br />

there was. The industry reacted years<br />

later, because the dealer demand was<br />

there.<br />

We’re often asked why we go to<br />

shows and explain to consumers the<br />

details of crimping and the like, instead<br />

of staying in our role of supplier. But<br />

we know where we’ve come from, and<br />

we know how the different sectors of<br />

the industry — consumers, dealers and<br />

manufacturers — interact.<br />

UHF: One price you’ve paid as a result of<br />

your success is that your products are widely<br />

imitated.<br />

Hofmann: Yes, and it’s not a problem<br />

we had anticipated at all. We hadn’t<br />

expected that the way we build our<br />

connectors would be so popular that our<br />

Taiwanese and Chinese friends would<br />

want to adopt our designs too. Our RCA<br />

connectors have been especially copied.<br />

I can’t count how many times we have<br />

resorted to lawyers. It’s less of a problem<br />

now, but we have had to fight to insure<br />

that a connector that looks like a WBT<br />

also has WBT quality.<br />

UHF: Which is not always the case.<br />

Hofmann: In the case of copies, certainly<br />

not. Some consumers have actually<br />

returned to us products that turned<br />

out to be counterfeits, even though they<br />

had paid WBT prices.<br />

UHF: You’ve also been attacked by competitors<br />

whose designs are different from yours,<br />

and who claim that what you make is not<br />

the best, that your locking system is not a<br />

good idea.<br />

Hofmann: Not really.<br />

UHF: We’re thinking about Tiffany, for<br />

instance.<br />

Hofmann: (laughs). Yes, but we haven’t<br />

been much attacked by anyone else. The<br />

industry adopted us because using WBT<br />

connectors meant one less problem.

Rendezvous<br />

There were such wide size tolerances in<br />

RCA plugs in particular, that our adjustable<br />

connectors offered the only way to<br />

insure a tight connection.<br />

UHF: How much importance do you give to<br />

metallurgy, the quality of metals used?<br />

Hofmann: A great deal. But we especially<br />

emphasize mechanical integrity.<br />

We believe in a tight contact plus a<br />

good basic material, which is to say a<br />

material that has the greatest conductivity<br />

possible. Most of all, whatever the<br />

material, it must make contact under the<br />

greatest possible pressure, and the most<br />

constant pressure. We’ve always used<br />

materials that allowed us to put together<br />

a mechanically complex structure. It’s<br />

always been a copper alloy.<br />

Our Midline connectors contain<br />

somewhat less copper than our Topline<br />

connectors, for reasons of economy. But<br />

we do consider the best materials to be<br />

either copper or pure silver, which offers<br />

the highest conductivity. Our sandwich<br />

spade, which came out in 1998, is made<br />

of either pure copper or pure silver. We<br />

will shortly be launching a binding post<br />

made from pure copper also. We tried<br />

to use the same materials in our RCA<br />

connectors, but the mechanical requirements<br />

made that impossible. The parts<br />

in an RCA plug are much smaller.<br />

UHF: And therefore more fragile.<br />

Hofmann: Exactly. We’ve been around<br />

for two decades, and people expect<br />

our products to be stable and to work<br />

perfectly. So designs take a little longer<br />

at WBT than at certain companies that<br />

don’t have this history and responsibility.<br />

UHF: WBT connectors have always been<br />

high-mass, but your nextgen connectors contain<br />

much less metal. It’s a new departure.<br />

Hofmann: Absolutely. You could even<br />

say it is for us a major step forward in a<br />

totally different direction. We’ve been<br />

happy with past designs, and we’ve kept<br />

using pure copper or pure silver conductor<br />

materials as the goal. However we<br />

know that, when you have a hot lead<br />

with a massive ground surrounding it,<br />

the electrical field can cause a magnetic<br />

field, and vice versa. Our experiments<br />

indicated that, if you just open the closed<br />

circle of metal around the hot lead, you<br />

avoid eddy currents.<br />

And it has been possible to use pure<br />

copper or pure silver, and make a connector<br />

with 75 ohm impedance, at the<br />

same time. The impedance of a connector<br />

is determined by its geometry.<br />

We’re proud of the fact that, with<br />

our nextgen WBT-0110 plug and WBT-<br />

0210 RCA jack, we can offer connectors<br />

which make a perfect match, especially<br />

with digital cables.<br />

UHF: The nextgen connectors must be soldered.<br />

WBT has always favored crimping.<br />

Hofmann: Absolutely, and we still do,<br />

particularly with speaker connections,<br />

where proper soldering is sometimes<br />

difficult to accomplish. Our best Topline<br />

RCA connector is the 0108, which is<br />

a crimp-type connector, but with the<br />

nextgen crimping hasn’t been possible<br />

as a first step.<br />

Still, we haven’t halted our development.<br />

Our original RCA connectors<br />

were solder types, and the crimping<br />

system was developed only later. With<br />

the nextgen it’s more complicated,<br />

because we’re no longer using an alloy,<br />

but pure copper, which is a very soft<br />

material. So making a crimping connector,<br />

with fine threading and tiny<br />

screws…that won’t be easy. Take a look<br />

inside one of the nextgens, and imagine<br />

connecting a crimped wire in there.<br />

UHF: It would be difficult.<br />

Hofmann: You see, the metal parts<br />

inside the nextgen are essentially just a<br />

small extension of the wire itself. Perhaps<br />

Mr. Thörner will find a solution, but we<br />

have to consider the possibility that the<br />

nextgen idea will stop here.<br />

UHF: Will there be nextgen bananas or<br />

binding posts?<br />

Hofmann: Certainly. The pure copper<br />

banana has long been on our drawing<br />

board. However WBT has a great many<br />

manufacturers among its clients, and<br />

so our first point of focus has been the<br />

binding post. That will be next, and the<br />

banana will follow. However we need to<br />

design it so that anyone can easily solder<br />

to it. That means using a material that<br />

won’t melt, but also one that is very rigid,<br />

because it will make up the body of the<br />

connector. We use <strong>Ultra</strong>mid for the<br />

body of our nextgen RCA’s, because it’s<br />

very strong, and inside we use Dyneon,<br />

which resists heat.<br />

And of course we have maintained<br />

the principle of the collet-chuck device,<br />

which can be tightened. The collet is<br />

made of aluminum and magnesium, but<br />

it is electrically insulated from ground.<br />

However it helps protect the hot lead<br />

against external interference.<br />

So we’ve made what we think is the<br />

ideal compromise, minimizing the metal<br />

used in the ground lead, but without<br />

abandoning shielding.<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 27

Rendezvous<br />

Think Small: Eichmann Connectors<br />

Everything about the cables<br />

from Eichmann, an upstart<br />

manufacturer in Australia,<br />

is…well, different. And that<br />

goes right down to its connectors.<br />

Eichmann was the first manufacturer to<br />

design most of the metal out of its phono<br />

plugs and bananas. Of course there’s a<br />

theory behind the design. We talk with<br />

Eichmann’s Managing Director, Rob<br />

Woodland.<br />

UHF: Tell us about first meeting Keith<br />

Eichmann.<br />

Woodland: I met Keith Eichmann by<br />

chance in 1997 when sourcing material<br />

from a local cable manufacturer in Brisbane.<br />

It appeared we were the two people<br />

in Brisbane prototyping high end cables,<br />

so the manufacturer put us together.<br />

As it turned out, Keith’s theories on<br />

cable and connector design were more<br />

compelling than mine.<br />

We collaborated for a couple of<br />

years to turn theory into practice, and<br />

in 1999 Keith proposed an arrangement<br />

whereby I would license his technology<br />

and commercialize the products. Hence<br />

the start of Eichmann Technologies<br />

International.<br />

The Company now exports products<br />

to over 30 countries, and our connectors<br />

are used by over 60 cable manufacturers<br />

around the world.<br />

UHF: Eichmann’s designs are certainly<br />

more unusual than those of most other cable<br />

designers. What convinced you that he was<br />

right, and that so many others are wrong?<br />

If “wrong” is the word.<br />

Woodland: Keith Eichmann’s philosophy<br />

is to preserve electron flow from<br />

wall socket to loudspeaker. For example,<br />

our AC cable incorporates a unique<br />

fractal shape that reduces resonance<br />

and provides a cleaner flow of electrons<br />

to the power supplies of components.<br />

The interconnect and speaker cables<br />

incorporate an EMF buffer system to<br />

protect electrons in the signal carrying<br />

conductors, while our Bullet Plug<br />

and Bayonet Plug connectors deliver<br />

electrons in the most efficient manner<br />

to sockets and binding posts.<br />

The philosophy involves thinking<br />

28 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

small. Very small! At the electron level,<br />

and then designing a methodology to<br />

enhance electron flow. However, the<br />

proof is always in the listening, and this<br />

is where I was convinced the Eichmann<br />

philosophy is correct. In fact, the first<br />

time I listened to a prototype Bullet<br />

Plug, I was amazed by the detail, dynamics<br />

and transparency that was completely<br />

hidden when using standard RCA connectors.<br />

In a similar sense, the initial Eichmann<br />

cable designs also provided more<br />

musical information and holographic<br />

imaging when compared to many other<br />

<strong>High</strong>-End cables. I recall telling Keith<br />

that his cable was the great “untangler,”<br />

where separation of detail was better<br />

than anything previously encountered.<br />

UHF: Was the idea behind the Bullet<br />

plug and the Bayonet plug — that is,<br />

using a minimum amount of metal —<br />

part of Keith’s original designs?<br />

Woodland: To a certain extent this is<br />

correct, however our objective is always<br />

to use the “optimum” rather than “minimum”<br />

amount of metal. That is, the right<br />

mass and thickness of material to support<br />

current flow but to minimise skin<br />

effect problems. When I mention skin<br />

effect, hackles will raise on the half of<br />

the audiophile community that believes<br />

skin effect is not a concern at audio<br />

frequencies. This may be so, however<br />

when you listen to music via an optimum<br />

thickness of metal connector rather than<br />

a large thickness of metal connector, it is<br />

evident that some electrical phenomenon<br />

is taking place.<br />

In the Bullet Plug, the hollow signal<br />

pin not only allows for an optimum<br />

thickness of metal to be achieved, but<br />

also allows for connection of the signal<br />

wire at the “tip” of the pin, which is<br />

beneficial for many cable designs. The<br />

hollow pin isn’t a new idea, as SME (and<br />

perhaps other companies) adopted the<br />

same principal for tonearm lead RCA<br />

connectors decades ago.<br />

In the Bayonet Plug (banana) connector,<br />

we again use the optimum amount of<br />

metal — but this time to support genuine<br />

current flow provided by the amplifier.<br />

One of the more popular banana plug<br />

designs on the market is a laboratory<br />

connector with an extremely thin metal<br />

contact pin. This is an example of too<br />

little mass, where the contact pin doesn’t<br />

support current flow. The result is a thin<br />

sound, lacking in bass foundation. On<br />

the other side of the coin we have huge<br />

connectors that sound slow, colored and<br />

bloated.<br />

In most standard RCA and banana<br />

plug designs, electrons have to travel<br />

through large amounts of metal, in many<br />

cases poor conductive brass. During<br />

that process electrons are impacted in<br />

a negative sense. For optimum electron<br />

flow, we require an optimum mass and<br />

thickness of the metal.<br />

UHF: But hold on, high metal mass doesn’t<br />

necessarily mean that the electrons have to<br />

travel through a large amount of metal.<br />

The signal path in many connectors may be<br />

broad, but it isn’t necessarily long. Is that<br />

still a problem?<br />

Woodland: This is a good point.<br />

However, when I say electrons travel<br />

“through” metal, this encompasses travel<br />

on the surface of the metal, and at depth<br />

depending on frequency. When you have<br />

a broad section of metal, electrons don’t<br />

just go through the metal to reach the

Rendezvous<br />

contact point on the other side — they<br />

also travel on the skin.<br />

To take an absurd example, let’s look<br />

at a plate a foot across and a quarter inch<br />

across. If you apply a signal to the centre<br />

of the plate, electrons will move through<br />

the plate and also around the surface of the<br />

plate, to join up on the other side. The<br />

arrival time of electrons will vary, and<br />

sound quality will be poor. If we reduce<br />

the plate to a quarter inch diameter, then<br />

life for electrons becomes much easier. If<br />

we hollowed out the plate to form a tube<br />

with optimum wall thickness, then the<br />

result would be improved further.<br />

Over the years audiophiles have<br />

been conditioned to think that a quality<br />

connector needs to be large and<br />

chunky with a layer of thick gold plate,<br />

the bigger-is-better philosophy. When<br />

people hear the Bullet Plug and Bayonet<br />

Plug connectors, they hear their cables in<br />

a new light, and realize that “optimum”<br />

mass is perhaps a better philosophy.<br />

UHF: You’ve done listening tests against<br />

more traditional connectors?<br />

Woodland: Yes, comparison testing<br />

plays a big part in the process, and helps<br />

in the understanding of how different<br />

shapes and thicknesses of metal impact<br />

on sound quality.<br />

UHF: Can you be specific? What sort of<br />

differences could you hear?<br />

Woodland: The issue of connectors<br />

having an influence on sound is the new<br />

frontier of audio. Most people, including<br />

manufacturers, have never extensively<br />

listened to connectors. We all agree<br />

capacitors, resistors, transistors, tubes<br />

etc have a sonic signature, however we<br />

overlook the importance of connectors.<br />

Anyone who has hardwired a system<br />

will attest to the sonic improvements<br />

achievable with connectors removed. But<br />

in real life, we need connectors.<br />

Most connectors rob the music of<br />

detail and add coloration and texture to<br />

the sound. Large-mass connectors tend<br />

to have a bloated, sluggish bass with an<br />

overlay of dark coloration that extends<br />

into the midrange. They sound veiled<br />

and congested with limited separation<br />

and sound staging properties. Music<br />

lacks excitement. Some low mass banana<br />

plug connectors sound thin, bright and<br />

flat with a lack of bass foundation and<br />

dimensionality.<br />

In comparison, a hardwired system<br />

is likely to sound clean, transparent and<br />

open, with a wealth of detail. Images are<br />

separated and solid in a three-dimensional<br />

sound stage. The stopping and<br />

starting of notes is more precise, leading<br />

to an engaging, exciting sound.<br />

In the development of our connectors,<br />

we set out to design “no plug” at<br />

all.<br />

UHF: Well, as you mention, low metal mass<br />

isn’t the whole story, and minimizing metal<br />

can actually get you in trouble. Where is the<br />

golden mean?<br />

Woodland: The golden mean is the<br />

“optimum” thickness and mass of metal<br />

to suit the application. And determining<br />

the optimum thickness is where the hard<br />

work comes in. It means putting theories<br />

into practice, multiple prototypes and<br />

long listening sessions.<br />

One theory used with great effect in<br />

our Bullet Plug design is replacing the<br />

standard RCA ground collar that surrounds<br />

the socket with a pin-like ground<br />

that makes single point contact with the<br />

side wall of the socket. We immediately<br />

eliminate eddy type distortion where the<br />

signal enters and exits the collar from<br />

multiple directions.<br />

We also place a great deal of importance<br />

on the conductivity of material.<br />

For example, most connectors are made<br />

from brass, due to low cost and ease of<br />

machining. Brass offers around 28%<br />

the conductivity of 100% IACS copper.<br />

Cable manufacturers and audiophiles<br />

take great pride in the use of high conductive<br />

wire for cables, yet terminate<br />

the cables with a lump of low-conductive<br />

brass. It defeats the purpose!<br />

In our connectors, we use either high<br />

conductive tellurium copper, which is<br />

99.5% oxygen-free with the addition of<br />

0.5% tellurium for hardness, to allow<br />

machining, or hard drawn 4-nines pure<br />

silver. Both materials offer huge sound<br />

quality advantages over brass.<br />

UHF: Are you among those who believe<br />

that a connection must be made under<br />

pressure?<br />

Woodland: Yes, a certain amount of<br />

pressure is necessary to provide secure<br />

contact between conductive elements,<br />

and to avoid capacitive problems. For<br />

example, the Bullet Plug is a firm fit onto<br />

RCA sockets, so the polymer collar can<br />

force the ground pin against the side<br />

wall of the socket. A loose connection<br />

inevitably means poor performance.<br />

UHF: Does the plastic material used play<br />

a sonic role as well? Of course it has to resist<br />

melting, but beyond that?<br />

Woodland: The plastic material is used<br />

sparingly to hold the contact pins in<br />

place and provide compression forces.<br />

We select engineering grade polymers<br />

that exhibit good dielectric qualities<br />

plus high temperature deflection. So to<br />

answer your question, we work to ensure<br />

the plastic has minimal contact with the<br />

conductive element and minimal effect<br />

on the sonics.<br />

You also mention the “M” word,<br />

melting. Audiophiles need to realize that<br />

even the strongest polymer will melt in<br />

prolonged contact with high heat. When<br />

soldering the Bullet Plug we recommend<br />

inserting the plug into a discarded RCA<br />

socket, which acts as a heat sink and<br />

deflects heat away from the plastic.<br />

In saying that, it takes around 15<br />

seconds for a soldering iron at 425° C<br />

in contact with the signal pin before<br />

melting occurs. Most soldering can be<br />

achieved within five seconds.<br />

UHF: The banana plug seems fragile…it<br />

bends easily. Do you see a way around that<br />

problem?<br />

Woodland: The challenge we face<br />

with the Bayonet banana plug is really<br />

the crimp ring. To allow the crimp<br />

ring to work, we anneal — heat in a<br />

vacuum — the contact pin following<br />

machining. This makes the copper quite<br />

soft and therefore prone to bending.<br />

If we did away with the crimp option,<br />

then we wouldn’t have the problem,<br />

but there’s some advantage to crimping<br />

larger diameter speaker cables.<br />

The good news is we’re working on<br />

a solution that will offer will best of<br />

both worlds. Meanwhile, if the contact<br />

element does bend, it is quite easy to<br />

bend back into shape, and the motion<br />

of bending actually hardens the metal<br />

at this point.<br />

UHF: Will you be developing other connectors,<br />

for instance RCA jacks?<br />

Woodland: The next product due for<br />

release in September is a binding post for<br />

amplifiers and speakers. We’re confident<br />

it will provide a sonic improvement over<br />

any binding post now available.<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 29

Listening Room<br />

Making the Connection<br />

Do all cables sound the same?<br />

Hardly, and we’ve known<br />

that for years (like all cashstrapped<br />

audiophiles, we<br />

wish it weren’t true). Now here’s another<br />

question: do all connectors sound the<br />

same?<br />

We know the answer to that one too,<br />

and it’s no. To begin with, some connectors<br />

are tight, and others are loose. You<br />

can spot this by ear. It’s one reason we<br />

have long been fans of the locking connectors<br />

of WBT.<br />

But there is more to a connector<br />

than its tightness. The materials used<br />

also matter, and we’ve heard horror<br />

stories about the recycled materials<br />

used in some connectors made to look<br />

like famous-brand upscale connectors.<br />

Now the spotlight has been thrown<br />

on another aspect of audio connectors:<br />

how much material — specifically<br />

metal — they contain.<br />

Consider this. Audio cable designers<br />

are picky not only for materials used for<br />

their cables (oxygen-free copper, singlecrystal<br />

strands, pure silver, Teflon, etc.),<br />

but also their geometry. If you accept the<br />

claim that a cable’s geometry matters, it<br />

becomes evident that most connectors<br />

violate cable geometry in major ways.<br />

Wouldn’t the cable sound better if its<br />

connectors were closer in construction<br />

to the wire itself?<br />

Two manufacturers have adopted<br />

the view that most connectors contain<br />

way too much metal. The first of these<br />

is Australia’s Eichmann, whose Bullet<br />

Plug was first on the market with a body<br />

that is mostly plastic (it also makes a<br />

low-metal banana). And now the venerable<br />

WBT has launched its own line of<br />

minimum metal connectors, under the<br />

name “nextgen.” Interviews with key<br />

people from both companies can be<br />

found on preceding pages.<br />

We have samples of connectors from<br />

both enterprises, and we devised what we<br />

think is an appropriate comparison test.<br />

We installed both Bullet Plugs and nextgen<br />

RCA plugs on lengths of Wireworld<br />

Equinox 5, the latest <strong>version</strong> of a cable<br />

we long used in our own systems, and<br />

30 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

which were offered in our Audiophile<br />

Store. We also have a length of Equinox<br />

5 with Wireworld’s own Silver Pipe<br />

connectors, which the company claims<br />

sound superior to the WBT-0108 plugs<br />

we have long favored.<br />

The listening was done in our Alpha<br />

system, with the test cables running<br />

between our Linn Unidisk 1.1 player<br />

and our Copland CTA-305 preamplifier.<br />

The Linn has dual outputs, which made<br />

things convenient. We kept our Pierre<br />

Gabriel ML-1 reference cable connected<br />

to one output, and the test cable to the<br />

other, running to a separate input on<br />

the preamplifier. That meant we could<br />

do quick comparisons.<br />

We should add that we did not use<br />

this setup as an opportunity to do A-B<br />

comparisons, switching quickly from<br />

one cable to the other, since we know<br />

how easy it is to get fooled on such tests<br />

(years ago we used such a test to “prove”<br />

that a cassette sounds exactly like the<br />

original). It was, however, convenient<br />

to return to the reference cable, as we<br />

did more than once, to confirm what<br />

we thought we remembered hearing.<br />

As ever, we found taking detailed notes<br />

(about the music, not merely the sound),<br />

was most helpful.<br />

We used two selections for all of these<br />

cable evaluations. One was the Sanctus<br />

for a cappella choir from Opus 3’s SACD<br />

<strong>version</strong> of Musica Sacra (CD19516). The<br />

other was The Best Thing for You Would Be<br />

Me from Margie Gibson’s wonderful Say<br />

It With Music CD (Sheffield CD-36).<br />

The Wireworld Silver Pipe<br />

Wireworld was long happy about our<br />

Audiophile Store offering its Equinox<br />

cable (we started in 1995), and even<br />

quoted our review on its on-line site, but<br />

David Salz was also disappointed that<br />

we were listing it with WBT locking<br />

connectors, and never with the original<br />

connectors. When Equinox III was<br />

replaced by Equinox V (skipping over<br />

<strong>version</strong> four), the company sent us not<br />

only a length of bulk cable for us to try,<br />

but also a factory <strong>version</strong> with its new<br />

connector, claiming superiority over our<br />

vaunted WBT-0108.<br />

We initially assumed that the Silver<br />

Pipe was yet another off-the-shelf connector,<br />

but it's clearly more ambitious<br />

than that. The collar and central pin<br />

are oxygen-free copper, not brass (or<br />

worse!), and they are silver-plated.<br />

The dielectric is Teflon, just as it is on<br />

several of the company’s cables. And the<br />

central pin is, as the connector’s name<br />

suggests, a hollow pipe, to minimize<br />

metal content. There is no tightening<br />

mechanism, but it was clear that the fit<br />

was much snugger than it had been with<br />

any of the previous Wireworld phono<br />

connectors we had tried.<br />

The finished 1 metre cable is listed<br />

in the 2003 catalog at US$194.95, but<br />

may have changed since. Bulk Equinox<br />

is listed at US$60/meter, not including<br />

termination charge.<br />

Physically, Equinox V strongly<br />

resembles the older <strong>version</strong>, though it is<br />

clearly more flexible. Each cable contains<br />

78 copper strands that are individually<br />

coated with enamel, to make it into what<br />

is essentially a Litz wire, with no jumping<br />

from strand to strand. The geometry<br />

is what the company calls Symmetricoax:<br />

the inner conductor is wrapped about<br />

a central tube, then Teflon is wrapped

Listening Room<br />

about that, and the outer conductor is<br />

wrapped about the Teflon.<br />

Wireworld’s upscale cables cannot be<br />

terminated by most users. The enamel<br />

insulation must be removed by dipping<br />

the stripped end into molten solder of<br />

around 520°C…not far from 1000°F!<br />

All three of us agreed that, on the<br />

Gibson song, it was a long step down<br />

from our Pierre Gabriel reference to the<br />

stock Equinox. For one thing the volume<br />

appeared to have dropped. To be sure,<br />

this is a subjective effect, not something<br />

that would show up on a voltmeter, and<br />

it could even be an improvement, if the<br />

cable otherwise sounded better.<br />

But it didn’t. Sibilance, though not<br />

actually objectionable, was less natural,<br />

the words less clear, the string bass less<br />

weighty. Everything seemed smaller.<br />

Albert complained of a lack of body<br />

to the choir in the Sanctus as well. The<br />

result was that the men, who initially<br />

come in behind the women, were all but<br />

inaudible. And we were rather too aware<br />

of all the “S” syllables in the piece.<br />

True, this cable costs a fifth the price<br />

of our reference cable. However we long<br />

used Equinox ourselves, and we didn’t<br />

recognize its sound. Would the cable do<br />

better with different connectors?<br />

We were hoping so, and our optimism<br />

would be rewarded.<br />

WBT-0110 nextgen<br />

The company insists on banishing<br />

upper case letters from the name of its<br />

new line, and we acquiesce with the<br />

greatest reluctance. Connection is by<br />

soldering, since the crimping system of<br />

the WBT-0108 would add a lot of metal.<br />

What metal is left is now gold-plated<br />

copper, not gold over brass or copper<br />

alloy. Just one of the jaws of the plug<br />

collar is metal, the others being plastic.<br />

The centre pin is a hollow tube.<br />

WBT has adopted a plastic called<br />

<strong>Ultra</strong>mid for the plug body, with another<br />

difficult-to-melt plastic called Dyneon<br />

around the contacts. Connection is<br />

easy, and indeed you can pour on the<br />

heat without anything softening. The<br />

trademark locking collet may look like<br />

metal, but it too is plastic, and tightening<br />

it adequately is a two-hand job. Indeed,<br />

it is nearly impossible to do if there is<br />

another connector in an adjacent jack.<br />

These are not cheap connectors, with<br />

a list price, in Canada, of $180 a box of<br />

four. An upscale <strong>version</strong> using silver<br />

instead of copper is close to $300.<br />

We didn’t have to listen very far into<br />

the Sanctus to hear that the connectors<br />

made a huge difference. The depth had<br />

returned, and no doubt for that reason<br />

the male voices in the background were<br />

easy to spot. “There’s better separation,”<br />

said Albert, “not just of individual voices<br />

but of the different timbres of voices. It’s<br />

smooth, too, but not because it’s hiding<br />

anything.”<br />

Reine wasn’t quite as pleased. Nor<br />

was Gerard, who was the one who knew<br />

what cable this was. Reine complained<br />

that the sopranos had more of an edge.<br />

Gerard praised the spaciousness, but still<br />

found the “S” sounds not right.<br />

We were impressed with the cable’s<br />

performance on the Gibson song. Her<br />

voice was warm and expressive, with fine<br />

detail right down to the nearly inaudible<br />

final syllables. The plucked bass was<br />

solid.<br />

Those “S” sounds were bothersome,<br />

though. Could it be that the wire itself<br />

was to blame?<br />

We would soon see.<br />

Eichmann Bullet Plug<br />

This was, to the best of our knowledge,<br />

the first phono connector to be<br />

expressly designed with a minimum<br />

amount of metal. The metal used is gold<br />

over copper, what there is of it.<br />

Like the other two connectors, the<br />

Bullet Plug has a central pin that is a<br />

hollow pipe. The outer collar is entirely<br />

plastic, with only a tiny spring that<br />

presses against the jack body. The fit<br />

is snug to a fault, and we had difficulty<br />

pushing the plugs into the jacks on our<br />

Copland preamp.<br />

Connecting to a Bullet Plug is harder<br />

than to a WBT. The solder lugs are<br />

small, with that of the ground especially<br />

tiny. And you have to do your work<br />

quickly, because the plastic used will<br />

melt if you dawdle (Eichmann suggests<br />

inserting the plug into a jack while you<br />

work). Speaking of plastic, we wish the<br />

colors didn’t make them look like something<br />

from Toys’R’Us.<br />

The Eichmann plugs are much<br />

cheaper than the WBT’s, with a Canadian<br />

suggested list price of $65 for a box<br />

of four (just over US$51 at the current<br />

exchange rate). The silver <strong>version</strong> (inevitably<br />

called the Silver Bullet, and which<br />

comes in more muted colors, happily), is<br />

C$149.<br />

We listened to the Margie Gibson<br />

selection, and we listened initially for<br />

those troublesome “S” sounds. The<br />

finding was not as we had hoped. We<br />

were pretty much split in fact. Reine and<br />

Albert now noted a certain strangeness<br />

in the “S” syllables. Gerard, who spoke<br />

last because this was not a blind test<br />

for him, praised the sound for its lyrical<br />

quality and its abundance of subtle<br />

detail.<br />

Reine liked Gibson’s delicious glissandos,<br />

more apparent with this cable<br />

than with either of the other <strong>version</strong>s,<br />

but for the moment she ranked the WBT<br />

over the Eichmann (which she referred<br />

to only by number, since she didn’t<br />

know which was which). Albert enjoyed<br />

the overall balance between voice and<br />

instruments. He thought Gibson’s voice<br />

seemed “wrapped up” in something, but<br />

wasn’t initially certain whether that was<br />

good or bad.<br />

We then listened to the Sanctus on<br />

SACD. “From the first measures you<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 31

