Onderzoeksgroep Statistiek - UHasselt

Onderzoeksgroep Statistiek - UHasselt Onderzoeksgroep Statistiek - UHasselt


Onderzoeksgroep Statistiek A. Identiteit van de deelnemende onderzoekers Callaert Herman (1), Janssen Paul (1), Veraverbeke Noël (1), Molenberghs Geert (1), Aerts Marc (1), Lemeire Frans (1), Lindsey Jim (0.20), Buyse Marc (0.20), Sylvester Richard (0.20), Goetghebeur Els (0.20), Augustyns Ilse (1), Michiels Bart (1), Van Keilegom Ingrid (1), Declerck Lieven (1), Geys Helena (1), Claeskens Gerda (1), Tans Heidi (0.30), Bruckers Liesbeth (0.70) Lipsitz Stuart (0.17), Hills Michael (0.17), Lin Dan-Yu (0.17), Lambert Philippe (0.50), Curran Desmond (0.20), Doelahasori R. (0.25) B. Titels van de onderzoeksprojecten a. Mathematische Statistiek en Stochastische Modellen b. Medische Statistiek C. Beschrijving van de ontwikkelde onderzoeksactiviteiten per project - Conditional Kaplan-Meier estimator in a fixed design regression model (IVK, NV) - Bootstrap voor gecensureerde regressiedata (IVK, NV) - Transfer of tail information in LS estimation for censored heteroscedastic regression models (IVK, Michael Akritas, (Penn State)) - Local polynomial estimation of the variogram (PJ, Peter Diggle (Lancaster), Mark Handcock (Penn State)) - Statistical properties of polarization indices (PJ, Mark Handcock (Penn State)) - Estimation of the relative density under censoring (PJ, NV, Ricardo Cao (La Coruna)) - Modified bootstrap and rate of convergence (PJ, NV, Jan Swanepoel (Potchefstroom)) - Local polynomial estimation and efficiency in regression (PJ, NV, Jan Swanepoel (Potchefstroom)) - Bootstrap consistency results (PJ, Thomas Mikosch (Groningen)) - Local polynomial smoothing for sparse multinomial data (IA, MA, PJ) - Bandwidth selection for estimation with sparse multinomial data (IA, MA, PJ, Matt Wand (New South Wales)) - Study of Mixed Models (PJ, GM, Geert Verbeke (KULeuven), Luc Duchateau (Nairobi)) - Power for small sample experiments with binary response (PJ, Luc Duchateau (Nairobi))

<strong>Onderzoeksgroep</strong> <strong>Statistiek</strong><br />

A. Identiteit van de deelnemende onderzoekers<br />

Callaert Herman (1), Janssen Paul (1), Veraverbeke Noël (1), Molenberghs Geert (1),<br />

Aerts Marc (1), Lemeire Frans (1), Lindsey Jim (0.20), Buyse Marc (0.20),<br />

Sylvester Richard (0.20), Goetghebeur Els (0.20), Augustyns Ilse (1), Michiels Bart<br />

(1), Van Keilegom Ingrid (1), Declerck Lieven (1), Geys Helena (1), Claeskens<br />

Gerda (1), Tans Heidi (0.30), Bruckers Liesbeth (0.70) Lipsitz Stuart (0.17), Hills<br />

Michael (0.17),<br />

Lin Dan-Yu (0.17), Lambert Philippe (0.50), Curran Desmond (0.20),<br />

Doelahasori R. (0.25)<br />

B. Titels van de onderzoeksprojecten<br />

a. Mathematische <strong>Statistiek</strong> en Stochastische Modellen<br />

b. Medische <strong>Statistiek</strong><br />

C. Beschrijving van de ontwikkelde onderzoeksactiviteiten per project<br />

- Conditional Kaplan-Meier estimator in a fixed design regression model (IVK, NV)<br />

- Bootstrap voor gecensureerde regressiedata (IVK, NV)<br />

- Transfer of tail information in LS estimation for censored heteroscedastic<br />

regression models (IVK, Michael Akritas, (Penn State))<br />

- Local polynomial estimation of the variogram (PJ, Peter Diggle (Lancaster), Mark<br />

Handcock (Penn State))<br />

- Statistical properties of polarization indices (PJ, Mark Handcock (Penn State))<br />

- Estimation of the relative density under censoring (PJ, NV, Ricardo Cao (La<br />

Coruna))<br />

- Modified bootstrap and rate of convergence (PJ, NV, Jan Swanepoel<br />

(Potchefstroom))<br />

- Local polynomial estimation and efficiency in regression (PJ, NV, Jan Swanepoel<br />

(Potchefstroom))<br />

- Bootstrap consistency results (PJ, Thomas Mikosch (Groningen))<br />

- Local polynomial smoothing for sparse multinomial data (IA, MA, PJ)<br />

- Bandwidth selection for estimation with sparse multinomial data (IA, MA, PJ, Matt<br />

Wand (New South Wales))<br />

- Study of Mixed Models (PJ, GM, Geert Verbeke (KULeuven), Luc Duchateau<br />

(Nairobi))<br />

- Power for small sample experiments with binary response (PJ, Luc Duchateau<br />


- Bootstrap and censoring (HT, PJ, NV)<br />

- Local polynomial estimation in multiparameter likelihood models (MA, GC)<br />

- Nonparametric profile likelihood and flexible bandwidth selection in<br />

multiparameter likelihood models (MA, GC)<br />

- One-sided cross-validation bandwidth selection rule for local polynomial likelihood<br />

estimation (MA, GC, Jeffrey Hart (Texas))<br />

- Bootstrapping local polynomial likelihood estimation (MA, GC)<br />

- Parametric bootstrap for pseudo-likelihood estimation (MA, GC)<br />

- Testing the hypothesis of a parametric model for a clustered binary response using<br />

local polynomial likelihood estimation (MA, GC, Jeffrey Hart (Texas))<br />

- Misspecifying the likelihood for clustered binary data (MA, LD, GM)<br />

- Determining a virtually safe dose for clustered binary data (MA, LD, GM)<br />

- The impact of the 3- and 4-way association parameter in the Bahadur model for<br />

clustered binary data (MA, LD, GM)<br />

- Pseudo-likelihood inference for clustered binary data (HG, GM, Louise Ryan<br />

(Harvard))<br />

- Inference for pseudo-likelihood models (HG, GM)<br />

- Analysis of clustered binary data with covariates specific to each observation (HG,<br />

GM, Louise Ryan (Harvard))<br />

- Random and non-random selection and pattern mixture non-response mechanism<br />

(BM, GM)<br />

- Frequentist inference and missingness at random (GM, Mike Kenward (Kent))<br />

- Sensitivity to model assumptions for informative dropout (GM, Mike Kenward<br />

(Kent))<br />

- Missingness at random and non-monotone patterns (GM, Mike Kenward (Kent))<br />

- Pseudo-likelihood and Monte Carlo Markov chain methods for incomplete data<br />

(GM, Mike Kenward (Kent))<br />

- Goodness-of-fit for clustered multivariate binary data models (GM, Louise Ryan<br />

(Harvard))<br />

- Non-random missingness in categorical data (GM, Louise Ryan (Harvard))<br />

- Generalized linear models, categorical data, repeated measurements, stochastic<br />

processes (JL)<br />

- Direct likelihood inference, exponential family, model selection (JL)<br />

- Causal inference for non-compliance in clinical trials (EG)<br />

- Analysis for missing and coarsened data (EG)<br />

- Modelling and prediction of detailed compliance patterns over time (EG)<br />

D. Mededelingen van resultaten van het onderzoekswerk<br />

1. Doctoraats- en aggregaatsthesissen<br />

13. Lidmaatschappen van jury's van buitenlandse doctoraten<br />

Geert Molenberghs :<br />

Ph.D. thesis committee van Ayoub Sali (6/1996)<br />

“Random component treshold models for ordered and discrete response data”<br />

(Australian National University. Supervisor : C.A. Mc Gilchrist)

