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Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-1<br />

<strong>IV</strong>. <strong>INSTITUTIONAL</strong> <strong>POLICIES</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>PROCEDURES</strong><br />


View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=1.2.070<br />


Faculty members, by presenting their Identification Card, may purchase admission tickets at faculty<br />

rates for themselves and a spouse or guest of their choosing.<br />

C. ALCOHOL POLICY 1.2.130<br />

View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=1.2.130<br />

View the University Procedures and Guidelines, URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/guide/policy.cfm?upoID=alcoholg<br />

View the alcohol statement at the following URL:<br />

http://www.cmsu.edu/uhc/drugfree.cfm<br />

D. BUSINESS <strong>AND</strong> FINANCIAL <strong>POLICIES</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>PROCEDURES</strong><br />

Fiscal Responsibility<br />


View UCM Procedures and Guidelines, Fiscal Responsibility on Central’s website at the following<br />

URL: http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=fiscal&key=fiscal<br />

Long-Distance Telephone Calls. Each cost center manager is responsible for charges made to<br />

telephones in his or her area of administrative jurisdiction. Hence, the faculty member who places a<br />

long-distance call at university expense should first check with the department chair or dean because<br />

funds to support such telephone communications are limited. Printouts of charges to the telephones are<br />

distributed monthly to the cost centers.<br />

Mail Service. Mail Service privileges are available to all faculty members in the discharge of their<br />

professional responsibilities. Campus mail envelopes are to be used for inter-campus communications.<br />

All pieces of mail, which are distributed by the United States Postal Service at university expense, must<br />

have the correct cost center account number as part of the corner card. For more information regarding<br />

bulk mailings, insurance and certified mail, call the Printing Services Office.<br />

Purchasing Procedures. Purchases or purchase orders, which are to be paid from university budgets,<br />

must be given prior approval by the appropriate cost center managers and authorized by the Purchasing<br />

Office. Answers to questions regarding procurement procedures can be obtained by calling the<br />

Purchasing Office at 4001.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-2<br />


View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the following URL: http://www.ucmo.edu/<br />

upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=2.1.050<br />


<strong>POLICIES</strong> (3/1/00)<br />

1. Intellectual Property Rights Policy. View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the<br />

following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=3.1.020<br />

View the Board of Governors Property Rights Procedure on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/guide/policy.cfm?upoID=IntellectualProperty<br />

2. Educational Materials. (3/1/00) It is the purpose of this policy statement to clarify the respective rights<br />

of faculty, staff, students and the university by defining the types of educational materials which should<br />

be designated "university-sponsored" by establishing procedures for administering policies concerning<br />

these materials, and stating university-wide policies governing their ownership and use and the rights to<br />

income produced.<br />

This policy does not affect the traditional ownership rights of faculty and staff to print or non-print<br />

educational materials other than those which were specifically commissioned by the university and the<br />

preparation of which were not supported or assisted in any substantial way by or through any university<br />

agency. The preparation and publication of texts utilizing secretarial and/or professional time are not to<br />

be considered substantial support.<br />

Section I. Coverage of Statement of Policy<br />

This statement of policy governs only the ownership and use of university-sponsored educational<br />

materials, as defined in Section II.<br />

Section II. Definition of University-Sponsored Educational Materials<br />

a. Educational materials are University-Sponsored:<br />

(1) If the author or producer has employed in developmental work, and without personal expense,<br />

substantial university resources, excluding normal secretarial assistance; or<br />

(2) If the author or producer has been both commissioned in writing by the university, or one of its<br />

colleges, departments, or agencies to develop the materials and, in their production, has received<br />

released time or for which the faculty member received compensation from university-administered<br />

funds.<br />

b. The types of educational materials to which this policy is designed to apply include, but are not<br />

necessarily limited to:<br />

(1) Video and audio recordings;<br />

(2) Films, film strips, charts, transparencies, and other visual aids;

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-3<br />

(3) Study guides, tests, syllabi, bibliographies and texts;<br />

(4) Programmed instructional materials;<br />

(5) Live video and audio broadcasts;<br />

(6) Computer programs and programmed instructional materials;<br />

(7) Other print and non-print materials subject to federal copyright.<br />

(8) Multimedia instructional material.<br />

(9) Inter-active television video (ITV), Internet, and distance learning materials.<br />

Section III. Ownership and Use of University Sponsored Educational Materials<br />

a. This policy is generally applicable to all University Sponsored Educational Materials unless other<br />

terms of agreement between the university, or one of its colleges, departments, or agencies (hereinafter<br />

referred to as the University) and the creator(s) (hereinafter referred to as the Creator) are specified in<br />

writing. Individual faculty members who intend to create educational materials or other products with<br />

University sponsorship are encouraged to enter into a contract or memorandum of understanding with<br />

the university that details the University sponsorship as well as rights to ownership and use of products<br />

and intellectual property created.<br />

b. Educational materials which do not satisfy the definition of University Sponsored Educational<br />

Materials (Section II of this policy) remain the property of the Creator. The University claims no<br />

specific rights to ownership or use of such products.<br />

c. Rights and limitations of the University and the Creator:<br />

(1) University Sponsored Educational Materials are the shared property of the University and the<br />