Listening Room<br />

know it’s right,” said Reine. “This is my<br />

favorite.” Albert liked the fullness and<br />

the smoothness of the voices, as well<br />

as the excellent separation of timbres.<br />

And yet… “There’s a certain coloration<br />

to the sound. It makes me think of our<br />

reference cable, and I know that sounds<br />

like a good thing, but I don’t think the<br />

sound is completely neutral.”<br />

As for Gerard, he liked the way the<br />

sibilance was rendered, as he had with<br />

the previous recording, but he missed<br />

the depth and roundness of the WBT<br />

<strong>version</strong>.<br />

The final vote was split. After voting<br />

initially for WBT, Reine wound up<br />

choosing the Eichmann Bullet plug as<br />

sounding closest to the reference. Albert<br />

and Gerard were not as firm.<br />

There was, however, one consensus:<br />

no votes went to the Silver Pipe.<br />

Five Atlas Cables<br />

We first ran across this<br />

British company at CES<br />

last January. Its cables<br />

looked nice enough, but<br />

you wouldn’t believe how saturated we<br />

are with cables. Would we like samples?<br />

Hmm, all right, if you must…<br />

With CES over, we looked through<br />

the literature. The cables were more<br />

interesting than we had first assumed.<br />

Most were made up of strands of continuous<br />

cast copper, each containing not<br />

thousands or millions of copper crystals,<br />

but just one crystal. We had run across<br />

the Ohno continuous casting technology<br />

before: Harmonic Technologies (UHF<br />

No. 63) also uses copper with no crystal<br />

boundaries, as do other companies, from<br />

Granite Audio to Acoustic Zen. Some of<br />

the Atlas models are optionally available<br />

with plugs that are also fashioned from<br />

monocrystal copper.<br />

The price list was interesting as<br />

well, with North American prices corresponding<br />

closely to UK prices. We<br />

sent for samples and did a first listening<br />

session in our Omega system. It was<br />

enough for us to add three cables to our<br />

store, but now we wanted to give them<br />

the full treatment.<br />

We should add that we had made the<br />

mistake of too quickly sending back the<br />

samples we had not found interesting.<br />

That’s the reason all of the cables in this<br />

series turned out to be at least pretty<br />

good…and in some cases more than just<br />

pretty good.<br />

The comparisons were done the same<br />

way we had done the connector test:<br />

Gerard knew which cable was which, but<br />

the other two reviewers did not, and they<br />

gave their opinion first. We used the<br />

same two recorded selections: Margie<br />

Gibson singing The Best Thing For You<br />

32 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Would Be Me (from Say It With Music,<br />

Sheffield CD-36), and the Sanctus from<br />

the Opus 3 SACD Musica Sacra. The<br />

cables were brought out in random order.<br />

Albert and Reine referred to them only<br />

by number, and were told nothing more<br />

until all discussions were completed.<br />

Atlas Voyager All-Cu<br />

This mid-priced black-colored cable<br />

is made from strands of continuous<br />

cast copper. Though it is available with<br />

conventional connectors that look much<br />

like everyone else’s, the <strong>version</strong> reviewed<br />

here has the optional monocrystal connectors.<br />

The “All-Cu” designation refers<br />

to the material used for the connectors’<br />

mating surfaces: pure copper, plated with<br />

silver. No, the “ordinary” <strong>version</strong> doesn’t<br />

sound quite the same (see the previous<br />

review if you don’t think connectors<br />

matter), but it fits tightly, avoiding the<br />

grainy sound of connectors that touch<br />

only if the wind is blowing right.<br />

The Voyager is double-shielded,<br />

with a continuous cast braid that is also<br />

one of the cable’s two conductors, plus<br />

a metallized Mylar foil. The dielectric is<br />

polyethylene foam.<br />

Albert and Reine were struck by the<br />

cable’s neutrality. On the Gibson song,<br />

Reine noted the solidity of the plucked<br />

bass and the excellent audibility of subtle<br />

voice inflections, including those elusive<br />

ends of syllables. Albert agreed. “Its<br />

sound doesn’t really attract attention one<br />

way or the other,” he said, “and that’s<br />

good.”<br />

On the choral piece, once again there<br />

were few flaws, though the differences<br />

between the Voyager and our Pierre<br />

Gabriel ML-1 reference cable became<br />

more evident. The recording’s great<br />

depth was somewhat reduced, and that<br />

in turn made it more difficult to make<br />

out the differences in the timbres of the<br />

different voices. Both Reine and Albert<br />

had similar notes. Albert found the<br />

sound slightly thinner, but praised the<br />

cable for the smoothness of the highs.<br />

Gerard, speaking only once the other<br />

two had finished, largely agreed, though<br />

he also found the sibilance slightly too<br />

prominent.<br />

The 1 m cable as tested costs £170,<br />

or US$315, or C$375. The <strong>version</strong> with<br />

conventional connectors costs £110/<br />

US$204/C$235.<br />

Atlas Equator<br />

This is the company’s economy cable,<br />

the only one not to use Ohno continuous<br />

cast copper. The same dielectric is used<br />

as in the Voyager, but there is no extra<br />

shielding. The connectors are goldplated<br />

and nicely made, fitting snugly<br />

into the jacks of both our CD player and<br />

our preamplifier. The base metal is brass,<br />

as it is on many connectors…at least the<br />

ones that are not made from recycled<br />

boat anchors.

Listening Room<br />

Voyager All-Cu<br />

The first thing that struck us was that<br />

the sound was not as loud as with either<br />

our reference or the Voyager cable,<br />

despite the fact that the volume control<br />

had not been touched. We should add<br />

that this is not something that can be<br />

checked with a voltmeter, since cable<br />

resistance is so low (less than 0.03 ohms)<br />

that attenuation is negligible. Indeed, a<br />

quick A-B test done with our preamplifier’s<br />

input selector did not reveal a drop<br />

in level (we don’t do evaluations with A-B<br />

tests for reasons already discussed). The<br />

apparent level drop, then, is subjective,<br />

and may be caused by a certain softening<br />

of transients by the cable.<br />

Still, softening doesn’t mean smearing.<br />

On the Sanctus the separation of<br />

timbres was quite good, and more importantly<br />

the tone of the singers’ voices was<br />

attractive. Was this cable comparable to<br />

the Voyager? As the piece progressed,<br />

Albert and Reine (who thought of the<br />

two cables only as “number one” and<br />

Equator<br />

“number two”) weren’t so sure. Depth<br />

was certainly reduced, and so was the<br />

sheer size of the sound field.<br />

Gerard, the only one to know that<br />

this was an economy cable, also liked the<br />

sound of the voices, though he was less<br />

enthusiastic about what it did to syllables<br />

with “S” sounds.<br />

He made the same complaint on the<br />

Margie Gibson song, once Albert and<br />

Reine had praised the cable. Reine did<br />

find the top end somewhat less smooth<br />

than with either our reference or the<br />

Voyager, but she liked the expressive<br />

quality of the music.<br />

The unanimous conclusion is that<br />

this is a very good cable, and it is especially<br />

praiseworthy when you consider its<br />

price: £40/US$75/C$90. Most cables of<br />

this price sound grainy, thin, and — in<br />

all too many cases — shrill. The Equator<br />

is a refreshing exception.<br />

Atlas Questor<br />

With this cable we were pretty<br />

much on an equal footing, because even<br />

Gerard knew nothing about it beyond its<br />

name. This was a sample, and at the time<br />

it was not included on any price lists, in<br />

either pounds or US dollars.<br />

We have since learned the details.<br />

It is an economy cable, a little costlier<br />

than the Equator, with what seems to<br />

be similar connectors. The difference<br />

is that its conductors are made of Ohno<br />

continuous cast copper. Though we have<br />

not carried out an exhaustive survey,<br />

we suspect the number of monocrystal<br />

cables at this price must be quite small.<br />

And we would later be especially<br />

surprised to learn its price, because we<br />

quickly concluded that this cable was<br />

a class act. On the Gibson song, both<br />

piano and voice were admirably well<br />

reproduced. Transparency was excellent,<br />

letting us hear background details. The<br />

bottom end was very good, with both the<br />

cello and the plucked bass solid and natural.<br />

Rhythm was strong. “It’s moving,”<br />

said Reine, “and it’s convincing.” Gerard<br />

noted approvingly that Gibson’s notoriously<br />

difficult esses sounded normal.<br />

The Questor also did well on the<br />

choral recording. Albert had noted<br />

that, with the economy Equator cable,<br />

it had been difficult to follow the male<br />

voices when they first come in behind<br />

Questor<br />

the women. No such problem here. The<br />

ensemble sound was smooth and effortless.<br />

“There’s great smoothness coupled<br />

with large volume,” said Albert.<br />

The sibilance? Normal, judged<br />

Gerard. “It really has no major flaws.”<br />

Indeed, the results were good enough<br />

that all three of us assumed this must be<br />

an expensive cable. It isn’t. The price of<br />

our 1 m pair is £60/US$109/C$135. It’s<br />

in the bargain category.<br />

Atlas Explorer<br />

This cable is the same blue color as<br />

the Questor, and the same size too, but<br />

with two notable differences. One is the<br />

addition of a second shield, of metallized<br />

Mylar foil. The other is the slimmer<br />

“self-cleaning” plug used on some of the<br />

more expensive Atlas cables.<br />

Albert liked the smoothness of the<br />

Gibson song coming through this cable.<br />

“The sound is simple,” he said, “but<br />

I mean that in a good sense.” Reine<br />

thought the cable made the plucked bass<br />

sound unlike the way it did with any<br />

of the other cables tried so far. There<br />

seemed to be a touch of reverberation not<br />

discernible with other cables. Gibson’s<br />

voice emotional and sensitive.<br />

Gerard, who of course knew what<br />

this cable cost, gave it a poorer mark. “I<br />

don’t like the sibilance,” he said. “I kept<br />

dreading the next word that had an ‘S’<br />

in it, and that rather spoiled the song for<br />

me.”<br />

The cable seemed much better on<br />

the difficult choral Sanctus. The difficult<br />

higher frequencies were smooth and<br />

natural. “Even the sibilance is pretty<br />

good,” would add Gerard later.<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 33

Listening Room<br />

Explorer<br />

But there was more. All the vocal<br />

registers were easy to follow, including<br />

the voices of the tenors as they emerge<br />

from the background. Better yet, they<br />

were attractive and natural. The acoustic<br />

space, which is huge on this wonderfullyrecorded<br />

SACD, was reasonably ample.<br />

Any misgivings? Reine had one:<br />

“The sopranos sound pure, not at all<br />

hard, but you know what? They don’t<br />

seem to be coming in at the same time.”<br />

That led to the obvious discussion…was<br />

that because the Explorer was messing<br />

something up, or because it was revealing<br />

something that other cables, including<br />

our reference, were hiding? We had<br />

a pretty good idea of the answer.<br />

The price? For a 1 m pair, it’s £90 or<br />

US$167.<br />

We haven’t noted a Canadian price,<br />

because we didn’t pick up the Explorer<br />

for our Audiophile Store. It costs half<br />

again as much as the Questor, and we<br />

weren’t convinced it offered sufficient<br />

value.<br />

Atlas Navigator All-Cu<br />

This is the company’s top cable, and<br />

its structure is different from that of<br />

any of the others. Of course it is also<br />

made from monocrystal copper, but it<br />

34 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

has two internal conductors plus shield,<br />

instead of a single central conductor,<br />

with the shield serving as the second<br />

signal conductor. That means the shield<br />

is connected at only one end, so that the<br />

signal cannot travel along it. This is a<br />

far superior arrangement. A number of<br />

other companies have similar configurations,<br />

usually billed as “semi-balanced.”<br />

A true balanced cable, of course, would<br />

have signal travelling along all three<br />

conductors, and so Atlas prefers the term<br />

“pseudo-balanced.” So do we.<br />

The shield is augmented by a metallized<br />

Mylar foil, also connected at<br />

only one end. Such hypershielding<br />

increases cable capacitance, but it also<br />

avoids picking up all sorts of electronic<br />

garbage. The conductors are packed<br />

with fibre strands to prevent mechanical<br />

movement. Bizarre at may seem, under<br />

some circumstances a cable can act like<br />

a microphone, albeit not a very good<br />

one.<br />

Like the Voyager, the Navigator is<br />

available with either conventional connectors<br />

(the “self-cleaning” ones also<br />

used on the Explorer), or the singlecrystal<br />

copper connectors like the ones<br />

on our sample Voyager cable. We had the<br />

latter. The connectors add a lot to the<br />

cost, but either you believe in connectors<br />

or you don’t. We do.<br />

We began with the Sanctus. Reine<br />

and Albert couldn’t know that this was<br />

Navigator All-Cu<br />

the top Atlas cable, but they quickly<br />

guessed. “There’s lots more there,” said<br />

Reine, “and no ‘buts’ this time. You can<br />

hear the esses, for example, but they<br />

sound the way they would at a concert.”<br />

Albert praised the separation and the<br />

sheer musicality of the blended voices.<br />

“It’s at once clear and smooth. There’s no<br />

insistence on any aspect of the music.”<br />

The Margie Gibson song came<br />

through wonderfully well too, with a<br />

rendition that Albert rated just behind<br />

our reference cable. Both piano and voice<br />

were natural and attractive. The tone<br />

was joyous. Cello and plucked bass were<br />

solid and clear, and minor percussion<br />

instruments stood out starkly against a<br />

velvety background. Reine, who didn’t<br />

know what cable this was, gave the<br />

Navigator the final half star she had<br />

been holding back. Gerard, who did<br />

know what it was, rated the cable at the<br />

top of the Atlas line, commenting that<br />

the clarity let through the nuances of<br />

Gibson’s ever so slight Italian accent.<br />

As already mentioned, a preliminary<br />

listening session had been so positive<br />

that we had already adopted two of the<br />

Navigators for our reference systems.<br />

One of them is on the Audiomeca J-1<br />

turntable in our Alpha system, replacing<br />

a Wireworld Equinox. The Navigator<br />

greatly improved the sound of our turntable.<br />

The other links the phono stage to<br />

the preamplifier in our Omega system.<br />

Oh yes, the price.<br />

The All-Cu <strong>version</strong> reviewed here<br />

costs £185/US$345/C$405. The <strong>version</strong><br />

with conventional connectors is<br />

much less expensive, at £120/US$220/<br />

C$265.<br />

Hold on…did we say that the Navigator<br />

was the top Atlas cable? In fact that<br />

would be the Elektra, which costs £450.<br />

Our preliminary session had led us to<br />

rate the Elektra similar to the Navigator<br />

All-Cu. We had, unfortunately, sent<br />

back our sample before this session, and<br />

it wasn’t possible to listen again.<br />

After we had completed the session<br />

and the veritable identities of the<br />

cables was finally revealed, we had one<br />

final reflection. Despite differences in<br />

technologies, the Atlas cables manage<br />

to maintain a consistent family sound.<br />

That could easily be the mark of people<br />

who know what they’re doing.

Listening Room<br />

Simaudio Equinox<br />

Simaudio has always been an<br />

electronics company first, and<br />

a maker of source components<br />

second. It is, indeed, one of our<br />

all-time favorite maker of amplifiers, two<br />

of which can be found in our reference<br />

systems.<br />

Still, the company has also produced<br />

a number of CD players. The Moon<br />

Eclipse was reviewed in UHF No. 59. It<br />

has built DVD players as well. The Moon<br />

Stellar was reviewed in UHF No. 65, and<br />

we liked it so much we bought it. And it’s<br />

not as though we hadn’t had other players<br />

to choose from.<br />

Now to the Equinox, Simaudio’s<br />

latest Red Book player. It is the company’s<br />

economy model, costing little<br />

more than half the price of the Eclipse<br />

we reviewed. It uses upscale current<br />

technology: a Philips transport and<br />

the usual 24-bit/192 kHz chipset from<br />

Burr-Brown. Simaudio now has enough<br />

digital engineering firepower to control<br />

all this from its own firmware.<br />

Like other Moon-badged products,<br />

the Equinox is attractive, with a brushed<br />

black front panel (you can order it in<br />

silver if stealth is not your thing). The<br />

red LED digits are still not as large as we<br />

would like, but they are so much larger<br />

and more visible than the competition’s<br />

that we can only applaud. Basic functions<br />

are available from either the front panel<br />

or the remote.<br />

Workmanship is generally good, with<br />

especially good metalwork, as is usual<br />

with this company. However we were<br />

disconcerted by the hollow clang we<br />

heard each time the disc drawer opened<br />

or closed. There was some bad news at<br />

the rear too. We thought the price would<br />

have justified better jacks than these,<br />

which could have been lifted from a $300<br />

player. The jacks provide coaxial analog<br />

outputs and digital output, unbalanced<br />

in both cases.<br />

We began our listening session<br />

with what we know to be a tough test:<br />

Now the Green Blade Riseth (Proprius<br />

PRCD9093), an unforgiving choral<br />

recording that can sound thrilling if it’s<br />

treated right, or like a crosscut saw if it’s<br />

not.<br />

And in nearly all respects the Equinox<br />

did treat it right. The vocal timbres<br />

of both the men and the women were<br />

attractive, and the text was clear…or it<br />

would be to a Swede. The bottom end<br />

was solid and communicated rhythm<br />

very well. Reine especially liked the<br />

way some of the subtle harmonies in the<br />

soprano voices were rendered, and Albert<br />

noted how refined and downright joyous<br />

the sound was. The Equinox was off to<br />

a great start.<br />

We continued with Dvorak’s Romantic<br />

Piece, op. 75 (Analekta FL 2 3191),<br />

featuring the remarkable violin playing<br />

of James Ihnes. There are few recordings<br />

ever made with this convincing a<br />

violin sound, and the Equinox made it<br />

come out lush and smooth. At the same<br />

time the violin’s sound was transparent,<br />

Is it good enough to<br />

be your very last Red<br />

Book CD player?<br />

letting the piano shine clearly through.<br />

Only…<br />

Only what? Get the story in our print<br />

issue. Now execuse us while we lapse into<br />

faux Latin.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat<br />

am quat augait, vel essequam<br />

augiamet, con utem vel iril ulla feum<br />

vulla cortionulla consequis dolobortie<br />

minit, sequam aciliquis nim quis eui<br />

blam, consequisi eratie tie te dolorper<br />

ing ea feugait num incin hendiamcon<br />

ex ercilit ad dipit iriustie dolesto odo<br />

odipit la adignibh ea feu facip et augue<br />

min eumsan ulla aut utpat ip ent volore<br />

elesto do odolobo rtisim iriure veraesting<br />

erillan essectem dignim velismod<br />

dip eugiate eugait la at, con ulla feugue<br />

facipis et alismodolor si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 35

Listening Room<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut<br />

num dio odiam, conulluptat. Lor iriure<br />

core con volortisit in er si blaore do dio<br />

commod digna feugue exercip sustrud<br />

ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at, quat<br />

la feugait nim at praessim dolorper<br />

alisl dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan<br />

esequipit ilit dolese ming eu feu facing<br />

ea amcommolut dit landrerostie tatue<br />

dolore te vel et ex et la am vent vel utat<br />

ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse<br />

feum dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt<br />

atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod<br />

dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: Simaudio Equinox<br />

Price: C$2995/US$2000<br />

Dimensions: 43 x 10.5 x 35 cm<br />

Most liked: Laor sustrud tincin ulput<br />

wis<br />

Least liked: Adigniam incil utpat<br />

Verdict: Re modolore min utat<br />

nulputpat. Duis ea facipit incid<br />


nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad<br />

tem zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum<br />

nullutpat. Os dolute mod et lorerostrud<br />

mincilit dit prat accummod tis eugue<br />

faccumsandre mod dit prat nummolo<br />

rercipit lore faccummy nismolese consed<br />

enibh et pratet eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut landit<br />

ad del incin vulputet augait am, conulput<br />

prat lor sim augait, susto el iure te<br />

molore We generally thought it was.<br />

Indeed, in many respects it is superb,<br />

and we agreed on that. We also agreed<br />

that its price puts it squarely in a range<br />

where the competition is something to<br />

be reckoned with.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am quat<br />

augait, vel essequam augiamet, con utem vel<br />

iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla consequis<br />

dolobortie minit, sequam aciliquis nim quis<br />

eui blam, consequisi eratie tie te dolorper ing<br />

ea feugait num incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad<br />

dipit iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla aut<br />

utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo rtisim<br />

iriure veraesting erillan essectem dignim<br />

velismod dip eugiate eugait la at, con ulla<br />

feugue facipis et alismodolor si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore delissequat.<br />

Ut at nonsectem velenit alis ametuero<br />

dolor senis nos eugiamcommy nullut vel diat<br />

vero core et alisl dolore te consent nonummo<br />

lobore min henim erit, siscili quisi.<br />

—Albert Simon<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad tat. Ut<br />

endre etue velit, vel doluptate verillametue<br />

faci blan utate te dio coreet ad tisl et aciliqu<br />

ationsent velit ad dunt ut niate et la conse<br />

dolore velis nibh eraesequis augiam eugiam<br />

amet, commy nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent<br />

praestrud dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet<br />

lobore vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am quis<br />

aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud et<br />

ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui ea corem<br />

aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit aliquam,<br />

volummolor iure magnis nisim dolor sectem<br />

iure tat ipis nosto consed tat augue dolobor<br />

sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit wisl<br />

eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum eugue<br />

feummolore doloborem vullam dolummy<br />

nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud dignisit,<br />

sumsan henisi.<br />

—Gerard Rejskind<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do ore<br />

commy nim zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel<br />

ing et, consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis<br />

nit ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Aut numlorerostrud mincilit dit prat<br />

accummod tis eugue faccumsandre mod.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna consectem<br />

voleniam ipit prat in ut landit ad del<br />

incin vulputet augait am, conulput prat lor<br />

sim augait, susto el iure te molore.<br />

—Reine Lessard<br />

36 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

Listening Room<br />

Simaudio Moon I-3<br />

Had we seen this amplifier<br />

before? A quick search<br />

through our back issues<br />

turned up an integrated<br />

amplifier that looks not unlike it, the<br />

Moon I-5. It’s in UHF No. 56. We said<br />

good things about it then, which made<br />

us optimistic that we would probably<br />

give this smaller amp a good report<br />

card too.<br />

But then again, Simaudio has messed<br />

up before with small integrated amps.<br />

Anyone recall the infamous 4070i of<br />

many years ago? Despite the similarity<br />

of name to a superb power amp…<br />

The I-3 package is a nice one, with a<br />

thick, nicely-finished front panel, silver<br />

on our unit but also available in black.<br />

The volume setting is shown in large red<br />

digits. Previous Simaudio units we’ve<br />

seen show negative numbers, indicating<br />

how many decibels below full level the<br />

volume is set to, a notation many users<br />

find counterintuitive. On the I-3, full<br />

off is 0, and the volume goes up from<br />

that. The steps go up by about 1.8 dB at<br />

a time (“about” because it varies over the<br />

range), which means the numbers shown<br />

are arbitrary. The mute function takes<br />

the I-3 down to a setting of 2, not 0 as you<br />

might expect. Functions are accessible<br />

from the front panel or the attractive<br />

metal remote control.<br />

There are six high level inputs,<br />

labelled “CD” and “A1” through “A5.”<br />

There is a preamplifier output, to allow<br />

biamplifying or using a larger power<br />

amp, a feature we approve of. What’s<br />

more, the A4 input is just what the doctor<br />

ordered if you are setting up a hybrid<br />

music/home theatre system.<br />

That’s because the A4 signal bypasses<br />

the volume control, and can be used for<br />

the left and right front channels of a<br />

surround sound system. That lets you<br />

add an external video sound processor<br />

(which several companies make) to<br />

your system. When you listen to music,<br />

however, the movie stuff is completely<br />

out of the circuit. That could be a major<br />

consideration when you’re choosing your<br />

amplifier.<br />

The input jacks are economy grade.<br />

The output binding posts look like<br />

WBT posts, but are not. They give fair<br />

performance with spades, much better<br />

performance with bananas. The banana<br />

jack is built into the post body, not the<br />

cap, and the tightness of the connection<br />

doesn’t depend on how tight the cap is.<br />

Power connection is by the usual IEC<br />

connection. The line fuse is accessible to<br />

the user.<br />

We evaluated the I-3 with a set of<br />

SACDs, starting with the famous rondo<br />

from Mozart’s Horn Concerto in E Flat<br />

(PentaTone 5186 105). From the first<br />

we liked the warmth, the liveliness and<br />

the energy of the performance, and we<br />

enjoyed the broad image as well. As with<br />

our reference, the rondo was delightful<br />

to listen to.<br />

Like the company’s<br />

other integrated<br />

amplifiers, it looks<br />

deceptively small…<br />

There were, of course, some differences.<br />

Check out our print issue, and you<br />

can see what they are.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat<br />

am quat augait, vel essequam<br />

augiamet, con utem vel iril ulla feum<br />

vulla cortionulla consequis dolobortie<br />

minit, sequam aciliquis nim quis eui<br />

blam, consequisi eratie tie te dolorper<br />

ing ea feugait num incin hendiamcon<br />

ex ercilit ad dipit iriustie dolesto odo<br />

odipit la adignibh ea feu facip et augue<br />

min eumsan ulla aut utpat ip ent volore<br />

elesto do odolobo rtisim iriure veraesting<br />

erillan essectem dignim velismod<br />

dip eugiate eugait la at, con ulla feugue<br />

facipis et alismodolor si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do<br />

eugiamet vulla autatio commod te facidunt<br />

ad magnisim venissi tat ipsusci tis<br />

atet volore cor sim enim et lorper ip enit<br />

venisci ncilit autpatue consequate facing<br />

ea facipis nulput nit adiat autpatuer sum<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 37

