The Holocaust

The Holocaust

The Holocaust


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<strong>The</strong> Extermination of Jews in<br />

the Greater German Reich<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Holocaust</strong>

• In 12 years of<br />

power Hitler<br />

and the Nazis<br />

– Ideology of<br />

Fascism<br />

– World War Two<br />

– Destroyed<br />

Europe<br />

– Lead to death<br />

of 60 million<br />

– <strong>The</strong> <strong>Holocaust</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Beginnings

Anti-Semitism<br />

• Hatred of the Jews<br />

– Bigotry and racism<br />

– Eugenics<br />

• It has been going on<br />

since the middle ages—<br />

the Jews have been<br />

blamed for the Black<br />

Death as well as the<br />

execution of Christ.<br />

• Jewish Conspiracy<br />

– <strong>The</strong> Protocols of Zion

<strong>The</strong> Start—Wansee Meeting<br />

Reinhard<br />

Heydrich<br />

Heinrich<br />

Himmler<br />

• January 20, 1942<br />

• 15 high ranking Nazis<br />

gathered to co-ordinate<br />

the logistics for<br />

• Reacting to memo by<br />

Goering, under orders<br />

from Himmler and with<br />

the direction of<br />

Heydrich<br />

– ―the final solution of the<br />

Jewish Question.‖<br />

Herman Goering

Speech by Himmler on the Final Solution<br />

…the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish race. It's<br />

one of those things it is easy to talk about, "the Jewish race is being<br />

exterminated", says one party member, "that's quite clear, it's in our<br />

program, elimination of the Jews, and we're doing it, exterminating<br />

them". And then they come, 80 million worthy Germans, and each one<br />

has his decent Jew. Of course the others are vermin, but this one is an A-<br />

1 Jew. Not one of those who talk this way has watched it, not one of them<br />

has gone through it. Most of you know what it means when 100 corpses<br />

are lying side by side, or 500, or 1,000. To have stuck it out and at the<br />

same time - apart from exceptions caused by human weakness - to have<br />

remained decent fellows, that is what has made us hard. This is a page of<br />

glory in our history which has never been written and is never to be<br />

written.<br />

I ask of you that what I say in this circle you really only hear and never<br />

speak of. We come to the question: how is it with the women and the<br />

children? I have resolved even here on a completely clear solution. That is<br />

to say I do not consider myself justified in eradicating the men - so to<br />

speak killing or ordering them killed - and allowing the avengers in the<br />

shape of the children to grow up for our sons and grandsons. <strong>The</strong> difficult<br />

decision has to be taken, to cause this Volk [people] to disappear from the<br />

