AP US History Summer Assignment

AP US History Summer Assignment

AP US History Summer Assignment


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Advanced Placement United States <strong>History</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Assignment</strong>s<br />

1. Pick up your textbook by June 15 at Bistocchi Hall.<br />

2. <strong>Summer</strong> reading:<br />

MAYFLOWER: Story of Courage, Community, and War.<br />

By Nathaniel Philbrick.<br />

Illustrated. 461 pp. Viking.<br />

The book is easily obtained through any book retailer, new or used, or at your local library. It's a<br />

great read. I have one spare copy.<br />

3. Write a 4-page, MLA-style paper on the following topic:<br />

Compare and contrast the relationship between the Plymouth settlers and the Native<br />

Americans. Why did the Pilgrims survive and why did the Native Americans languish?<br />

Think about:<br />

Details about the Pilgrims’ early survival.<br />

Religion<br />

Disease<br />

Land ownership<br />

Racism<br />

The Pequot War<br />

King Philip’s War<br />

Writing rules: In the body of a paper or essay [including free response questions (FRQ)<br />

and document-based questions (DBQ)] for <strong>AP</strong> United States <strong>History</strong> class:<br />

Include a thesis paragraph<br />

Defend your thesis<br />

Use adjectives sparingly<br />

Watch verb tenses<br />

Never use first person<br />

Never ask a question<br />

Employ proper grammar<br />

Avoid colloquialisms<br />

Citations: To cite a book in the body of an essay (non-DBQ or FRQ) use the author’s<br />

name and the page number. If the book has more than one author, use the last name of the<br />

first author:<br />

• (Philbrick, 271),<br />

• (Horn, 54)<br />

To cite an Internet source, use the URL:<br />

• (http://www.mayflowerhistory.com/<strong>History</strong>/mflower7.php)

In the body of a document-based question essay (DBQ), cite the document<br />

number:<br />

• (Document 1)<br />

4. Read Chapter 3 in Out of Many.<br />

5. Do the Document-based question (DBQ) at the end of the chapter. DBQs require<br />

students to read the documents and answer the question in essay form.<br />

6. Take the practice quiz below:<br />

Quiz, Chapter 3, Planting Colonies of North America<br />

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Circle the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. If<br />

submitting via email, bold-face your response<br />

1. The Pueblo Revolt of 1680:<br />

A. resulted from the governors ignoring the Catholic priests' advice.<br />

B. led to Spain's withdrawal from New Mexico for 100 years.<br />

C. resulted in the surrender of the Pueblos in the autumn of 1680.<br />

D. was a response to the Franciscan demand that the Indians totally reject their traditional culture.<br />

E. occurred because the Pueblos rejected everything Spanish.<br />

2. The leader of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 was:<br />

A. Tecumseh.<br />

B. Opechancanough.<br />

C. Popaccente<br />

D. Vargas.<br />

E. Hopi.<br />

3. The population of New France grew slowly because:<br />

A. the government restricted Catholics and the Huguenots refused to go.<br />

B. Catholics were not allowed to enter New France; rather, it was used as a place of exile for Huguenots.<br />

C. the government placed high taxes on all income acquired in New France.<br />

D. weather conditions in New France were much less favorable than those in France.<br />

E. transportation costs to New France were overwhelmingly expensive and conditions were unsafe.<br />

4. By 1700, New France had a population of:<br />

A. 5,000.<br />

B. 10,000.<br />

C. 15,000.<br />

D. 25,000.<br />

E. 35,000.<br />

5. The Netherlands was able to establish a colony in the Americas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:<br />