Listening Room<br />

niat aliquat. Dunt dolorem in henit nos<br />

autem at alit irilit laore commy nim<br />

zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel ing et,<br />

consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis nit<br />

ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin<br />

ulput wisl dolor incip et do<br />

cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse<br />

feugait wis dolum dolore feu<br />

feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis<br />

aut num dio odiam, conulluptat.<br />

Lor iriure core con<br />

volortisit in er si blaore do<br />

dio commod digna feugue<br />

exercip sustrud ea augait<br />

dolum nis dolum nos at, quat la feugait<br />

nim at praessim dolorper alisl dolenissi<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: Simaudio Moon I-3<br />

Price: C$2500/US$1800<br />

Dimensions: 43 x 8 x 35 cm<br />

Rated power: 100 watts/channel<br />

Most liked: Full, rhythmic sound,<br />

brightness-free clarity<br />

Least liked: Power rating that seems<br />

to promise more than you’ll get<br />

Verdict: Limited quantity of sound,<br />

made up for by the quality<br />

bla facip eumsandipit lan esequipit ilit<br />

dolese ming eu feu facing ea amcommolut<br />

dit landrerostie tatue dolore te<br />

vel et ex et la am vent vel utat ad duipit<br />

niscil ut vulla con hendreet veriliquatum<br />

deliquipit lobore tationse feum dit adiat<br />

atum volore et utatie dunt atum del in<br />

volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod dolore<br />

doloreet la facilit, commy nullandrem<br />

num vulla faccum zzrit ad tem zzriusc<br />

iliquis sectet aliquatetum nullutpat. Os<br />

dolute mod et lorerostrud mincilit dit<br />

prat accummod tis eugue faccumsandre<br />

mod dit prat nummolo rercipit lore faccummy<br />

nismolese consed enibh et pratet<br />

eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am.<br />


Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am quat<br />

augait, vel essequam augiamet, con utem vel<br />

iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla consequis<br />

dolobortie minit, sequam aciliquis nim quis<br />

eui blam, consequisi eratie tie te dolorper ing<br />

ea feugait num incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad<br />

dipit iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla aut<br />

utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo rtisim<br />

iriure veraesting erillan essectem dignim<br />

velismod dip eugiate eugait la at, con ulla<br />

feugue facipis et alismodolor si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore delissequat.<br />

Ut at nonsectem velenit alis ametuero<br />

dolor senis nos eugiamcommy nullut vel diat<br />

vero core et alisl dolore te consent nonummo<br />

lobore min henim erit, siscili quisi.<br />

—Albert Simon<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad tat. Ut<br />

endre etue velit, vel doluptate verillametue<br />

faci blan utate te dio coreet ad tisl et aciliqu<br />

ationsent velit ad dunt ut niate et la conse<br />

dolore velis nibh eraesequis augiam eugiam<br />

amet, commy nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent<br />

praestrud dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet<br />

lobore vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am quis<br />

aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud et<br />

ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui ea corem<br />

aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit aliquam,<br />

volummolor iure magnis nisim dolor sectem<br />

iure tat ipis nosto consed tat augue dolobor<br />

sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

—Gerard Rejskind<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor incip<br />

et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm odigna<br />

consequis esse feugait wis dolum dolore<br />

feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt lore dolorting<br />

eugait ex enis aut num dio odiam, conulluptat.<br />

Lor iriure core con volortisit in er si<br />

blaore do dio commod digna feugue exercip<br />

sustrud ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at,<br />

quat la feugait nim at praessim dolorper alisl<br />

dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan esequipit<br />

ilit dolese ming eu feu facing ea amcommolut<br />

dit landrerostie tatue dolore te vel et<br />

ex et la am vent vel utat ad duipit niscil ut<br />

vulla con hendreet veriliquatum deliquipit<br />

lobore tationse feum dit adiat atum volore et<br />

utatie dunt atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut<br />

ercipismod dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad tem<br />

zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum nullutpat.<br />

Os dolute mod et lorerostrud mincilit dit<br />

prat accummod tis eugue faccumsandre mod<br />

dit prat nummolo rercipit lore faccummy<br />

nismolese consed enibh et pratet eliquat.<br />

Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio.<br />

—Reine Lessard<br />

38 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

Listening Room<br />

Reference 3a Dulcet<br />

One of the buzzwords of<br />

the decade is “scalable<br />

technology.” If you set up<br />

e-commerce software for 20<br />

customers a day, will it work as well with<br />

20,000 customers a day?<br />

But scalability works both ways.<br />

Reference 3a has shown it can make<br />

great-sounding speakers like the MM<br />

De Capo-i (UHF No. 67) and Royal<br />

Virtuoso (No. 70). Is the technology still<br />

good if you scale it down? That’s what<br />

the company has done with the Dulcet.<br />

We weren’t sure it could be done. A<br />

smaller 3a speaker of many years ago, the<br />

Micro Monitor, did not set the world on<br />

fire. Neither did an early prototype of<br />

the Dulcet, which by the way was larger.<br />

This one? Another story altogether.<br />

This is a small speaker. Check our<br />

cover picture showing it next to a Totem<br />

speaker that is itself tiny. Like other<br />

speakers of the marque, it is deeper than<br />

it is wide, to avoid a broad radiating surface<br />

that kills imaging. We don’t know<br />

much about the small (14 cm) woofer,<br />

which appears to be polypropylene<br />

rather than the woven carbon fibre<br />

used on other Reference 3a speakers. It<br />

includes a phase plug in the centre, which<br />

does not move with the cone, a refinement<br />

seldom seen on small woofers. The<br />

tweeter uses a textile dome. The crossover<br />

network remains about as simple as<br />

it can be, merely keeping low frequencies<br />

from blowing out the tweeter, leaving<br />

the woofer direct-coupled.<br />

If the eye-catching cherry finish is<br />

not enough to confirm that this is no<br />

economy speaker, there is another clue<br />

at the rear. The large, well-made binding<br />

posts are mounted on a massive alloy<br />

plate rather than the common plastic<br />

cup. The company Web site shows<br />

Cardas jumpers joining the binding<br />

posts, but they didn’t come with ours.<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: Reference 3a Dulcet<br />

Price: C$2100/US$1695<br />

Dimensions: 30 x 19 x 24 cm<br />

Sensitivity: 88 dB<br />

Impedance: 6 ohms<br />

Most liked: Warmth and clarity that<br />

draw you into the picture<br />

Least liked: Not for large rooms<br />

Verdict: Aimes for a niche market,<br />

scores a bull’s eye<br />

The company says the drivers<br />

are burned in for 100 hours before<br />

being matched up, but we gave<br />

the speakers as much again before<br />

mounting them on our Foundation<br />

stands and installing them in our<br />

Alpha system. We selected five LPs<br />

for this review session.<br />

The first was a challenge for a<br />

small speaker: Holst’s Suite No. 2<br />

(Reference Recordings RR-39). This<br />

is a powerful piece for wind band,<br />

with percussion aplenty. Would the<br />

tiny Dulcets seem too thin on this<br />

full-range music? Barely, and anyway<br />

our attention was elsewhere. Rhythm<br />

was strong, yet the music was lyrical<br />

too. The brass shone, at once bright<br />

and smooth, with as much detail as we<br />

could wish. The snare drum emerged<br />

effortlessly from the highly coherent<br />

ensemble sound. Gerard noted how clear<br />

the dissonance of the piece was. Oh…we<br />

also noticed the broad and stable image,<br />

a Reference 3a trademark.<br />

We then pulled out one of our best<br />

LPs, the 45 rpm <strong>version</strong> of Eric Bibb’s<br />

Good Stuff (Opus 3 LP19603). This is<br />

such a dynamic recording, with solid<br />

bass work, that we feared the little<br />

Dulcets wouldn’t keep up with it. We<br />

were quickly reassured. Albert rated the<br />

bottom end highly acceptable, and we<br />

probably wouldn’t even have thought to<br />

mention it if we hadn’t been able to see<br />

the speakers. Bibb’s voice as clear as it<br />

was natural, the timbres of the guitars<br />

beyond reproach. The sound was rich<br />

and rhythmic, with depth and life. “You<br />

just let yourself get drawn in,” concluded<br />

Reine.<br />

We wanted to hear a female voice,<br />

and we chose an original audiophile<br />

standby, Amanda McBroom’s Dorothy<br />

from the direct-cut West of Oz LP. It was<br />

superb. Not only was McBroom’s voice<br />

clean and clear, but so were those of the<br />

backup singers, who often seem rather<br />

muddy. There was no problem with the<br />

plucked bass, nor indeed with any other<br />

instruments. “You can hear all six of the<br />

guitar strings,” said Reine approvingly.<br />

We checked out the rollicking jazz<br />

piece Comes Love from the Showcase disc<br />

(LP20000). Once again, the music was<br />

rhythmic and joyous, and the different<br />

layers of instruments were easy to pick<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 39

Listening Room<br />

out. Even the height was well rendered.<br />

The glissandos of Kenny Davern’s<br />

clarinet were divine. “We can listen to<br />

it, and it sounds right without any effort<br />

on our part,” commented Albert. The<br />

bottom end was not explicitly deep, but<br />

the sousaphone had no difficulty getting<br />

heard.<br />

We ended with Secret of the Andes,<br />

which we have long used to see whether<br />

a speaker can reproduce bass without<br />

coloring it. It did. The exotic percussion<br />

instruments that make up the opening<br />

were pure and varied, as they should be.<br />

The timbres of all the other instruments,<br />

including the piano, were superb. The<br />

rhythm? “It’s like a real concert,” said<br />

Reine.<br />

We put our calibrated EarthWorks<br />

microphone one meter in front of the<br />

speaker and took some readings. The<br />

frequency response, measured in thirds<br />

of octaves, is shown above. At the bottom<br />

end, response goes solidly down to just<br />

below 50 Hz, where it is 5 dB down.<br />

Anything below that is mere noise, not<br />

music. On the other hand the Dulcet<br />

didn’t get really noisy until 20 Hz, when<br />

its small rear vent began to crepitate.<br />

The dip around 200 Hz is a room<br />

effect and can be ignored. The higher<br />

frequencies look surprisingly muted, but<br />

the Dulcet does not sound dull, and the<br />

graph requires a little explanation.<br />

It is convention in audio measurements<br />

to set “0 dB” to be the reading at<br />

1 kHz. But this is arbitrary, and in the<br />

case of the Dulcet all other readings were<br />

lower than that at 1 kHz. If we ignore the<br />

convention and raise the curve by 2.5 dB,<br />

response would then extend from about<br />

48 Hz to 20 kHz ±3 dB. A curve like that<br />

from such a small speaker is more than<br />

a little surprising.<br />

The 100 Hz square wave, shown<br />

above left, is somewhat misshapen, but<br />

indicates no phase anomalies between<br />

woofer and tweeter.<br />

That the Dulcet belongs in a smaller<br />

room goes pretty much without saying.<br />

In the right home, we think it will delight<br />

you, as it delighted us.<br />


My general impression was of a beautiful<br />

sweetness, a natural softness of sound,<br />

and a richness in the mid frequencies. No<br />

excesses, no etching of specific sounds,<br />

more like a balanced effect, a wide stage<br />

and a striking power in the low frequencies,<br />

when required.<br />

Somehow the clarinets and other woodwinds<br />

seemed to sing with a smile, and brass<br />

instruments had a deeper glow and a satin<br />

shine. Everything held together as a whole,<br />

and danced happily to a marked rhythm.<br />

Voices were always finely expressive and<br />

warm.<br />

If your system seems to want to scream<br />

and shout the music at you when you turn<br />

up the volume, it may be trying to tell you<br />

something. Chances are it might find its<br />

true voice with these speakers.<br />

—Albert Simon<br />

Irresistible…there’s the adjective that<br />

came to me spontaneously at the end of<br />

the session with these speakers. Even leaving<br />

aside the exemplary image and the<br />

spaciousness that seems to extend to every<br />

dimension, the Dulcets are so remarkably<br />

clean that they can unveil a profusion of detail.<br />

Voices are natural and gorgeous, and so<br />

are instrumental timbres. Instruments that<br />

do their work in the lower octaves of the audible<br />

spectrum, such as the sousaphone and<br />

the double bass, have good weight, adding<br />

to the overall richness of the sound. As for<br />

the midrange, it is more than just all right.<br />

There are no holes in the sound with these<br />

speakers.<br />

Somewhere, so striking, glissandos and<br />

warm, velvety clarinets commanded my attention<br />

and my very being. They were irresistible.<br />

As for rhythm, it is fast, authoritative,<br />

irresistible. In short, there’s lyricism,<br />

emotion, sensuality.<br />

And I was thinking that all I needed to<br />

get all that was to abandon myself to the<br />

music. That music, originating with exceptional<br />

musicians and served up by speakers<br />

that are no less exceptional, is…well,<br />

irresistible.<br />

It’s an additional surprise that such<br />

treasures can be found in such a small package.<br />

Why resist, when the cost is quite reasonable?<br />

—Reine Lessard<br />

I’m forced to admit I had initial doubts<br />

about these speakers. It’s not that I’m<br />

against small speakers, because some of my<br />

very favorite loudspeakers could fit under<br />

my arm, but this one can actually make the<br />

original Totem look huge. How good could<br />

it be?<br />

Really good, as it turns out. The single<br />

trade-off — and you can’t make a speaker<br />

this small without trade-offs — is dynamic.<br />

Put it in a room where it needs to play loud,<br />

and it will be uncomfortable. In a smaller<br />

room, however, or even in some mediumsized<br />

rooms, it will come to life, and it will<br />

gladden your heart. Get a listen.<br />

—Gerard Rejskind<br />

40 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

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ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 41

Listening Room<br />

Totem Rainmaker<br />

42 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

It looks like the famous Model<br />

One, with its rounded edges and<br />

the dark red mahogany finish that<br />

was once Totem’s only finish. It is<br />

roughly the same width and depth, but is<br />

actually slightly taller. And oh yes…it’s<br />

half the price.<br />

Totem has made economy speakers<br />

before, not always with total success.<br />

Initial Totem models had a “family”<br />

sound that made the company famous,<br />

but the constraints of price tend to make<br />

economy speakers sound the same.<br />

What Totem has accomplished here is a<br />

speaker that not only looks like the best<br />

of its other speakers, but also sounds like<br />

one.<br />

Construction is straightforward:<br />

a 12 cm polypropylene woofer and a<br />

metal dome tweeter in a lock-mitred box<br />

built to be exceptionally rigid. The two<br />

pairs of binding posts only superficially<br />

resemble the WBT posts used on upscale<br />

speakers, but they are all right for this<br />

price range. Internal damping is from<br />

a crossbrace and the same borosilicate<br />

coating used in other Totem speakers.<br />

The port is at the rear, precluding<br />

mounting against a wall. It is small, just<br />

3.5 cm across, looking not unlike the<br />

door to a birdhouse.<br />

We gave our Rainmakers a few days<br />

of run-in time (Totem suggests 70 to<br />

100 hours), and placed them in our<br />

Alpha system, sitting on Foundation<br />

stands. We used the same five LPs as in<br />

the previous review session.<br />

The Holst piece for wind band<br />

(Reference Recordings RR-39) was a<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: Totem Rainmaker<br />

Price: C$1100/US$950 as tested<br />

Dimensions: 35.5 x 17 x 23 cm<br />

Sensitivity: 87.5 dB<br />

Impedance: 4 ohms minimum<br />

Most liked: Umsan hent aute magna<br />

conulla oreet, quisl<br />

Least liked: Re modolore min utat<br />

Verdict: Lit auguer iustionum dolorem<br />

dolortisl ulput vent velis nulput<br />

ip elisis ad tat. Ut endre etue velit<br />

little thinner and less rich than with<br />

our reference speakers, but what the<br />

Rainmakers lack in infrasonic dig they<br />

more than make up for in sheer energy.<br />

The brass and percussion verged on…<br />

On what? We do hope you’ll check<br />

our print issue for the answer!<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do<br />

eugiamet vulla autatio commod te fac-

Listening Room<br />

idunt ad magnisim venissi tat ipsusci tis<br />

atet volore cor sim enim et lorper ip enit<br />

venisci ncilit autpatue consequate facing<br />

ea facipis nulput nit adiat autpatuer sum<br />

niat aliquat. Dunt dolorem in henit nos<br />

autem at alit irilit laore commy nim<br />

zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel ing et,<br />

consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis nit<br />

ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut<br />

num dio odiam, conulluptat. Lor iriure<br />

core con volortisit in er si blaore do dio<br />

commod digna feugue exercip sustrud<br />

ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at, quat<br />

la feugait nim at praessim dolorper<br />

alisl dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan<br />

esequipit ilit dolese ming eu feu facing<br />

ea amcommolut dit landrerostie tatue<br />

dolore te vel et ex et la am vent vel utat<br />

ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse<br />

feum dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt<br />

atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod<br />

dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad<br />


tem zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum<br />

nullutpat. Os dolute mod et lorerostrud<br />

mincilit dit prat accummod tis eugue<br />

faccumsandre mod dit prat nummolo<br />

rercipit lore faccummy nismolese consed<br />

enibh et pratet eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am quat<br />

augait, vel essequam augiamet, con utem vel<br />

iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla consequis<br />

dolobortie minit, sequam aciliquis nim quis<br />

eui blam, consequisi eratie tie te dolorper ing<br />

ea feugait num incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad<br />

dipit iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla aut<br />

utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo rtisim<br />

iriure veraesting erillan essectem dignim<br />

velismod dip eugiate eugait la at, con ulla<br />

feugue facipis et alismodolor si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore delissequat.<br />

Ut at nonsectem velenit alis ametuero<br />

dolor senis nos eugiamcommy nullut vel diat<br />

vero core et alisl dolore te consent nonummo<br />

lobore min henim erit, siscili quisi.<br />

—Albert Simon<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad tat. Ut<br />

endre etue velit, vel doluptate verillametue<br />

faci blan utate te dio coreet ad tisl et aciliqu<br />

ationsent velit ad dunt ut niate et la conse<br />

dolore velis nibh eraesequis augiam eugiam<br />

amet, commy nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent<br />

praestrud dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet<br />

lobore vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am quis<br />

aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud et<br />

ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui ea corem<br />

aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit aliquam,<br />

volummolor iure magnis nisim dolor sectem<br />

iure tat ipis nosto consed tat augue dolobor<br />

sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit wisl<br />

eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum eugue<br />

feummolore doloborem vullam dolummy<br />

nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud dignisit,<br />

sumsan henisi.<br />

—Gerard Rejskind<br />

Feu facing ea amcommolut dit landrerostie<br />

tatue dolore te vel et ex et la am vent<br />

vel utat ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse feum<br />

dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt atum del<br />

in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod dolore<br />

doloreet la facilit, commy nullandrem num<br />

vulla faccum zzrit ad tem zzriusc iliquis<br />

sectet aliquatetum nullutpat. Os dolute mod<br />

et lorerostrud mincilit dit prat.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna consectem<br />

voleniam ipit prat in ut landit ad del<br />

incin vulputet augait am, conulput prat lor<br />

sim augait, susto el iure te molore.<br />

—Reine Lessard<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 43

Listening Room<br />

Studio Lab SLP 102<br />

A<br />

lot of companies make inexpensive<br />

speakers, and it’s a<br />

good thing too. Overspending<br />

on speakers is not good<br />

for your inner tranquility, since by<br />

definition it means underspending on<br />

what the speakers will be called upon<br />

to reproduce.<br />

Enter these cute little French speakers<br />

and their optional subwoofer. Even<br />

with that option they have a Canadian<br />

price tag well below four digits. Despite<br />

that they have cabinets of real wood<br />

veneer…from China, of course. The<br />

manufacturer is Mosquito Groupe, the<br />

same people who recently purchased<br />

the much better known (to us) Vecteur<br />

company.<br />

We generally prefer to remove the<br />

grilles from speakers we test, but it<br />

wasn't obvious how to remove these.<br />

Their frames are screwed to the front<br />

baffle, which seems to mean that we<br />

could unscrew them, but the screw<br />

heads are smooth, and some of them<br />

were tight enough that we could see no<br />

way of undoing them without inflicting<br />

at least minor cosmetic damage. They<br />

look rather nice, standing off the baffle<br />

somewhat, with a silvery cloth that<br />

made us think fondly of older Rogers<br />

loudspeakers.<br />

There is only one pair of binding<br />

posts. We don’t know whether that’s<br />

for economy reasons or because the<br />

crossover is a series design, which doesn’t<br />

allow biwiring. Their quality is…well,<br />

you did sneak a peek at the price tag,<br />

right? They’re adequate for use with<br />

banana plugs, way below advisable with<br />

spades.<br />

We’ll get to the subwoofer shortly…<br />

will we ever!<br />

In the meantime we broke in the<br />

speakers and placed them on our Foundation<br />

stands, which by the way cost<br />

more than four times the price of these<br />

speakers. As with the two other speakers<br />

reviewed in this issue, we used our<br />

Audiomeca reference turntable, choosing<br />

three LPs from our collection.<br />

We began with the Holst suite for<br />

wind band (Reference Recordings<br />

44 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

RR-39), despite some misgivings. This<br />

is not a direct-cut LP, but you can’t tell<br />

that by listening. Its grooves overflow<br />

with life and energy, enough to knock<br />

speakers like this right off the stand and<br />

onto the floor.<br />

To tell the truth we had half expected<br />

that to happen, and so from the first<br />

measures, when we heard all that power<br />

emerging from an unlikely source, we<br />

looked at each other, puzzled…startled<br />

even. Then we faced toward the speakers<br />

again. We wanted to hear more of this!<br />

And there was more to hear. The<br />

sound was a little more distant than with<br />

Too much bass? Just<br />

add a subwoofer. No,<br />

really!<br />

our reference speakers, but the clarity<br />

didn’t suffer. Reine said it reminded her<br />

of the marching bands she heard as a<br />

child. “I’ll take a dozen of these!” said<br />

Albert.<br />

The second recording is no less of<br />

a challenge, thanks to its complexity:<br />

Comes Love from Opus 3’s wonderful<br />

Showcase LP (LP20000). Once again<br />

there was a lot to like, more than you<br />

would expect from the price. This jazz<br />

piece sounded warm and delightful, as<br />

we are used to hearing it. True, the clarinet<br />

got just a little screechy at the top of<br />

its register, though in general these are<br />

not shrill speakers. The sousaphone<br />

had good presence and solidity, thanks<br />

to the solid lows.<br />

Ah yes…the lows. We listened again<br />

to be sure of what we were hearing.<br />

And what we heard down there was<br />

not quite right. “The enclosure is not<br />

rigid enough,” said Gerard. “There’s<br />

lots of energy in the lows, but it’s not all<br />

music. There’s no obvious boominess,<br />

but real music is not like that.”<br />

It’s because of speakers like this that<br />

we like to listen to Secret of the Andes, a<br />

long-discontinued LP which lives on as<br />

a JVC xrcd disc. Pianist Victor Feldman<br />

is fascinating to listen to, but we<br />

especially like the title piece because<br />

its introduction includes a dizzying<br />

variety of Central American percussion<br />

instruments with very different textures:<br />

metal, wood and stretched skins. If they<br />

sound the same, you’re hearing speaker<br />

cabinet resonance, not the instruments<br />

themselves.<br />

And they did in fact sound a little<br />

too much the same, though you might<br />

not notice if you were hearing the piece<br />

for the first time. Even the kick drum<br />

was not like the real thing, its normally<br />

sharp thump a little blurred. On the<br />

other instruments, however, we liked<br />

the impact, the sound of each drum<br />

actually being struck. That suggests<br />

that, as overly resonant speakers go, the<br />

Studio Labs are actually pretty good:<br />

they boom, sure, but they don’t go on<br />

booming long after the original sound<br />

has gone by.

