ALL ABOUT ME by: Matthew

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<strong>ALL</strong> <strong>ABOUT</strong> <strong>ME</strong><br />

<strong>by</strong>: <strong>Matthew</strong>

My Temperament<br />

My main temperament is choleric. Choleric people are goal oriented and organized.<br />

Cholerics are natural leaders and the most hard working in group projects. As a choleric I am<br />

independent, strong willed and enjoy working on projects with benchmarks along the way. Being<br />

a choleric I am known for putting effort into my work and taking time to make sure there are no<br />

mistakes. Cholerics don’t only put effort in school; we are also known for not giving up when<br />

losing in sports.<br />

There are also bad parts to being a choleric. It is easy for me to get bossy and make rash<br />

decisions. Sometimes I get too overconfident and make the wrong choices. I dislike when I make<br />

mistakes and forget to analyze details. The worst part about being choleric is when there are<br />

mistakes, I easily get stressed and impatient.<br />

My true colors<br />

My true colors are responsible gold and curious green. Responsible gold traits include<br />

being organized, dependable and responsible. I work best in a structured and stable<br />

environment. My other color (Curious green) is my wondrous side. I like to examine things<br />

carefully and understand the value of knowledge. Some other traits curious green people have<br />

are being independent, logical and self­motivated.

My 7 intelligences<br />

Music­smart Quiz<br />

1. I can tell when a musical note is off key.<br />

2. I frequently listen to music on the radio.<br />

3. I play a musical instrument.<br />

4. I often walk around with a song in my mind<br />

5. I can easily keep time to a piece of music.<br />

6. I know the tune to many songs.<br />

Score: 6<br />

Body smart Quiz<br />

1. I participate in at least one sport or physical activity on a regular basis.<br />

2. I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time.<br />

3. I enjoy dare­devil amusement rides or similar thrilling physical experiences.<br />

4. I think I am well coordinated.<br />

5. I need to practise a new skill rather than reading or watching a video about it.<br />

Score: 5<br />

People smart Quiz<br />

1. My friends some to me for advice.<br />

2. I prefer team sports such as basketball, instead of solo sports.<br />

3. I have 3 close friends.<br />

4. I am involved in extracurricular activities at school.<br />

5. I would rather spend time with my friends than alone at home.<br />

Score: 5<br />

Self smart Quiz<br />

1. I like to spend time alone thinking about and reflecting on my life.<br />

2. I like to take quizzes that enable me to learn more about myself.<br />

3. If I have a personal problem, I will solve it instead of letting it pull me down.<br />

4. I have goals for my life that I think about regularly.<br />

5. I consider myself to be very independant.<br />

6. I have a very clear idea about my strengths and weaknesses.<br />

Score: 6<br />

Picture smart Quiz<br />

1. I often see good images when I close my eyes.<br />

2. I am good at coordinating colors.<br />

3. I frequently use a camera to capture what I see around me.<br />

4. I can generally find my way around an unfamiliar territory.<br />

5. I can look at an object and imagine it at a different angle.<br />

Score: 5

Word smart Quiz<br />

1. Books are very important to me.<br />

2. I can hear words in my head before I write them down.<br />

3. I enjoy playing video games that involve words.<br />

Score: 3<br />

Logic­smart quiz<br />

1. I can easily compute numbers in my head.<br />

2. Math and science are among my most favorite subjects in school.<br />

3. I enjoy playing games or solving brain teasers that require logical thinking.<br />

4. I am interested in new developments in science.<br />

5. I am good with computers and working with them.<br />

6. I like to do experiments to find out how things work.<br />

7. I can easily see numerical patterns<br />

8. I like to put things in order<br />

Score: 8

My learning style<br />

My learning styles are visual and auditory. Before I took the test, I thought my learning<br />

style would be visual. I thought I learnt best <strong>by</strong> seeing things being worked on. However after I<br />

finished taking the learning test, I realized that I am just as good an auditory learner. I think this is<br />

why it is easy for me to study. When studying for test, I can easily remember what the teacher<br />