2. Wetenschappelijke publicaties<br />

Internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties<br />

20. Gepubliceerde artikels in internationale tijdschriften (opgenomen in de JCR<br />

of in een door de Onderzoeksraad erkende alternatieve tijdschriftenlijst).<br />

- Veraverbeke N. (1996). Cramér type large deviations for survival function<br />

estimators. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 7, 105-121.<br />

- Van Keilegom I. and Veraverbeke N. (1996). Uniform strong convergence<br />

results for the conditional Kaplan-Meier estimator and its quantiles. Commun.<br />

Statist. - Theory Meth. 25, 2251-2265.<br />

- Molenberghs G., Fitzmaurice G.M. and Lipsitz S.R. (1996). Efficient<br />

estimation of the familial association for a binary trait. Journal of Agricultural,<br />

Biological, and Environmental Statistics 1, 78-96.<br />

- Williams P.L., Molenberghs G. and Lipsitz S.R. (1996). Analysis of multiple<br />

ordinal outcomes in developmental toxicity studies. Journal of Agricultural,<br />

Biological, and Environmental Statistics 1, 250-274.<br />

- Lesaffre E., Molenberghs G. and Dewulf L. (1996). Effect of dropouts in a<br />

longitudinal study : an application of a repeated ordinal model. Statistics in<br />

Medicine 15, 1123-1141.<br />

- Lipsitz S.R., Fitzmaurice G.M. and Molenberghs G. (1996). Goodness-of-fit<br />

tests for ordinal response regression models. Applied Statistics. 45, 175-190.<br />

- Molenberghs G. and Ritter L. (1996). Likelihood and quasi-likelihood based<br />

methods for analysing multivariate categorical data, with the association<br />

between outcomes of interest. Biometrics 52, 1121-1133.<br />

- Finkelstein D.M., Williams P.L., Molenberghs G., Feinberg J., Powderly W.G.,<br />

Kahn J., Dolin R. and Cotton D. (1996). Patterns of opportunistic infections in<br />

patients with HIV infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency<br />

Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 12, 38-45.<br />

- Goetghebeur E. and Molenberghs G. (1996). Estimating efficacy in placebocontrolled<br />

clinical trials with ordered non-compliance. Journal of the American<br />

Statistical Association 91, 928-934.<br />

- Molenberghs G. (1996). Book Review of “Andersen, E.B. (1994). The<br />

Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data (3rd edn), Springer-Verlag, Berlin<br />

Statistics in Medicine 15, 2125-2126.<br />

- Lesaffre E., Molenberghs, G. and Scheys, I. (1996). Prediction and<br />

classification when the diagnostic classes are related. Computational Statistics<br />

and Data Analysis 19, 000-000.<br />

- Lindsey J.K. (1995). The AIC for comparing models in GLIM. GLIM<br />

Newsletter 25, 6-8.<br />

- Lindsey J.K. (1995). Generalized linear models in Lisp-Stat. GLIM Newsletter<br />

25, 46-50.<br />

- Lindsey J.K. (1996). Fitting bivariate intensity functions, with an application to<br />

modelling delays in reporting acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Journal<br />

of the Royal of the Statistical Society A159, 125-131.<br />

- Lindsey J.K. and Jones B. (1996). A model for cross-over trials evaluating<br />

therapeutic preferences. Statistics in Medicine 15, 443-447.

- Lindsey J.K., Jones B. and Lewis J.A. (1996). Analysis of cross-over trials for<br />

duration data. Statistics in Medicine 15, 527-535.<br />

- Lindsey J.K. and Laurent C. (1996). Estimating the proportion of epithelial<br />

cells affected by exposure to ethylene oxide through micronuclei counts.<br />

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society D45, 223-229.<br />

- Genicot B.G., Lapp K. , Close R., Lindsey J.K., Lambert P. and Lekeux P.<br />

(1995). Physical properties of particles of ipratropium and clenbuterol<br />

generated by equipment suitable for the inhalation of drugs by calves. Research<br />

in Veterinary Science 59, 164-167.<br />

- Genicot B., Votion D., Munsters K., Close R., Lindsey J.K., and Lekeux P.<br />

(1996). Deposition in the distal parts of the respiratory tract : assessment of<br />

equipment suitable for drug inhalation. Veterinary Record 138, 302-304.<br />

- Lambert P. (1996). Modelling of repeated series of count data measured at<br />

unequally spaced times. Applied Statistics 45, 31-38.<br />

- Lambert P. (1996). Modelling of non-linear growth curves on series of<br />

correlated count data measured at unequally spaced times : a full likelihood<br />

based approach. Biometrics 52, 50-56.<br />

- Lambert P. (1996). Modelling irregularly sampled profiles of nonnegative dog<br />

triglyceride responses under different distributional assumptions. Statistics in<br />

Medicine 15, 1695-1708.<br />

- Andersen J., Goetghebeur and Ryan L. (1996). Missing cause of death<br />

information in the analysis of survival data. Statistics in Medicine 15, 2191-<br />

2201.<br />

- Goetghebeur E. and Shapiro S. (1996). Non-compliance, ethical imperative or<br />

mission impossible ? Statistics in Medicine 15, 2813-2826.<br />

- Buyse M. (1996). Meta-Analysis Group In Cancer. Reappraisal of hepatic<br />

arterial infusion in the treatment of non resectable liver metastases from<br />

colorectal cancer. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 88, 252-258.<br />

- Piedbois P. and Buyse M. (1996). Etablissement d’une courbe de survie. La<br />

Revue du Praticien 46, 1190-1193.<br />

- Piedbois P., Buyse M., Gauthier E.and Le Bourgeois J.P. (1996). Le<br />

5-fluorouracile ... un vieux médicament ? La Revue du Praticien Médecine<br />

Générale 10, 11-16.<br />

- Greco F.A., Figlin R., York M., Einhorn L., Schilsky R., Marshall E.M., Buys<br />

S.S., Froimtchuk M.J., Schuller J., Schuchter L., Buyse M., Ritter L., Man<br />

A.and Yap A.K.L. (1996). Phase III randomized study to compare interferon<br />

alfa-2a in combination with fluorouracil versus fluorouracil alone in patients<br />

with advanced colorectal cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 14, 2674-2681.<br />

- Van der Burg M.E.L., Van Lent M., Buyse M., Kobierska A., Maggioni A.,<br />

Favalli G., Lacave A.J., Nardi M., Renard J. and Pecorelli S. (1996). The role<br />

of intervention debulking surgery in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer : an<br />

EORTC Gynecological Cancer Cooperative Group study. Int. J. Gynecol.<br />

Cancer 6 Supplement 1, 30-38.<br />

- Ferster A., Vermylen C., Cornu G., Buyse M. Corazza F., Devalck C., Fondu<br />

P., Toppet M.and Sariban E. (1996). Hydroxyurea for treatment of severe<br />

sickle cell<br />

anemia : a pediatric clinical trial. Blood 88, 1960-1964.<br />

- Sylvester R. (1996). Prognostic factors in metastatic prostate cancer. Urology<br />

International 3, 17-18.