Listening Room<br />

Percussion aside, the music sounded<br />

pretty good. Reine noted the excellent<br />

dynamics of Feldman’s energetic piano<br />

chords. Fine details were abundant,<br />

at least when they weren’t hidden by<br />

activity in the bottom octaves. The<br />

Andean flute was sharper than it should<br />

have been, much like the clarinet in the<br />

previous piece.<br />

So what did we have here? A pair<br />

of low-cost speakers with astonishing<br />

performance over the majority of the<br />

audible range, with only the bass a little<br />

overactive. Hold on, though…didn’t<br />

we also get a subwoofer along with this<br />

intriguing pair of speakers?<br />

The SUB B03<br />

The word “subwoofer” has been<br />

abused to the point where it has become<br />

all but meaningless. Originally, a<br />

subwoofer was meant to reproduce<br />

sounds below the lowest frequencies<br />

most musical instruments can produce.<br />

As speakers began to shrink years ago,<br />

“subwoofers” became mere woofers.<br />

The main speakers would not perform<br />

well below perhaps 150 Hz, and so a<br />

single larger speaker would take over<br />

below that. Even in cases where the<br />

main speakers can reproduce very low<br />

frequencies, they may not be able to play<br />

very loud without seriously overloading.<br />

The subwoofer, which is usually larger,<br />

can add headroom. In some cases that is<br />

its only role, because we have seen cases<br />

in which a subwoofer goes only 5 Hz<br />

lower than its matching main speakers.<br />

The SUB 03 is conventional in<br />

format: a truncated cube with a downward-firing<br />

21 cm woofer, powered by<br />

what is billed as a 120 watt amplifier. We<br />

noted that the rating is labelled “PMP,”<br />

which stands for “peak music power.”<br />

Divide by at least two to get the more<br />

common average rating.<br />

Its control panel is shown above. It<br />

took us only a couple of minutes to set<br />

it up, and we left it undisturbed for the<br />

photograph.<br />

First, we did use the SUB 03’s built-in<br />

crossover to roll off low frequencies to<br />

the main speakers, since those speakers<br />

were clearly not handling the lows<br />

perfectly. Ideally, you should use the<br />

low-level phono jacks: you come out of<br />

the preamp to the “line in” jacks, and<br />

then you connect the “line out” jacks to<br />

your power amplifier. We didn’t do that,<br />

because it would have meant using other<br />

interconnects, an uncontrolled variable.<br />

Instead we connected the amplifier<br />

output to the “high level in” binding<br />

posts, and the “high level out” binding<br />

posts to the main speakers. The posts<br />

are not bad, by the way.<br />

The crossover network, which determines<br />

when the main speakers roll off<br />

and the subwoofer comes in, is variable<br />

between 40 Hz and 160 Hz, but with no<br />

calibration points in between. We set it<br />

as shown, to roughly 100 Hz. The phase<br />

switch was set to produce the loudest<br />

sound at listening position on a 100 Hz<br />

sine wave tone. The level control, which<br />

determines how loud the subwoofer<br />

plays, was set by ear to give our three test<br />

recordings about the same tonal balance<br />

as our reference speakers.<br />

You may have noticed the three-position<br />

power switch on the panel. Most<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: Studio Lab SLB 102/<br />

SUB B03<br />

Price: C$390/US$320 (main<br />

speakers), C$550/US$450 (subwoofer)<br />

Dimensions: 36 x 20 x 26 cm (main<br />

speakers), 36 x 29 x 36 cm (subwoofer)<br />

Sensitivity: 88 dB<br />

Impedance: 6 ohms<br />

Most liked: Lit auguer iustionum<br />

dolorem dolortisl ulput<br />

Least liked: Ommy nibh essenia<br />

mconulputat am quat augait<br />

Verdict: Umsan hent aute magna<br />

conulla oreet<br />

subwoofers switch themselves off when<br />

they haven’t detected a signal for a few<br />

minutes, and then “wake up” when they<br />

do. That’s what this subwoofer does in<br />

“auto” position, but you can force it to<br />

stay switched on all the time.<br />

With the subwoofer adjusted to our<br />

satisfaction, we ran through the three<br />

recordings again.<br />

And we’re forced to admit that,<br />

without the report on the subwoofer,<br />

you can”t quite tell what we thought of<br />

these inexpensive speakers. But we can<br />

get you a copy…fast!<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 45

Listening Room<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut<br />

num dio odiam, conulluptat. Lor iriure<br />

core con volortisit in er si blaore do dio<br />

commod digna feugue exercip sustrud<br />

ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at, quat<br />

la feugait nim at praessim dolorper<br />

alisl dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan<br />

esequipit ilit dolese ming eu feu facing<br />

ea amcommolut dit landrerostie tatue<br />

dolore te vel et ex et la am vent vel utat<br />

ad duipit niscil ut vulla con hendreet<br />

veriliquatum deliquipit lobore tationse<br />

feum dit adiat atum volore et utatie dunt<br />

atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod<br />

dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad<br />

tem zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum<br />

nullutpat. Os dolute mod et lorerostrud<br />

mincilit dit prat accummod tis eugue<br />

faccumsandre mod dit prat nummolo<br />

rercipit lore faccummy nismolese consed<br />

enibh et pratet eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt.<br />


Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am quat<br />

augait, vel essequam augiamet, con utem vel<br />

iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla consequis<br />

dolobortie minit, sequam aciliquis nim quis<br />

eui blam, consequisi eratie tie te dolorper ing<br />

ea feugait num incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad<br />

dipit iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla aut<br />

utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo rtisim<br />

iriure veraesting erillan essectem dignim<br />

velismod dip eugiate eugait la at, con ulla<br />

feugue facipis et alismodolor si.<br />

—Albert Simon<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad tat. Ut<br />

endre etue velit, vel doluptate verillametue<br />

faci blan utate te dio coreet ad tisl et aciliqu<br />

ationsent velit ad dunt ut niate et la conse<br />

dolore velis nibh eraesequis augiam eugiam<br />

amet, commy nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent<br />

praestrud dolortisit nonsed.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am quis<br />

aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud et<br />

ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui ea corem<br />

aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit aliquam,<br />

volummolor iure magnis nisim dolor sectem<br />

iure tat ipis nosto consed tat augue dolobor<br />

sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit wisl<br />

eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum eugue<br />

feummolore doloborem vullam dolummy<br />

nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud dignisit,<br />

sumsan henisi.<br />

—Gerard Rejskind<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor incip<br />

et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm odigna<br />

consequis esse feugait wis dolum dolore<br />

feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt lore dolorting<br />

eugait ex enis aut num dio odiam, conulluptat.<br />

Lor iriure core con volortisit in er si<br />

blaore do dio commod digna feugue exercip<br />

sustrud ea augait dolum nis dolum nos at,<br />

quat la feugait nim at praessim dolorper alisl<br />

dolenissi bla facip eumsandipit lan esequipit<br />

ilit dolese ming eu feu facing ea amcommolut<br />

dit landrerostie tatue dolore te vel et<br />

ex et la am vent vel utat ad duipit niscil ut<br />

vulla con hendreet veriliquatum deliquipit<br />

lobore tationse feum dit adiat atum volore et<br />

utatie dunt atum del in volor auguerat, vel ut<br />

ercipismod dolore doloreet la facilit, commy<br />

nullandrem num vulla faccum zzrit ad tem<br />

zzriusc iliquis sectet aliquatetum nullutpat.<br />

Os dolute mod et lorerostrud mincilit dit<br />

prat accummod tis eugue faccumsandre mod<br />

dit prat nummolo rercipit lore faccummy<br />

nismolese consed enibh et pratet eliquat.<br />

Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum.<br />

—Reine Lessard<br />

46 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

Listening Room<br />

muRata Tweeters:<br />

a Second Look<br />

The picture above may look<br />

familiar, because we used it<br />

in our previous issue. We’ll<br />

explain why.<br />

What muRata makes is super tweeters,<br />

meaning tweeters that operate beyond<br />

the range of normal tweeters. And in<br />

large part beyond the range of human<br />

hearing too. The human ear can reliably<br />

detect signals up to perhaps 20 kHz, but<br />

closer to 15 kHz as one gets older, and<br />

a lot less for those living in very noisy<br />

surroundings. The muRatas begin at<br />

15 kHz, and extends out to a claimed<br />

100 kHz. They are meant to be used<br />

with SACD and DVD-A players, which<br />

can reproduce signals up to 70 kHz or<br />

so. Are there actually such signals? And<br />

is there any point to reproducing them<br />

if (possibly) we can’t hear them?<br />

In our last issue we gave the muRatas<br />

only an hour of our time, and just one<br />

page of the magazine, because we figured<br />

they wouldn’t be worth more than that.<br />

That one-hour session convinced us we<br />

had been wrong. The muRata tweeters<br />

deserved much more attention.<br />

We are bothered by the assumption<br />

that the sensitivity of your speakers<br />

is predictable. It isn’t. If you have one<br />

of those little sealed speakers with an<br />

83 dB sensitivity, you’ll need to turn up<br />

the volume, and then the muRatas will<br />

presumably sound too loud. If you have<br />

horn speakers with 104 dB sensitivity,<br />

the muRatas can’t be expected to contribute<br />

much of anything. Fortunately<br />

our two reference speakers have respective<br />

sensitivities of 91 and 92 dB. By<br />

the way, you should try connecting the<br />

tweeters in reverse to see what works<br />

better. Reverse phase was better for us,<br />

though it may not be for you.<br />

So here we are again, with a larger<br />

stack of recordings this time. We<br />

began with our Omega system, and its<br />

Reference 3a Suprema speakers. The<br />

muRata tweeters sit nicely on top. They<br />

have their own (mechanical) crossover,<br />

and so you just connect them across the<br />

regular speaker binding posts.<br />

We started with an SACD used in<br />

several tests this series, Comes Love from<br />

the Opus 3 Showcase disc. The difference<br />

was subtle, and Gerard expressed surprise<br />

that were actually was a difference.<br />

He found that the clarinet was better<br />

detached from the busy instrumental<br />

ensemble, and that the piano was clearer<br />

as well. Reine agreed. “Without the<br />

muRatas,” she said, “I had to concentrate<br />

more to pick out the piano in the opening.”<br />

Albert wasn’t certain, and reserved<br />

judgement.<br />

We continued with Eric Bibb’s Good<br />

Stuff, and this time Albert was more<br />

So how high can you<br />

really hear?<br />

impressed. “All of the instruments are<br />

easier to separate,” he said, “and the voice<br />

and instruments don’t clump together so<br />

much. The mandolin is clearer, and the<br />

timbre of Bibb’s voice is improved too.”<br />

Reine agreed, noting clearer lyrics and<br />

a better stereo image.<br />

Gerard found similar improvements,<br />

and expressed surprise that these small<br />

but perfectly detectable improvements<br />

were not accompanied by unpleasant side<br />

effects.<br />

We turned to a classical SACD,<br />

Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 (PentaTone<br />

5186 102). Was there a difference when<br />

we added the muRatas? Albert found<br />

improved string tone and a clearer<br />

orchestral sound in general. Reine and<br />

Gerard weren’t so sure.<br />

We then pulled out the new SACD<br />

<strong>version</strong> of one of the oldest of all<br />

audiophile recordings, Cantate Domino.<br />

Both Gerard and Albert pointed to an<br />

improvement in the choral voices with<br />

the muRata tweeters. “The voices aren’t<br />

any better,” said Albert, “but you can<br />

make them out better.” Gerard said he<br />

was better able to distinguish the different<br />

organ stops used, and commented he<br />

had never heard this famous recording<br />

sound so good.<br />

Reine shook her head. “I didn’t hear<br />

any difference,” she said.<br />

You’ll recall that the rationale behind<br />

super tweeters like the muRatas is that<br />

SACD and DVD-A, unlike Red Book<br />

CDs, don’t have response stopping at<br />

20 kHz. We assumed there would be<br />

no point trying them with a standard<br />

CD, but muRata wrote to urge us to try<br />

anyway.<br />

We did, playing one of our alltime<br />

favorite violin recordings, the<br />

Dvorak Romantic Piece, op. 75 (Analekta<br />

FL 2 3191). Yes, there was a difference.<br />

Albert and Reine thought the piano was<br />

a touch clearer. The sound of James<br />

Ehnes’ violin was altered too, with a bit<br />

more of a “resinous” tone, and more of<br />

a feeling of the bow sliding across the<br />

strings.<br />

How would the muRatas do on our<br />

other reference system? The speakers<br />

this time were Living Voice Avatar<br />

OBX-R’s, whose Revelator tweeters are<br />

known for very extended range. What’s<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 47

Listening Room<br />

more, the well-damped acoustics and the<br />

quietness of the Alpha room would make<br />

tiny differences all the more audible.<br />

We brought along our Linn player and<br />

three of the four discs we had listened<br />

to before.<br />

We began with Bibb’s Good Stuff. The<br />

difference was not so evident this time.<br />

Gerard still heard better separation of<br />

voice and instruments, but Albert had<br />

doubts, and Reine was even less certain.<br />

“The subtleties are so…subtle,” she<br />

said.<br />

She found the changes every bit as<br />

subtle on Cantate Domino. “There might<br />

be a bit more clarity of the different stops<br />

on the organ,” she said, emphasizing the<br />

word might. Albert, on the contrary,<br />

found the difference greater than it had<br />

been on the Omega system. “It’s odd, but<br />

the lows seem to come out better. The<br />

tweeters seem to increase the contrast,<br />

and the voices are better delineated.”<br />

With the Dvorak CD, it was more<br />

difficult to spot much difference. We<br />

made an effort to hear what we had noted<br />

before, namely more detail on the violin<br />

and more clarity on the piano, but we<br />

didn’t come away with much.<br />

We know what you’re thinking.<br />

What if we unplugged the main speakers<br />

and left only the muRata super tweeters.<br />

Would we hear anything at all? We had<br />

to try it.<br />

We played the Dvorak CD once<br />

again, and for the few seconds we seemed<br />

This is the kind of product that leaves<br />

you short of things to write. Do you need a<br />

pair of these? Probably not.<br />

But then again…<br />

Whether the muRatas is worth your<br />

attention depends on a number of factors.<br />

You can hear those very high frequencies,<br />

or you can’t. Your present speakers can<br />

already reproduce an extra octave beyond<br />

audibility, or they can’t. There may be a<br />

better corner of your system to spend the<br />

money on, or you’ve already spent it.<br />

The answers will tell you whether<br />

checking out this product is, for you, a waste<br />

of time, or a passport to a higher state.<br />

—Gerard Rejskind<br />

Adding a pair of these to a great pair of<br />

48 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

to hear the sound of silence. Had we<br />

been fooling ourselves? We rose from<br />

our seats and walked up to the speakers,<br />

and now we could hear some very<br />

high-pitched sounds emerging from the<br />

muRatas. Returning to our seats, we<br />

could still hear them, now that we knew<br />

what to listen for. Subtle…for us at any<br />

rate.<br />

Then again, our microphone has<br />

much younger ears than we have, and<br />

is calibrated out to 40 kHz. We had to<br />

plug it into analog gear, because our<br />

usual digital instruments don’t rise very<br />

far into the spectrum favored by bats.<br />

We started by measuring response<br />

of our Living Voice speaker without<br />

the muRata, and then with. Though<br />

we usually use one third octave noise<br />

for frequency measurements, we have<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: muRata ES-103A<br />

Price: C$2900<br />

Dimensions: 6.5 x 8.3 x 12 cm<br />

Sensitivity: 90 dB<br />

Impedance: 8 ohms<br />

Most liked: Actually capable of<br />

making (some) fine speakers even<br />

finer, no detectable down side<br />

Least liked: No adjustment for<br />

sensitivity<br />

Verdict: Not for everyone, but so<br />

what?<br />

Broadcast Canada<br />

publisher of UHF<br />

invites you to its online boutique<br />

that offers luxury audio electronics<br />

of unique value<br />

at unique prices.<br />

The legendary Van den Hul amplifiers and preamps<br />

for little more than half price.<br />

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From Broadcast Canada, founded 1972.<br />

Come shop with us.<br />


speakers is like tuning your Aston Martin<br />

or your Porsche. Nobody else will really<br />

understand why you did it. You’ll take great<br />

pains in explaining what you heard when<br />

you first tried them, and even if you’re totally<br />

convincing, even if you bob up and<br />

down connecting and disconnecting them,<br />

you’ll be lucky if you get a polite nod.<br />

And yet, they do work. Not on all recordings,<br />

not for everyone and not on every<br />

system, I suspect, but when they do they<br />

always improve the music, and sometimes<br />

considerably. But not for every, etc…<br />

Don’t delay a speaker upgrade in favor<br />

of these, but if you have recently upgraded<br />

your speakers and you still find yourself<br />

with loose change left over, well…<br />

—Albert Simon<br />

no noise generator that can go beyond<br />

20 kHz, and so we had to use singlefrequency<br />

sine waves, which make for<br />

dodgy readings. Using both a decibel<br />

meter and an oscilloscope, we managed<br />

to get meaningful data.<br />

The first measurement confirmed<br />

what we had expected: the Living Voice<br />

is dead flat out to 18 kHz, above the<br />

hearing limits of many people. It drops<br />

fairly sharply below that, to -9.8 dB at<br />

20 kHz and below -21 dB at 40 kHz.<br />

Then we added the muRata, with<br />

the positive and negative leads reversed,<br />

since that’s what gave the best result. The<br />

combination was now just 3 dB down at<br />

20 kHz, and 10 dB down at 30 kHz.<br />

Once we got up to 40 kHz, we read just<br />

-18 dB. We should add that, although<br />

our microphone is rated accurate only to<br />

40 kHz, both it and the muRata tweeter<br />

showed substantial output way out to<br />

60 kHz.<br />

These super tweeters are not cheap<br />

even as high end tweaks go, and as you<br />

probably know that’s a tough standard.<br />

You can buy a terrific pair of speakers for<br />

less. They do work, though reading our<br />

individual Crosstalk contributions may<br />

lead you to the obvious conclusion: it all<br />

depends on how high you can hear.<br />

We can confirm that, as they say in<br />

the doctors’ Hippocratic oath, they do<br />

no harm. In the right system, they can<br />

give you something you can’t get any<br />

other way.<br />

audiophileboutique.com<br />

a division of Broadcast Canada<br />

Box 65085, Place Longueuil, Longueuil, QC, Canada J4K 5J4<br />

(450) 651-5720<br />

contact@audiophileboutique.com<br />

I feel strange.<br />

It’s not that these little add-ons — as attractive<br />

as they are intriguing in size — are<br />

poor. It’s that I didn’t hear a major difference<br />

in the sound of either of our reference<br />

systems with or without them. On the<br />

Omega system I did think that the piano<br />

timbre was more in evidence, that the image<br />

was improved, that words were easier to<br />

understand. On the Alpha system, but for<br />

some extra clarity in the organ stops, the<br />

difference was almost nil.<br />

That said, if my budget could withstand<br />

it, I might well add these devices to my system,<br />

in the hope of gaining a little bit more<br />

listening pleasure, however slim it might<br />

be.<br />

—Reine Lessard

The UHF Reference Systems<br />

All equipment reviews are done on at least<br />

one of UHF’s reference systems, which are<br />

selected to be working tools. Their elements<br />

are changed infrequently, and only after<br />

long consideration.<br />

The Alpha system<br />

Our original reference is in a room<br />

with extraordinary acoustics (originally<br />

designed as a recording studio). They allow<br />

us to hear what we couldn’t hear elsewhere,<br />

but there’s a down side. Not only is the<br />

room too small for large speakers, but it is<br />

also at the top of a particularly unaccommodating<br />

stairwell.<br />

Main digital player: Linn Unidisk 1.1<br />

Secondary CD player: Parasound<br />

C/BD2000 belt-driven transport,<br />

Counterpoint DA-10A converter with<br />

HDCD card.<br />

Turntable: Audiomeca J-1<br />

Tone arm: Audiomeca SL-5<br />

Phono preamp: Audiomat Phono-1.5<br />

Pickup: Goldring Excel<br />

Preamplifier: Copland CTA-305<br />

Power amplifier: YBA One HC<br />

Loudspeakers: Living Voice Avatar<br />

OBX-R<br />

Interconnects: Pierre Gabriel ML-1,<br />

Atlas Voyager All-Cu<br />

Loudspeaker cables: Eclipse II/III<br />

Power cords: Gutwire, Wireworld<br />

AC filters: Foundation Research LC-2<br />

(power amp), Inouye SPLC.<br />

The Omega system<br />

It serves for reviews of gear that cannot<br />

easily fit into the Alpha system, with its<br />

small room. We didn’t set out to make an<br />

“A” (best system) and a “B” (economy)<br />

system, and we didn’t want to imply that<br />

one of the two systems is somehow better<br />

than the other. Hence the names, which<br />

don’t invite comparisons. Unless you’re<br />

Greek of course.<br />

Digital players: shared with the Alpha<br />

system<br />

Turntable: Alphason Sonata<br />

Tone arm: Alphason HR-100S MCS<br />

Phono preamp: Audiomat Phono-1.5<br />

Pickup: Goldring Excel<br />

Preamplifier: Copland CTA-305<br />

Power amplifier: Simaudio Moon<br />

W-5LE<br />

Loudspeakers: Reference 3a<br />

Suprema II<br />

Interconnects: Pierre Gabriel ML-1,<br />

Atlas Navigator All-Cu<br />

Loudspeaker cables: Pierre<br />

Gabriel ML-1 for most of the range,<br />

Wireworld Polaris for the twin<br />

subwoofers.<br />

Power cords: Wireworld Aurora<br />

AC filters: Foundation Research LC-1<br />

The Kappa system<br />

This is our home theatre system. As<br />

with the original Alpha system, we had<br />

limited space, and that pretty much ruled<br />

out huge projectors and two-metre screens.<br />

We did, however, finally come up with a<br />

system whose performance gladdens both<br />

eye and ear, with the needed resolution for<br />

reviews.<br />

HDTV monitor: Hitachi<br />

43UWX10B CRT-based rear projector<br />

DVD player: Simaudio Moon Stellar<br />

with Faroudja Stingray video processor<br />

Preamplifier/processor: Simaudio<br />

Moon Attraction, 5.1 channel <strong>version</strong><br />

Power amplifiers: Simaudio Moon<br />

W-3 (main speakers), Celeste 4070se<br />

(centre speaker), Robertson 4010 (rear)<br />

Main speakers: Energy Reference<br />

Connoisseur<br />

Centre speaker: Thiel MCS1, on<br />

UHF’s own TV-top platform<br />

Rear speakers: Elipson 1400<br />

Subwoofer: 3a Design Acoustics<br />

Cables: Van den Hul, MIT, GutWire,<br />

Wireworld<br />

Line filter: Inouye SPLC<br />

All three systems have dedicated power<br />

lines, with Hubbell hospital grade outlets.<br />

Extensions and power bars are equipped<br />

with hospital-grade connectors.<br />

In the next issue of<br />

Tube amplifiers: The Rogue Stereo 90 and an updated<br />

<strong>version</strong> of a Canadian single-ended amp<br />

Plus: How to fine-tune your system to get your money’s<br />

worth, and the latest from Vegas<br />

And that’s only the start!<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 49

Listening Room<br />

McCormack UDP-1<br />

Want to hedge your bets<br />

for the future? Not sure<br />

we’re right that SACD<br />

has vanquished DVD-<br />

Audio? Nervous about compromising<br />

CD playback just to get better sound<br />

from new media you hardly have any<br />

of?<br />

What you need is a universal player.<br />

Of course that’s what we’ve picked up<br />

for ourselves: our reference player is the<br />

Linn Unidisk 1.1. And it’s a wonderful<br />

player with just one down side: It’s about<br />

the same price as a Toyota Echo.<br />

The UDP-1 got everyone’s hopes<br />

up as soon as it arrived in prototype<br />

form, because, alone among prototype<br />

players, its projected price of US$2200<br />

looked like a dream. Alas, it was a dream.<br />

Some of the technology in this player,<br />

inevitably, is purchased, which means<br />

the final cost was not predictable. Since<br />

the first prototype was shown, the price<br />

nearly doubled.<br />

The good news is that the performance<br />

did a lot more than double.<br />

The player is styled to look like other<br />

components of the McCormack family,<br />

such as the preamplifiers. The company<br />

doesn’t specify what transport it uses,<br />

though the styling of the remote control<br />

suggests it’s from Pioneer. The disc tray<br />

is of light plastic with a heavy front plate<br />

in front of it to match the unit’s thick<br />

front panel. Unfortunately the plate is<br />

not fastened quite firmly: early on during<br />

the brief time it spent in our system we<br />

50 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

snagged the panel with a sleeve and it<br />

came right off. Fortunately that’s only a<br />

cosmetic flaw.<br />

A somewhat more serious cosmetic<br />

flaw is the readout panel, which is so dim<br />

it is impossible to read even in dim light<br />

unless you get down on your knees in<br />

front of the unit. Only a double exposure<br />

makes it visible in our photo.<br />

There’s better news on the rear panel,<br />

which has a full complement of jacks, and<br />

pretty good ones at that.<br />

This player is in great demand, for<br />

reasons that would soon become clear,<br />

and we finally got our hands on one<br />

rather later than we had hoped. Worse,<br />

the one earmarked for us had been damaged<br />

in transit, and the factory had to<br />

rush us a replacement unit that arrived<br />

so late we had to reschedule the listening<br />

sessions. For that reason, we had time<br />

to consider the UDP-1 only as an audio<br />

player, though it does of course play<br />

movies too.<br />

The UDP-1 as CD player<br />

We began the session with conventional<br />

Compact Discs for what we<br />

consider to be a legitimate reason. The<br />

Silver discs? It can<br />

play ’em all. Now we<br />

set out to find out…<br />

how well?<br />

worldwide supply of both SACD and<br />

DVD-Audio discs is small, and for the<br />

moment growing slowly. Though both<br />

sound superior to Red Book CD, you<br />

aren’t likely to spend this much on a<br />

player unless it can do justice to the<br />

digital recordings you already own.<br />

With that in mind, we picked out some<br />

of our favorite CDs and listened to them,<br />

first on our Linn Unidisk reference<br />

player, and then on the much lower-cost<br />

McCormack.<br />

We opened the session with our<br />

perennial choral recording, Now the<br />

Green Blade Riseth (Proprius PRCD9093).<br />

This is a CD with an amazingly spacious<br />

sound, and what struck us first was how<br />

spacious it was with the UDP-1. “There’s<br />

room enough for everybody,” said Reine<br />

enthusiastically Even more important<br />

was the fact that everybody’s voice was<br />

gorgeous to hear, with only the slightest<br />

trace of thickening when the full mixed<br />

choir was singing. The bottom end was<br />

ample and the rhythm strong.<br />

Where this recording often gets<br />

players (and other components too)<br />

into trouble is in the finale of the opening<br />

piece, where singers and orchestra<br />

grow louder and move up the scale. So<br />

how did the McCormack do? For the<br />

whole story, drop by our order page and<br />

pick up the full issue of UHF No. 71.<br />

Now forgive us if we continue to look<br />

like people who have retained very little<br />

notion of Latin.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am

Listening Room<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do<br />

eugiamet vulla autatio commod te facidunt<br />

ad magnisim venissi tat ipsusci tis<br />

atet volore cor sim enim et lorper ip enit<br />

venisci ncilit autpatue consequate facing<br />

ea facipis nulput nit adiat autpatuer sum<br />

niat aliquat. Dunt dolorem in henit nos<br />

autem at alit irilit laore commy nim<br />

zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel ing et,<br />

consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis nit<br />

Ambience ribbons<br />

Straight Wire<br />

Meadowlark Audio<br />

Roksan<br />

JPS Labs<br />

Castle Acoustics<br />

Monarchy Audio<br />

Moray James Cable<br />

Cambridge<br />

I.S.D. Speakers<br />

audioroom@telus.net<br />

1347 - 12th Ave. S. W.<br />


ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Laor sustrud tincin ulput wisl dolor<br />

incip et do cor init ut adip el do et vullumm<br />

odigna consequis esse feugait wis<br />

dolum dolore feu feuis dolum zzriuscidunt<br />

lore dolorting eugait ex enis aut num<br />

dio odiam, conulluptat.<br />

The UDP-1 as SACD player<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am<br />

quat augait, vel essequam augiamet, con<br />

utem vel iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla<br />

consequis dolobortie minit, sequam<br />

aciliquis nim quis eui blam, consequisi<br />

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Tel: (403) 228-1103<br />

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eratie tie te dolorper ing ea feugait num<br />

incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad dipit<br />

iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla<br />

aut utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo<br />

rtisim iriure veraesting erillan essectem<br />

dignim velismod dip eugiate eugait la at,<br />

con ulla feugue facipis et alismodolor<br />

si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore<br />

delissequat. Ut at nonsectem velenit alis<br />

ametuero dolor senis nos eugiamcommy<br />

nullut vel diat vero core et alisl dolore<br />

te consent nonummo lobore min henim<br />

erit, siscili quisi.<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad<br />

tat. Ut endre etue velit, vel doluptate<br />

verillametue faci blan utate te dio coreet<br />

ad tisl et aciliqu ationsent velit ad dunt<br />

ut niate et la conse dolore velis nibh<br />

eraesequis augiam eugiam amet, commy<br />

nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent praestrud<br />

dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet lobore<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 51