Creator.<br />

(2) The University maintains the right to use and to modify or revise University Sponsored Educational<br />

Materials for academic purposes.<br />

(3) In the event that the University uses, modifies, or revises University Sponsored Educational<br />

Materials, the original Creator shall have the option of removing his/her name from the modified/revised<br />

product without forfeiting his/her rights to use the original product.<br />

(4) The Creator retains the right to use University Sponsored Educational Materials, for noncommercial<br />

academic applications that do not involve violations of University Conflict of Interest or<br />

other policies. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the right to use the materials for teaching<br />

and/or publication in scholarly and professional journals.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-4<br />

(5) In the event that the Creator’s employment with the University is separated or terminated, the<br />

Creator retains the right to use the University Sponsored Product for non-commercial purposes,<br />

including teaching and publication, as described above.<br />

d. University Sponsored Educational Materials and Commercial Value:<br />

(1) In the event that University Sponsored Educational Materials are determined to have a commercial<br />

value, the Creator and the University will share in monetary returns from commercial use. If no other<br />

agreement has been established between the Creator and the University, policies set forth in this section<br />

will apply. Products involving patents are covered in the Board of Governors Patent Policy located at<br />

the following URL: http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=3.1.030<br />

(2) Neither the University nor the Creator may independently prevent the commercial use of University<br />

Sponsored Educational Materials unless such commercial use is in violation of the University Conflict<br />

of Interest and Commitment Policy.<br />

(3) Proceeds from the commercial use of University Sponsored Educational Materials will go first<br />

to compensate the University for direct expenses equal to the actual, direct University expenditure<br />

(variable cost) to create the product. (University fixed or overhead costs will NOT be included.)<br />

(4) Proceeds beyond compensation for University expenses incurred in the creation of University<br />

Sponsored Educational Materials will be divided between the University (20%) and the Creator (80%).<br />

e. In the event that the development of educational material is jointly sponsored by the University and<br />

any external agency (public or private), a written agreement or memorandum of understanding will<br />

specify the ownership and use rights of each party. Such agreements should be developed and approved<br />

through the office of University Sponsored Research and the University Provost. (3-1-00)<br />

f. University faculty and staff may use copyrighted text, images, video and audio as part of curriculum<br />

based instructional activities with the permission of the owner(s) or with an exception to the rights<br />

of the owner(s) through an educational exemption, fair use exemption, or TEACH Act excmption as<br />

provided in Title 17 of the United States Code. Other portions of copyright legislation, such as the<br />

Digital Millennium Copyright Act, may also affect the legality of using copyrighted material without<br />

permission as part of curriculum based instruction and should, therefore, also be considered. The<br />

determination to seek permission or appropriately invoke an exemption must be made with each specific<br />

use of any copyrighted material for which a member of faculty or staff does not own the copyright.<br />

In case of a challenge, documentation of each determination must be maintained by the user of the<br />

copyrighted material.<br />

Copyright and Fair Use information is located at the following URL:<br />

http://library.ucmo.edu/copyright/<br />

3. Patent Policy.<br />

View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=3.1.030<br />

G. ILLEGAL <strong>AND</strong> CONTROLLED DRUGS POLICY 1.2.140<br />

View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />


Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-5<br />

H. TOBACCO USE POLICY 1.2.120<br />

View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the following URL: http://www.ucmo.edu/<br />

upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=1.2.120<br />

Use of Tobacco Guidelines:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=tobaccoguide&key=tobacco<br />


View the Board of Governors Policy on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=1.2.110<br />

The Immunization form is located on the Admissions’ website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/undergrad/hs/forms.cfm<br />


It is the policy of University of Central Missouri to prohibit sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is<br />

a form of sexual discrimination and constitutes a violation of federal and state law. This policy applies<br />

to employment and academic relationships among faculty, staff and students and is intended to protect<br />

the rights of all persons within the university by providing fair and impartial investigations of all<br />

complainants brought to the attention of appropriate officials. Violations may lead to disciplinary action.<br />

Every attempt will be made to maintain confidentiality of all parties involved.<br />

1. Definition. Using the definition in the 1980 EEOC guidelines as a basis for this policy, sexual<br />

harassment is defined as follows:<br />

Unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a<br />

sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when:<br />

a. submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an<br />

individual's employment or education,<br />

b. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment<br />

or academic decisions affecting that individual,<br />

c. such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's academic<br />

or professional performance, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment,<br />

academic or living environment.<br />

Sexual harassment, as defined above, is a prohibited and culpable practice at the university. Sexual<br />

harassment includes a range of behaviors -- none of which is acceptable when the recipient finds<br />

them offensive. Sexual harassment may include actions such as the following:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Sex-oriented verbal "kidding" or abuse.<br />

Subtle pressure for sexual activity.<br />

Physical contact such as patting, pinching or constant brushing against another's body.<br />

Expressed or insinuated requests or demands for sexual favors, accompanied by implied or overt<br />

promises of preferential treatment or threats concerning an individual's employment or academic<br />