- Pawinski, Sylvester R., Kurth K., Bouffioux C., Van der Meijden A., Parmar<br />

M. and Bijnens L. (1996). A combined analysis of European Organization for<br />

Research and Treatment of Cancer and Medical Research Council randomized<br />

clinical trials for the prophylactic treatment of stage TaT1 bladder cancer. J.<br />

Urol. 155, 1934-1941.<br />

- Van der Meijden A.P.M., Hall R.R., Kurth K.H., Bouffioux CH. and Sylvester<br />

R. (1996). Phase II trails in Ta, T1 bladder cancer. The marker tumour concept.<br />

British Journal of Urology 77, 634-637.<br />

- Van der Meijden, Hall R.R., Pavone Macaluso M., Pawinsky R., Sylvester R.<br />

and Van Glabbeke M. (1996). Marker tumour response to the sequential<br />

combination of intravesical therapy with mitomycin-C and BCG-RIVM in<br />

multiple superficial bladder tumours. Eur. Urol. 29, 199-203.<br />

- Sylvester R. (1996). Book Review - P.F. Thall (ed) : Recent advances in<br />

clinical trial design and analysis. Annals of Oncology 7, 324.<br />

- Bijnens , Collette L, Ivanov A., Hoctin Boes G.and Sylvester R. (1996). Can<br />

the forest plot be simplified without loosing relevant information in metaanalyses<br />

? Controlled Clinical Trials 17, 2S : 124.<br />

- Pawinski, Bouffioux C., Sylvester R., Parmar M., Smith P.and Van der Meijden<br />

A. (1996). Meta-analysis of EORTC/MRC randomized clinical trials for the<br />

prophylactic treatment of Ta, T1 bladder cancer. J. Urol. 155 (5 Suppl.) : 493<br />

A.<br />

- Wagener D.J.Th., Hoogenraad W.J., Rougier Ph., Lusinchi A., Taal B.G.,<br />

Veenhof C., de Graeff A., Conroy T., Curran D., Sahmoud T.and Wils J.<br />

(1996). Results of phase II trial of epirubicin and cisplatin (EP) followed by<br />

radiation and 5-flurouracil in locally advanced pancreatic cancer : an EORTC<br />

trial. Eur. J. Cancer 32, 1310-1313.<br />

- Postmus P.E., Scagliotti G., Groen H.J.M., Burghouts J.Th.W., Curran D.<br />

Sahmoud T., Kirkpatrick A. and Splinter T.A.W. (1996). Standard versus<br />

alternating non-cross resistant chemotherapy in extensive disease small cell<br />

lung cancer. An EORTC study. Eur. J. Cancer 32, 1498-1503.<br />

Overige wetenschappelijke publicaties<br />

25. Overige publicaties<br />

rapporten<br />

- Molenberghs G. (1996). Introduction to longitudinal data analysis and repeated<br />

measures. In : Verhandelingen van de faculteit van de landbouwkundige en<br />

toegepaste biologische wetenschappen te Gent, 45ste post universitaire<br />

onderwijsdag: Opzet, beheer, verwerking en interpretatie van “bio”-<br />

experimenten. Faculteit van de Landbouwkundige en toegepaste biologische<br />

wetenschappen, Coupure Links 653, Gent.<br />

- Loneux M., Lambotte P., Lindsey J.K. and Ruwet J.C. (1996) Influence du<br />

climat sur l’évolution de la population de tétras lyres Tetrao tetrix dans les<br />

Haute-Fagnes. In Tétras lyres. Ministère de l’Environnement, des Ressources<br />

naturelles et de l’Argriculture. Gouvernement wallon. Belgique, pp. 97-147.<br />

26. Artikels in proceedings

- Aerts M., Augustyns I. and Janssen P. (1996). Expansions and bootstrapping<br />

for smoothed lattice data. Madan Puri Festschrift, Brunner E. and Denker M.<br />

(eds.). VSP International Science Publishers, pp. 77-90.<br />

- Goetghebeur E. and Molenberghs G. (1996). Estimating causal parameters in<br />

placebo-controlled clinical trials with binary outcome and ordered<br />

noncompliance. In : 1995 Proceedings of the Biometrics Section (American<br />

Statistical Association), pp. 25-32.<br />

- Geys H., Molenberghs G. and Ryan L. (1996). Pseudo-likelihood estimation for<br />

clustered binary data. In : Statistical Modelling (Proceedings of the 11th<br />

International Workshop on Statistical Modelling), Forcina A., Marchetti G.M.,<br />

Hatzinger R., Galmacci G. (eds). Graphos, Citta di Castello, pp. 176-183.<br />

- Andersen J.W., Goetghebeur E.J. and Ryan L. (1996). Analysis of survival data<br />

under competing risks with missing cause of death information : application<br />

and implications for design. In : Lifetime Data : Models in Reliability and<br />

Survival Analysis, N.P. Jewell, A.C. Kimber, M-L. Lee and G.A. Whitmore<br />

(eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.13-19.<br />

- Van der Burg M.E.L., Van Lent M., Buyse M., Kobierska A., Colombo N.,<br />

Favalli G., Lacave A.J., Nardi M., Renard J., and Pecorelli S. (1996).<br />

Interventie debulkingchirugie bij het ovariumcarcinoom ; resultaten van de<br />

EORTC gynaecologie groep studi. In : Debulking en pelvische exenteratie, I.<br />

de Wever, I. Vergote, (eds.). Leuven University Press, Leuven, pp. 111-115.<br />

- Sylvester R. (1996). The role of biostatistics in cancer research. In : Balkan<br />

Congress of Oncology, G. Antypas, (ed.). Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, pp. 991-<br />

996.<br />

28. Uitgaven van wetenschappelijke boeken<br />

Lindsey J.K. (1996) Parametric Statistical Inference. Oxford : Oxford University<br />

Press. ISBN 019-8523599.

3. Congressen en voordrachten<br />

32. Voordrachten op internationale wetenschappelijke congressen<br />

Noël Veraverbeke :<br />

- 10-17 juli 1996 : Second World Congress of Non-linear Analysts, Athene,<br />

Griekenland.<br />

The bootstrap in a censored data regression model.<br />

(13 juli 1996) (invited lecture)<br />

- 26-31 augustus 1996 : Fourth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Wenen,<br />

Oostenrijk.<br />

A Cramér-type large deviation result for survival function estimators.<br />

(28 augustus 1996)<br />

- 6-8 november 1996 : Conference of the South African Statistical Association,<br />

Stellenbosch, Zuid Afrika.<br />

Estimation of the conditional distribution function in a regression model with<br />

censored observations.<br />

(7 november 1996) (invited lecture)<br />

Paul Janssen :<br />

- 26-31 augustus 1996 : Fourth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Wenen,<br />

Oostenrijk.<br />

Statistical properties of the relative density and of relative polarization indices.<br />

- 6-8 november 1996 : Conference of the South African Statistical Association,<br />

Stellenbosch, Zuid Afrika.<br />

Smoothing ordered categorical data using local polynomial fitting.<br />

(6 november 1996) (opening lecture; invited)<br />

Statistical properties of the relative density and of relative polarization indices.<br />

(8 november 1996) (closing lecture ; invited)<br />

Marc Aerts :<br />

- 26-31 augustus 1996 : Fourth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Wenen,<br />

Oostenrijk.<br />

Smoothing and sparse consistency.<br />

Geert Molenberghs :<br />

- 1-5 juli 1996 : XVIII th International Biometric Conference, Amsterdam,<br />

Nederland.<br />

Likelihood based frequentist inference when data are missing at random (5 juli<br />

1996) (with M.G. Kenward)<br />

- 15-18 oktober 1996 : Modelling longitudinal and spatially correlated data :<br />

methods, applications and future directions (International Biometric Society),<br />

Nantucket, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Likelihood based frequentist inference when<br />

data are missing at random.<br />

(17 oktober 1996) (with M.G. Kenward)<br />

Ilse Augustyns :

- 26-31 augustus 1996 : Fourth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Wenen,<br />

Oostenrijk.<br />

Bandwidth selection for local polynomial smoothing of multinomial data.<br />

Ingrid Van Keilegom :<br />

- 26-31 augustus 1996 : Fourth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Wenen,<br />