A. it formed an alliance with the Iroquois to obtain furs.<br />

B. it developed a prosperous urban society with the first modern investment banks.<br />

C. it had a strong navy and a number of trading posts around the world.<br />

D. it had superior products of metal tools and firearms used for profitable trade.<br />

E. it had a large population that was eager to settle colonies.<br />

6. The person responsible for the Dutch claim to land in North America was:<br />

A. John Cabot.<br />

B. William Breuker.<br />

C. Samuel de Champlain.<br />

D. James Vandenberg.<br />

E. Henry Hudson.<br />

7. The Indian name of the Algonquian chief in the Chesapeake was:<br />

A. Wahunsonacook<br />

B. Powhatan.<br />

C. Popé.<br />

D. Tecumseh.<br />

E. Opechancanough.

8. The political system of the Algonquian people in the Chesapeake was known as the:<br />

A. Powhatan League.<br />

B. Algonquian League.<br />

C. Wahunsonacook League.<br />

D. Powhatan Confederacy.<br />

E. Wahunsonacook Confederacy.<br />

9. When the English established Jamestown without much Indian opposition, it showed that the:<br />

A. Algonquians of the Chesapeake had no government or organization.<br />

B. Algonquian people had no experience with Europeans.<br />

C. Indians were too weak to stop them.<br />

D. Algonquian trusted the English and hoped to learn from their culture.<br />

E. Indians sought to use the Europeans to realize their own goals.<br />

10. The Virginia Company, which founded Jamestown in 1607, was a particular kind of company called a(n):<br />

A. Joint-stock company.<br />

B. Tenure colony.<br />

C. Proprietary colony.<br />

D. Royal colony.<br />

E. Headright company.<br />

11. The results of Jamestown adopting tobacco as its chief product included all of the following EXCEPT:<br />

A. the demand for more land as the society became agricultural.<br />

B. the development of a landed elite and a poor underclass.<br />

C. a desire for more trade and better relations with the Indians.<br />

D. a need for workers, which led to more immigration.<br />

E. it provided the Virginia Company with the first returns on its investment.<br />

12. The colony of Maryland was distinctive because:<br />

A. it was the first "proprietary" colony issued by King James II.<br />

B. as a virtual feudal estate, it had no representative institutions.<br />

C. Charles I granted it to the Calverts, who made it a Catholic refuge.<br />

D. it was founded not by a joint-stock company, but by the King.<br />

E. the colonists avoided the example of Virginia and its problems.<br />

13. In 1640, Maryland established a plantation economy based strictly on:<br />

A. feudal grants.<br />

B. indentured servitude.<br />

C. slavery.<br />

D. serfdom.<br />

E. the headright system.<br />

14. Those indentured servants who survived their term in North America:<br />

A. overwhelmingly chose to stay in the colonies, usually near their former master.<br />

B. were overwhelmingly men; more women died of sickness than their male counterparts.<br />

C. received clothing, tools, a gun, or a spinning wheel, and helped getting started on their own.<br />

D. hardly regretted the decision to seek land and opportunity in the Americas.<br />

E. headed south in the hope of cutting a farm from the wilderness.<br />

15. The Puritan migration to New England was promoted when Charles I:<br />

A. married a Lutheran princess.<br />

B. launched a campaign of political oppression on all Protestants.<br />

C. raised taxes on every citizen who was not a Roman Catholic.<br />

D. dismissed Parliament and thereby reduced its members' ability to express their views.<br />

E. supported the "Low Church."<br />

16. The early English settlements in New England:<br />

A. were founded by Captain John Smith before the French captured him.<br />

B. struggled to survive due to harsh battles to reduce the French and Dutch from the Atlantic coast.<br />

C. had to remove the French and Dutch, who had settled there first.<br />

D. benefited from reduced Indian resistance after an epidemic cut the Indian population.<br />

E. became the prosperous farming communities described by John Smith.

17. When the Pilgrims arrived in New England, they encountered:<br />

A. strong resistance by the Dutch colonists.<br />

B. hostile Iroquois Indians.<br />

C. friendly Pokanokets Indians who offered them food and advice.<br />

D. thriving Indian societies along the coast.<br />

E. strong resistance by the French colonists.<br />

18. Those English Protestants who believed that the Church of England was too corrupt to be saved were called:<br />

A. Anglicans.<br />

B. Puritans.<br />

C. Separatists.<br />

D. Baptists.<br />

E. Methodists.<br />

19. The colony of Plymouth:<br />

A. established a strict religious doctrine according to Puritan ideas.<br />

B. survived despite fierce Indian opposition in the early years.<br />

C. had a strong communal sense but soon spread, losing communal sense to local interests.<br />

D. suffered in its loyalty to the community, focusing on religion more than obligations to one another.<br />

E. owed little to anyone in England and became an independent society.<br />

20. John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts Bay, advocated building a model society that would act as<br />