●<br />

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-6<br />

Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive<br />

working/academic/living environment.<br />

The General Counsel, Director of Human Resources, or Employee Relations Specialist will<br />

provide assistance in clarifying behavior, which may be interpreted as sexual harassment.<br />

2. Responsibilities. For this policy to be effective, communication channels must exist to inform<br />

students, faculty and staff about this policy. The Offices of the General Counsel and Human<br />

Resources, shall serve as resources with regard to sexual harassment concerns and shall work<br />

closely with administrators to ensure compliance with the policy. All administrators and<br />

supervisors are requested to take appropriate action to disseminate this policy and to inform<br />

persons of procedures for filing sexual harassment complaints. Accountability for compliance with<br />

this policy shall be the responsibility of each administrator and supervisor.<br />

3. Consenting Relationships.<br />

View the University Procedures and Guidelines on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/guide/policy.cfm?upoID=consentrelationships<br />

(Updated per Policy Office 12/10/07)<br />

K. DISCRIMINATION <strong>AND</strong> HARASSMENT: <strong>PROCEDURES</strong> FOR REPORTING <strong>AND</strong><br />


View UCM Procedures and Guidelines on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/bog/policy.cfm?upoID=discrimination&key=discrimination<br />


1. View the Policy on Central’s website at the following URL:<br />

http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/guide/policy.cfm?upoID=travel<br />

2. Definition of Reimbursable Travel Expenses. Reimbursable travel expenses are those expenses<br />

authorized and incurred while transacting official business away from the campus site. Basic<br />

reimbursable expenses are such items as: personal transportation, lodging, meals, and registration<br />

fees for conferences and workshops. Registration fees are considered "travel" whether paid in<br />

advance or claimed for reimbursement on the Travel Expense Voucher, Form F-400.<br />

3. Travel Planning Approval. All travel plans should be discussed and funding determined in<br />

advance with the appropriate cost center administrator. The appropriate cost center administrator<br />

may grant blanket authorization for frequent and routine business travel. The appropriate cost center<br />

administrator may grant exceptions to the provisions of these regulations prior to travel.<br />

4. Travel on University Business. It is the responsibility of both the traveler and the approving<br />

authority to assure that all travel charged to the University is incurred for the benefit of the<br />

University, and that such travel is completed at the most economical and reasonable cost.<br />

5. Method of Reimbursement. Travel expenses may be reimbursed for actual reasonable expenses<br />

not to exceed the budget allocated to the cost center for that purpose. Each cost center may elect to<br />

restrict reimbursement amounts less than actual expenses.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-7<br />

Cash Advance for Travel Expenses. Under some circumstances and within established restrictions, the<br />

University may make advances to individuals for certain travel expenses.<br />

a. Advances may be made for group/team travel.<br />

b. The group/team coach, leader or sponsor may request advances.<br />

c. Advances are not to exceed estimated expenses.<br />

d. Requests for advance of travel funds must be approved by the appropriate cost center<br />

administrator and submitted to Accounts Payable on the university Payment Request form.<br />

e. The approved Payment request form should reach Accounts Payable at least 5 workdays prior<br />

to the date the check is needed.<br />

f. Approved Travel Expense Vouchers (Form F-400) for completed group travel should be<br />

submitted to Accounts Payable within 10 workdays of returning from the trip.<br />

g. Any excess funds advanced must be repaid at the Revenue Office immediately following return<br />

from the trip and the receipt attached to the related Travel Expense Voucher (Form F-400).<br />

6. Transportation. The most economical available transportation, which will satisfactorily accomplish<br />

the University business, should be used. The following options are to be considered:<br />

a. Enterprise Rent-A-Car.<br />

A rental car should be used for all regional travel unless circumstances and conditions make<br />

the use of other types of transportation more advantageous to the university. A rental car is<br />

available by calling 660-429-3222 and accessing account G53617. Reservations must be made<br />

at least 24 hours in advance of travel. Specific Enterprise Rent-A-Car information is available<br />

on the Physical Plant web page.<br />

b. Use of University Vehicles.<br />

University-owned maxi-vans, cargo vans and people movers are available for use by groups<br />

of 5 or more. Reservations for university vehicle use must be made in advance by calling<br />

extension 4331. University gasoline credit cards are provided for the traveler’s use should<br />

additional fuel be needed. The cost will be charged for vehicle mileage at the appropriate<br />

current rate.<br />

c. Use of Privately-Owned Automobile.<br />

A privately-owned vehicle may be used in lie of using Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Reimbursement<br />

will be at the current rate per mile or the Enterprise car daily rate, whichever is less. Mileage is<br />

computed over the most commonly traveled route. Mileage will be reimbursed from and to the<br />

work site or residence, whichever is less.<br />

d. Guide for Drivers on State Business.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-8<br />

Drivers of University and personal vehicles should request a copy of the "Guide for Drivers on<br />

State Business" from HR and follow the guidance on insurance, injuries, and accidents.<br />

e. Use of Commercial Airlines. Travel plans should be made, when possible, to allow for<br />

purchase of a 21 days in advance ticket. Incorporating a Saturday night into the travel schedule<br />

should be done if it results in a savings, considering additional meals and lodging, and does not<br />

result in a disruption of duties on campus.<br />

Reimbursement will be made for the mode of travel, which is the most economical for the<br />