Oostenrijk.<br />

Asymptotic properties of a quantile estimator in a regression model with<br />

censored data.<br />

Bart Michiels :<br />

- 1-5 juli 1996 : XVIII th International Biometric Conference, Amsterdam,<br />

Nederland.<br />

Selection models and pattern-mixture models for incomplete categorical data<br />

with covariates.<br />

(5 juli 1996) (with G. Molenberghs)<br />

- 4-6 september 1996 : RSS96, International Conference of the Royal Statistical<br />

Society, Guilford, U.K.<br />

Selection models and pattern-mixture models for incomplete categorical data<br />

with covariates .<br />

(4 september 1996)<br />

Helena Geys :<br />

- 1-5 juli 1996 : XVIII th International Biometric Conference, Amsterdam,<br />

Nederland.<br />

Pseudo-likelihood inference for clustered binary data.<br />

(4 juli 1996) (with G. Molenberghs and L.M. Ryan)<br />

- 14-19 juli 1996 : 11 th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,<br />

Orvieto, Italië.<br />

Pseudo-likelihood inference for clustered multivariate binary data.<br />

(17 juli 1996) (with G. Molenberghs and L.M. Ryan)<br />

Lieven Declerck :<br />

- 1-5 juli 1996 : XVIII th International Biometric Conference, Amsterdam,<br />

Nederland.<br />

Behaviour of the likelihood ratio test statistic under a Bahadur model for<br />

exchangeable binary data.<br />

(4 juli 1996) (with G. Molenberghs, M. Aerts, P. Janssen)<br />

Els Goetghebeur :<br />

- 7 maart 1996 : European Course in Pharmaceutical Medicine and Swiss<br />

Association of Pharmaceutical Physicians Inauguration Meeting, Basel,<br />

Zwitserland.<br />

Analysing the clinical consequences of noncompliant dosing.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- 23-26 maart 1996 : The 1996 International Biometric Society Eastern North<br />

American Region Spring meeting (jointly with IMS and ASA), Memphis,<br />

Tennessee, USA.<br />

Efficiency estimation from partial compliance data : neighbouring data

approach.<br />

(18 maart 1996) (invited lecture)<br />

- 1-5 juli 1996 : XVII th International Biometric Conference, Amsterdam,<br />

Nederland.<br />

Efficacy estimation from partial compliance data : a neighbouring data<br />

approach.<br />

(2 juli 1996)<br />

- 30 september 1996 : Drug Information Association, European Workshop on :<br />

Drug compliance Issues in clinical trials and patient care, Parijs.<br />

Compliance and statistics : the real problem.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

Jim Lindsey :<br />

- juli 1996 : Statistical Issues in Biopharmaceutical Environments, Leicester,<br />

U.K.<br />

Counts and time to events.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- september 1996 : Conference in Honour of Clifford Clogg, Penn State<br />

University, U.S.A..<br />

Model selection and likelihood regions.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- oktober 1996 : Symposium on the Foundations of Statistical Inference,<br />

University of Waterloo, Canada.<br />

Some statistical heresies.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

Marc Buyse :<br />

- 6-9 februari 1996 : VI e Congrès International sur les Traitements Anti-<br />

Cancéraux, Paris, France.<br />

Meta-analyses in colorectal cancer.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

The relationship between response to treatment and survival in patients with<br />

measurable solid tumours.<br />

(educational session)<br />

- 22-23 maart 1996 : Smith-Kline Beecham Tumour Workshop, Vienna, Austria.<br />

Intervention debulking surgery in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer : an<br />

E.O.R.T.C. Gynaecological Cancer Cooperative Group Study.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- 25-26 april 1996 : Fourth International Conference on Small Cell Lung Cancer,<br />

Ravenna, Italy.<br />

Interim analyses of clinical trials in Europe.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- 26-27 april 1996 : European Symposium on Meta-Analysis : Methods and<br />

Practice, Brussel.<br />

Philosophy of meta-analyses : a statistician’s point of view.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- 16-18 juni 1996 : 6 th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Medical<br />

Decision Making, Torino, Italy.

Pharmacoeconomic chemotherapy in the treatment of non resectable colorectal<br />

liver metastases.<br />

- 4-8 augustus 1996 : Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association,<br />

Biopharmaceutical Section, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.<br />

The validation of surrogate endpoints in randomized clinical trials.<br />

(invited lecture) (with Geert Molenberghs)<br />

- 26-29 augustus 1996 : Seventeenth Meeting of the International Society of<br />

Clinical Biostatistics, Budapest, Hungary.<br />

Opening address.<br />

- 3-5 oktober 1996 : Séminaire Intensif de Trombose, Enghien-les-Bains, France.<br />

La puissance statistique.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- 18-19 oktober 1996 : International Workshop on Intrathoracic Surgery,<br />

London, U.K.<br />

The Will Rogers phenomenon.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

33. Voordrachten in het buitenland op uitnodiging van instellingen of<br />

organisaties<br />

Noël Veraverbeke :<br />

- 20-26 januari 1996 : Universiteiten van La Coruna en Santiago de Compostela,<br />

Spanje.<br />

Estimation and bootstrap with censored data in fixed design nonparametric<br />

regression.<br />

(La Coruna, 24 januari 1996)<br />

- 27 februari - 2 maart 1996 : Charles University, Praag, Tjechische Republiek.<br />

Nonparametric regression with censored data.<br />

(28 februari 1996)<br />

- 23 oktober - 3 november 1996 : Potchefstroom University, Potchefstroom, Zuid<br />

Afrika.<br />

Asymptotic properties for survival function estimators.<br />

(31 oktober 1996)<br />

- 4 november - 9 november 1996 : Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, Zuid<br />

Afrika.<br />

Bootstrapping in survival analysis.<br />

(5 november 1996, Workshop on Bootstrap Techniques)<br />

Paul Janssen :<br />

- 20-26 januari 1996 : Universiteiten van La Coruna en Santiago de Compostela,<br />

Spanje.<br />

Locul polynomial smoothing and sparse tables<br />

(La Coruna, januari 1996)<br />

- 25 oktober 1996 : Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, Zuid Afrika.<br />

Bootstrapping U-quantiles : a review.<br />

- 28 oktober 1996 : Universiteit van Oranje Vrijstaat, Bloemfontein, Zuid Afrika.<br />

Bootstrapping U-quantiles : a review.<br />

- 29 oktober 1996 : Rand Afrikaanse Universiteit, Johannesburg, Zuid Afrika.<br />

Bootstrapping U-quantiles : a review.

- 30 oktober 1996 : University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, Zuid-Afrika.<br />

Bootstrapping U-quantiles : a review.<br />

- 5 november 1996 : Workshop on Bootstrap Techniques, Stellenbosch<br />

University, Stellenbosch, Zuid Afrika.<br />

Touring through the bootstrap world : a U-statistic point of view.<br />

Geert Molenberghs :<br />

- 4 november 1996 : Biostatistik, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentum,<br />

Heidelberg, Duitsland.<br />

Analysing multivariate and longitudinal categorical data.<br />

- 28 november 1996 : Royal statistical Society Lancaster/Cumbria Local Group,<br />

Lancaster University, U.K..<br />

Likelihood based frequentist inference when data are missing at random.<br />

Els Goetghebeur :<br />

- 2 mei 1996 : University of Tartu, Estonia.<br />

Efficacy estimation from partial compliance data : a neighbouring data<br />

approach.<br />

Marc Buyse :<br />

- 1 februari 1996 : Course for the Diplôme Inter-Universitaire de Pharmaco-<br />

Epidémiologie, Paris, France.<br />

Méta-analyse, aspects théoriques et cas concrets.<br />

- 15 februari 1996 : Séminaire A.S.U. Biopharmacie et Médicament et Santé,<br />

Paris, France.<br />

Classification des méta-analyses.<br />

- 25-29 maart 1996 : Course of the Dutch Ontological Society, Noordwijkerhout,<br />