Listening Room<br />

vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am<br />

quis aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud<br />

et ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui<br />

ea corem aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit<br />

aliquam, volummolor iure magnis nisim<br />

dolor sectem iure tat ipis nosto consed tat<br />

augue dolobor sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit<br />

wisl eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum<br />

eugue feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud<br />

dignisit, sumsan henisi.<br />

Im dolum dionse dignit nonsenim<br />

dionsed et numsan henibh ea at lametuer<br />

init at nullaore dip enis dolute volut do<br />

eugiamet vulla autatio commod te facidunt<br />

ad magnisim venissi tat ipsusci tis<br />

atet volore cor sim enim et lorper ip enit<br />

venisci ncilit autpatue consequate facing<br />

ea facipis nulput nit adiat autpatuer sum<br />

niat aliquat. Dunt dolorem in henit nos<br />

autem at alit irilit laore commy nim<br />

zzriure mod tie dolendreet, vel ing et,<br />

consed ero do consed et ea faciduipis nit<br />

ipsuscilit adionsenibh er autat, sim acilis<br />

eniatum ilis do eum iustio eugiat nos ad<br />

dolore diat praesecte tat.<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat.<br />

Duis ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim<br />

Summing it up…<br />

Brand/model: McCormack UDCP-1<br />

Price: C$4995 (equiv. US$4140)<br />

Dimensions: 48 x 8.9 x 28.6 cm<br />

Most liked: Ommy nibh essenia<br />

mconulputat am quat augait<br />

Least liked: Lit auguer iustionum<br />

dolorem dolortisl ulput vent<br />

Verdict: Umsan hent aute magna<br />

conulla oreet, quisl er<br />


ipisi tismole stinim aute dolore vullut<br />

velis augue te faccum zzrilis molorem<br />

nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla<br />

oreet, quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy<br />

nulla augait am vel eugait, velis<br />

nisit wis nissecte dolore delessisl irilis<br />

esed dolore vel exero eum doluptat.<br />

Praessim dolorper alisl dolenissi<br />

bla facip eumsandipit lan esequipit ilit<br />

dolese ming eu feu facing ea amcommolut<br />

dit landrerostie tatue dolore te<br />

vel et ex et la am vent vel utat ad duipit<br />

niscil ut vulla con hendreet veriliquatum<br />

deliquipit lobore tationse feum dit adiat<br />

atum volore et utatie dunt atum del in<br />

volor auguerat, vel ut ercipismod dolore<br />

doloreet la facilit, commy nullandrem<br />

num vulla faccum zzrit ad tem zzriusc<br />

iliquis sectet aliquatetum nullutpat. Os<br />

dolute mod et lorerostrud mincilit dit<br />

prat accummod tis eugue faccumsandre<br />

mod dit prat nummolo rercipit lore faccummy<br />

nismolese consed enibh et pratet<br />

eliquat. Wisit veliquisi.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna<br />

consectem voleniam ipit prat in ut<br />

landit ad del incin vulputet augait am,<br />

conulput prat lor sim augait, susto el iure<br />

te molore.<br />

Feummolore doloborem vullam<br />

dolummy nim quismodit.<br />

Ommy nibh essenia mconulputat am quat<br />

augait, vel essequam augiamet, con utem vel<br />

iril ulla feum vulla cortionulla consequis<br />

dolobortie minit, sequam aciliquis nim quis<br />

eui blam, consequisi eratie tie te dolorper ing<br />

ea feugait num incin hendiamcon ex ercilit ad<br />

dipit iriustie dolesto odo odipit la adignibh<br />

ea feu facip et augue min eumsan ulla aut<br />

utpat ip ent volore elesto do odolobo rtisim<br />

iriure veraesting erillan essectem dignim<br />

velismod dip eugiate eugait la at, con ulla<br />

feugue facipis et alismodolor si.<br />

Gait, sumsan utet, ver sustrud minim<br />

vercilla facilisci tet aliqui blamet la facing<br />

esent vel irit et atem dio ercilit lore delissequat.<br />

Ut at nonsectem velenit alis ametuero<br />

dolor senis nos eugiamcommy nullut vel diat<br />

vero core et alisl dolore te consent nonummo<br />

lobore min henim erit, siscili quisi.<br />

—Albert Simon<br />

Lit auguer iustionum dolorem dolortisl<br />

ulput vent velis nulput ip elisis ad tat. Ut<br />

endre etue velit, vel doluptate verillametue<br />

faci blan utate te dio coreet ad tisl et aciliqu<br />

ationsent velit ad dunt ut niate et la conse<br />

dolore velis nibh eraesequis augiam eugiam<br />

amet, commy nullut aliquat autpat. Et, vent<br />

praestrud dolortisit nonsed magnim quatet<br />

lobore vel irit, quat.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan<br />

utem er ad tie deliquipit eumsan eu feu<br />

feummy nis nulla consequat, quam am quis<br />

aliquatummy nisl etum iril er sustrud et<br />

ad enis dolutet nonsequat. Dui ea corem<br />

aci te facin heniscil ullaor ipit aliquam,<br />

volummolor iure magnis nisim dolor sectem<br />

iure tat ipis nosto consed tat augue dolobor<br />

sumsan henibh ex euisi.<br />

Agnim erat adigna autatum zzrilit wisl<br />

eugueriure dolenibh exerilit ipsum eugue<br />

feummolore doloborem vullam dolummy<br />

nim quismodit iliquat ueraestrud dignisit,<br />

sumsan henisi.<br />

—Gerard Rejskind<br />

Re modolore min utat nulputpat. Duis<br />

ea facipit incidunt ad ea augait nim ipisi<br />

tismole stinim aute dolore vullut velis augue<br />

te faccum zzrilis molorem nisl iuscilisi.<br />

Umsan hent aute magna conulla oreet,<br />

quisl ero od dolenibh eu faccummy nulla<br />

augait am vel eugait, velis nisit wis nissecte<br />

dolore delessisl irilis esed dolore vel exero<br />

eum doluptat.<br />

Adigniam incil utpat vullandigna consectem<br />

voleniam ipit prat in ut landit ad del<br />

incin vulputet augait am, conulput prat lor<br />

sim augait, susto el iure te molore.<br />

Nullaortie dolorpe rostis nim numsan.<br />

—Reine Lessard<br />

52 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

Listening Room<br />

In the interests of getting as far<br />

ahead as we can in our reviews, we<br />

bring in gear well ahead of time.<br />

Here’s a look at what we expect to<br />

be reviewing in the next issue or two. As<br />

usual, everything is subject to change.<br />

*<br />

Connoisseur SE-2<br />

Yes, we reviewed this single-ended<br />

tube amplifier in UHF No. 68, and we<br />

liked it, too, except for one thing: it<br />

didn’t come close to meeting its modest<br />

power rating of 9 watts per channel.<br />

The company has sent us a “Mark II”<br />

<strong>version</strong>. Though we have yet to check<br />

on how much electricity comes out of<br />

it, we’re looking forward to hearing it<br />

again. And besides, the new speakers<br />

in our Alpha reference systems (from<br />

Living Voice) are more efficient than<br />

the previous speakers.<br />

As noted last time, the externals of<br />

this amplifier are from China, but several<br />

internal details are different. In the new<br />

<strong>version</strong> the printed circuit board is gone,<br />

and all wiring is point to point.<br />

*<br />

Rogue Stereo 90<br />

Speaking of amplifiers that didn’t<br />

meet power specs… The Rogue 88 we<br />

reviewed back in UHF No. 58 also fell<br />

short of advertised power. An upgrade<br />

kit, consisting of capacitors and tubes,<br />

did not help. The company took the<br />

amplifier back, and has now rebuilt it<br />

into a newer model, the Stereo 90. It<br />

looks different enough that we suspect<br />

they didn’t keep much of the old one,<br />

beyond perhaps the top cover.<br />

Our picture shows it with the cover<br />

off. We have yet to fire it up, and we’ll<br />

be doing some diagnostic work before<br />

we do. The reason: the leftmost KT88<br />

output tube looks as though its vacuum<br />

days are behind it. Fortunately, we have<br />

some spare ones on the shelf.<br />

Also fortunately, the tubes are easy to<br />

bias in the Stereo 90. Not quite visible in<br />

our picture is a round meter and a rotary<br />

knob that lets you check bias on all four<br />

tubes. You need a special adjustment<br />

tool, but it is included, and there is even<br />

a little clip on the chassis to hold it so it<br />

won’t get lost.<br />

Notwithstanding the diminished<br />

power of the previous Rogue, we thought<br />

it had good energy, including in the very<br />

low frequencies a lot of other amps can’t<br />

tackle.<br />

*<br />

Exposure 2010<br />

We’ve been wanting to try one of<br />

Exposure’s smaller integrated amplifiers<br />

out for years, and we even had an earlier<br />

<strong>version</strong> of this integrated amplifier<br />

pencilled in for review. Well, here it is<br />

again.<br />

Exposure, you may know, has the<br />

same roots as Naim, and some years<br />

back the two companies were considered<br />

twins in different dress, rather like Rolls<br />

Royce and Bentley. Time has passed,<br />

of course, and the two manufacturers<br />

have drifted way out of synch. What we<br />

noticed, however, from the last time we<br />

listened to Exposure products was that<br />

even their smaller amplifiers had energy<br />

and enthusiasm out of all proportion to<br />

their size and cost.<br />

That’s also true of Naim, by the way.<br />

And in the meantime the products of<br />

both have gotten a lot prettier.<br />

*<br />

Audio Reference Model Two<br />

These two-part speakers (a twoway<br />

sitting atop a passive subwoofer<br />

base…sound familiar?) is from the same<br />

company that makes the Connoisseur<br />

single-ended amplifier. The two sections<br />

are held together by a black <strong>version</strong> of<br />

Audio-Tak that must have been a tube<br />

of Crazy Glue in an earlier life.<br />

We got a listen to an early <strong>version</strong> of<br />

the Model Two, and it didn’t grab our<br />

interest. A phase error, too common in<br />

loudspeakers, made it seem honky. Then<br />

came the final <strong>version</strong>, shown above. Not<br />

only was the “honk” gone, but the cabinetry<br />

had taken a turn for the better.<br />

Lexicon RT-10<br />

It’s another universal player (SACD,<br />

DVD-A, CD, movies, etc.), which we<br />

had hoped to get in time for this issue.<br />

We didn’t…which illustrates vividly why<br />

we’re doing our best to bring in gear<br />

earlier than we really need. This “just<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 53

Listening Room<br />

in time” stuff may work for General<br />

Motors, but it’s gotten us into trouble<br />

again and again.<br />

Sonneteer BardOne<br />

But never fear, we’ve pencilled it in<br />

for next time. Its price is similar to that<br />

of the McCormack UDP-1 reviewed in<br />

this issue. We know from both hearing it<br />

and watching it (with a movie, of course)<br />

that it is at least pretty good, and perhaps<br />

better than merely pretty good.<br />

DigiDesign MBox<br />

What are these little flying saucers?<br />

They’re a mess-free way to get your<br />

audio signal from point A to point B.<br />

They do it via radio waves.<br />

This is different from all those<br />

devices you’ve seen that can stream<br />

music to your stereo system wirelessly.<br />

Those connect to a computer which stores<br />

music in digital form. The BardOne<br />

system goes from analog to analog. One<br />

of the saucers is an analog/digital converter<br />

plus a radio frequency transmitter.<br />

The other is a radio receiver coupled to<br />

a digital/analog converter. The two look<br />

the same, with a pair of RCA jacks plus<br />

a jack for the little power supply brick.<br />

Only a colored paper dot tells you which<br />

is which.<br />

Consider the possibilities. Don’t<br />

know how to run wires from your home<br />

theatre preamp to the rear speakers?<br />

Problem solved. Want a multi-room<br />

music system but the landlord will skin<br />

you alive if you make a hole in the wall?<br />

Problem solved.<br />

The BardOnes sound surprisingly<br />

good too. We’ll give you the whole story<br />

next time.<br />

Can you use your computer to make<br />

your own high quality recordings?<br />

Forget sound cards.<br />

The MBox is an external audio box<br />

that connects to your computer via USB.<br />

It includes three pairs of inputs, including<br />

FocusRite microphone preamps,<br />

and a provision for phantom-powering<br />

condenser microphones. Its street price<br />

is a little over C$500, including a “light”<br />

<strong>version</strong> of ProTools software. We’ll discuss<br />

other alternatives, including those<br />

connecting with Firewire.<br />

Gershman acoustic panels<br />

These panels (shown at left) are<br />

from the well-known speaker company.<br />

Behind the decorative cloth (you can<br />

pick from several patterns, or provide<br />

your own cloth) are three absorbers<br />

covering different parts of the audible<br />

range.<br />

The presence of three different<br />

absorbers is important to note, because<br />

most acoustic panels, including earlier<br />

ones from the same company, all do<br />

just one thing. Say you have a panel that<br />

absorbs from 5 kHz on up. Put in a few<br />

of them, and you have a room that is dead<br />

above 5 kHz, and much too live below<br />

that.<br />

We’ll be trying them in our Omega<br />

room, which come to think of it could<br />

use a touch of damping.<br />

54 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

Cinema<br />

Digital Cinema: Less is More?<br />

We’ve written about digital cinema<br />

before, notably in UHF No. 59 (Paying<br />

for TV). The film industry would love to<br />

go all-digital, meaning using, in movie<br />

theatres, a digital projector perhaps<br />

much like the one you have in your home<br />

theatre system. Our article took a rather<br />

jaundiced view of digital movies, as the<br />

title rather suggests. Should you pay as<br />

much as $12 per person, not counting<br />

parking and a baby sitter, and sit through<br />

endless commercials, to see what you<br />

could get at home?<br />

Nor were we impressed by the economics.<br />

True, film prints are expensive,<br />

some US$1200, and they get ratty and<br />

scratched pretty fast. But even with<br />

compression a film feature takes up some<br />

350 Gb, and that storage capacity isn’t<br />

cheap.<br />

At least it wasn’t cheap when we wrote<br />

the article. Today a pair of 250 Gb hard<br />

discs cost under US$400. As for the projection<br />

systems, early ones needed computer<br />

engineers standing by, but that’s<br />

changed too. Today, digital cinemas are<br />

getting downright common.<br />

But what about quality?<br />

According to a study just published<br />

by the British research company Screen<br />

Digest, moviegoers actually prefer digital<br />

projection, and not by just a small<br />

margin. Some 85% of people surveyed<br />

by First Line Cinema (which carried<br />

out the study), liked digital better than<br />

film, and 72% would drive well out of<br />

their way to see a digital movie. Screen<br />

Digest’s Patrick von Sychowski says that<br />

“The digital image is brighter, sharper,<br />

the colors are more crisp and the image<br />

is a bit steadier.” No mention of the fact<br />

that a digital projection is a subset of the<br />

information on a film.<br />

But then again, is it? Computers have<br />

long been used in filmmaking, but today<br />

we’re talking about microcomputers.<br />

The award-winning Cold Mountain was<br />

edited on a Macintosh computer with a<br />

program called Final Cut Pro. And the<br />

special effects on Lord of the Rings: the<br />

Return of the King were accomplished<br />

with Shake, another piece of Apple<br />

software. Why transfer digital images<br />

back to film?<br />

Of course there’s another aspect the<br />

studios might think about. The huge<br />

boom in downloading of music came<br />

about thanks to the CD and its stock of<br />

already-digital music. How smart is it<br />

to have hard discs with digitized films<br />

floating around?<br />

Oh yes…encryption. Right!<br />

321 Studio Reaches “0”<br />

We wrote about this company a<br />

year and a half ago (Gossip&News, UHF<br />

No. 66) after CES 2003. This startup (or<br />

perhaps upstart) company was offering<br />

software that allowed you to “back up”<br />

your investment in DVDs. Of course<br />

everyone understood that “back up”<br />

means “copy,” and the implications were<br />

clear. With 321 Studio’s DVD X Copy<br />

software, you could rent a DVD and<br />

copy it instead of buying it.<br />

Was the company for real? We<br />

weren’t sure. It seemed obvious the<br />

defensive Hollywood studios would sue<br />

to take the software off the market, but<br />

in fact the company made a pre-emptive<br />

strike, going to court to have its software<br />

declared legal. Its argument: DVD X<br />

Copy, like the Betamax, has noninfringing<br />

uses. What’s more, the law allows<br />

consumers to make one backup copy of<br />

a software title. The icing on the cake:<br />

the company offered a $10,000 reward<br />

for apprehension of anyone using DVD<br />

X Copy to make an illegal copy.<br />

In February the company lost a big<br />

case: the Northern District Court of<br />

California ordered 321 Studios to pull<br />

its software within seven days. The<br />

company responded by removing a key<br />

component of the software…but one<br />

that circulates widely on the Internet.<br />

In early August, however, 321 Studios<br />

ran out of cash and closed down.<br />

We’re awaiting Hollywood’s reaction<br />

to Kaleidescape, an expensive video<br />

server that lets you store DVD content<br />

on its huge hard disc. Would that include<br />

borrowed and rented movies? To be<br />

continued.<br />

TiVo To Go<br />

If you don’t know TiVo, it’s a box<br />

records TV programs on hard disc,<br />

allowing time-shifted viewing, and even<br />

pausing of live programs. Broadcasters<br />

are leery of this, but hey, how much<br />

programming can you store in a TiVo<br />

anyway?<br />

More and more in fact. There are<br />

now TiVo units with integrated DVD<br />

recorders, allowing users to make up<br />

commercial-free <strong>version</strong>s of anything<br />

they want. Now, TiVo To Go will allow<br />

downloading to personal computers.<br />

But not if Hollywood has its way. The<br />

big studios are joined by the National<br />

Football League in asking the FCC (in<br />

the US) to block TiVo To Go.<br />

It may be too late. Though TiVo itself<br />

is a subscription service, some computer<br />

cards allow TiVo-like function on any<br />

computer. In short, barn door still open,<br />

but horse long gone!<br />

After DVD<br />

If you tune in HDTV broadcasts, you<br />

probably figure it’s just a matter of time<br />

before your movies also hit high definition.<br />

And you’re right…but the revolution<br />

is being slowed down by another of<br />

those “Beta vs VHS” battles.<br />

In one corner is the Blu-Ray disc,<br />

using (as the name suggests) a blue<br />

laser. The DVD-sized disc will hold a<br />

whopping 29 Gb, more than six times<br />

the capacity of a conventional DVD.<br />

Sony already has a Blu-Ray player, and<br />

Panasonic is about to launch its own.<br />

In the other corner is HD-DVD,<br />

backed by Toshiba and NEC. It’s a<br />

lower-tech product, with half the capacity<br />

of Blu-Ray, but makes up for it with<br />

much more compression. Indeed, HD-<br />

DVD will hold some three hours of high<br />

definition video, whereas the Blu-Ray<br />

disc’s capacity, at 132 minutes, is a little<br />

short for some movies.<br />

Yes, reliance on greater “compression”<br />

(actually discarding of data) makes<br />

us wince too. The decisive argument,<br />

according to Toshiba and NEC, is that it<br />

takes just five minutes to switch a DVD<br />

plant over to making HD-DVDs.<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 55

Software<br />

It was in the month of November<br />

a few years back. The basilica was<br />

filled to overflowing. Every seat<br />

was taken for the performance of a<br />

deathless musical monument, Mozart’s<br />

Requiem. That evening this masterpiece<br />

of religious music, which has had as<br />

many <strong>version</strong>s as it has had conductors,<br />

unveiled once more its treasures before<br />

the captivated audience. The final notes<br />

had not yet died away when the spectators<br />

rose as one, in an ovation for both<br />

the musicians and the work.<br />

Since that evening I’ve worked to<br />

become more familiar with the musical<br />

jewel that is the Requiem, a genre that<br />

has arrested the attention of some of the<br />

greatest composers, and which continues<br />

to draw crowds.<br />

* * *<br />

Requiem…I know, the very word is<br />

frightening because of its connection<br />

with death, yet it doesn’t mean what<br />

many suppose. Ironically enough, its<br />

sense is that of rest, tranquility, peace, sleep.<br />

It is the first word of the Latin text of the<br />

Introit of the Mass for the dead: Requiem<br />

æternam dona eis Domine… “Rest eternal<br />

grant them, O Lord.” But let me begin<br />

by defining the Sacrifice of the Mass, a<br />

musical form tightly linked to Roman<br />

Catholicism.<br />

To understand it we must return to<br />

56 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Requiem<br />

the rites of Antiquity, some of which<br />

included immolation of victims as offerings<br />

to the gods in order to appease their<br />

anger or obtain their blessing. The Catholic<br />

Church continued this tradition,<br />

albeit with an important alteration: the<br />

victim offered up for the salvation of all<br />

mankind is none other than Jesus Christ,<br />

the son of God. The ceremony which<br />

perpetuates this rite is the Sacrifice of<br />

the Mass which is the central rite not<br />

only of the Roman Catholic Church but<br />

of the Anglican and Orthodox churches<br />

as well. It commemorates Christ’s Last<br />

Supper with his apostles, before the<br />

beginning of His Passion, which led to<br />

His death on the cross.<br />

As for the word Mass, it is derived<br />

from the Latin missa, which means to<br />

send back, or to return. The word is<br />

used in the Latin phrase spoken by the<br />

priest at the end of the service: Ite Missa<br />

est, “Go, the Mass is completed.”<br />

A Mass is composed of obligatory<br />

passages referred to collectively as The<br />

Ordinary of the Holy Mass. These passages<br />

would serve as the inspiration for<br />

countless admirable musical works of<br />

many eras: the Kyrie Eleison, the Gloria,<br />

the Credo, the Sanctus, and the Agnus Dei.<br />

by Reine Lessard<br />

It may also include the optional elements<br />

of the Daily Proper of the Holy Mass:<br />

the Introit, the Graduale, the Alleluia, the<br />

Offertorium and the Communion.<br />

The first complete polyphonic Mass<br />

to include the elements of the first group<br />

is the 14 th Century Mass of Tournai,<br />

discovered in 1861 in an anonymous<br />

collection in the cathedral of that Belgian<br />

town. Written by the French poet<br />

Guillaume de Machaut, it was purely<br />

choral. After 1600 came Masses for both<br />

orchestra and choir.<br />

There are three categories of Masses.<br />

The <strong>High</strong> Mass, or Missa Solemnis<br />

(Beethoven), is formal, celebrated with<br />

great pomp by a priest assisted by a<br />

deacon, an assistant deacon and other<br />

ministers, all adorned with celebratory<br />

vestments; the Sung Mass, or Missa<br />

Cantata (Bach), without deacons; and<br />

the Low Mass, in which all passages are<br />

read or recited.<br />

The Roman Catholic Mass had a<br />

huge influence on the development of<br />

music. Many are the composers, be<br />

they believers or agnostics, Catholic or<br />

Protestant, who found inspiration in<br />

the Mass. Johann Sebastian Bach, for<br />

one, left us one of the most memorable<br />

Masses of the Baroque era, the B Minor<br />

Mass, written in the form of a cantata.<br />

To return to the Requiem, it is a Mass<br />

of a very special class, one for the dead,<br />

Missa pro Defunctis. This religious rite<br />

is at once a prayer to the Almighty to<br />

forgive the sins of the one who has died,<br />

and a meditation on the anguish of the<br />

living faced with death.<br />

All religions throughout human<br />

history have, like the Catholic Church,<br />

developed elaborate funeral ceremonies.<br />

The Catholic liturgical calendar<br />

includes two great Masses for the dead.<br />

That of October 31 st is one of mourning<br />

and prayer for souls in purgatory, on<br />

the path of redemption. The Officium<br />

defunctorum is then sung. November 1 st ,<br />

All Saint’s Day, is the feast of the faithful<br />

who have entered into Paradise.<br />

A Requiem generally includes eight<br />

sections: the Introit (Requiem), the<br />

Kyrie, the Dies Irae sequence (Dies Irae,<br />

Tuba Mirum, Rex Tremendae, Recordare,<br />

Confutatis, Lacrymosa), the Offertorium<br />

(Domine Jesu, Hostias), the Sanctus, the<br />

Benedictus, the Agnus Dei, the Communion

Listening Room<br />

(Lux æterna, Requiem æternam).<br />

The Introit opens with the words<br />

Requiem æternam dona eis Domine, which<br />

is of course a message of hope in God.<br />

However a 13 th Century Franciscan friar,<br />

Tomaso de Celano, composed a new<br />

sequence, Dies Iræ, Dies Illa, whose tone<br />

is that of horror. From then on, and until<br />

quite recently, the dominant themes<br />

of the Requiem became death, divine<br />

vengeance, and the terrible torments<br />

awaiting the soul of the sinner before<br />

the tribunal of the Last Judgement. The<br />

Council of Trent, which was then revising<br />

the Church dogma, had retained this<br />

text in the Mass for the dead. Thus came<br />

the faithful to associate with death and<br />

punishment a word which was originally<br />

one of hope and peace.<br />

Over a number of years, however,<br />

the Church has considerably altered its<br />

teaching away from the negative view<br />

of God as vengeful and cruel, instead<br />

presenting Him as infinitely good and<br />

forgiving. In line with this new orientation,<br />

major changes have been brought<br />

to the liturgy, with some texts either<br />

altered or actually abolished. That is the<br />

case or the Dies Iræ (“Day of Wrath”),<br />

from which I cannot resist quoting, in<br />

a possibly imperfect translation of the<br />

Latin original.<br />

Dies iræ, dies illa<br />

Solvet sæclum in favilla<br />

Teste David cum Sibylla<br />

Quantus tremor est futurus<br />

Quando judex est venturus<br />

Cuncta stricte discussurus!<br />

That day of wrath, that dreadful day,<br />

shall Heaven and Earth in ashes lay,<br />

as David and the Sybil say<br />

What horror must invade the mind<br />

when the approaching Judge shall find<br />

and sift the deeds of all mankind!<br />

The mighty trumpet’s wondrous tone<br />

shall rend each tomb’s sepulchral stone<br />

and summon all before the Throne.<br />

Now death and nature with surprise<br />

behold the trembling sinners rise<br />

to meet the Judge’s searching eyes.<br />

Then shall with universal dread<br />

the Book of Consciences be read<br />

to judge the lives of all the dead.<br />

For now before the Judge sever<br />

all hidden things must plain appear;<br />

no crime can pass unpunished here.<br />

As for the Lacrymosa:<br />

Full of tears and full of dread<br />

is that day that wakes the dead,<br />

calling all, with solemn blast<br />

to be judged for all their past.<br />

Lord, have mercy, Jesus blest,<br />

grant them all Your Light and Rest.<br />

Though the Dies Iræ is rejected by the<br />

Church, it remains a colossal inspiration<br />

that the majority of composers continue<br />

to use, if only for the artistic challenge<br />

it presents, with text mostly in Latin.<br />

Though a Requiem’s text is always<br />

religious, a given composer may have<br />

written either for the actual liturgy or<br />

for the concert stage. Requiem Masses<br />

are often programmed on certain dates:<br />

in November, “the month of the dead,”<br />

or at Easter. Audiences are always large,<br />

and recordings of Requiems sell in the<br />

tens of thousands.<br />

Why a Requiem?<br />

The Requiem is grave, solemn, mean-<br />

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ingful. To create it, the composer must<br />