University; not for the mode of travel that is the most convenient or preferred by the traveler.<br />

For cost comparison purposes between automobile and airline travel, the cost of commercial<br />

airline transportation is to be computed on the basis of purchasing a 21 days in advance of<br />

travel ticket and staying over a Saturday night, as verified by a travel agency.<br />

f. Use of University Aircraft. There are times when the use of a University aircraft is more<br />

practical and sensible than the use of other modes of transportation. The traveler should contact<br />

the airport director at extension 4921 for cost and schedule arrangement.<br />

g. Use of Privately-Owned or Rental Aircraft. Reimbursement will be made at the current rate<br />

per mile for privately-owned automobiles plus 4 cents per mile. The mileage to be reimbursed<br />

will be determined by the number of air miles. When more than one person travels in the<br />

same aircraft, only the employee who owned or rented the aircraft shall receive the mileage<br />

allowance.<br />

7. Lodging. Lodging accommodations are to be arranged and paid for by the traveler. Some hotels and<br />

motels grant favorable rates to University employees. Travelers are urged to check the availability of<br />

such rates (i.e. government rates) and take advantage of them. Conference rates are often not the best<br />

rate available. Travelers are expected to secure the most economical rate from the hotel. A copy of<br />

the University State tax exemption (available from Purchasing at extension 4001) should be furnished<br />

to hotels/motels, in Missouri only, to eliminate the Missouri State sales tax charge.<br />

8. Reimbursement for Travel Expenses.<br />

A. Reimbursements are not to exceed reasonable and actual meal costs, actual cost of lodging for the<br />

employee and other actual costs as approved by the cost center administrator.<br />

1. The traveler may claim the actual cost of meals and lodging subject to the approval of the cost<br />

center administrator.<br />

2. Original receipts for lodging must be submitted with the Travel Expense Voucher.<br />

3. A receipt must be submitted for individual meals costing $25.00 or more.<br />

4. Travel expense for friends and relatives are not authorized.<br />

5. When expenses are included in a registration fee (meals, lodging, transportation fares,<br />

official functions) or are otherwise furnished at no additional cost to the traveler, additional<br />

reimbursement shall not be claimed.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-9<br />

B. Inclusions and Exclusions as to Authorized Expenses. In addition to meals and lodging, other<br />

expenses incurred as a necessary part of approved travel may be claimed:<br />

1. Authorized<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Registration fees (receipt required)<br />

Official telephone calls/fax/on-site copy costs<br />

Commercial transportation cost actually paid by the traveler (receipt required)<br />

Parking fees (receipt required)<br />

Mileage for use of a private vehicle or aircraft<br />

Rental vehicle cost (receipt required) including high deductible<br />

collision and comprehensive insurance coverage<br />

Road toll charges (receipt required)<br />

Tips<br />

2. Not authorized<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Personal Entertainment expenses<br />

Personal expenses, such as laundry, valet service, etc.<br />

Alcoholic beverages<br />

Personal telephone calls<br />

Expenses for friends or relatives<br />

C. Contract and Grant Travel<br />

1. Sponsored Projects. If travel is on behalf of a sponsored grant or project and a limitation on<br />

the travel expenses reimbursement is set by the sponsor, then the more restrictive rate will<br />

apply, either that set by the university or that set by the sponsor.<br />

2. Combined Travel for Sponsored Projects and Other University Business. If travel is a<br />

combination of sponsored grant or project and other University business, University guidelines<br />

will apply and travel expense will be charged to both the sponsored project (but not in excess of<br />

the amount allowed by the sponsor) and to other University accounts as applicable.<br />

9. Preparation and submission of Travel Expense Voucher, Form F-400.<br />

a. Responsibility. Each individual who travels on University business and seeks reimbursement<br />

for approved expenses of that travel must submit a Travel Expense Voucher, Form F-400.<br />

b. Approval. In addition to the signature of the Payee, the form must be approved by the<br />

authorized cost center manager. If the two signatures would be the same, then the authorized<br />

signature of the person at the next higher level must be obtained.<br />

c. Submission. On proper completion including the attachment of all required original receipts,<br />

the form should be forwarded to Accounts Payable, Administration Building Room 304. The<br />

expense form is to be filed promptly, and not later than 10 days after return. Travel which<br />

begins and ends within a fiscal year must be budgeted for and the expenses paid and recognized<br />

in that fiscal year. Expenses for which reimbursement is not claimed within these parameters<br />

and the fiscal year is closed will not be paid.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-10<br />

d. Pre-Audit of Travel Expenses. The Accounts Payable Office will audit the expense<br />

form for compliance with regulations, mathematical accuracy, account coding and proper<br />

authorization(s).<br />

e. Payment of Travel Claims. Payment for travel reimbursement may be expected to be in<br />

the mail within six (6) workdays following receipt of the properly approved voucher in the<br />

Accounts Payable Office.<br />

f. Waiver of state taxes. Presentation of a tax-exempt letter to hotels and motels upon<br />

check-in will usually result in these charges being eliminated from the bill. A taxexempt<br />

letter is available from Purchasing. Additional information concerning Travel<br />