Nederland.<br />

Statistics in clinical research.<br />

- 8-10 juli 1996 : European course for Pharmaceutical Medicine, Basel,<br />

Switzerland. Study designs and statistical models.<br />

- 16 september 1996 : Postgraduate course on Gynecologic Oncology,<br />

Amsterdam, Nederland.<br />

Clinical trials and meta-analysis.<br />

- 23 september 1996 : Quasor Collaborator’s meeting, Oxford, U.K..<br />

Overview of therapy in advanced colorectal cancer.<br />

- 1 oktober 1996 : Réunions du Département de Biostatistique et<br />

d’Epidémiologie de l’Unité 351 de l’INSERM, Villejuif, France.<br />

Réponse tumorale et survie basée sur les données des méta-analyses.<br />

- 19 december 1996 : Centre Cochrane Français, Lyon, France.<br />

Les indices d’efficacité.<br />

Desmond Curran :<br />

- 3 juli 1996 : Workshop on Missing Data in Quality of Life Research in Clinical<br />

Cancer Trials : Practical and Methodological Issues. Swiss Group for Clinical<br />

Cancer Research. Basel, Switzerland.<br />

Identifying the types of missingness in quality-of-life data.<br />

Richard Sylvester :

- 26-27 april 1996 : European Symposium on Meta-Analysis : Methods and<br />

Practice, Brussel.<br />

Introduction to statistical principles and methodology of meta-analyses.<br />

(invited lecture)<br />

- 3-7 juli 1996 : Balkan Congress of Oncology, Athens, Greece.<br />

The role of biostatistics in cancer research.<br />

- 3 september 1996 : Meeting of the European Association of Urology, Paris,<br />

France.<br />

Randomized Clinical Trials : a waste of time ?<br />

(invited discussant)<br />

- 12-13 september 1996 : WHO Consensus Conference on Study Design and<br />

Evaluation of Clinical Trials on Prostate Cancer, Stockholm, Sweden<br />

(invited expert)<br />

- 10-12 oktober 1996 : Cancer Clinical Trials, Metsovo, Ioannina, Greece.<br />

. Reporting results (invited lecture)<br />

. Analysis of survival and prognostic factors (invited lecture)<br />

. Introduction to meta-analyses (invited lecture)<br />

- 2-5 november 1996 : 21 st ESMO Congress, Vienna, Austria.<br />

The comparison of the toxicity of Epirubicin (E) administered in high and<br />

medium doses and of Doxorubicin (D) in a standard dose.<br />

34. Presentatie van posters op internationale wetenschappelijke congressen<br />

- 5-8 mei 1996 : Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials, Pittsburg,<br />

Pennsylvania, U.S.A.<br />

Can the forest plot be simplified without losing relevant information in metaanalyses?<br />

- 21-23 oktober 1996 : Fourth International Cochrane Colloquium, Adelaide,<br />

Australia.<br />

. Optimal graphical display of the results of meta-analyses of individual patient<br />

data.<br />

. Including literature based data in individual patient data meta-analyses.<br />

- 5-8 mei 1996 : Meeting of the American Urological Association, Orlando,<br />

Florida, U.S.A..<br />

. Long term results of an EORTC Phase III randomized trial (30853)<br />

comparing orchidectomy to zoladex flutamide in patients with metastatic<br />

prostate cancer.<br />

. Meta-analysis of EORTC/MRC randomized clinical trials for the prophylactic<br />

treatment of Ta,T1 bladder cancer.<br />

. Long term results of a prospective randomized trial (30843) comparing<br />

LHRH treatment combined with either short term or long term antiandrogen<br />

treatment to orchidectomy.<br />

- Sahmoud T., Rougier P., Nitti D., Doci R., De Waele B., Nakajima T.,<br />

Rauschecker H. Curran D., Sakamoto J., Labianca R., Pector J.C., Marsoni S.<br />

Torri V., Bleiberg H., Couvreur M.L., Wils J. An EORTC-GIVIO inter-group<br />

phase III trial of adjuvant portal vein perfusion of 5-FU and heparin (PVP) in

colorectal cancer. The VIth EORTC GIT-CCG Symposium 1996, Abstract<br />

Book p 54.<br />

- Sahmoud T., Rougier P, Nitti D., Doci R., De Waele B., Nakajima T,<br />

Rauschecker H. Curran D., Sakamoto J. Labianca R., Pector J.C., Marsoni S. ,<br />

Torri V. Bleiberg H., Couvreur M.L., Wils J. The value of adjuvant portal vein<br />

infusion of 5-FU and heparin (PVI) in colorectal cancer : An EORTC-GIVIO<br />

inter-group phase III trial. EORTC-NCI Cairo joint meeting, November 1996,<br />

Abstract Book p 9.<br />

- Sahmoud T, Curran D., Therasse P., van Meerbeek J., Postmus P., Giaccone G.<br />

for the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Prognostic factors in patients<br />

with pleural mesothelioma, the EORTC phase II experience. Proceedings of the<br />

thirty-second annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology<br />

(ASCO) 1996 15 : 454 (A1422).<br />

- Sahmoud T., Curran D., Therasse P., van Meerbeek J., Postmus P., Giaccone G.<br />

for the EORTC Lung Cancer Cooperative Group. Identifying poor prognosis<br />

patients with malignant mesothelioma : The EORTC experience. The 4th<br />

Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Gdansk, Poland, September 26-29,<br />

1996, A30 (abstr).<br />

- Sahmoud T., Rougier P., Nitti D., Doci R., De Waele B., Nakajima T.,<br />

Rauschecker H. Curran D., Sakamoto J., Labianca R., Pector J.J., Marsoni S.,<br />

Torri V., Bleiberg H., Couvreur M.L., Wils J. Adjuvant portal vein infusion of<br />

5-FU and heparin (PVI) in colorectal cancer: An EORTC-GIVIO inter-group<br />

phase III trial. Annal Oncol<br />

1996 ; 7 (Suppl 5) : 33 (Abstr 1510).<br />

35. Voordrachten op nationale of regionale congressen, studiedagen, symposia,<br />

workshops, enz.<br />

Geert Molenberghs :<br />

- 4 december 1996 : 45e Post Universitaire Onderwijsdag : Opzet, beheer,<br />

verwerking en interpretatie van “Bio”-experimenten.<br />

Analyse van longitudinale metingen.<br />

Lieven Declerck :<br />

- 10-11 oktober 1996 : Fourth Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society,<br />

La Roche.<br />

Behaviour of the likelihood ratio test statistic under a Bahadur model for<br />

exchangeable binary data.<br />

(10 oktober 1996) (with G. Molenberghs, M. Aerts, P. Janssen)<br />

Ilse Augustyns :<br />

- 11 december 1996, K.U.Leuven, departement Wiskunde.<br />

Local polynomial smoothers for sparse contingency tables.<br />

Els Goetgehebeur :

- 22-23 mei 1996 : Workshop S+; LUC, Diepenbeek<br />

- 20 november 1996 : S+ Survival Course, KULeuven (halve dag)<br />

Marc Buyse :<br />

- 20 februari 1996 : Postgraduate Programme in Pharmacology and<br />

Pharmaceutical Medicine, Brussel.<br />

Clinical Trials and Biostatistics.<br />

- 10-11 oktober 1996 : Fourth Annual Meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society,<br />

La Roche.<br />

The validation of surrogate endpoints in randomized trials.<br />

(with G. Molenberghs)<br />

Richard Sylvester :<br />

- 18 maart 1996 : Faculté de Medecine, U.C. Louvain.<br />

Introduction to the activities of the European Organization for Research and<br />

Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and its meta-analysis unit.<br />

