Intestinal Parasites: Helminths, Cestodes, Protozoa (and other ...

Intestinal Parasites: Helminths, Cestodes, Protozoa (and other ... Intestinal Parasites: Helminths, Cestodes, Protozoa (and other ...


Know your local epidemiology! Until you are surrounded by zebras… then think zebras, not horses

Part 2: Overview • Helminths – Roundworm: Ascaris lumbricoides – Whipworm: Trichuris trichuria – Hookworms: Necator americanus, Acylostoma duodenale – Strongyloides stercoralis • Cestodes – Taenia solium – Echinococcus granulosus • Protozoa – Entamoeba histolytica – Giardia lamblia • Trematodes – Schistosomiasis

Know your local epidemiology!<br />

Until you are surrounded by zebras… then think zebras, not horses

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