earth.—October 4, 1943

<strong>The</strong> First: T-4 Euthanasia<br />

Oct 1939 to April 1941<br />

• Purity of the Race<br />

– Must prevent any weak<br />

elements from pulling down<br />

the ‗race‘<br />

• Euthanasia<br />

– Mercy killing<br />

– Expanding definition of who<br />

was unfit<br />

• Sick<br />

• Old<br />

• Feeble minded<br />

• Genetically ‗defective‘<br />

• ‗thin edge of the wedge‘<br />

• 400000 sterilized<br />

• Estimated 75000 killed

<strong>The</strong> Final Solution<br />

• Regimes code word<br />

for the deliberate<br />

planned killing of all<br />

European Jews<br />

– ―evacuation‖<br />

• It was estimated by<br />

Heydrich it would<br />

require the death of<br />

11 million

• Herman Goering—Head of<br />

the Gestapo<br />

• Heinrich Himmler—Head of<br />

the SS (Schutzstaffel)<br />

• Rienhard Heydrich—Head of<br />

SD (Sicherheitsdienst)<br />

• <strong>The</strong>odor Eicke—<br />

Commander Dachau<br />

• Oswald Pohl—Head of<br />

Economics Office SS, in<br />

charge of slave labour<br />

• Bruno Strenkenbach,<br />

Einsatzgruppen<br />

• Rudolf Hoss, Commander<br />

Auschwitz<br />

• Franz Strangl, Commander<br />

Sobidor and Treblinka<br />

• Christian Wirth, Inspector of<br />

Euthanasia Killing Centers<br />

• Adolf Eichmann—SS<br />

Specialist in Zionist Affairs<br />

and For Jewish Emigration<br />

• Odilo Globocnik—Chief of<br />

Lublin District

• Herta Bothe—SS<br />

Overseer<br />

• Irma Grese—SS<br />

Overseer<br />

• Elizabeth Volkenrath—<br />

SS Overseer<br />

• Johanna Bormann—SS<br />

Overseer<br />

• Herta Ehlert—SS<br />

Overseer<br />

• Ilsa Forster—SS<br />


<strong>The</strong> Final Solution<br />

• Yellow: Jews -- two overlaid to<br />

form a Star of David, with the<br />

word "Jude" (Jew) inscribed;<br />

mischlings, i.e., those who were<br />

deemed to be only part Jewish,<br />

often wore a single yellow<br />

triangle<br />

• Red: Political dissidents,<br />

• Green: Common Criminals<br />

• Purple: Religious<br />

fundamentalists<br />

• Blue: Immigrants.<br />

• Brown: Roma and Sinti<br />

(Gypsies)<br />

• Black: Lesbians and "antisocials"<br />

• Pink: Gay men

<strong>The</strong> Apparatus<br />

• Einsatzgruppen<br />

• Labour camps<br />

• Death camps

Einsatzgruppen<br />

• Special action groups that<br />

would follow immediately after<br />

the advancing Wehrmacht and<br />

cleanse an area<br />

• Made up of highly educated and<br />

motivated men.<br />

• Many of the leaders were<br />

representative of the intellectual<br />

elite of the Nazi party. Of the 25<br />

Einsatzgruppen and<br />

Einsatzkommando leaders, 15<br />

of them bore the title of PhD,<br />

most of them doctors of<br />

jurisprudence or philosophy<br />

• Round ups and mass graves

Einsatzgruppen at work

Einsatzgruppen<br />

at work

Labour Camps<br />

• Immediately upon their assumption of power on<br />

January 30, 1933, the Nazis established<br />

concentration camps for the imprisonment of all<br />

―enemies‖ of their regime: actual and potential<br />

political opponents (e.g., communists, socialists,<br />

monarchists), Jehovah's Witnesses, gypsies,<br />

homosexuals, and other ―asocials.‖ Beginning in<br />

1938, Jews were targeted for internment solely<br />

because they were Jews. Before then, only Jews who<br />

fit one of the earlier categories were interned in<br />

camps. <strong>The</strong> first three concentration camps<br />

established were Dachau (near Munich), Buchenwald<br />

(near Weimar) and Sachsenhausen (near Berlin).

Labour Camps<br />

• ―Arbeit macht frei.‖<br />

– work brings freedom<br />

• Run by the SS to make<br />

money<br />

• SS rent out labour to<br />

industrialists like Krupp,<br />

etc.<br />

• Very limited food, heavy<br />

work and random acts<br />

of violence.

Labour Camps

Death Camps—Arrival

Death Camps—Selection

Death Camps—<br />


Medical Experiments<br />

• Nazi scientist conduct a<br />

number of research<br />

projects into questions<br />

of:<br />

– Human Endurance<br />

• Hypothermia<br />

• High altitude<br />

• Sea water<br />

• Wound recreation<br />

• Tuberculosis<br />

• Poison<br />

– Eugenics<br />

• Genetics<br />

• Radical Modification<br />

• Sterilization

Medical Experiment<br />

Dr. Joseph Mengele<br />

• March 11, 1911-Feb. 7, 1979<br />

– Studied human genetics<br />

and anthropology<br />

– 1938—MD<br />

– 1943—Posted to Auschwitz<br />

– <strong>The</strong> Angel of Death<br />

• Especially interested in twins<br />

– Comparative Genetics<br />

– Increase reproduction rate<br />

of the Master Race<br />

• Conducted a wide range of<br />

carefully constructed and<br />

noted experiments<br />

• Escaped to South America<br />

– Never apprehended<br />

(Wolfgang Gerhard)

Letter from Professor Clauberg to Himmler, June 7, 1943, on his research<br />

concerning sterilization of women (Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg<br />

Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol 1, p. 730):<br />

Dear Reich Leader,<br />

Today I am fulfilling my obligation to report to you from time<br />

to time about the state of my research work....<br />

<strong>The</strong> method I contrived to achieve the sterilization of the<br />

female organism without operation is as good as perfected. It can be<br />

performed by a single injection made through the entrance of the uterus<br />

in the course of the customary gynecological examination known to<br />

every physician. If I say that the method is "as good as perfected" this<br />

means:<br />

1. Still to be worked out are only minor improvements of the<br />

method. 2. Already today it could be put to practical use in the course of<br />

our regular eugenic sterilization and could thus replace the operation.<br />

As to the question which you, Reich Leader, asked me almost a<br />

one year ago, i.e., how much time would probably be required to sterilize<br />

1,000 women by using this method. Today I can answer you with regard<br />

to the future as follows:<br />

If my researches continue to have the same results as up to now<br />

- and there is no reason to doubt that - then the moment is not far off<br />

when I can say: "One adequately trained physician in one adequately<br />

equipped place, with perhaps 10 assistants (the number of assistants in<br />

conformity with the speed desired) will most likely be able to deal with<br />

several hundred, if not even 1,000 per day."<br />


Death Camps—Final Outcome

Faces of Victims<br />

• Two year old<br />

Emanuel Rosenthal<br />

and five year old<br />

brother Avram, of<br />

the Kovno Ghetto,<br />

who were both later<br />

deported to the<br />

death camp at<br />

Majdanek and<br />

murdered by Nazis.