- 25 mei 1996 : Continuous Program of Education for Belgian Oncologists,<br />

Brussels.<br />

Basic Statistics for non-statisticians and introduction to meta-analysis.<br />

- 14-15 juni 1996 : EORTX-ESO Course Clinical Trial Statistics for Non<br />

Statisticians, Brussel.<br />

Interim analyses and early stopping rules.<br />

- 4 september 1996 : EORTC Genito-Urinary Tract Cancer Cooperative Group,<br />

Paris, France.<br />

Statistical considerations in trials of new diagnostic tests in superficial bladder<br />

cancer.<br />

- 27 september 1996 : One Day introduction to EORTC Studies, Brussel.<br />

Trial Methodology.<br />

- 19 oktober 1996 : Inter-University Post-Graduate Course in Medical Oncology,<br />

Brussels.<br />

Medical Statistics.<br />

- 12-15 november 1996 : Cancer Clinical Trials : Methods and Practice, Brussel.<br />

Data monitoring committees, interim analysis, early stopping rules.<br />

36. Organisatie van andere wetenschappelijke activiteiten<br />

- 5 november 1996 : Workshop on Bootstrap Techniques, Stellenbosch<br />

University, Stellenbosch, Zuid-Afrika.<br />

Organisatoren : Paul Janssen (LUC) en Jan Swanepoel (Potchefstroom)<br />

Sprekers : J. Swanepoel (Potchefstroom), P. Janssen (LUC), N. Veraverbeke<br />

(LUC), H. Venter (Potchefstroom), M. Schall (Bloemfontein).<br />

- 22-23 mei 1996 : Workshop on S-plus, LUC, Diepenbeek.<br />

Sprekers : C. Vynckier (K.U.Leuven), E. Goetghebeur (Universiteit Maastricht<br />

en<br />

LUC), S. Heisterkamp (R.I.V.M., Nederland), Danyu Lin (University of<br />

Washington and LUC)<br />

(Organisatie : E. Goetghebeur)<br />

- 15 mei 1996 : Projectdag Biostatistiek (LUC) met als deelnemende bedrijven en<br />

instituten : D.W.I., Bristol-Myers Squibb, K.U.Leuven, Pfizer, Un. Liège,

Zeneca, Eurocat, Janssen Pharma, Instituut Tropische Geneeskunde,<br />

Universiteit Maastricht, E.O.R.T.C.<br />

(Organisatie : G. Molenberghs)<br />

- “Seminaries” van de onderzoeksgroep <strong>Statistiek</strong> van het LUC : méér dan 20<br />

lezingen in 1996.<br />

- Cursus “Biostatistiek” gegeven voor Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse.<br />

(Lesgevers : H. Callaert, P. Janssen, G. Molenberghs, N. Veraverbeke, M.<br />

Aerts)<br />

- 15 - 26 april 1996 : Cursus “Advanced Methods in epidemiological research”,<br />

Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde, Antwerpen.<br />

(Organisatie : Geert Molenberghs (LUC), Aimé De Muynck (ITG)).<br />

- 9 september 1996 : Three Country Corner local group of the Royal Statistical<br />

Society. Universiteit Maastricht : inaugurale meeting en eerste algemene<br />

vergadering.<br />

(Organisatie : Els Goetghebeur)<br />

- Organisatie van een IMS Invited Paper Session op de ENAR Spring Meeting,<br />

Memphis, Tenessee, U.S.A., 23-26 maart 1997 (Els Goetghebeur)<br />

- Organisatie van een mini symposium “Analysis of noncompliance in clinical<br />

trials” binnen de joint meeting of ISCB en SCT, Boston, Massachusetts,<br />

U.S.A., 10 juli 1997 (Els Goetghebeur)<br />

4. Expert- en referee-opdrachten<br />

41. Lidmaatschappen van editorial board van internationale tijdschriften<br />

Geert Molenberghs :<br />

- Associate editor “Biometrics” (1995 - )<br />

- Editorial team “Archives of Public Health” (1996 - )<br />

Els Goetghebeur :<br />

- Lid van editorial board “Statistics in Medicine” (1995 - )<br />

Marc Buyse :<br />

- Affilitate editor “Current Clinical Trials”<br />

- Consulting editor “European Journal of Cancer”<br />

42. Referee-opdrachten van publicaties op aanvraag van editorial board van<br />

internationale tijdschriften<br />

Noël Veraverbeke :<br />

- Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics<br />

Insurance : Mathematics and Economics<br />

Statistics<br />

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference<br />

Short Book Reviews (6 reviews)<br />

Mathematical Reviews (3 reviews)<br />

Paul Janssen :

- Statistica Neerlandica<br />

Journal of Multivariate Analysis<br />

Computational Statistics (1 book review)<br />

Geert Molenberghs :<br />

- Journal of American Statistical Association (2)<br />

Archives of Public Health<br />

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (2)<br />

Biometrics (2)<br />

Applied Statistics<br />

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis<br />

Biometrika<br />

Biometrics (Associate Editor : 15)<br />

Els Goetghebeur :<br />

- Journal of the American Statistical Association (2)<br />

Statistics in Medicine (5)<br />

Biometrics<br />

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics<br />

Biometric Journal<br />

Jim Lindsey :<br />

- Annals of Statistics<br />

Astin Bulletin<br />

Biometrical Journal<br />

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference<br />

Statistics in Medicine (2)<br />

Herman Callaert :<br />

- Biometrics<br />

43. Referee-opdrachten van projecten, ingediend bij internationale<br />

onderzoeksprogramma's<br />

Noël Veraverbeke :<br />

- Referee voor NATO Collaborative Research Grants<br />

- Grant reviewer voor FRD (Foundation for Research Development), South<br />

Africa<br />

- Referee voor The Fulbright Program van de Commission for Educational<br />

Exchange<br />

Paul Janssen :<br />

- Referee voor NATO Collaborative Research Grants<br />

- Grant reviewer voor FRD (Foundation for Research Development), South<br />

Africa<br />

- Referee voor FWO<br />

44. Lidmaatschappen van scientific committee van internationale congressen

Els Goetghebeur :<br />

- Lid van scientific committee van de 17th Meeting of the International Society<br />

for<br />

Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), Budapest, Hongarije, 26 - 29 augustus 1996.<br />

- Lid van scientific committee van de ENAR Spring meeting 1997, IMS invited<br />

sessions, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.A., 23 - 26 maart, 1997.<br />

- Lid van scientific committee van de 18th Meeting of the International Society<br />

for<br />

Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) jointly with the Society for Clinical Trials (SCT),<br />

Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 6 - 10 juli 1997.<br />

45. Referee-opdrachten t.a.v. internationale congressen<br />

Goetghebeur :<br />

- Abstracts referee voor de 17th Meeting of the International Society for<br />

Biostatistics (ISCB), Budapest, Hongarije, 26 - 29 augustus 1996.<br />

46. Lidmaatschappen van wetenschappelijke commissies in binnen- en<br />

buitenland<br />

Noël Veraverbeke :<br />

- Chairman of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society<br />

(benoemd<br />

voor de periode 1996-1998)<br />

- Lid van de wetenschappelijke Commissie Wiskunde van het FWO (benoemd<br />

voor<br />

de periode 1993-1998)<br />

- Lid van de Commissie voor Internationale Wetenschappelijke Contacten van<br />

het<br />

FWO (benoemd voor de periode 1994-1998)<br />

- External referee for the election committee of a professorships of Statistics at<br />

the<br />

University of Sussex (Feb. 96), University of Reading (April 96), University of<br />

Newcastle (May 96)<br />

- Lid van de raad van bestuur van de Belgische Vereniging voor<br />

<strong>Statistiek</strong>/Société<br />

Belge de Statistique (verkozen op 15 januari 1993)<br />

- Lid van de raad van bestuur van de Société Adolphe Quetelet/Vereniging<br />

Adolphe<br />

Quetelet (verkozen op 12 maart 1993)<br />

- Lid van de stuurgroep van de Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap<br />