Guidelines may be viewed at the following link: http://www.ucmo.edu/upo/index.cfm?<br />

pg=policy.cfm&upoID=travel<br />


The University Store has a wide range of merchandise for sale. Upon presentation of the staff ID card,<br />

employees are given a 10% discount on all merchandise except required textbooks, postage stamps,<br />

special orders, college rings, computer hardware and software, and sale merchandise.<br />


All research that involves human subjects must follow the policies developed by the Human Subjects<br />

Committee. (See Academic Procedures & Regulations Number 9)<br />

All research that involves animal subjects must follow the policies developed by the UCM Institutional<br />

Animal Care and Use Committee.<br />


1. Preamble. Integrity in scholarship and research is an essential part of University of Central<br />

Missouri's intellectual and social structure, and adherence to its spirit and principles must be<br />

maintained. These principles include commitment to truth, objectivity, fairness, honesty, and free<br />

inquiry.<br />

Although serious violations of honesty in scholarship and research may be rare, those that do occur<br />

strike at the very heart of the research/creative enterprise. Advances in scientific knowledge depend<br />

on trustworthy data and honestly reported conclusions. Advances in humanistic studies depend<br />

upon gathering and interpreting legitimate information in a manner which other scholars, operating<br />

in good faith, can judge and replicate. Artists present portfolios and performances, which reflect a<br />

unique artistic statement and point of view. Anything less will seriously undermine the total research/<br />

creative enterprise and erode public confidence in those responsible for its conduct. Moreover, in<br />

any academic institution dedicated to education, scholars and researchers have a special obligation to<br />

exemplify the very best qualities and the highest standards of personal and professional conduct.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-11<br />

The integrity of the process of research and scholarship must depend largely on self-regulation; it is<br />

the responsibility of all who engage in search for knowledge. Advances are gleaned from vigorous<br />

application of scientific and scholarly methods and in compliance with ethical codes rooted in<br />

intellectual honesty.<br />

Dishonesty is often an unfortunate response to environmental temptations, and detection in advance<br />

of those who are most susceptible is difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, major attention should be<br />

directed toward the following:<br />

a. encouraging intellectual honesty;<br />

b. discouraging "success at any cost";<br />

c. accepting responsibility for integrity;<br />

d. maintaining professional interpersonal relationships;<br />

e. establishing and maintaining well-defined research protocols;<br />

f. appropriately assigning credit and responsibility.<br />

2. Purpose.<br />

a. University of Central Missouri is responsible for the integrity of research conducted at the<br />

university. As a community of scholars, in which truthfulness and integrity are fundamental,<br />

the university must establish procedures for the investigation of allegations of scholarly or<br />

scientific misconduct.<br />

b. It is the purpose of these procedures to set forth guidelines for efficient disclosure and<br />

resolution of accusations of scientific or scholarly misconduct in a manner that (1) protects<br />

the public from the results of misconduct, (2) protects innocent scientists and scholars from<br />

retribution or harassment or interference with their academic freedom, and (3) protects from<br />

retribution the individual who unmaliciously presents evidence of misconduct.<br />

3. Definitions.<br />

a. Scientific or scholarly misconduct means willful deception or intent to deceive in any scientific<br />

or scholarly endeavor.<br />

b. The exact nature of the misconduct may vary with the discipline, but it essentially includes the<br />

following:<br />

(1) fabrication and falsification of data,<br />

(2) intentional use of unreliable research methods,<br />

(3) intentional distortion or misinterpretation of research data or results,<br />

(4) plagiarism,

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-12<br />

(5) other serious deviations from accepted practices in proposing, carrying out, or reporting<br />

results from scientific or scholarly activities,<br />

(6) violation of federal, state, or institutional rules on research involving human subjects,<br />

animals, genetically engineered materials, new drugs and devices and radioactive materials.<br />

c. The misconduct may appear in the content of a grant proposal, published manuscript, work of<br />

art, film, news release, or any other expression of scientific or scholarly activity.<br />

d. Scientific or scholarly misconduct does not include honest error or honest differences in<br />

interpretations or judgments about data or texts.<br />

e. The complainant is the person who reports possible misconduct to the mediator.<br />

f. The mediator is the person who, in conjunction with the Dean of the Graduate School and<br />

Extended Studies and the President of the Faculty Senate (FS) determine whether there is<br />

(are) sufficient reason(s) to conduct an inquiry into the alleged misconduct and acts as a<br />

communications link (or conduit) between the Dean of the Graduate School and Extended<br />

Studies, the FS President, the complainant, respondent, and (if the matter reaches those stages)<br />

the bodies conducting the inquiry and investigation.<br />

g. The mediator is the chair of the FS Ethics in Research Committee (FSERC). If the complainant<br />

is dissatisfied with the mediator's response, then the alleged misconduct may be reported to the<br />

University Provost. The President of the University is the final institutional mediator and may<br />

be contacted by the complainant if responses at the other levels are found unsatisfactory.<br />

h. The respondent is the person accused of scientific or scholarly misconduct. This person may<br />

be an employee or appointee of University of Central Missouri or be under the supervision of a<br />