said in class. I easily remember ideas and concepts. I personally think I learn best when I see the<br />

steps to a problem. And if I still don’t understand the question, I would learn it after someone<br />

would explain it to me. I think that is why I learn best in class when the teacher is writing it and<br />

saying how the problem works at the same time. My visual part of me enjoys seeing graphs and<br />

pictures. My auditory part of me likes to hear the way to solve a problem. Both of these methods<br />

are used in school.<br />

Left or right brained?<br />

After taking the left or right brained test, I learned that I am actually left brained. People<br />

who are left brained are known for being logical. We prefer subjects like math over classes like<br />

art. I know this test is somewhat accurate because since I started school I was always better in<br />

math than I was at art. I always have trouble on my creative side. In art class I can never make<br />

the perfect picture and in English class I can't make an attractive story. However, when it comes<br />

to math class I can compute numbers in my head and I can solve multistep problems. Being left<br />

brained, I consider myself good with numbers, logic and reasoning. Apparently I am also better in<br />

critical thinking. However being left brained also can have some problems. I have trouble reading<br />

and expressing emotions. I think this is an important skill to have in order to work well with<br />

others. The worst part about being left brained is the lack of creativity and intuition.

My personality suggested careers<br />

In one of our personality tests, I found out that I am a conventional, investigative type of<br />

person. Some of the suggested careers the book chose for me are travel agent, bookkeeper and<br />

stock clerk. Personally I don’t like any of these jobs. I think I could have the potential skills to be<br />

good at these jobs, but I may not enjoy doing these things. What a want to be is an<br />

anesthesiologist. I personally think I would enjoy this job.<br />

My Myers Briggs test<br />

When I finished taking the Myers Briggs test, it told me my personality is ISTJ. The I in<br />

ISTJ stands for introverted. The biggest characteristic I have (being an introvert) is thinking and<br />

reflecting before acting. This could be a good social skill when talking to people. Being<br />

introverted, my mind is usually active and thinking about the future. I also prefer to talk one on<br />

one with a person instead of in a big group.<br />

The S in my personality stands for Sensing. The main characteristics about this<br />

personality is being in the now. Meaning I focus on the present instead of worrying about the<br />

future. I am also aware of present opportunities. My memory is detailed and I learn best from my<br />

past experiences. The strongest characteristic I have in this category is the need for clear and<br />

concrete information, meaning straight to the point detailed information.<br />

The T in ISTJ stands for thinking. This personality has many characteristics. I am able to<br />

distinguish conflicts as normal problems that happen when interacting with people. I am also<br />

able to notice tasks and work that need to be accomplished.<br />

The final letter in ISTJ stands for for judging. Some judging characteristics are being able<br />

to plan ahead instead of making things up on the spot. I am also good at staying on task and<br />

completing important things before moving on. I am natural when it comes to using a calendar<br />

and putting all dates and deadlines.

My communications test<br />

My score on my communications test is 45. I think 45 is in between good with people and<br />

bad with people. Being in the middle, I sometimes experience communication problems. A way I<br />

can improve my communication skill is <strong>by</strong> focusing on receiving messages as good as I am<br />

sending messages. My main strength is being a capable communicator.<br />

Youth Spirituality Gifts Test<br />

After taking the spiritual gifts test, I realized what my top 3 gifts were. My top 3 gifts (in<br />

order) were administration, faith and discernment. Administration is a term that can be referred<br />

to as captain or ship master. The idea of being an administrator is to guide and direct a group of<br />

people towards a goal. Being an administrator is very similar to being a leader, however being an<br />

administrator I am more concerned with details and organization. My second strongest spiritual<br />

gift is faith. This gift allows me to have a special trust that allows me to live for God in a special<br />

way. People who have this gift of faith are responsible to help the church have more faith in God.<br />

We are there to strengthen our churches relationship and faith in him. My last spiritual gift is the<br />

gift of discernment. The gift of discernment is important because it allows people to know the<br />

difference between the influence of God, Satan and the world. We need these kinds of people<br />

because they will be the ones who warn the church from false teachings and from danger.

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