Wiskunde (1996-2000)<br />

- Lid van de stuurgroep van de afdeling Wiskunde van het Vliebergh-<br />

(Academisch Vormingsinstituut voor Leraren) K.U.Leuven (1995 - )<br />

- Lid van de jury van de Vlaamse Wiskunde Olympiade<br />

Paul Janssen :<br />

- Lid van het Nominating Committee of the Bernoulli Society (for the presidentelect)

- Lid van het European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society (benoemd<br />

voor de periode 1994-1998)<br />

Els Goetghebeur :<br />

- Voorzitter van de Royal Statistical Society 3 Country Corner local group<br />

- Committee member voor de Medial Section van de Royal Statistical Society<br />

(U.K.)<br />

5. Verwerving van extern gefinancierde onderzoeksprojecten<br />

51. Verwerving van onderzoeksprojecten als projectleider met internationale<br />

participatie<br />

- NATO Collaborative Research Grant 950648 (1995 - ) : Statistical Research<br />

forEnvironmental Risk Assessment.<br />

Project-Coordinator : Geert Molenberghs (L.U.C.)<br />

Principal investigator : Louise Ryan (Harvard School of Public Health, Boston)<br />

Participants : Marc Aerts (L.U.C.), Paul Catalans (Harvard), Els Goetghebeur<br />

(R.U.Limburg and L.U.C.), Paul Janssen (L.U.C.), Stuart Lipsitz (Harvard),<br />

Geert Molenberghs (L.U.C.), Louise Ryan (Harvard), Paige Williams<br />

(Harvard).<br />

- Jim Lindsey : Director of a study of primary education in Madagascar, 1994-<br />

1996,<br />

for the UNESCO and the Malagasy Minister of Education.<br />

52. Verwerving van onderzoeksprojecten als deelnemer met internationale<br />

participatie<br />

- European Human Capital and Mobility Programme ERB CHRX-CT 940693 :<br />

Nonparametric and semiparametric Statistical Methods.<br />

Netwerk van 11 Europese onderzoeksgroepen statistiek met LUC<br />

onderzoeksgroep<br />

<strong>Statistiek</strong> (N. Veraverbeke) als partner.<br />

- Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap Wiskunde FWO : WO.011.96N<br />

(1996 - 2000) : Fundamentele methoden en technieken in de wiskunde.<br />

Gemeenschap van binnen- en buitenlandse onderzoeksgroepen met Wiskunde<br />

LUC als partner.<br />

53. Verwerving van een binnenlandse (nationaal of regionaal)<br />

onderzoeksprojecten<br />

Marc Aerts :<br />

- 1996 : FWO-aspirantschap Gerda Claeskens op het project “Identificatie van<br />

parametrische modellen via lokale veeltermschatters met toepassingen in de<br />


Geert Molenberghs :<br />

- 1996 : SmithKline Beecham NV.<br />

A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial to Assess the Efficacy and<br />

Tolerability of Paroxetine in Patients With Depressive Symptoms Associated<br />

With Primary Fibromyalgia.<br />

Contactpersonen : Dr. P. Geusens, Dokter Willems Instituut en De Heer De<br />

Wit, SmithKline Beecham.<br />

- 1996 : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Neus, Keel, Oren) en Schering-Plough,<br />

Belgium.<br />

Post-operatief genezingsproces (na Fess) van patiënten behandeld met antihistaminicum<br />

met patiënten behandeld met placebo.<br />

Post-operatief genezingsproces (na Fess) van patiënten behandeld met hoge<br />

dosis corticoiden met patiënten behandeld met lage dosis corticoiden.<br />

Contactpersoon : Prof. Dr. Mark Jorissen<br />

- 1996 : Aladin Computing.<br />

Randomisatie en analyse van klinische gegevens.<br />

- Dr. Willems Instituut.<br />

Data with respect to breast preserving interventions.<br />

Contactpersoon : Dr. J. Ph. Janssens, MD. Medewerker : Bart Michiels.<br />

- Schering Plough NV.<br />

Multiple Mycloma.<br />

Contactpersoon : Dr. Louwagie, Sint-Janshosptiaal, Brugge.<br />

Medewerkers : Bart Michiels, Helena Geys.<br />

- 1996 : S.P.I.L.<br />

Samenwerking Psychiatrische initiatieven Limburg en het LUC<br />

(<strong>Onderzoeksgroep</strong> Gezondsheidspsychologie (J. Vinck) en Biostatistiek<br />

(G. Molenberghs)). Medewerker : Liesbeth Bruckers<br />

Jim Lindsey :<br />

- Chief statistican for 3 clinical trials

7. Samenwerking met andere wetenschappelijke instellingen en onderzoekers<br />

71. Uitnodigingen van LUC-stafleden als gasthoogleraar aan buitenlandse<br />

universiteiten of op zomerscholen<br />

Paul Janssen :<br />

- 23 oktober - 9 november 1996 : Official visitor (1996) van de South African<br />

Statistical<br />

Association. Bezoeken aan Stellenbosch, Johannesburg, Bloemfontein,<br />

Pretoria,<br />

Potchefstroom.<br />

Jim Lindsey :<br />

- Visiting professor, Department of Medical Statistics, de Montfort University,<br />

Leicester, U.K.., 1994-1997.<br />

- Short Course “Statistics for Decision Makers”, Ministry of Education, Rabat,<br />

Fes and Marrakech, Morocco, January, March and April 1996.<br />

72. Verblijf van buitenlandse onderzoekers aan het LUC<br />

- Matthew Wand, University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia<br />

17-18 januari 1996; local polynomial estimation; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- David Smith, University of Lancaster, UK.<br />

31 januari - 2 februari 1996; introduction to Oswald; onderwijs;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Desmond Curran, E.O.R.T.C. Brussel<br />

14 februari 1996; missing data; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Stuart Lipsitz, Harvard School of Public Health; U.S.A.<br />

19 februari - 23 maart 1996; discrete data analysis; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : L.U.C.<br />

- Leonard Kaufman, V.U.B.<br />

13 maart 1996; data management; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Michael Hills, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K.<br />

9 - 26 april 1996; epidemiologie; onderwijs;<br />

financiering : L.U.C.<br />

- Petra Vynckier, K.U.Leuven<br />

10 april 1996; regression diagnostics; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Siebrand Wierda, Universiteit Groningen<br />

29 - 30 maart 1996; statistische procesbeheersing; onderwijs;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Hanu Oja, University of Oulu, Finland<br />

15 - 19 april 1996; multivariate medians; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Mark Handcock; New York University, U.S.A.<br />

15 april - 4 mei 1996; variogram estimation; onderzoek;

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Christian Ritter, U.C.Louvain<br />

24 april 1996; practical statistics; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Danyu Lin, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.<br />

1 mei - 30 juni 1996; survival analysis, onderwijs en onderzoek;<br />

financiering : krediet voor wetenschappelijke opdracht FWO.<br />

- Michael Akritas, Pennsylvania State University, State College, U.S.A.<br />

17 - 20 mei 1996; survival analysis; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Mike Kenward, University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.<br />

21 - 23 mei 1996; frequentist inference in a likelihood inference with<br />

missingness at<br />

random ; sensitivity to model assumptions for informative dropout; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : British Council en FWO.<br />

- Hermi Boraine, Universiteit van Pretoria, Zuid Afrika<br />

4 - 5 juni 1996; regression models; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Nan Laird, Harvard School of Public Health, U.S.A.<br />

11 - 12 juni 1996; longitudinal data; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Geert Byttebier, Zeneca, Destelbergen<br />

19 juni 1996; drug safety; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Ricardo Cao, Univ. de la Coruna, Spain<br />

23 juni - 1 juli 1996; censored data; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Bernard Harris, University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A.<br />

25 - 27 juni 1996; cluster analysis; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Jan Swanepoel, Potchefstroom University, South Africa<br />