have a mastery not only of music but of<br />

history, he must have an acquaintance<br />

with Roman Catholic rites, and he must<br />

have lively intuition into the human<br />

condition. The project must present<br />

itself as an irresistible temptation. How<br />

to explain that, notwithstanding these<br />

requirements, the Requiem is so popular<br />

with composers? Why have some two<br />

thousand Requiems been written? Let’s<br />

search for clues.<br />

At one time, a nobleman could gain<br />

esteem by simply commissioning a<br />

Requiem in honor of an eminent person<br />

or to commemorate an historical event.<br />

For the composer such a commission<br />

would consecrate his talent before musical<br />

society, and in the hope of expanding<br />

his prestige he would typically give the<br />

work all his energies.<br />

But that reason alone cannot suffice.<br />

A Requiem can be a purely artistic work,<br />

which may be composed even by an atheist<br />

or a member of some other faith who<br />

is nevertheless drawn to the religious<br />

grandeur of such music. The death of a<br />

loved one may also serve as inspiration.<br />

And for some the creation of a Requiem<br />

can be a stimulating challenge. At once<br />

painful, troubling and pathetic, with<br />

some luminous sections, the music of<br />

a Requiem can unleash a great many<br />

voices and instruments in music of rare<br />

intensity.<br />

It goes without saying that not all<br />

composers have the same concept of<br />

death, their own or that of loved ones.<br />

Each may blend in his own questions<br />

and fears, and perhaps his hope of finding<br />

consolation, to bring serenity while<br />

he awaits the Beyond. This diversity of<br />

motives and concepts has brought us<br />

numerous Requiems of great beauty.<br />

The earliest reference to a Requiem<br />

appears in the will of Guillaume Dufay<br />

(1397-1474), who was a member of the<br />

Papal Chapel, famed as much for his<br />

erudition as for his deep knowledge of<br />

music and canon law. His will required<br />

that a Requiem Mass of his own composition<br />

be performed at his death: “…that<br />

twelve or more capable men…on the day<br />

following my funeral sing my Requiem<br />

Mass in the Chapel of St. Stephen<br />

(Cabrai) and for this I bequeath four<br />

pounds Parision.”<br />

58 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Unhappily, Dufay’s Requiem is lost,<br />

which leaves as the earliest polyphonic<br />

Requiem known to us that of Johannes<br />

Ockeghem, written possibly as early<br />

as 1470. It is especially interesting for<br />

its Psalm, which includes a canon — a<br />

staggered repetition of a theme. It<br />

served as a model for Josquin des Prez<br />

among others, and for composers of the<br />

16 th Century, with an Introit, a Kyrie,<br />

a Graduale (a chant that follows the<br />

Epistle), a Tractus (Psalm) and an Offertorium<br />

(Domine Jesu and Hostias). Other<br />

composers late added more elements.<br />

The Requiems of Antoine Brumel and<br />

Johannes Prioris include the Sanctus,<br />

the Agnus Dei and the Communion. With<br />

time, orchestral music would be added<br />

to the choral voices.<br />

Who was Johannes Ockeghem?<br />

Musicologists place his birth<br />

between 1410 and 1425, in the village of<br />

St. Ghislain near Mons, Belgium. His<br />

remarkable bass voice promised him a<br />

brilliant livelihood, but he also showed<br />

an exceptional gift for composition.<br />

He was treasurer of the rich St. Martin<br />

Abbey in Tours, of which French kings<br />

were abbots ex officio. He served three<br />

kings: Charles V II, Louis XI, and<br />

Charles VIII, holding the office of<br />

maestro di cappella under the latter two.<br />

His musical output includes several<br />

motets, 15 Masses, songs, and his Missa<br />

pro Defunctis. His style, characterized<br />

as Flamboyant Gothic, brought new<br />

elements to sacred music. He was one<br />

of the 15 th Century’s most famous<br />

composers, with Dufay and des Prez,<br />

his pupil. He greatly influenced his age,<br />

and is known as “great northern master<br />

of polyphony.”<br />

The majors<br />

Perhaps the best approach is to select<br />

a few Requiems among the best-known<br />

and to examine their inspirations. Their<br />

music is at once beautiful and troubling,<br />

but I cannot explain their sonic richness,<br />

try as I might. They must be listened<br />

to.<br />

I shall also mention some less conformist<br />

Requiems, which are, all the<br />

same, masterpieces.<br />

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina<br />

This early Renaissance composer<br />

was born around 1525 near Rome, in the<br />

little town of Palestrina, whose name he<br />

added to his own. He was part of a triumvirate<br />

of composers working in Rome in<br />

the latter part of the century, along with<br />

Tomas Luis de Victoria and Orlando di<br />

Lassus. It was the time of the Council of<br />

Trent, which overhauled church dogma<br />

to meet the growing Protestant challenge.<br />

At the zenith of Gregorian chant’s<br />

popularity in the Church, Palestrina was<br />

able to convince Vatican authorities that<br />

polyphonic music still had its place in the<br />

Catholic liturgy.<br />

Gregorian chant, also known as<br />

plainsong, includes a single melodic<br />

line, whereas polyphony can include<br />

several. Children become familiar with<br />

polyphony and canons when they learn<br />

to sing Frère Jacques and Row, Row Your<br />

Boat.<br />

Palestrina’s profoundly human<br />

qualities, recognized by all, are what<br />

distinguished him. He believed that one<br />

could transcend even the greatest woe.<br />

That no doubt explains why, despite the<br />

emotionally distant nature of the music<br />

of his Requiem (except for the sublime<br />

Hostias and Offertorium, which are more<br />

expressive), the work reflects the sentiments<br />

of confidence and hope that were<br />

his. He made great use of the canon and<br />

counterpoint, sometimes adding dissonance,<br />

but always in perfect balance.<br />

Sung a capella, his music is striking for<br />

its refined style. We now know that not<br />

all the sections were written by him, but<br />

the work is especially interesting in the<br />

way he transformed the technique of the<br />

canon, notably in the Kyrie. In the Agnus<br />

Dei there are luminous passages communicating<br />

joy and trust. The Introit,<br />

the Graduale and the Communion are<br />

plainsong.<br />

All Palestrinas’s religious music,<br />

including his Requiem, grew out of his<br />

professional activities and his spiritual<br />

development, and we can conclude that<br />

he was inspired by his deep faith in God.<br />

The Catholic Encyclopedia calls him the<br />

greatest composer of church music of<br />

all time, with his psalms, hymns and<br />

litanies, and especially his 29 motets<br />

based on The Song of Songs. Historians<br />

have dubbed him “the prince of music,”<br />

and one called him “the ocean into which<br />

all streams have flowed.”