University of Central Missouri employee or appointee.<br />

i. The inquiry is the informal information gathering process to determine whether the allegation of<br />

misconduct warrants an investigation. The inquiry is conducted by the FSERC.<br />

j. The investigation is the formal examination of all relevant information to determine whether<br />

the alleged misconduct has occurred. A panel drawn from the FS Arbitration Pool conducts the<br />

investigation.<br />

4. Reporting of Alleged Scientific and Scholarly Misconduct.<br />

Any Central faculty member, staff member, student or person unaffiliated with University of Central<br />

Missouri who believes that scientific or scholarly misconduct has occurred may submit a written<br />

allegation to the mediator.<br />

5. Confidentiality

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-13<br />

To the extent allowed by law, we shall maintain the identity of respondents and complainants securely<br />

and confidentially and shall not disclose and identifying information, except to: (1) those who need to<br />

know in order to carry out a thorough, competent, objective and fair research misconduct proceeding;<br />

and (2) ORI as it conducts its review of the research misconduct proceeding and any subsequent<br />

proceedings.<br />

To the extent allowed by law, any information obtained during the research misconduct proceeding that<br />

might identify the subjects of research shall be maintained securely and confidentially and shall not be<br />

disclosed, except to those who need to know in order to carry out the research misconduct proceeding.<br />

6. Research Misconduct Proceedings- Criteria, Reports, and Time Limitations<br />

Promptly after receiving an allegation of research misconduct, defined as a disclosure of possible<br />

research misconduct through any means of communication, we shall assess the allegation to determine<br />

if: (1) it meets the definition of research misconduct in 42 CFR Section 93.103; (2) it involves either the<br />

PHS supported research, applications for PHS research support, or research records specified in 42 CFR<br />

Section 93.102(b); and, (3) the allegation is sufficiently credible and specific so that potential evidence<br />

of research misconduct may be identified.<br />

If it is determined that an inquiry (i.e. an initial review of the evidence to determine if the<br />

criteria for conducting an investigation have been met) is warranted, we shall complete the inquiry,<br />

including preparation of the inquiry report and giving the respondent a reasonable opportunity to<br />

comment on it, within 60 calendar days of its initiation, unless the circumstances warrant a longer<br />

period.<br />

If the inquiry takes longer than 60 days to complete, we shall include the documentation of the reasons<br />

for the delay in the inquiry record. The inquiry report shall contain the following information: (1) The<br />

name and position of the respondent(s); (2) A description of the allegations of research misconduct; (3)<br />

The PHS support involved, including, for example, grant numbers, grant applications, contracts, and<br />

publications listing PHS support; (4) The basis for recommending that the alleged actions warrant an<br />

investigation; and (5) Any comments on the report by the respondent or the complainant.<br />

The mediator, in conjunction with the Dean of the Graduate School and Extended Studies and the<br />

President of the Faculty Senate, will make a written determination of whether an investigation is<br />

warranted. If the inquiry results in a determination that an investigation is warranted, we shall begin<br />

the investigation within 30 calendar days of that determination, and on or before the date on which the<br />

investigation begins, send the inquiry report and the written determination to the ORI. We shall use<br />

our best efforts to complete the investigation within 120 calendar days of the date on which it began,<br />

including conducting the investigation, preparing the report of findings, providing the draft report for<br />

comment, and sending the final report to ORI.<br />

If it becomes apparent that we cannot complete the investigation within that period, we shall promptly<br />

request an extension in writing from ORI.<br />

In the event of scientific or scholarly misconduct the university will provide the respondent with an<br />

appeal opportunity. A written appeal of the investigative committee’s decision is to be addressed to<br />

the Provost. Grounds for appeal should be limited to failure to follow appropriate procedures in the<br />

investigation or arbitrary and capricious decision making. The appeal must be filed within two working<br />

days of a finding of scientific misconduct. Evaluating of the appeal must be completed within 120 days<br />

of its commencement. If the appeal process cannot be completed within 120 days, the university may

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-14<br />

request an extension in writing from ORI. (This time period does not apply to separate termination<br />

hearings.) The decision of the appeal is final.<br />

In conducting all investigations, we shall: (1) Use diligent efforts to ensure that the investigation is<br />

thorough and sufficiently documented and includes examination of all research records evidence<br />

relevant to reaching a decision on the merits of the allegations; (2) Interview each respondent,<br />

complainant, and any other available person who has been reasonably identified as having information<br />

regarding any relevant aspects of the investigation, including witnesses identified by the respondent,<br />

and record or transcribe each interview, provide the recording or transcript to the interviewee for<br />

correction, and include the recording or transcript in the record of the investigation; (3) Pursue diligently<br />

all significant issues and leads discovered that are determined relevant to the investigation, including<br />

any evidence of additional instances of possible research misconduct, and continue the investigation to<br />

completion; and (4) Otherwise comply with the requirements for conducting an investigation in 42 CFR<br />

Section 93.310<br />

We shall prepare the draft and final institutional investigation reports in writing and provide the draft<br />

report for comment as provided elsewhere in these policies and procedures and 42 CFR Section 93.312.<br />