27 - 28 juni 1996; bootstrap; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Garrett Fitzmaurice, Oxford University, U.K.<br />

2 - 5 september 1996; conditional models for clustered binary data for variable<br />

cluster sizes; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : FWO.<br />

- Scott Zeger, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A.<br />

9 - 14 september 1996; non compliance; correlated data; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : FWO.<br />

- Joanne Katz, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A.<br />

9 - 14 september 1996; non compliance, onderzoek;<br />

financiering : FWO.<br />

- Wenceslao Gonzalez-Manteiga, Univ. of Santiago de Compostela, Spain<br />

22 - 29 september 1996; consored data; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Mike Kenward, Univ. of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.<br />

24 - 26 september 1996; log-linear models when data are missing at random;<br />

missingness at random and non-monotone patterns; pseudo-likelihood and

Monte Carlo Markov chain methods for incomplete data; sensitivity analysis<br />

for non-random non-response models;<br />

onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Luc Duchateau, I.L.R.I., Nairobi, Kenya<br />

30 september - 5 oktober 1996; sequential designs; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Richard Jeurissen, T.U.Eindhoven<br />

20 november 1996; multivariate analysis; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.

- Maroussia Bojkova, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia<br />

4 december 1996; branching processes; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : individueel akkoord.<br />

- Mike Kenward, University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.<br />

16 - 18 december 1996; longitudinal data; onderzoek;<br />

financiering : FWO.<br />

73. Gemeenschappelijk verricht onderzoek<br />

Samenwerking met :<br />

Mark Handcock (Penn State University, U.S.A.)<br />

- Paul Janssen<br />

- Nonparametric estimation of polarization indices<br />

- Local polynomial estimation of the variogram<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

- 15 april - 4 mei 1996 : Mark Handcock in LUC<br />

Peter Diggle (Lancaster University, U.K.)<br />

- Paul Janssen<br />

- Local polynomial estimation of the variogram<br />

- individueel akkoord en Human Capital<br />

- 27 - 30 april 1996 : Paul Janssen in Lancaster<br />

Ricardo Cao (Univ. de la Coruna, Spain)<br />

- Paul Janssen, Noël Veraverbeke<br />

- Estimation of relative density for censored data<br />

- individueel akkoord en Human Capital<br />

- 20 - 24 januari 1996 : Paul Janssen en Noël Veraverbeke in La Coruna<br />

- 23 juni - 1 juli 1996 : Ricardo Cao in LUC<br />

Wenceslao Gonzalez Manteiga (Univ. de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)<br />

- Paul Janssen, Noël Veraverbeke<br />

- Bootstrap; Censored data<br />

- individueel akkoord en Human Capital<br />

- 24 - 26 januari 1996 : Paul Janssen en Noël Veraverbeke in Santiago de<br />

Compostela<br />

- 22 - 29 september 1996 : W. Gonzalez Manteiga in LUC<br />

Matt Wand (University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia)<br />

- Ilse Augustyns, Marc Aerts, Paul Janssen<br />

- Bandwidth selection for estimation with sparse multinomial data<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

- 14 februari - 14 april 1996 : Ilse Augustijns in Sidney<br />

- 17 - 18 januari 1996 : Matt Wand in LUC<br />

Luc Duchateau (I.L.R.I., Nairobi, Kenya)<br />

- Paul Janssen<br />

- Power of small sample experiments with binary response

- Mixed Models (samen met Geert Molenberghs en Geert Verbeke, K.U.Leuven)<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

- 30 september - 5 oktober 1996 : Luc Duchateau in LUC

Michael Akritas (Penn State University, U.S.A.)<br />

- Ingrid Van Keilegom<br />

- Transfer of tail information in LS estimation for censored heteroscedastic<br />

regression models<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

- 27 juli - 22 augustus 1996 : Ingrid Van Keilegom in Penn State University<br />

Marie Huskova (Charles University, Prague, Tsjechische Republiek)<br />

- Noël Veraverbeke<br />

- Bootstrap and change points<br />

- individueel akkoord en FWO (Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap<br />

Wiskunde)<br />

- 27 februari - 2 maart 1996 : Noël Veraverbeke in Praag<br />

Jan Swanepoel (Potchefstroom University, South Africa)<br />

- Paul Janssen, Noël Veraverbeke<br />

- Modified bootstrap and rate of convergence<br />

- Local polynomial estimation and efficiency in regression<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

- 23 oktober - 3 november 1996 : Noël Veraverbeke in Potchefstroom<br />

- 30 oktober - 3 november 1996 : Paul Janssen in Potchefstroom<br />

- 27 - 28 juni 1996 : Jan Swanepoel in LUC<br />

Thomas Mikosch (Universiteit Groningen, Nederland)<br />

- Paul Janssen<br />

- Bootstrap consistency<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

Mike Kenward (University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.)<br />

- Geert Molenberghs<br />

- Frequentist inference and missingness at random<br />

- Sensitivity to model assumptions for informative dropout<br />

- Missingness at random and non-monotone patterns<br />

- Pseudo-likelihood and Monte Carlo Markov Chain methods for incomplete data<br />

- individueel akkoord + British Council + FWO<br />

- 21 - 23 mei 1996 : Mike Kenward in LUC<br />

24 - 26 september 1996 : Mike Kenward in LUC<br />

16 - 18 december 1996 : Mike Kenward in LUC<br />

09 - 12 april 1996 : Geert Molenberghs in Canterbury<br />

Louise Ryan, Stuart Lipsitz, Paige Williams, Paul Catalano (Department of<br />

Biostatistics and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, U.S.A.)<br />

- Geert Molenberghs<br />

- Pseudo-likelihood inference for clustered mulivariate binary data<br />

- Goodness-of-fit for clustered multivariate binary data models<br />

- Analyzing mixed continuous-discrete (clustered) data<br />

- Pseudo-likelihood and generalized estimating equations for clustered binary<br />

and ordinal data, possibly with individual specific covariates<br />

- Non-random missingness in categorical data

- Nato Grant + FWO<br />

- 03 - 11 juni 1996 : Geert Molenberghs in Boston<br />

12 - 15 oktober 1996 : Geert Molenberghs in Boston<br />

19 - 23 maart 1996 : Stuart Lipsitz in LUC<br />

Peter Diggle (Lancaster University, U.K.)<br />

- Geert Molenberghs<br />

- Development of Software for longitudinal data<br />

- Lancaster University<br />

- 26 - 29 november 1996 : Geert Molenberghs in Lancaster<br />

Jeffrey Hart (Texas A&M University, Collegge Station, U.S.A.)<br />

- Marc Aerts, Gerda Claeskens<br />

- One-sided cross-validation for local polynomial likelihood estimation<br />

- Testing the hypothesis of a parametric model for a clustered binary response<br />

using local polynomial likelihood estimation<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

Arnold Kester (R.U.Limburg, Maastricht)<br />

- Els Goetghebeur<br />

- Neighbouring data models for efficacy estimation in studies with noncompliance<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

Louise Ryan en J. Andersen (Harvard School of Public Health, Dana Farber<br />

Cancer<br />

Institute, Boston, U.S.A.)<br />

- Els Goetghebeur<br />

- Semi-parametric methods for competing risks survival analysis with missing<br />

failure types<br />

- Semi-parametric methods for interval-censored data<br />

- EM algorithm and partial likelihoods<br />

- akkoord tussen instellingen<br />

Ian White (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, U.K.)<br />

- Els Goetghebeur<br />

- Causal inference faced with non-randomized treatment changes (noncompliance)<br />

in long term trials with survival outcome<br />

- individueel akkoord<br />

K. Lapp (Universiteit van Tartu, Estonia)<br />

- Els Goetghebeur<br />

- Structural nested mean-models for causal inference with non-compliance -<br />

individueel akkoord

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