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Luigi Cherubini<br />

Born in Florence in 1760, composer<br />

and teacher Luigi Carlo Zanobi Salvadore<br />

Maria Cherubini was a child<br />

prodigy, composing several religious<br />

works by the age of 13. Despite some<br />

successes, his financial troubles pushed<br />

him to leave his native land for London,<br />

then Paris. His career perked up in 1795<br />

when he became inspector of teaching at<br />

the Conservatoire. After the Restoration<br />

and Louis XVIII’s accession to the<br />

throne, he was named director of the<br />

Royal Chapel. His position as director of<br />

the Conservatoire from 1822 to his death<br />

20 years later gave him great influence on<br />

the musicians of his generation, notably<br />

Beethoven and Schumann.<br />

Though he is known especially for<br />

sacred music, he also wrote operas,<br />

including some hits, and at the turn of<br />

the 19 th century he was the dominant<br />

figure in the field. Weber would write of<br />

him that he was “one of the two heroes of<br />

the artistic domain of our time who, as<br />

a classical master who blazed new paths,<br />

will shine brightly forever.”<br />

Cherubini left a vast work, including<br />

11 Masses and two Requiems,<br />

these last commissioned by the French<br />

government. The first, in C Minor, was<br />

intended to commemorate the execution<br />

of Louis XVI. First performed in 1817,<br />

it is his masterwork and was an immense<br />

success. Its Introit is followed by a Kyrie<br />

Eleison in which the choir is accompanied<br />

by strings, brass and percussion. This<br />

section expresses dramatically, despite its<br />

contained volume, the grief and anguish<br />

of humans faced with the idea of death.<br />

It ends with a sustained G, followed by<br />

a brief silence and then an apocalyptic<br />

explosion of brass and a gong that rings<br />

on and on. Through arias and counterpoints,<br />

with contrasts from ppp to fff, the<br />

Dies Iræ develops. It is nearly unbearable,<br />

but such majesty!<br />

That Requiem was played at the<br />

funeral of Beethoven, who once said that<br />

were he to write a Requiem, Cherubini’s<br />

would be his only model. Schumann<br />

called Cherubini’s Requiem unequalled.<br />

As for Berlioz, though he had been a<br />

victim of Cherubini’s maneuvers behind<br />

the scenes, he was so won over by the<br />

Agnus Dei that he said its “decrescendo”<br />

surpassed all that had gone before.<br />

Unhappily, in 1834 the Archbishop<br />

of Paris forbade its performance at a<br />

funeral ceremony because it included<br />

women’s voices! He therefore commissioned<br />

a second, all-male, Requiem that<br />

Cherubini completed two years later.<br />

Cherubini was the first musician to<br />

receive the Légion d’Honneur, a month<br />

before his death in 1842.<br />

Hector Berlioz<br />

Born near Grenoble in 1803, Louis-<br />

Hector Berlioz rebelled at his father’s<br />

ambition that he should follow in his<br />

footsteps and study medicine. At the end<br />

of his musical studies, he signed at the<br />

age of 26 a Messe Solennelle so expensive<br />

to stage that it left him penniless, but<br />

attracted the attention of the musical<br />

elite. The same year he completed the<br />

Symphonie Fantastique, which would<br />

immortalize him.<br />

Yet, if he was seen abroad as a hero for<br />

his musical boldness and his tumultuous<br />

adventures, in Paris he was entirely misunderstood.<br />

For a time he survived only<br />

by freelance composing and by turning<br />

music critic, one of the best of his age.<br />

Despite his youth he long had<br />

ambition to wrote a Requiem Mass,<br />

and in 1836 opportunity knocked. The<br />

Ministry of Fine Arts commissioned<br />

him to write a Requiem in memory of<br />

a maréchal who was killed during an<br />

attempt on the life of the king, Louis-<br />

Philippe.<br />

It is no secret that Berlioz was not<br />

one to do anything by halves. He always<br />

gave his all, to excess some would say. He<br />

asked the Minister of the Interior for an<br />

orchestra of 600 musicians. Surprised<br />

and no doubt alarmed, the minister gave<br />

him “only” 400, already a remarkable<br />

number.<br />

Berlioz set to work with prodigious<br />

ardor. Though the work was ready in a<br />

mere three months, it was enough time<br />

for the minister to be replaced, and the<br />

commission to be cancelled. Shortly<br />

after, however, another officer, a general<br />

this time, fell on the field of honor,<br />

and thus the commission was resurrected.<br />

Despite manipulation by jealous<br />

competitors (including Cherubini), the<br />

Requiem was performed under the dome<br />

of the Invalides (shown above the title of<br />

this article). Present were princes, ministers,<br />

députés, members of the French and<br />

international press, and a huge crowd.<br />

The scope of the work, and the size of<br />

the orchestra (190 instruments, including<br />

fanfares placed at the sanctuary’s<br />

four cardinal points, 210 singers and<br />

sixteen large drums), resulted in a sound<br />

that could literally wake the dead! The<br />

spectators were stunned. The success<br />

of the Requiem Mass was complete, and<br />

Berlioz triumphed across the board.<br />

And he knew the worth of his work.<br />

“If all of my works but one were to be<br />

thrown in the fire,” he wrote, “it should<br />

be for my Mass for the dead that I should<br />

plead mercy.”<br />

The Requiem æternam or Introit,<br />

marvelously sung, is followed seamlessly<br />

by the Kyrie Eleison. Male voices, the<br />

strings in a canon, the sopranos entering,<br />

and a serene rhythm that becomes<br />

frenetic — all of this is captivating from<br />

the start. The Dies Iræ opens with the<br />

sopranos, soon joined by the men and<br />

the brass, the cymbals, the tympani and<br />

the organ, rising toward a shattering<br />

tutti of rolling thunder, with only an<br />

occasional pause before relaunching<br />

its unparalleled musical flight. The Rex<br />

Tremendae is highly melodic. The Lacrymosa<br />

is surprising: at first vehement, then<br />

filled with joy and hope, then humble<br />

and imploring, it picks up violently with<br />

scintillating brass toward a dazzling<br />

finale. The Offertorium is remarkable as<br />

well. How they sing, those souls awaiting<br />

beatitude! It all confirms that Berlioz,<br />

beyond his hyperbolic orchestration, was<br />

a marvelous melodist. And I haven’t yet<br />

spoken of the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei,<br />

which follow.<br />

A musicological analysis of Berlioz’s<br />

arrangement once demonstrated that the<br />

work has a surprising symmetry. Each<br />

of the movements include precisely 603<br />

measures…except for the Lacrymosa, in<br />

sonata form with 201 measures, exactly<br />

a third of 603. Did Berlioz do that purposely?<br />

What I consider more important<br />

is the sonic richness of the music, its<br />

Romantic excess, its power when its great<br />

forces are marshaled, and the grandeur<br />

of its orchestra and choirs. It is without<br />

a doubt one of the most powerful works<br />

ever composed, within which alternate<br />

moments of calm and others of fierce<br />

storms.<br />

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Giuseppe Verdi<br />

Born in 1813, Verdi was one of the<br />

greatest and most illustrious Italian<br />

dramatic master composers of the 19 th<br />

Century. From his first major success<br />

of 1842, Nabucco, to his Falstaff of 1887,<br />

he dominated Italian opera. He was<br />

first to insist that singers give more<br />

importance to dramatic expression than<br />

to their vocal prowess. After such works<br />

as La Traviata, Rigoletto and Il Trovatore,<br />

not to mention Aida, one might have<br />

thought he had given all of the richness<br />

within him. Yet, at the age of 60, pressed<br />

to finish a Requiem he had left on the<br />

shelf years before, he showed a facet<br />

of his genius hitherto hidden. Despite<br />

his agnosticism, he demonstrated his<br />

undeniable ability to color this Requiem<br />

Mass with a genuine religious tone. In<br />

this, Verdi was simply following quite<br />

naturally his rather demanding moral<br />

sense, and indeed some have seen in him<br />

a sort of secular saint.<br />

The story of this Requiem is special,<br />

for it glorifies two persons who meant a<br />

great deal to Verdi. There was a project<br />

to commemorate the anniversary of Rossini’s<br />

death, and a Requiem in homage to<br />

him was to be composed by 13 different<br />

Italian composers, with the Libera Me<br />

assigned to Verdi. However administrative<br />

problems prevented the project<br />

from proceeding, and Verdi expanded<br />

his Libera Me into a full Requiem Mass<br />

to commemorate the death of his great<br />

friend, the writer Alessandro Manzoni.<br />

On May 22, 1874, exactly one year<br />

after Manzoni’s passing, Verdi’s Requiem<br />

for soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, bass,<br />

choir and orchestra was performed at<br />

the San Marco cathedral of Milan in<br />

incomparably solemn circumstances.<br />

Verdi obtained a special dispensation<br />

to allow women to sing in the church,<br />

provided they be dressed in black…and<br />

veiled!<br />

The composer himself conducted<br />

the choir of 120 voices and the orchestra<br />

of 100 musicians. Triumph was<br />

instantaneous, and a performance at La<br />

Scala quickly followed, with the same<br />

soloists and still under Verdi’s baton.<br />

This extroverted religious work, at once<br />

grandiose and theatrical, called by some<br />

“an opera of the dead,” is a masterpiece<br />

of the Romantic repertoire. It plunges us<br />

60 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

into an experience at once musical and<br />

spiritual. There is a fascinating contrast<br />

between the Introit, which expresses<br />

both fear and humility in a plea for<br />

nearly unhoped for mercy, and the Dies<br />

Iræ, which symbolizes the anger and the<br />

cruelty of God toward sinners…and also<br />

expresses his own anger before such an<br />

unforgiving God. Verdi unchains the<br />

elements. Shrieking brass, shattering<br />

percussion, the bass drum…it’s all there<br />

in an orchestration of matchless excellence.<br />

Such emotion, such majesty, such<br />

power! Then there is the Lacrymosa,<br />

almost a lullaby, a veritable operatic duet<br />

with exquisite counterpoints for singers<br />

and orchestra, in which the distress and<br />

the pain expressed by the soloists are<br />

palpable with each note. Listen to it and<br />

remained unmoved? Not you. Not me.<br />

A question haunts the purists: did<br />

Verdi respect the religious requirements<br />

of a Mass for the dead? Conductor<br />

and critic Hans von Bülow called the<br />

Requiem “Verdi’s latest opera, despite<br />

its ecclesiastical robes.” (Brahms would<br />

reply that von Bülow had made a fool of<br />

himself.) Most consider this Requiem, a<br />

rare example of operatic interpretation<br />

of a liturgical text, to be incontestably<br />

one of Verdi’s finest operas, and too bad<br />

for those who think otherwise. An artist<br />

must express himself not only with what<br />

he has, but also with what he is. Verdi<br />

was the same in the opera house as in<br />

church.<br />

The Requiem would be played around<br />

the world, always to the same acclaim.<br />

When Verdi conducted it in Paris, he was<br />

decorated with the Légion d’Honneur.<br />

Johannes Brahms<br />

Born in Hamburg in 1833, Brahms<br />

studied violin and cello with his father,<br />

then took up the piano with excellent<br />

teachers. His early years were difficult,<br />

and he made ends meet by playing piano<br />

in the taverns and bordellos of the port.<br />

However his reputation as a pianist soon<br />

overflowed this modest setting, and his<br />

compositions captured the attention of<br />

the musical elite.<br />

During a concert tour in 1853, he was<br />

introduced to Robert Schumann, and the<br />

two composers became fast friends. In<br />

Schumann’s eyes, Brahms was a young<br />

genius, and he said as much in the pages<br />

of the musical journal of which he was<br />

editor.<br />

Alas, the friendship was shattered<br />

by the illness and death of Schumann<br />

in 1856. Brahms got over the loss with<br />

the greatest difficulty, and the following<br />

year he announced his project to write<br />

a Requiem Mass, an endeavor he would<br />

complete only in 1865, on the death<br />

of his mother. We can suppose it is to<br />

exorcise these painful memories that he<br />

was thus inspired.<br />

Brahms had the technical preparation<br />

for such an opus. Having been a<br />

choir master and having written a great<br />

number of pieces for his chorales, his<br />

natural aptitude for handling great sonic<br />

masses grew masterfully. Disenchanted<br />

with the human misery he had known<br />

in his young years in Hamburg’s worst<br />

districts, he had become distrustful of<br />

life and its hurdles. “In my opinion,” he<br />

wrote, “the dead who are dead are happier<br />

than the living who are still alive.”<br />

He added, “Death is the freshness of the<br />

night, life is the intolerable heat of the<br />

day.”<br />

It is these sentiments that go a long<br />

way to explain this strange German<br />

Requiem that is more like a hymn of<br />

consolation. Its recurring themes are<br />

Blessed are the dead from The Book of<br />

Common Prayer, and Blessed are they that<br />

mourn, for they shall be comforted, from the<br />

Eight Beatitudes (Matt. 5-4). Following<br />

more the spirit than the letter of the<br />

texts translated into German by Martin<br />

Luther, chosen by Brahms himself from<br />

the Scriptures, he placed them in a musical<br />

setting that marked him, in his early<br />

thirties, one of the greatest composers<br />

of all time.<br />

The German Requiem was written for<br />

mixed choir with soloists and orchestra.<br />

Its limpid, moving lines speak of distress,<br />

but also of love and its redemptive power.<br />

There is nothing frightening in this<br />

Requiem. There is no judge, no divine<br />

vengeance, no evocation of eternal damnation.<br />

There is rather an echo of the<br />

Resurrection and a hint of the splendor<br />

of the abodes of Paradise. It is a music<br />

of consolation and hope, and only that.<br />

It is, in Brahms’s own words, a human<br />

Requiem.<br />

The second section, the longest,<br />

opens with a march tempo on the words

Software<br />

All Flesh is as the Grass, followed by<br />

the luminous message, Now Therefore<br />

Be Patient, then a glorious march, The<br />

Redeemed of the Lord Shall Return, ending<br />

softly with Joy Everlasting. All of the<br />

sections merit our admiration, though<br />

I think the fourth, How Lovely is Thy<br />

Dwelling Place, and the fifth, Ye Now Are<br />

Sorrowful, with its remarkable solo for<br />

soprano, are the most touching.<br />

This grandiose work was completed<br />

in 1866 and it was performed in Bremen<br />

two years later. Its official premiere,<br />

however, took place in 1869 in Leipzig,<br />

with the orchestra of the Gewandhaus<br />

conducted by Karl Reinecke. The<br />

German Requiem is one of the grand<br />

works of the vast repertoire of religious<br />

music.<br />

Antonin Dvorak<br />

Born in Bohemia in 1841, Dvorak<br />

earned an enviable worldwide reputation.<br />

His Slavonic Dances, Slavonic<br />

Rhapsodies, Gypsy Songs, Stabat Mater and<br />

his symphonies, especially the Symphony<br />

From the New World, and so many others,<br />

demonstrated his genius.<br />

He also wrote religious music, which<br />

was an instant success in England.<br />

His Requiem, commissioned by the<br />

Birmingham Festival and presented in<br />

1891, was written for soloists, choir and<br />

orchestra. It is a masterful and dramatic<br />

presentation of the Mass for the dead.<br />

Its two sections follow without pause.<br />

Bold as ever, Dvorak conceived his<br />

magnificent opus for full orchestra in<br />

a large concert hall, not a church. One<br />

can only be won over by the richness<br />

of the singing and the intensity of the<br />

orchestra. You don’t need a primer on<br />

the different parts of the Mass to be<br />

struck by the Dies Iræ followed by the<br />

Tuba Mirum, the most frightening of all<br />

in my view…frightening, and at the same<br />

time admirable. The Confutatis opens<br />

with drums, ferocious strings and a vigorous<br />

choir, then becoming imploring,<br />

before the return of the percussion. The<br />

Offertorium — Lord Jesus Christ, King of<br />

Glory, Deliver the Souls — is preceded<br />

by an organ solo, which gives way to<br />

lustrous brass introducing male voices,<br />

joined by the women, in a passage that<br />

is extraordinary at once for the beauty of<br />

its melodic line as for the solemnity of its<br />

62 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

subject. This powerful Requiem, with its<br />

canons, counterpoints and heartrending<br />

melodic sections, is one for the ages.<br />

Gabriel Fauré<br />

Far be it from me to minimize the<br />

grief that Fauré felt following the loss<br />

of his parents in a short period, but he<br />

always said that he composed his Requiem<br />

for his own pleasure. Begun in 1887, it<br />

had originally five parts: the Introit and<br />

Kyrie, the Sanctus, Pie Jesu, Agnus Dei<br />

and In Paradisum. The orchestration was<br />

not yet complete when Fauré conducted<br />

the Requiem in its 1888 premiere at the<br />

church of the Madeleine in Paris, where<br />

he was chapel master.<br />

It was heard again four months later,<br />

with added parts for two horns and two<br />

trumpets, but wait — it still wasn’t done.<br />

The Offertorium was completed over two<br />

periods of time: the Hostias for solo baritone<br />

was added in 1889 and the canon<br />

for choir surrounding it only in 1894.<br />

As for the Libera Me, written for soloist<br />

and organ in 1877, it was expanded four<br />

years later to include three trombones.<br />

You might suppose that with such a<br />

patchwork creation the Requiem must<br />

lack a certain coherence. You would be<br />

wrong, for its homogeneity is remarkable.<br />

For a long time the soprano and alto<br />

parts were sung by young boys, for, need<br />

I mention again, the Roman tradition<br />

then excluded women from the Sanctuary<br />

of the church. These young soloists<br />

were backed by a few men’s voices, tenors<br />

and basses, with added singers for major<br />

ceremonies, along with a double bass, the<br />

organ, and sometimes strings and winds<br />

as well.<br />

How is Fauré’s Requiem different<br />

from all others? First, because Fauré was<br />

an unbeliever, he presents religion as a<br />

source of love rather than fear, death as<br />

a happy deliverance rather than a painful<br />

passage, and the Last Judgement with<br />

none of the Dantesque vision some other<br />

composers have lent it. That said, he<br />

was consistent, for had he not criticized<br />

Berlioz’ Grande Messe des morts when he<br />

was music critic for the Paris newspaper<br />

Le Figaro in 1904?<br />

Despite the seriousness and the<br />

melancholy of the subject, this Requiem<br />

is notable for the simplicity of the elements<br />

that make it up, for its radiant<br />

serenity, for its gentleness, and for the<br />

dreamlike climate surrounding Fauré’s<br />

exquisite poetry. The Sanctus, sung by<br />

boy sopranos joined by men’s voices<br />

against a violin continuo, is sublime. It<br />

opens on a keyboard prelude and closes<br />

on the Hosanna, still against the violin<br />

continuo to which is added the organ.<br />

And what to say of the Pie Jesu? The<br />

Lacrymosa, we note, has been omitted.<br />

Written for baritone and choir, the troubling<br />

theme of the very short Dies Iræ is<br />

rendered fortissimo, and is clearly taken<br />

up once again in the Libera Me. The work<br />

closes with In Paradisum against an organ<br />

continuo. It touches the divine, and I can<br />

say no more.<br />

The development of this work is<br />

complex. Not until 1901 was the full <strong>version</strong><br />

for symphony orchestra completed.<br />

It is best suited to the large concert hall,<br />

whereas the 1893 <strong>version</strong> is preferred<br />

for smaller venues. In 1983 John Rutter<br />

created a new edition of the 1893 <strong>version</strong>,<br />

more faithful to the original score of<br />

1888.<br />

Maurice Duruflé<br />

Born in France in 1902, he was one<br />

of France’s best-known composers of the<br />

new century. Duruflé was known above<br />

all as an organist, especially in the US,<br />

where he toured numerous times. He<br />

was an eclectic musician, embracing<br />

styles from the Gregorian to popular<br />

harmonies of his time.<br />

As a composer he is particularly<br />

known for his Requiem, composed in<br />

1947 to the memory of his father. It was<br />

broadcast the following year with Roger<br />

Désormière conducting, and in concert<br />

the same year under Paul Paray.<br />

Duruflé’s Requiem is often compared<br />

to Fauré’s, supposedly because of<br />

the generally peaceful atmosphere of<br />

both works. I beg to disagree. Despite<br />

structural similarities, Fauré used texts<br />

lacking the expression of either anger<br />

or fear. Duruflé, on the other hand, in<br />

his Domine Jesu Christi, which must be<br />

understood as a prayer of entreaty, calls<br />

upon brass and percussion to support a<br />

choir driven by anger and fright. As for<br />

the Hosanna from the Sanctus, nothing<br />

less than a song of adoration of the Holy<br />

Spirit, an abrupt violent passage going

Software<br />

beyond fff evokes in shattering fashion<br />

the end of time and the flames of Hell.<br />

Certainly some other composers have<br />

chosen the same coloration of terror, but<br />

Fauré did not.<br />

Duruflé’s Pie Jesu for mezzo-soprano<br />

and the Lux Æterna, in canon form, are<br />

superb. It is interesting that for his In<br />

Paradisum he selected instruments often<br />

associated with peace, such as the celesta<br />

and the harp.<br />

There is one more difference: Duruflé<br />

used extensive Gregorian passages,<br />

whereas Fauré’s Requiem is entirely<br />

polyphonic. Of course, these differences<br />

take nothing away from the beauty of<br />

Duruflé’s Requiem.<br />

John Rutter<br />

Born in London in 1945, Rutter<br />

began composing in 1969 and turned out<br />

operas for children, Christmas Carols,<br />

and various orchestral and choral works<br />

that made him famous. What is remarkable<br />

about him is his will to compose<br />

music that can be sung by any reasonably<br />

competent church choir. Most of his<br />

compositions include melodies that are<br />

pleasant and easy to remember, which<br />

explains his popularity with both singers<br />

and audiences. However it is thanks to<br />

his Requiem that he must henceforth be<br />

classed among the truly great composers<br />

of religious music.<br />

His implication in church music is<br />

hardly surprising. Was he not, in turn,<br />

choral singer at <strong>High</strong>gate School and<br />

organist and conductor of the Clare<br />

College Chapel Choir in Cambridge?<br />

In 1981 he founded the Cambridge<br />

Singers, which he supported in its efforts<br />

to found its own record label, leading<br />

to worldwide recognition. Remarkable<br />

conductor and choirmaster, when he set<br />

out in 1985 to write his Requiem he knew<br />

where he was going.<br />

His concept is an interesting one.<br />

He wanted the seven sections of the<br />

work to be a sort of meditative arc on<br />

the themes of Life and Earth, and the<br />

Requiem’s architecture is constructed<br />

in that fashion. He has always said he<br />

was influenced by the Requiem of Fauré:<br />

intimate, contemplative and lyrical,<br />

containing more light than darkness.<br />

Even in his Dies Iræ, he finds a way to<br />

express anguish without excess.<br />

I believe he was also influenced by<br />

Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem. Like<br />

Britten, he mixed vernacular texts with<br />

the traditional text of the Latin Mass.<br />

Like the Brahms, this is a Requiem of<br />

consolation.<br />

The music is poignant, and none of<br />

the sections leaves us indifferent. The<br />

first two, Requiem æternam and Out of<br />

the Deep (from the 13 th Psalm) plunges<br />

us into contemplation, at once subdued<br />

and trusting. The Kyrie Eleison, the Pie<br />

Jesu and the Agnus Dei are extraordinary,<br />

and the final Lux æterna reprises the<br />

measures of the first movement. Most<br />

moving of all, in my view, is the fifth<br />

section, The Lord is my Shepherd, which<br />

is of course drawn from the 23 rd Psalm.<br />

Rutter has often said that his Requiem<br />

is intended for the concert hall, but he<br />

has also said that his dearest wish is that<br />

this music might be at home in a church<br />

setting. There are numerous recordings<br />

of the Rutter Requiem.<br />

Pier-Carlo Liva<br />

The Canadian composer, singer and<br />

guitarist was 11 when he began his classical<br />

guitar studies, and he graduated<br />

from the University of Sherbrooke with a<br />

degree in classical performance. Shortly<br />

after he and some other classicallytrained<br />

musicians formed an eponymous<br />

heavy metal group.<br />

You may be surprised that a heavy<br />

metal performer might decide to write<br />

a religious work, and a Requiem at that.<br />

More surprising still is that the text is<br />

in Latin! Though Liva is fully familiar<br />

with the Requiems of other ages, he has<br />

not adapted them for the new idiom. His<br />

Requiem is entirely original.<br />

Why, you might ask. He turned to this<br />

music because he was tempted to create<br />

a major work, but also for the artistic<br />

challenge. Written for death/baritone,<br />

soprano and chamber quartet — viola,<br />

guitar, electric bass and drums — its<br />

composition took three years. The<br />

marriage between classical and metal is<br />

solid, the architecture intelligent, and<br />

even metal-illiterates like me can be<br />

carried away by this strange, audacious<br />

music that drags us into a spellbinding<br />

ambience.<br />

See the full review of the Liva<br />

Requiem elsewhere in this issue.<br />

And what of Mozart?<br />

I began and end with him. Yet has<br />

too much not already been written about<br />

his Requiem? What can I add that is not<br />

abundantly known? If I speak of Mozart<br />

despite all, it is for the pure pleasure of<br />

doing so.<br />

According to the Gospel of St. John,<br />

“…the day of the final judgement, hail and<br />

blood shall rain down upon the Earth, and all<br />

creatures shall be destroyed, and from the sky<br />

shall fall an immense star that shall burn like<br />

a torch, and all the stars shall be consumed.<br />

Then shall cry out an eagle thus, ‘Woe, woe,<br />

woe to all inhabitants of the Earth.’ And<br />

the dead, shall stand before the Throne, and<br />

the Books shall be opened, and the dead shall<br />

be judged by their Works. And according to<br />

what is written, whosoever has not his name<br />

inscribed in the Book of Life shall be cast into<br />

the Lake of Fire.”<br />

As we have seen, most of the composers<br />

of Requiem Masses drew inspirations<br />

from the horror of such apocalyptic<br />

texts: Berlioz, Cherubini, Duruflé,<br />

Verdi, Dvorak, and others. If there<br />

is one composer who did not hesitate<br />

to take the same road, it is our dear<br />

Amadeus, and that despite his claim<br />

not to fear death. From the Dies Iræ,<br />

which is entirely from his pen, to the<br />

first eight measures of the Lacrymosa,<br />

which is as far as he got, his music is<br />

eloquent, and terribly troubling by its<br />

melancholy. Musicologists attribute to<br />

him the Requiem and the Kyrie, whereas<br />

for the rest he had time only to write<br />

down indications for the instrumental<br />

and vocal parts. Whoever may have<br />

completed these sections, this Requiem<br />

evokes a joust among choir, soloists and<br />

orchestra to announce the Day of Judgement.<br />

What we must recall is that, in the<br />

parts he completed or wrote notes for,<br />

there is a marriage of tradition with new<br />

ideas of his creation. The ultimate result<br />

is that, through this sole religious work,<br />

Mozart revolutionized sacred music.<br />

And yet, and yet…I wonder. Would<br />

this Requiem have been as influential<br />

were it not for the numerous legends<br />

and polemics that continue to surround<br />

its creation?<br />

I go no further, leaving to musicologists,<br />

who continue to differ, the last<br />

word…if there is to be a last word.<br />

Amen.<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 63

Software<br />

Zona Torrida<br />

Strunz & Farah<br />

Selva SV-CD 1011<br />

Rejskind: I was thinking of writing<br />

that I have fond memories of the very<br />

first recording of Jorge Strunz and<br />

Ardeshir Farah. It was called Misterio,<br />

and it was released on the Water Lily<br />

audiophile record label before migrating<br />

to Audioquest. But then I read the press<br />

release that came with their new CD, and<br />

I realized that Misterio was in fact their<br />

fourth recording. This unique guitar duo<br />

Software Reviews<br />

by Reine Lessard,<br />

and Gerard Rejskind<br />

has been going since 1982.<br />

And they’re still going strong, too,<br />

with not the slightest sign that they<br />

might be running out of inspiration.<br />

Their music — written primarily by<br />

Strunz, for their guitars plus violin and a<br />

number of other instruments, including<br />

bass and exotic percussion — could be<br />

classed as “World Music,” or, considering<br />

its diverse roots, as Gypsy music.<br />

Indeed, the one time I saw them play<br />

live was at a Montreal Jazz Festival event<br />

billed as The Night of the Gypsies.<br />

Jorge Strunz was born in Costa Rica,<br />

Ardeshir Farah in Iran. Both were expatriates<br />

as children, Farah in England,<br />

Strunz in several countries including<br />

Mexico and Canada. You would expect<br />

them to draw on the traditional music<br />

of their respective native lands, but in<br />

fact their musical imagination ranges<br />

way beyond. If the title piece does sound<br />

Latin American, and if Kereshmesh (the<br />

one selection composed by Farah) is<br />

distinctly Middle Eastern, you can<br />

have fun figuring out the roots of their<br />

other pieces. The sixth track is titled<br />

Andromeda, so don’t limit your search<br />

to the obvious!<br />

What all of the pieces have in<br />

common is the unparalleled musicianship<br />

of this international duo. Both play<br />

Spanish guitars. On some numbers,<br />

Farah shifts to a guitar with steel strings,<br />

making an interesting tonal counterpoint<br />

to Strunz’s nylon-stringed guitar.<br />

Both play with a speed and a precision<br />

that is difficult to believe. They are<br />

ably backed by several other musicians,<br />

including violinist Charlie Bisharat, who<br />

composed Secret Village, the last of the<br />

selections.<br />

The sound of this recording, like that<br />

of Misterio, is exemplary. It would be easy<br />

for this rapid, dense music to become a<br />

mere blur. It never does.<br />

Requiem<br />

Liva<br />

Stoke SR 01<br />

Rejskind: There’s nothing new about<br />

trying to blend the classics with more<br />

contemporary styles, such as jazz<br />

(Gershwin), or rock (ELO, Supertramp,<br />

64 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong>

Software<br />

Pink Floyd, Octobre, the Beatles). But a<br />

Requiem Mass in Latin for heavy metal<br />

band? A first? I imagine so.<br />

And it has been done completely successfully.<br />

If you are not acquainted with<br />

heavy metal, forget the preconception<br />

that you need do nothing more than turn<br />

your guitar amp up to 10 (or 11 if you<br />

play in Spinal Tap), and keep playing till<br />

the police comes. A lot of metal lacks in<br />

both dynamic contrasts and inventiveness.<br />

This Requiem by Pier Carlo Liva<br />

lacks for neither.<br />

It opens with a haunting passage by<br />

what I assumed to be a synthetizer, but is<br />

actually an electric viola, in the hands of<br />

Catherine Elvira Chartier. She continues<br />

with an acoustic viola accompanying<br />

what is unmistakably an acoustic guitar.<br />

This is heavy metal?<br />

Ah, but wait. Liva’s electric guitar<br />

comes in, along with his “death voice,”<br />

a common element in metal rock and<br />

peculiarly apropos in a Mass for the<br />

Dead. He is joined by soprano Chartier,<br />

singing the Latin text of the Kyrie in<br />

alternation. Astonishingly, the music<br />

then settles back to the softer guitar and<br />

drum arrangement of the earlier part. It<br />

is extraordinarily moving.<br />

I rather expected the Dies Iræ (Day<br />

of Wrath) to let fly, and of course it<br />

does, with rolling waves of electric<br />

guitar cranked way up, electric viola,<br />

and both death voice and soprano. The<br />

melody is a happy invention, and Liva<br />

does a series of sophisticated variations<br />

on it. The bell-like sounds of the Tuba<br />

Mirum follow without pause, leading to<br />

another fast and rhythmic passage by<br />

Liva’s electric guitar, and then a highly<br />

lyrical passage by Chartier. Again, the<br />

melodic inventiveness is a revelation, and<br />

a delight. The Rex Tremendae has a passage<br />

that wanders close to jazz fusion.<br />

There are more surprises. The<br />

Recordare includes a sequence in which<br />

Liva and Chartier sing their lines in<br />

alternation, in a style that pays homage<br />

to medieval church music. There’s<br />

little doubt they both know all about<br />

this, since they are classically-trained<br />

musicians. The Lacrymosa, a blend of<br />

guitar and long, high-flying soprano<br />

passages, is exquisite. The final Agnus<br />

Dei is fascinatingly rhythmic, with excellent<br />

contributions work from drummer<br />

Sébastien Breton and bassist Simon Roy<br />

Boucher.<br />

A word about the quality of the<br />

recording is in order. One of the defining<br />

characteristics of heavy metal is<br />

distortion, resulting from the practice<br />

of carefully considering how loud an<br />

instrument can reasonably play, and<br />

then going way beyond. Pier Carlo Liva’s<br />

guitar produces harmonics not found in<br />

pure acoustical instruments, and he is<br />

not shy about exploiting the resources of<br />

the studio gear, but the harmonics do not<br />

originate from overloading the recording<br />

system. The result is that what you<br />

hear always makes musical sense, and it<br />

is engaging rather than annoying.<br />

You won’t find many metal bands<br />

singing in Latin, and Liva intends to go<br />

on using Latin in his future recordings.<br />

How better to overcome language barriers?<br />

Bach: Suites, Sonatas, Airs &<br />

Dances<br />

Joseph Petric<br />

Analekta FL 2 3133<br />

Lessard: Bach on the accordion? Yes…<br />

on a concert accordion of course. It is<br />

incredibly gorgeous, something that just<br />

had to be done!<br />

For there really are concert accordions,<br />

created thanks to the passionate<br />

implication of fan of the instrument. The<br />

result is that the makers of these instruments,<br />

along with the artists who make<br />

them sing, have pooled their talents<br />

to make the accordion an increasingly<br />

accomplished and delightful instrument.<br />

Petric is well known on both sides of the<br />

Atlantic, and I greeted his new CD with<br />

enthusiasm.<br />

Petric offers his own arrangements of<br />

keyboard works from Bach and one of his<br />

sons, Carl Phillip Emmanuel. From Papa<br />

Bach he has arranged six excerpts of the<br />

English Suite No. 3 and another six from<br />

the French Suite No. 2 in C Minor. These<br />

suites are collections of dances Albert<br />

Schweitzer once called “a fragment of<br />

a vanished world of grace and elegance<br />

(that) has been preserved to us…the ideal<br />

musical picture of a Rococo period.”<br />

Why the distinction between French<br />

and English suites? There is no certain<br />

answer, and the titles are not Bach’s own<br />

anyway. We can suppose that the first set<br />

was judged to be in the tradition of the<br />

great English composer Frank Purcell<br />

while the second was in the style of<br />

François Couperin.<br />

The name withstanding, the English<br />

Suite is in a darker vein than the French<br />

Suite, whose Courante deploys for us<br />

contagious liveliness and grace.<br />

The second part of the CD is given<br />

over to the best-known, and I would add<br />

the most talented, of the Bach progeny.<br />

Included are two Prussian Suites, the<br />

No. 2 in B Flat Major and the No. 6 in<br />

A Major. These were the first important<br />

works composed for the newly-arrived<br />

instrument that was the pianoforte.<br />

C.P.E. Bach was a fabulous keyboard<br />

player, and his compositions are marked<br />

by great refinement. As to his contribution<br />

to the sonata in its Classical form,<br />

it is beyond challenge, and it would<br />

influence other major composers such<br />

as Haydn and Mozart.<br />

But now let me speak about our<br />

accordionist. What mastery he shows in<br />

the way he has built the arrangements of<br />

all the pieces in the program, throwing<br />

new light on the works of C.P.E. Bach in<br />

particular. And how well he brings out<br />

the qualities of his instrument, with its<br />

multiple possibilities, both technical and<br />

expressive! You have to hear his playing,<br />

dynamic and elegant, and the thousand<br />

modulations, ornaments and trills with<br />

which he dresses his playing, as only a<br />

great virtuoso can.<br />

Set out on a fine musical adventure<br />

by picking up this excellent audiophile<br />

quality recording that I predict will fly<br />

off the shelves.<br />

The accompanying booklet contains<br />

all the information on this concert<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 65


Run your own ad in the print issue, and on our World Wide Web site for two months<br />

NON-COMMERCIAL: $12 per slice of 40 words or less. COMMERCIAL: $24 per slice of 40 words or less.<br />

TAXES: In most of Canada, add 7% GST. NS, NB, NF, add 15% HST. In Québec, add another 7.5% TVQ. No taxes for advertisers outside Canada. Payment may be made<br />

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PHONE: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383. E-MAIL: uhfmail@uhfmag.com<br />


YBA Integre DT w/phono & remote $2,000. YBA<br />

CD1 $5000 less than 20hours. Linn LP12 Ittok,<br />

Circus Benz h2o (50 hours)Nitty Gritty semi-auto<br />

$2500. Grado ph1 $500 (20 hours). Sugden<br />

Headmaster $800 (20 hours). Grado Headphones<br />

RS1 (20 hours) $500. Sonus Faber Signum with<br />

matching stands $3,000. All items absolutely<br />

perfect condition,all cartons and receipts.<br />

Purchase complete for $13,500 (will include vinyl<br />

collection). Call Jim @ (416)758-1129.<br />



MKII. Exclusive STARS® 32bitFP/192kHz<br />

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outputs-single-ended RCA and balanced XLR.<br />

Digital Outputs-BNC. Digital inputs BNC, RCA,<br />



valve line level preamplifier. Five line inputs plus<br />

tape monitor circuit. Maximum output 10 volts.<br />

IEC mains connector. All controls on fascia<br />

(on/off, tape monitor, input, volume). Two months<br />

old, $1400. please call (416)560-9867 or e-mail<br />

mitch@towninn.com.<br />


B&W CDM-9nt speakers, flawless, 18 months<br />

old. Paid $3200, sell $2000. Original everything<br />

included. Contact (204)885-6619, or james_<br />

bund2001@yahoo.com.<br />


2 JBL L100T (improved floorstanding <strong>version</strong><br />

of the 4412A studio monitor )in excellent<br />

condition. 2 JBL 2235H low bass drivers: 15 in.,<br />

150 WRMS, 8 ohms, 93 dB SPL, 20 Hz-2 kHz,<br />

full documentation, in excellent condition. Tel.:<br />

(450)965-0699, Fax.: (450)965-7748, Email:<br />

padio@sprint.ca.<br />


For sale: Antique Sound Lab T1DT passive<br />

preamp, Atlantis/WBT interconnects, 0.5m. Mint<br />

condition and with original packaging, $500. Neil<br />

at (604)946-4421. Email neil5erickson@dccnet.<br />

com.<br />


Cary Audio SLP preamp. Uses 2 Sovtek 6922<br />

66 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

tubes. Slight use, for 1-1/2 year. Excellent deal.<br />

I paid $1,000 US and am asking $ 780 CA only.<br />

Perfect condition. Rogue’s famous 88 tube power<br />

amplifier, like new. Can be used with 4 KT88 or<br />

6550. But I added, for much money, 4 EI Yougos<br />

KT90. Marvellous sound. Also I changed to 2<br />

Telefunken 12AX7 and 4 American A5814A. Can’t<br />

ask for more. Asking CA$980, paid US$1150. .Call<br />

(450)687-3391, Laval.<br />


Linn Sondek with Valhalla power supply + Linn<br />

Basik plus Arm + Grace F9E pickup. Very good<br />

condition. Selling for $950. Contact Patrick. E-<br />

Mail: mzappytoutou@yahoo.ca.<br />


Mastersound 300B SE, 20 Wpc, parallel singleended<br />

amp, comes with 6 x JJ Tesla 300B<br />

and 5 x Svetlana 300B, beautiful handcrafted<br />

wood, remote, Mint, $3500, Sonic Frontiers<br />

SFL-1 line stage, comes with spare Sovtek<br />

6922, $700, original boxes & manuals, chris.<br />

bachalo@sympatico.ca.<br />


Quad preamp, model 99, new in January 2002.<br />

Made in England. With remote control, $1000.<br />

(514)484-1602.<br />


Joseph Audio Rm7 Signature Mk2 for sale.<br />

Condition 9/10. Natural maple finish, biwirable,<br />

purchased Feb. 03. Includes original boxes and<br />

manual, $1950. E-mail audaciousone@hotmail.<br />

com or call Audi (Vancouver) evenings (604)990-<br />

0485.<br />


Mirage OM-7, 3-way Omnipolar speakers. Finished<br />

in more expensive piano black and in spotless<br />

condition. Similar to the OM-5s praised in UHF 61<br />

but with deeper bass. New 3200, selling $1700.<br />

Prefer pick-up, as they are very heavy. Matching<br />

Mirage BPS150i subwoofer, also in piano black,<br />

$550. Rave review in UHF 60. Will deliver within<br />

the GTA or Niagara area. Wireworld Gold Starlight<br />

III, .5m digital cable with WBT RCA ends. A UHF<br />

reference! Reg. $420, selling $250. Call (905)297-<br />

0364, email burekp@mcmaster.ca.)<br />


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Castle Warwick 3’s in maple, 3 months old as new,<br />

$780; Sanus AFA maple and silver audio stand,<br />

$165; Audioquest Midnight III’s (3 cables, biwired),<br />

$255; Plateau ST 23” speaker stands, $105;<br />

Denon AVR-4800 Receiver, $1050. Contact Rob at<br />

coppensr@rogers.com.<br />


Totem Hawks in mahogany, original packaging,<br />

asking $1800. Plus Passion I10 integrated amp,<br />

asking $850, and 1.5 m Wireworld Atlantis<br />

speaker wires with GBO connectors, asking $200.<br />

Will sell separately. (204)488-0266, or e-mail<br />

tt2d4@yahoo.ca.<br />


Cambridge Audio, TEAC, Parasound Halo,<br />

Angstrom, James Loudspeakers, Audio Art<br />

custom-built actively tri-amplified loudspeakers,<br />

Richard Gray AC, cables, stands, accessories.<br />

Custom installation and home theater. David<br />

Elderton Audio Video Consultant, (604)808-7394,<br />

evenings (604)988-6666.<br />


Creekside Audio for all your stereo/theatre needs.<br />

Audiomat, Vecteur, Atlantis Acoustique, Gershman<br />

and lots more! Discover the magic in music with<br />

our fine products. (250)-878-6252, Kelowna, BC.<br />

www.creeksideaudio.net.<br />


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Museatex/MeitnerAudio factory service and<br />

updates. Please check our web-site at www.<br />

museatex.com. E-mail me at john@museatex.com<br />

or phone (403)284-0723.

Software<br />

accordion, designed by Petric himself,<br />

and built and voiced by Leo Niemi of<br />

Sudbury.<br />

Romanza España<br />

Burning River Brass<br />

Dorian DOR-90316<br />

Lessard: Georges Bizet never would<br />

have died of a broken heart if he could<br />

have known that his music to Carmen<br />

would go on delighting music lovers<br />

right into the third Millennium. The<br />

popularity of Carmen, far from running<br />

out of steam, seems to be picking up<br />

momentum. Everywhere, this music is<br />

sung, played, danced to. Indeed, Spanish<br />

music in general is going through<br />

a period of unparalleled popularity, at<br />

least in North America. And here is a<br />

CD filled with Spanish music.<br />

It opens with — you guessed it — the<br />

suite from Carmen, in a brass arrangement<br />

by Roger Harvey, who has recreated<br />

to good effect the shifting atmospheres<br />

of this operatic drama. That said, for<br />

opera fans who love Bizet’s opera without<br />

reservation there is always a twinge of<br />

regret at hearing even the best and the<br />

best-played arrangement. I was sorry to<br />

note the lack of body in the orchestration,<br />

which might have been alleviated<br />

by better use of instruments in the lower<br />

register, such as the horns, trombones<br />

and tuba, and by the use of percussion<br />

other than the simple castanets. There is<br />

an enormous contrast between this suite<br />

and La lamina de España which closes<br />

the album, which is as expressive as you<br />

could wish, sometimes downright scary,<br />

which I’ll get to in a moment.<br />

The disc also offers the third and the<br />

most Romantic of the eight Romanza<br />

Andaluza of Pablo de Sarasate. There are<br />

two intermezzi by Gerónimo Giménez<br />

(who by the way conducted the Spanish<br />

premiere of Carmen), both lively and<br />

of exquisite freshness. The second one,<br />

arranged by Eric Crees, is exceptional.<br />

There is a suite from Manuel de Falla’s<br />

Three-Cornered Hat, excellent, with an<br />

introduction full of authority and verve,<br />

ending with the always bewitching Jota.<br />

You’ll probably recognize Enrique Granados’<br />

joyous and unforgettable Danza<br />

Espanola No. 5, in another excellent<br />

arrangement by Eric Crees. La Revoltosa,<br />

a prelude by Ruperto Échapi.<br />

But I must return to the pièce de résistance<br />

of this CD, Anthony DiLorenzo’s<br />

La lamina de España, which means “the<br />

blade of Spain.” That was the nickname<br />

of a mysterious woman, a sort of feminine<br />

Zorro, who long prepared to avenge<br />

her father, killed by the sword following<br />

the Spanish Inquisition.<br />

There are three tableaux. The first,<br />

Habiba (the name of the heroine), is<br />

dazzling. The second, Navarre, opens<br />

with brass that is more languorous than<br />

flashy, accompanied by the distant sound<br />

of tympani that suddenly seems closer,<br />

portending the pathetic and obsessive<br />

dance of death (Danza de la muerte),<br />

which leaves one bewildered and overwhelmed.<br />

The extraordinary dynamic palette<br />

has been ably reproduced on this<br />

HDCD-encoded disc by Dorian’s famed<br />

engineers. There are other sonic virtues<br />

too, including spaciousness, depth and a<br />

formidable image.<br />

The only lack is the sometimes<br />

uneven playing, suggesting that the<br />

musicians of the ensemble are of uneven<br />

caliber. This is, nonetheless, a CD worth<br />

owning.<br />

Hollywood Rio<br />

Ana Caram<br />

Chesky JD276<br />

Rejskind: Ana Caram and I have a history.<br />

No, it’s not what you’re thinking,<br />

but I discovered her a long time ago, and<br />

I then figured she could do no wrong. I’m<br />

not tempted to change my mind.<br />

The original Caram album was Rio<br />

After Dark (JD28). She was undoubtedly<br />

very young then, but she knew people.<br />

When she sang Antonio Carlos Jobim’s<br />

Anos Dourados, she was standing next to<br />

Jobim’s piano, and on the last verse he<br />

leaned close and sang along with her in a<br />

warm voice like a sun-baked gravel road.<br />

Authentic? I could smell the blue smoke<br />

of the Rio club.<br />

But back to this, her eighth recording<br />

for Chesky. Her voice is as dusky as ever.<br />

She is still not square on the right note<br />

at times, and she does unexpected key<br />

shifts in mid-verse, but somehow she<br />

makes it sound authentic. It’s jazz, Rio<br />

style.<br />

The “Hollywood” part of the title<br />

refers to the fact that she has picked up<br />

CDs, SACDs and LPs from The Audiophile Store!<br />

some movie tunes, including The Shadow<br />

of your Smile, Raindrops Keep Falling on<br />

My Head, Smile, I Will Wait For You and<br />

We have some of our own favorites, plus recordings you won’t find elsewhere.<br />