The final investigation report shall:<br />

1. Describe the nature of the allegations of research misconduct;<br />

2. Describe and document the PHS support, including, for example any grant numbers, grant<br />

applications, contracts, and publications listing PHS support;<br />

3. Describe the specific allegations of research misconduct considered in the investigation;<br />

4. Include the institutional policies and procedures under which the investigation was conducted, if<br />

not already provided to ORI;<br />

5. Identify and summarize the research records and evidence reviewed, and indentify any evidence<br />

taken into custody, but not reviewed. The report should also describe any relevant records and<br />

evidence not taken into custody and explain why.<br />

6. Provide a finding as to whether research misconduct did or did not occur for each separate allegation of<br />

research misconduct identified during the investigation, and if misconduct was<br />

found, (i) identify it as falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism and whether it was intentional, knowing,<br />

or in reckless disregard, (ii) summarize the facts and the analysis supporting the conclusion and consider<br />

the merits of any reasonable explanation by the respondent and any evidence that rebuts the respondent’s<br />

explanations, (iii) identify the specific PHS support; (iv) identify any publications that need correction<br />

or retraction, (v) identify the person(s) responsible for the misconduct, and (vi) list any current support<br />

or known applications or proposals for support that the respondent(s) has pending with non-PHS Federal<br />

agencies; and (7) include and consider any comments made by the respondent and complainant on the<br />

draft investigation report.<br />

We shall maintain and provide to ORI upon request all relevant research records and records of our<br />

research misconduct proceeding, including results of all interviews and the transcripts or recordings of<br />

such interviews.<br />

7. Ensuring a Fair Research Misconduct Proceeding<br />

We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure an impartial and unbiased research misconduct<br />

proceeding to the maximum extent practicable. We shall select those conducting the inquiry or<br />

investigation on the basis of scientific expertise that is pertinent to the matter and, prior to<br />

selection, we shall screen them for any unresolved personal, professional, or financial conflicts<br />

of interest with the respondent, complainant, potential witnesses, or others involved in the

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-15<br />

matter. Any such conflict which a reasonable person would consider to demonstrate potential<br />

bias shall disqualify the individual from selection.<br />

8. Notice to Respondent<br />

During the research misconduct proceeding, we shall provide the following notifications to all identified<br />

respondents:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Initiation of Inquiry. Prior to or at the beginning of the inquiry, we shall provide the<br />

respondent(s) written notification of the inquiry and contemporaneously sequester all research<br />

records and other evidence needed to conduct the research misconduct proceeding. If the inquiry<br />

subsequently identifies additional respondents, they shall be promptly notified in writing.<br />

Comment on the Inquiry Report. We shall provide the respondent(s) an opportunity to comment<br />

on the inquiry report in a timely fashion so that any comments can be attached to the report.<br />

Results of the Inquiry. We shall notify the respondent(s) of the results of the inquiry and attach<br />

the notification copies of the inquiry report and these institutional policies and procedures for the<br />

handling of research misconduct allegations.<br />

Initiation of Investigation. Within a reasonable time after our determination that an investigation<br />

is warranted, but not later than 30 calendar days after that determination, we shall notify the<br />

respondent(s) written notice of any new allegations within a reasonable time after determining to<br />

pursue allegations not addressed in the inquiry or in the initial notice of the investigation.<br />

Scheduling of Interview. We will notify the respondent sufficiently in advance of the scheduling<br />

of his/her interview in the investigation so that the respondent may prepare for the interview and<br />

arrange for the attendance of legal counsel, if the respondent wishes.<br />

Comment on Draft Investigation Report. We shall give the respondent(s) a copy of the draft<br />

investigation report, and concurrently, a copy of, or supervised access to, the evidence on which<br />

the report is based and notify the respondent(s) that any comments must be submitted within 30<br />

days of the date on which he/she received the draft report. We shall ensure that these comments<br />

are included and considered in the final investigation report.<br />

Appeal. We shall give the respondent timely notification of the appeal process.<br />

9. Notifying ORI of the Decision to Open an Investigation and of Institutional Findings and<br />

Actions Following the Investigation.<br />

On or before the date on which the investigation begins (the investigation must begin within 30 calendar<br />

days of our finding that an investigation is warranted), we shall provide ORI with the written finding by<br />

the Dean of the Graduate School and Extended Studies and a copy of the inquiry report containing the<br />

information required by 42 CFR Section 93.309(a) (. Upon a request from ORI we shall promptly send<br />

them: (1) a copy of our institutional policies and procedures under which the inquiry was conducted; (2)<br />

the research records and evidence reviewed, transcripts or recordings of any interviews, and copies of all<br />

relevant documents; and (3) the charges for the investigation to consider.<br />

We shall promptly provide to ORI after the investigation: (1) A copy of the investigation report, all<br />

attachments, and any appeals; (2) A statement of whether the institution found research misconduct,

