UBI Banca Group

UBI Banca Group

UBI Banca Group


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• degree of “innovation” in the litigation, to be assessed by considering whether the issues<br />

turn on matters already known and “weighed” by the Bank or on completely new matters which<br />

therefore require study (e.g. resulting from a change in the legislation or in legal orientations);<br />

• degree of “strategic importance” of the litigation to the bank: for commercial reasons the<br />

Bank might for example decide to end a case very rapidly even if it had grounds of defence that<br />

would allow it to resist in court for a long time;<br />

• average length of litigation, to be weighted taking account of geographical factors, which is to<br />

say the location of the jurisdiction in which the case is tried and the state of progress of the trial.<br />

In this respect a decision must be taken on the source of the statistics from which data is<br />

obtained and assistance can be obtained from the lawyers who represent the Bank in litigation<br />

and who have direct knowledge of the jurisdictions concerned for each case;<br />

• the “nature” of the counterparty (e.g. a private individual or a legal entity, a professional<br />

operator or not, a consumer or not, etc.).<br />

A contingent liability is defined as:<br />

• a possible obligation, the result of past events, the existence of which will only be confirmed<br />

by the occurrence or (non occurrence) of future events that are not totally under the control of<br />

the enterprise;<br />

• a present obligation that is the result of past events, but which is not recognised in the<br />

accounts because:<br />

<br />

<br />

it is improbable that financial resources will be needed to settle the obligation;<br />

the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.<br />

Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the financial statements but are only reported, unless<br />

they are considered a remote possibility. In the latter case, in compliance with IAS 37, no<br />

information is given on them in the notes to the financial statements.<br />

Amounts for contingent liabilities are also subject to periodic verification because it is possible<br />

that events may occur which make them remote or probable with the possible need, in the latter<br />

case, to make a provision for them in the financial statements.<br />

A list of contingent liabilities of a tax nature are listed below to which the Bank has attributed a<br />

possible risk.<br />


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