Looking for Opus 3, Proprius, Analekta, Sheffield, Silence, Audioquest and Klavier? We have them. Want long-discontinued<br />

LPs from Reference Recordings? We have all the good ones that are left. Browse us on line:<br />

www.uhfmag.com/AudiophileStore.html<br />

(yes!) As Time Goes By. She doesn’t make<br />

it sound the way Sam did, of course. It’s<br />

more the way it might have if Rick’s Café<br />

Américain had been in Brazil instead<br />

of Morocco, and it has even picked up<br />

Portuguese lyrics.<br />

The rest of the album includes a<br />

number of distinctively Brazilian jazz<br />

pieces, including Linda, partly by Caram<br />

herself.<br />

Not everyone reacted to her original<br />

album the way I did, and I expect it will<br />

be the same with her latest, but count me<br />

among her fans.<br />

100 Lovers<br />

Carla Lother<br />

Chesky JD250<br />

Lessard: This singer-songwriter is a<br />

native of Winnipeg, though she now<br />

lives and works in New York. From the<br />

first, I didn’t much care for the timbre<br />

of her voice. In the middle tones she<br />

sings with sweetness and warmth, but as<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 67

Software<br />

soon as she steps outside that register she<br />

becomes whiny and unpleasant. By the<br />

time she got through two or three songs,<br />

I was feeling pretty whiny myself.<br />

Her voice is thin and devoid of inflections,<br />

always in the same tonal range.<br />

The songs may be interesting, but it’s<br />

hard to be certain when the lyrics are all<br />

but inaudible. Good thing the booklet<br />

includes the text!<br />

Yet she is surrounded by excellent<br />

musicians, including cello, bass, viola,<br />

backup singers and some pretty interesting<br />

percussion. The overall sound<br />

is attractive, and Chesky has done it<br />

justice.<br />

A good vocal coach could do wonders,<br />

I suspect. I can only wish.<br />

All My Loving…<br />

Jheena Lodwick<br />

The Music Lab MBVOC-1007<br />

Lessard: The Philippine-born Lodwick<br />

is a sensitive performer with a smooth<br />

voice who has won over a good many<br />

admirers with her first recordings. She<br />

can be said to be a rising star, especially<br />

in the Far East. In this album, containing<br />

68 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

a tasty cocktail of pop classics, you can<br />

rediscover with pleasure some familiar<br />

songs, ranging from Emerald City, set to<br />

Schiller’s Ode to Joy, to Neil Diamond’s<br />

Song Sung Blue and the Neapolitan folk<br />

song It’s Now or Never, best known for<br />

the <strong>version</strong> by Elvis.<br />

I liked the variety of arrangements,<br />

and the quality of the instruments and<br />

the musicians. On several songs Lodwick<br />

charmed me with her mellow inflections<br />

and modulations. I have a small<br />

reservation concerning the reverberation.<br />

If reverberation can be pleasantly<br />

impressive when used with restraint, it<br />

can also get downright nasty when it’s<br />

overdone. In some songs the words are so<br />

sibilant they go well beyond the bearable,<br />

because the “S” sounds are accentuated<br />

by the reverb. That said, it’s a warm<br />

recording that can bring sunshine to a<br />

stressful day.<br />

A word for the people who did the<br />

booklet. Thanks for the English lyrics of<br />

the songs, but all the rest of the booklet<br />

is filled with Chinese characters. It<br />

would seem elementary to give at least<br />

basic information in a more widespread<br />

international language.<br />

Rejskind: If you go to audio shows,<br />

chances are you’ll get to hear Jheena<br />

Lodwick a lot. Her voice has a wonderful<br />

range, and the close-in recording gives<br />

her a big sound that rivets attention in<br />

a busy venue. This is doubly true if it’s<br />

played on an HDCD-equipped player,<br />

which adds extra depth and resonance.<br />

But the recording has little to do with<br />

the goal of high fidelity. Few CDs sound<br />

as blatantly artificial as this one does. If<br />

a special effect is available in a studio<br />

somewhere, you can bet it’s been used<br />

here!<br />

The songs don’t exactly break new<br />

ground either. They’ve all been done<br />

before, mostly better, by the Beatles,<br />

Elvis, Eddie Fisher, and Glenn Campbell.<br />

The best I can say is that at least she<br />

doesn’t sing Feelings. That vilest of club<br />

songs was, however, the title tune of one<br />

of her other albums.<br />


Around the World in 80 Days<br />

Niven, Cantinflas, MacLaine<br />

Warner Bros. 28632<br />

Rejskind: This is not the recent <strong>version</strong><br />

of the Jules Verne story, with Jackie<br />

Chan and the Governator. It’s the 1956<br />

Mike Todd production, and still worth<br />

a look today. I had despaired of ever<br />

seeing this film in DVD, since I had<br />

read no good copies had survived. Here<br />

it is anyway, though a few dust spots and<br />

scratches seem to confirm that it hasn’t<br />

made it through half a century with the<br />

We’ve mentioned that we have first rate recordings at The Audiophile Store, but<br />

we have accessories too. Top-grade interconnects from Atlas, exceptional power<br />

cords from GutWire, plus a corncucopia of support devices, aids for analog, line<br />

filters, connectors, the FM/TV Super Antenna, and a lot more.<br />

All have one thing in common.<br />

If we wouldn’t recommend them to our best friends, you won’t find them in<br />

our catalog.<br />

best of care.<br />

I was a kid when I saw it for the first<br />

time in a full-fledged Todd-AO cinema<br />

in Chicago. It was a wondrous spectacle.<br />

The original Jules Verne story about a<br />

man who wins a bet by traveling all the<br />

way around the globe in record time<br />

lent itself well to travelogue-like scenes<br />

from exotic places around the planet,<br />

and the huge Todd-AO image was made<br />

for such subjects. The most dizzying<br />

scenes — a tall ship on rolling waves, a<br />

balloon flying over Paris, a train threading<br />

its way through a rocky mountain<br />

pass — don’t have quite the impact they<br />

did on a screen half a city block wide,<br />

but on our Kappa system’s very wide and<br />

sharp screen, they still look amazingly<br />

good. The sound has, alas, been remixed,<br />

so that you no longer hear voices from<br />

the rear when characters are presumed to<br />

be behind us, but it is still impressive.<br />

As with most films of the 50’s, its<br />

social values seem to come from another<br />

planet, and the sexism alone will make<br />

you wince. But how great to see David<br />

Niven again, and the young Shirley<br />

MacLaine. And the then-famed Mexican<br />

comic comedian, Cantinflas. Recommended…with<br />


Gossip&News<br />

Cable manufacturer Tara Labs got<br />

September off to a bad start when cops<br />

and US Customs agents swooped down<br />

and seized 42,000 cables plus documentation<br />

and computers. The basis for<br />

the warrant: the company is believed<br />

to have labelled Asian-made cables as<br />

US-made. The label would allow cables<br />

to be exported to some countries at a<br />

more favorable rate of duty, or indeed no<br />

duty at all. The company says it thought<br />

a “made in USA” label was all right if the<br />

termination was done in the US.<br />

The raid may be causing cold sweats<br />

in the executive suites of Tara’s competitors,<br />

many of whose Asian wires are<br />

similarly labelled.<br />

* * *<br />

Remember Counterpoint? When the<br />

company went under some years ago,<br />

designer (and CEO) Michael Elliott<br />

was preparing to launch a new line of<br />

very expensive tube components. And<br />

good-sounding too…we heard the prototypes.<br />

Since then, Elliott has been running<br />

a small business repairing and upgrading<br />

Counterpoint gear, but he now has a new<br />

company, making amplifiers and preamplifiers<br />

that are possibly not unrelated to<br />

what he had in mind at Counterpoint.<br />

Gossip&News<br />

Worldwide News<br />

state output devices.<br />

Michael promises a preamp by<br />

Christmastime, the Aria WV. The letters<br />

stand for…“Whole Vinyl.”<br />

* * *<br />

Amplifier models come and go, but<br />

Bryston kept its 2B power amplifier<br />

going since the 1980’s. It was one of our<br />

favorites, too, with a sweetness to the<br />

top end that few amplifiers manage. The<br />

one down side: its 50 watt/channel power<br />

and necessarily small power supply gave<br />

it less than stellar control of larger woofers.<br />

There is finally an SST <strong>version</strong> of the<br />

2B, with double the power, and a larger<br />

power supply, featuring two toroidal<br />

transformers. Bryston claims the sweetness<br />

we always admired is still there.<br />

* * *<br />

It happens a lot: a company in the<br />

US, or the UK, or France, produces an<br />

amplifier that garners praise, and then<br />

there is a “Mk2” or an “SE” <strong>version</strong><br />

which is a different product, sourced<br />

from a low-wage country. In at least one<br />

case, the low-wage country has done it<br />

all on its own.<br />

The Creek 4340 Mk3 purports to be<br />

a new design from Mike Creek, and even<br />

sports Creek’s signature on the front<br />

panel. However Mike Creek had nothing<br />

to do with it. He says the amplifier is<br />

being hawked by the company that used<br />

to be his distributor in China.<br />

There really was a 4340 integrated<br />

amplifier, but the new one is a Chinese<br />

product that is unrelated.<br />

* * *<br />

Ready for another universal player?<br />

Here’s the first picture we've seen of the<br />

Moon Orbiter.<br />

figure out. It is the latest product in<br />

Simaudio’s growing Moon series of<br />

high end components. It plays ’em all:<br />

CD, SACD, DVD-A, MP3, DVD-<br />

RW…name it. We’re glad to see players<br />

like this arrive.<br />

Simaudio has also announced the<br />

similarly-styled Moon Calypso DVD<br />

player. It can be ordered as a DVD<br />

drive only, but fully tricked out with<br />

a Faroudja video processor it will cost<br />

US$5200.<br />

* * *<br />

The scary centre speaker shown in<br />

this image is named Proteus, after a god<br />

of Antiquity who could change shape<br />

at will. But did he ever change into this<br />

shape?<br />

The Proteus is a new product from<br />

Tag McLaren, now well divorced from<br />

the McLaren Formula One team, and<br />

now belonging to a Chinese company.<br />

An interesting detail: the Tag McLaren<br />

logo once again incorporates the name<br />

Audiolab, the company it had swallowed<br />

and — well, let’s be blunt about<br />

it — destroyed.<br />

* * *<br />

Rotel says its newest product indicates<br />

its continuing support of two-channel<br />

stereo. It’s the RX-1052, shown here.<br />

The picture shows the rear of the Aria<br />

WT100 power amplifier, which Michael<br />

is selling on the Net for US$4499. A<br />

more powerful <strong>version</strong> exists. Like some<br />

Counterpoint products, it's a hybrid<br />

amplifier, using tube drivers and solid<br />

This player does not orbit the Moon,<br />

as you’ve surely been quick enough to<br />

The bad news: it’s a receiver, not<br />

an amp. Better news, we guess: it has a<br />

phono input.<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 69

Gossip&News<br />

The iPod and other Sources of Freedom<br />

In our last issue we<br />

reviewed Apple’s wildly<br />

popular iPod player from<br />

an unusual viewpoint: that<br />

of an audiophile. Since we did<br />

the review and shipped back<br />

the player — in early April —<br />

There have been several iPodrelated<br />

developments.<br />

We were able to get one of<br />

them into the article before<br />

we went to press: Apple<br />

added to its stable of<br />

compatible formats a<br />

lossless codec. Since it<br />

squeezes music files (reversibly)<br />

by half, it would allow you to put<br />

some 140 complete CDs into a 40 Mb<br />

iPod. And there is now a 60 Gb <strong>version</strong>,<br />

as we predicted. The premium <strong>version</strong><br />

also has a color screen and can “play”<br />

your photos as well as your music.<br />

The appearance of the iPod itself has<br />

changed, as shown in the picture above.<br />

The new <strong>version</strong> has lost its buttons, and<br />

everything is on the clickwheel. It has<br />

also lost its little wired remote control,<br />

which has become an extra-cost accessory.<br />

Also after our article was put to bed,<br />

Apple announced the Airport Express,<br />

70 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Relaunching DVD-A?<br />

In our last issue we outlined the<br />

reasons that DVD-Audio is pretty much<br />

dead in the water (How SACD Won the<br />

War, UHF No. 70). A major reason:<br />

DVD-A is not backward compatible with<br />

CD players, and SACD is.<br />

So is there anything stopping the<br />

industry from launching a backwardcompatible<br />

DVD-A? Here it comes…<br />

supposedly.<br />

It’s called the DualDisc, and it’s a<br />

two-sided disc that is a CD on one side<br />

and a DVD on the other…just put it<br />

into the player the right way up. The<br />

DualDisc has some manufacturing<br />

and marketing muscle behind it, too:<br />

Warner, Universal, EMI, BMG and<br />

Sony (the last two slated to become one<br />

company). That’s a quorum!<br />

But as you might suppose DVD-<br />

Audio is not uppermost in the minds<br />

of these companies. The DVD side<br />

will carry pictures, to help make CDs a<br />

value-added product, with material you<br />

won’t easily get from KaZaa. The DVD<br />

side can be used for DVD-A, but our<br />

guess is it won’t.<br />

It’s easy to figure out why. A CD/<br />

DVD-A DualDisc would look just a<br />

like a CD/DVD-Video disc, but in fact<br />

the DVD side wouldn’t play in most<br />

DVD players. It’s a recipe for angry<br />

consumers…or, more likely, a record<br />

store boycott.<br />

And here’s one more complication. In<br />

most countries, it’s legal to rent videos<br />

but illegal to rent CDs. This should keep<br />

the lawyers busy for a bit.<br />

a wireless box to connect your<br />

computer to your stereo system.<br />

It is shown below.<br />

“Airport” is of course Apple’s<br />

name for Wi-Fi. If your main<br />

computer has a Wi-Fi wireless<br />

connection, the little box can<br />

tune in to it, and can output<br />

a music signal through a<br />

minijack to an input of your<br />

stereo system. Like the<br />

iPod, Airport Express<br />

operates through Apple’s<br />

own iTunes software, on<br />

either a Macintosh or a<br />

Windows PC, using any of the<br />

compression systems the iPod itself handles,<br />

or no compression at all. As you’ll<br />

see, the unit includes both Ethernet and<br />

USB connections, for optional connection<br />

to computers<br />

or printers. The Airport Express<br />

costs US$129/C$179.<br />

There are at least two other companies<br />

making devices that also allow<br />

you to stream music throughout your<br />

house.<br />

The Roku Soundbridge, available in<br />

two <strong>version</strong>s starting at US$250, is also<br />

compatible with iTunes and its various<br />

compressed and uncompressed formats.<br />

Like Airport Express, it can connect to<br />

your PC via either Wi-Fi or Ethernet.<br />

What you get for its much higher price<br />

is a remote control that lets you control<br />

iTunes even if the computer is in a different<br />

room.<br />

Then there’s the Slim Devices<br />

Squeezebox. Like the Soundbridge,<br />

the Squeezebox (US$199) comes with<br />

a full remote control, so that you can<br />

control the music from your listening<br />

position. It also works with iTunes on<br />

either a Mac or a PC.<br />

We have reviewed none of these so<br />

far, we should add. There is reason to<br />

suppose transmitting a digital bitstream<br />

though the air should be a painless<br />

process, unlikely to lead to worse<br />

degradation than that resulting from<br />

the electromechanical innards of a CD<br />

player. However the con<strong>version</strong> of the<br />

digital data to an analog signal is done<br />

by whatever converter the three manufacturers<br />

have been able to squeeze into<br />

their little boxes. We doubt any of them<br />

will be what we would call high end.<br />

Memo to Apple, Roku and Slim<br />

Devices: what we really want is a device<br />

like this that includes a digital SP/DIF<br />

output that can be plugged into a high<br />

end DAC.<br />

How much more could it cost?

Gossip&News<br />

Faroudja in a Receiver<br />


It seems everyone now makes line<br />

doublers, those devices that smooth out<br />

the jagged performance of video, and<br />

even adjust for the frame rate difference<br />

of video and film. But our favorite line<br />

doublers (and quadruplers!) have always<br />

been those of Faroudja.<br />

Of course Yves Faroudja sold his<br />

company a long time ago. Under the<br />

guidance of Faroudja’s new parent<br />

company, Genesis Microchip, it has<br />

been active in putting its technology<br />

in consumer gear. Our own Simaudio<br />

Moon Attraction DVD player contains<br />

a Faroudja DCDi unit.<br />

That stands for Directional<br />

Correlational Deinterlacing,<br />

a system that makes film<br />

images look smoother on a<br />

video screen. The system,<br />

originally very expensive,<br />

helped Faroudja pick up an<br />

Emmy Award…its third, we<br />

should possibly add.<br />

The record companies keep cryin’ the<br />

blues, yet each is trying to get more of<br />

the pie, rather than, say, diversifying into<br />

something that can’t be downloaded.<br />

In July the final barrier was cleared<br />

for a merger between two of the big<br />

global record companies, Sony Music<br />

and BMG. They are the parent companies<br />

of, respectively, the Columbia<br />

and RCA labels. These two legendary<br />

record labels, which go back literally to<br />

the dawn of the phonograph record, will<br />

now be one. The merger is expected to<br />

be completed by mid-2005.<br />

The new company, to be called Sony-<br />

BMG, will be either the biggest or the<br />

second-biggest record company in the<br />

world, depending on whose figures you<br />

believe. With a market share that last<br />

year may have been as high as 25.1%,<br />

the new entity could edge out Edgar<br />

Bronfman’s Universal Music, which has<br />

a reported 23.5% market share. EMI,<br />

once the world’s biggest recording<br />

company — as it proudly trumpeted on<br />

its album covers — has about half of that,<br />

This technology has been spreading<br />

to more affordable gear. The DCDi<br />

board in our player added C$3000 to<br />

its price, which we considered a bargain<br />

at the time, considering its remarkable<br />

performance. Now, however, DCDi<br />

technology is popping up in lower-cost<br />

products.<br />

An example is the new Harman/<br />

Kardon AVR 7300 receiver. It is barely<br />

more than C$3K complete, and contains<br />

a DCDi unit from Faroudja. Other specs:<br />

7.1 channel decoding, with 110 watts at<br />

every channel, automatic decoding of<br />

everything from MP3 to HDCD.<br />

One Less Record Company<br />

as does Warner Music, part of the Time<br />

Warner empire.<br />

The merger’s final hurdle was<br />

approval by the European Commission,<br />

which found no “sufficient evidence” it<br />

would harm consumers. Not that it went<br />

through without comment. A number<br />

of independent record producers filed<br />

objections to the merger. Though they<br />

produce recordings, they mostly depend<br />

on the majors for distribution, and the<br />

reduction of the big companies from five<br />

to four could make it more difficult for<br />

them to get favorable terms.<br />

Also against the merger was Apple<br />

Computer, whose iTunes Music Store<br />

sells music from all the majors. Apple<br />

fears concentration would also make it<br />

difficult to get music under favorable<br />

terms. Worse, from Apple’s standpoint,<br />

is the fact that it will face competition<br />

from a new music store called Connect.<br />

Connect belongs to…Sony.<br />

In the meantime, EMI and Warner<br />

are talking merger as well. Together,<br />

they could be the world’s biggest…<br />

Aldburn Electronics . . . . . . . .16<br />

Almarro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24<br />

Applause Audio . . . . . . . . . . .27<br />

Artech Electronics . . . 64, Cover 4<br />

Audiomat . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 3<br />

Audiophileboutique.com . . .Cover 4<br />

Audiophile Store . . . . . . . . . .18<br />

Audio Room . . . . . . . . . . . .51<br />

Bluebird Music . . . . . . . . . . .41<br />

Blue Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6<br />

Charisma Audio . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

Diamond Groove . . . . . . . . . .41<br />

Divergent Technologies . . . . . .16<br />

Eichmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

Europroducts Internat. . . . 9, 11, 17<br />

Fab Audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13<br />

Festival du Son . . . . . . . . . . .61<br />

Focus Audio . . . . . . . . . .Cover 3<br />

Goldring . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 2<br />

Griffin Audio . . . . . . . . . . . .12<br />

Gryphon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57<br />

Hi Fi Fo Fum . . . . . . . . . . 15, 17<br />

The House of Sound . . . . . . . .23<br />

Jadis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57<br />

Justice Audio . . . . . . . . .Cover 2<br />

Just May Audio . . . . . . . .Cover 2<br />

Linn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16<br />

Living Voice . . . . . . . . . . . .41<br />

McCormack . . . . . . . . . .Cover 2<br />

Marchand Electronics . . . . . . . 8<br />

Michell . . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 4<br />

Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13<br />

Murata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12<br />

Mutine . . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 3<br />

Natural Frequency Audio . . . . .41<br />

Pierre Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . .57<br />

ProAc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12<br />

Reference 3a . . . . . . . . . . . .16<br />

Shanling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

Simaudio . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13<br />

Signature Audio . . . . . . . . . .17<br />

Soundstage . . . . . . . . . . . . .10<br />

Spendor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64<br />

Totem Acoustic . . . . . . . .Cover 4<br />

UHF Back Issues . . . . . . . . . .25<br />

UHF Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

Unity Speakers . . . . . . . . . . .41<br />

ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong> 71

What matters most when<br />

you choose an audio<br />

component, the way<br />

it measures, or how it<br />

sounds? The answer is obvious…but<br />

then again, is it?<br />

One answer, frequently seen in<br />

high end “subjectivist” magazines is:<br />

If it sounds good but measures bad, it is<br />

good; if it measures good but sounds bad,<br />

it is bad. I rather subscribe to that one<br />

myself, but you should know that some<br />

magazines — the ones that sell the most<br />

copies, what’s more — like to put it the<br />

other way around. What’s the controversy<br />

about?<br />

The worst of the mid-fi magazines,<br />

of course, are anti-scientific, in the sense<br />

that clearly they don’t believe observation<br />

has a legitimate place in science. If<br />

we put these people aside, as I suggest<br />

we should, there is still a reason to be<br />

cautious when choosing by ear. Here’s<br />

why.<br />

Have you been in one of those audio<br />

listening rooms in which 30 pairs of<br />

speakers are stacked, with an electronic<br />

switch that can let you run through<br />

them all in a few seconds? At one time<br />

all listening rooms were like that, but<br />

big box stores still are. So here you are,<br />

searching for your ideal loudspeaker,<br />

and you’re hearing bits of a musical<br />

selection through two and a half dozen<br />

speakers, one after the other. How do<br />

you choose?<br />

A nd you will choose. “Speaker<br />

number 16…can you go back to that<br />

one? I really noticed it when it went by.”<br />

The “associate” obligingly returns to<br />

number 16, and sure enough it is different.<br />

“It’s clearer, isn’t it?” you ask hopefully.<br />

“It’s got more bass too, I think.”<br />

Congratulations. You have just picked<br />

out the worst speakers in the store.<br />

Why should this be? Because only<br />

a major peak in the upper midrange, to<br />

which the ear is especially sensitive, will<br />

make a speaker stand out under such circumstances.<br />

And only major bottom-end<br />

resonances will make bass notes leap out<br />

at you in this way. Speaker number 16<br />

will give you a splitting headache after<br />

72 ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

State of the Art<br />

by Gerard Rejskind<br />

an hour of listening, and you’ll soon<br />

reach the point where you will cringe<br />

at the very thought of putting on some<br />

music.<br />

Of course, there are more reliable<br />

means of choosing by ear. We have often<br />

discussed them in the pages of UHF, and<br />

generally instrument measurements will<br />

confirm our conclusions. Generally…but<br />

why not always?<br />

Understand that I do believe in the<br />

importance of measurements. I use<br />

instruments in my work at the magazine,<br />

and I have used plenty of instruments in<br />

a previous life as a broadcast engineer.<br />

I’ve employed them, among other things,<br />

to turn one of the worst-sounding FM<br />

stations in the country into a jewel that<br />

drew daily calls from delighted listeners.<br />

The instruments were the means. Listening<br />

was the proof of the pudding.<br />

But here’s the problem with the<br />

quasi-religious belief in test results as the<br />

final arbiter of quality. The truth is that<br />

we don’t really know what to measure.<br />

We have gear to measure flatness of<br />

frequency response, and we do know that<br />


THE BOOK<br />

Get the 258-page book<br />

containing the State of the Art<br />

columns from the first 60 issues<br />

of UHF, with all-new introductions.<br />

See page 4.<br />

a perfect product would have absolutely<br />

flat frequency response. Does it necessarily<br />

follow that a product with very<br />

flat frequency response will sound better<br />

than one with imperfect response?<br />

Well no, because frequency response<br />

may be a sign of good design, but it is not<br />

the final design goal. The flat response<br />

may have been accomplished with techniques<br />

that actually make the product<br />

sound worse. This happens all the time.<br />

It’s the reason mid-fi systems have lower<br />

distortion, less noise and flatter response<br />

than much more expensive high end<br />

components. Those products are designed<br />

to measure well on common tests, which<br />

are the tests we are used to making…the<br />

ones for which they sell instruments.<br />

But test results can mess with your<br />

head big time. You take an expensive<br />

suite of instruments, and you make a<br />

series of eight tests, which result in nice<br />

graphs that can dress up a magazine page<br />

(my favorite is the “waterfall” graph,<br />

which looks great but is guaranteed<br />

undecipherable even by most engineers,<br />

never mind consumers). Eight tests<br />

sounds like a lot, but if God were running<br />

the magazine and knew everything,<br />

as of course He would, He could perform<br />

perhaps ten thousand tests, using instruments<br />

found beyond the Pearly Gates.<br />

Why should we suppose that our measly<br />

eight tests tell the whole story?<br />

That doesn’t mean our eight tests are<br />

useless. With experience, we may have<br />

found that there is a certain correlation<br />

between a certain test result and listening<br />

satisfaction. That is to say, perhaps<br />

we associate a certain test result with<br />

what turns out to be good sound, but<br />

the next component may fool us, because<br />

correlation does not necessarily indicate<br />

cause and effect. Either a new product<br />

will sound great but give lousy results<br />

on that test, or else it will give a terrible<br />

result on the test, but sound unexpectedly<br />

wonderful.<br />

Don’t be too surprised. The answer<br />

may be that one of those other 9,992 tests<br />

would have revealed the reason. Lacking<br />

the necessary budget, we will need to<br />

rely on our ears.

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that offers luxury audio electronics<br />

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The legendary Van den Hul<br />

amplifiers and preamps for little<br />

more than half price.<br />

The international <strong>version</strong><br />

of an acclaimed headphone<br />

amplifier.<br />


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