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-16<br />

and, if so, who committed it; (3) A statement of whether the institution accepts the findings in the<br />

investigation report; and (4) A description of any pending or completed administrative actions against<br />

the respondent.<br />

10. Maintenance and Custody of Research Records and Evidence<br />

We shall take the following specific steps to obtain, secure, and maintain the research records and<br />

evidence pertinent to the research misconduct proceeding:<br />

1. Either before or when we notify the respondent of the allegation, we shall promptly<br />

take all reasonable and practical steps to obtain custody of all research records and evidence<br />

needed to conduct the research misconduct proceeding, inventory those materials, and<br />

sequester them in a secure manner, except tin those cases where the research records or<br />

evidence encompass scientific instruments shared by a number of users, custody may be<br />

limited to copies of the data or evidence on such instruments, so long as those copes are<br />

substantially equivalent to the evidentiary value of the instruments.<br />

2. Where appropriate, give the respondent copies of, or reasonable, supervised access to the<br />

research records.<br />

3. Undertake all reasonable and practical efforts to take custody of additional research records<br />

and evidence discovered during the course of the research misconduct proceeding, including<br />

at the inquiry and investigation states, or if new allegations arise, subject to the exception for<br />

scientific instruments in (1) above.<br />

4. We shall maintain all records of the research misconduct proceeding, as defined in 42<br />

CFR Section 93.317(a) for 7 years after completion of the proceeding, or any ORI or HHS<br />

proceeding under Subparts D&E of 42 CFR Part 93, whichever is later, unless we have<br />

transferred custody of the records and evidence to HHS, or ORI has advised us that we no<br />

longer need to retain the records.<br />

11. Interim Protective Actions<br />

At any time during a research misconduct proceeding, we shall take appropriate interim actions to protect public<br />

health, federal funds and equipment, and the integrity of the PHS supported research process. The necessary<br />

actions will vary according to the circumstances of each case, but examples of action that may be necessary<br />

include delaying the publication of research results, providing for closer supervision of one or more researchers,<br />

requiring approvals for actions relating to the research that did not previously require approval, auditing pertinent<br />

records, or taking steps to contact other institutions that may be affected by an allegation of research misconduct.<br />

Notifying ORI of Special Circumstances that may Require Protective Actions<br />

At any time during a research misconduct proceeding, we shall notify ORI immediately if we have<br />

reason to believe that any of the following conditions exist:<br />

1. Health or safety of the public is at risk, including an immediate need to protect human or animal<br />

subjects.<br />

2. HHS resources or interests are threatened.<br />

3. Research activities should be suspended.<br />

4. There is a reasonable indication of violations of civil or criminal law.

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-17<br />

5. Federal action is required to protect the interests of those involved in the research misconduct<br />

proceeding.<br />

6. We believe the research misconduct proceeding may be made public prematurely, so that HHS<br />

may take appropriate steps to safeguard evidence and protect the rights of those involved.<br />

7. We believe the research community or public should be informed.<br />

12. Institutional Actions in Response to Final Findings of Research Misconduct<br />

We will cooperate with and assist ORI and HHS, as needed, to carry out any administrative actions HHS<br />

may impose as a result of a final finding or research misconduct by HHS.<br />

13. Restoring Reputations<br />

Respondents. We shall undertake all reasonable, practical, and appropriate efforts to protect and restore<br />

the reputation of any person alleged to have engaged in research misconduct, but against whom no<br />

finding of research misconduct was made, if that person or his/her legal counsel or other authorized<br />

representative requests that we do so.<br />

Complainants, Witnesses, and Committee Members. We shall undertake all reasonable and practical<br />

efforts to protect and restore the position and reputation of any complainant, witness, or committee<br />

member and to counter potential or actual retaliation against those complainants, witnesses, and<br />

committee members.<br />

14. Cooperation with ORI<br />

We shall cooperate fully and on a continuing basis with ORI during its oversight reviews of this<br />

institution and its research misconduct proceedings and during the process under which the respondent<br />

may contest ORI findings or research misconduct and proposed HHS administrative actions. This<br />

includes providing, as necessary to develop a complete record of relevant evidence, all witnesses,<br />

research records, and other evidence under our control or custody, or in the possession of, or accessible<br />

to, all persons that are subject to our authority.<br />

Reporting to ORI. We will report to ORI any proposed settlements, admissions of research misconduct,<br />

or institutonal findings of misconduct that arise at any stage of a misconduct proceeding, including the<br />

allegation and inquiry stages.<br />

Related Resources<br />

UCM Ethics Policy<br />

Ethics Procedure<br />

Whistleblower Procedures<br />

O. Regulations and Guidelines Regarding Technology at UCM

Faculty Guide Section <strong>IV</strong>-18<br />

Because the nature of technology is one of rapid change, Technology regulations and guidelines are<br />

maintained on the Office of Technology web site, www.ucmo.edu/ot. Examples of these regulations and<br />

guidelines include, but are not limited to, such documents as:<br />

Network Security Regulations<br />

Use, Acquisition and Support of Technology<br />

Email Regulations<br />

Copyright and the DMCA<br />

Purchasing Standards<br />

Software Support<br />

UCM Acceptable Use Guidelines<br />

Any questions about Technology regulations and guidelines at UCM may be directed to the Technology<br />

Support Center at 660-543-4357 or tsc@ucmo.edu."

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