an example for England, and referred to the settlement as:<br />

A. "the Enlightenment."<br />

B. "an American Reformation."<br />

C. "a perfect society."<br />

D. "heaven on earth."<br />

E. "a city on a hill."<br />

21. The Puritans interacted with the Algonquian peoples by:<br />

A. treating them all with Christian charity as fellow human beings.<br />

B. recognizing that Indians had rights to the land even though they used it differently.<br />

C. noting that God removed them by disease and Scripture justified their destruction.<br />

D. negotiating high, but fair, prices for the land the Puritans successfully acquired.<br />

E. relying strictly on negotiated treaties in order to acquire more land.<br />

22. The Puritans were able to establish many new towns in the 1630s because of all of the following EXCEPT:<br />

A. the argument that the Indians were not using the land as God intended.<br />

B. demands for Indian payment in land as punishment for violating English law.<br />

C. attacks on French settlements and incorporation of those lands.<br />

D. a smallpox epidemic that left many abandoned villages.<br />

E. illegal treaties and deals with dishonest sachems.<br />

23. The community life of the Puritans was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:<br />

A. a strict moral code that suppressed any mention of sexuality, even in marriage.<br />

B. a belief in a social hierarchy ordained by God.<br />

C. a high degree of discipline, discipline, and respect within the families and community.<br />

D. towns centered on churches and schools rather than on individual plantations.<br />

E. subordination of women to men and suspicion of independent women.<br />

24. The most tragic of the witchcraft scares in New England occurred in 1692 in:<br />

A. Plymouth.<br />

B. Salem.<br />

C. Boston.<br />

D. Providence.<br />

E. Wilmington.<br />

25. The principal founder of Rhode Island was:<br />

A. Anne Hutchinson.<br />

B. Thomas Hooker.<br />

C. Cotton Mather.<br />

D. William Bradford.<br />

E. Roger Williams.

26. Colonies that the king granted to individuals, who then had total control over them, were known as:<br />

A. colonial colonies.<br />

B. tenure colonies.<br />

C. proprietary colonies.<br />

D. joint-stock colonies.<br />

E. royal colonies.<br />

27. New Netherland became New York as a result of:<br />

A. the Dutch colonists' revolt over the colony due to the harsh restrictions on religious freedoms.<br />

B. the competition and series of wars between England and Holland after 1650.<br />

C. the splitting off of settlements in the Delaware Valley, which weakened New Netherland.<br />

D. the Dutch ceding it to England after the Dutch West Indies Company failed.<br />

E. Dutch inability to control the diverse population of the colony.<br />

28. William Penn wanted Pennsylvania to be a:<br />

A. "sacred land."<br />

B. “holy experiment."<br />

C. "righteous pathway."<br />

D. "safe haven of freedom."<br />

E. "colony of friends."<br />

EXTRA Credit (3 Points)<br />

29. The correct chronological order of the beginning dates of the following wars is:<br />

A. King William's War, King Philip's War, the Glorious Revolution in America, and the Beaver Wars.<br />

B. the Glorious Revolution in America, the Beaver Wars, King William's War, King Philip's War.<br />

C. the Glorious Revolution in America, the Beaver Wars, King Philip's War, and King William's War.<br />

D. King Philip's War, the Glorious Revolution in America, the Beaver Wars, and King William's War.<br />

E. the Beaver Wars, King Philip's War, the Glorious Revolution in America, and King William's War.

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