Faces of Victims<br />

• Smiljka Ljoljic Visnjevac<br />

Smiljka was shot by a<br />

German firing squad in the<br />

Banjica concentration camp<br />

in early May 1941. She was<br />

35 years old.

Faces of Victims<br />

• Portrait of two-yearold<br />

Mania Halef, a<br />

Jewish child who<br />

was among the<br />

33,771 persons shot<br />

by the SS during the<br />

mass executions at<br />

Babi Yar.

Faces of Victims<br />

• Jews seized in their<br />

homes are brought by<br />

truck to the Muiderpoort<br />

railroad station in the<br />

Polderweg district, to be<br />

deported to internment<br />

camps, then eventually<br />

on to Auschwitz. Dutch<br />

Nazis stand in the<br />


Faces of Victims<br />

• Arrival of Jews into<br />

the <strong>The</strong>resienstadt<br />

ghetto/<br />

concentration camp.

Liberation<br />

• Pictured is Helena<br />

Rabbie. She was<br />

born in Amsterdam<br />

on September 8,<br />

1933, and died in<br />

Bergen-Belsen on<br />

April 24, 1945,<br />

eleven days after<br />

the liberation.

Faces of<br />

Unknown Victims

Where Were the Camps?

Final Outcome<br />

• <strong>The</strong> number of victims of the <strong>Holocaust</strong> will probably<br />

never be known, but at a minimum 6,000,000<br />

European Jews died.<br />

• In addition, it is estimate that another 6,000,000<br />

Poles, Russian, Gypsies, Homosexuals and other<br />

people deemed to be ‗undesirables‘ where killed by<br />

the machine.<br />

• 200 000 – 800 000 Roma & Sinti<br />

• 200 000 – 300 000 handicapped<br />

• 10 000 – 25 000 homosexuals<br />

• 2 000 Jehovah's Witnesses

Was it unique?<br />

• Only in methodology and scale<br />

• Sometimes referred to as<br />

‗megadeath‘ or ‗democide‘<br />

• Democide has a long history

Known Mass Killings<br />

• Armenian Genocide<br />

• Hellenes Genocide<br />

• Rape of Nanking<br />

• Soviet Union<br />

• Cambodia<br />

• Serbia and Kosovo<br />

• Rwanda<br />

• China<br />

• Vietnam<br />

• Tito‘s Yugoslavia<br />

• North Korea<br />

• Sudan<br />

• ?<br />

• Etc.

Democide<br />

• Defined as<br />

– <strong>The</strong> murder of any<br />

person or people by<br />

a government,<br />

including genocide,<br />

politicide, or mass<br />

murder.<br />

• Many examples

Armenian Genocide<br />

• Turkish Government<br />

systematically<br />

worked to eliminate<br />

the minority<br />

Armenian<br />

population.<br />

• Methods<br />

– Starvation<br />

– Hanging<br />

– Shooting<br />

– Beheading

Cambodia—<br />

Killing Fields<br />

• Khmer Rouge<br />

systematically<br />

eliminated elements<br />

they considered to<br />

be politically<br />

unreliable<br />

– Intellectuals,<br />

educated elite,<br />

professionals, etc.

Japan—Rape of Nanking<br />

• Japanese Imperial<br />

Army set about<br />

killing the<br />

inhabitants of<br />

Nanking.<br />

• Estimated over<br />

320000 killed, and<br />

80000 rapes<br />


Soviet Union<br />

• Stalin‘s purges and<br />

collectivization<br />

resulted in millions<br />

of deaths<br />

– Ukrainians ~5 million<br />

• Cleansing has<br />

continued<br />

– Chechnya.

Serbia—Ethnic<br />

Cleansing<br />

• Serbian government<br />

practice of removing<br />

non-ethnic Serbs<br />

– During Civil War,<br />

Croatia<br />

– Kosovo.

Rwanda<br />

• Systematically set<br />

about to kill all of the<br />

Tutsi population.<br />

Men, Women and<br />

Children targeted<br />

• Estimate 800000<br />

killed<br />

• Methods<br />

– Shooting, stabbing,<br />


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