UBI Banca Group

UBI Banca Group

UBI Banca Group


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• the European semester was introduced for the first time in the Ecofin meeting held in<br />

September 2010 4 ;<br />

• temporary funds (European Financial Stability Facility, EFSF) and permanent funds<br />

(European Stability Mechanism, ESM) were created in March to support countries in<br />

financial difficulty. They replaced the bilateral loans used previously;<br />

• the European Parliament approved a reform of the stability and growth pact in June<br />

designed to increase the weighting attributed to the debt indicator with respect to net debt,<br />

with the introduction of a severe repayment programme and matching penalty mechanisms;<br />

• in summit meetings held on 26 th October, 9 th December and 30 th January 2012, the heads<br />

of state and government of the area gradually made further decisions designed:<br />

to improve European Governance<br />

The commitment, already agreed in March 2011, to implement budget rules at constitutional or<br />

equivalent level in national legislations, consistent with those set at European level with the Stability<br />

Pact, was reaffirmed. It was also decided in the summit held in December that those rules should<br />

include an automatic mechanism to correct any deviations and that the European Union Court of<br />

Justice would be responsible for judging the compliance of national legislation with European rules 5.<br />

On that same occasion European institutions were requested to examine regulatory proposals<br />

submitted by the European Commission at the end of November. These provide for greater coordination<br />

for euro area countries when preparing budgets by defining a common calendar for the<br />

presentation of budgets to the Commission before they are approved by the respective national<br />

parliaments and by granting the Commission greater supervisory powers over countries in receipt of<br />

financial assistance or which are in any case in serious financial difficulty.<br />

to clarify the role of private sector investors in the solution of the Greek crisis<br />

The Greek government and private sector investors (banks and insurance companies) have been<br />

urged to reach a voluntary agreement in order to facilitate the return of public debt to 120% of GDP<br />

by 2020, by reducing the nominal value of Greek government securities held by the private sector by<br />

50% 6. It was also decided that any future involvement of private sector investors in the solution of<br />

sovereign debt crises will be based on IMF principles and practices, that the decisions concerning<br />

Greece are to be considered as one-off and exceptional and that uniform collective action clauses<br />

would be introduced for all new issues of government securities in the euro area.<br />

to strengthen financial stabilisation instruments<br />

It was decided to increase the capacity of the EFSF to intervene, by increasing its financial impact<br />

using two options which could be used simultaneously if necessary. These involve in the one case<br />

the granting of partial guarantees on new issues of government securities by countries in the area<br />

and in the other the establishment of one or more special purpose vehicles (co-investment funds, CIF)<br />

which would purchase government securities on the primary and secondary market, using funds<br />

supplied by private sector investors and by the EFSF. In both cases the intervention would be<br />

dependent on the acceptance by beneficiaries of stringent conditions on the policies to be pursued to<br />

re-establish financial stability. The process to approve the treaty to set up the ESM was then<br />

accelerated with the objective of bringing forward the date on which it comes into force to July 2012.<br />

The EFSF will remain active to finance programmes started before the middle of 2013, working<br />

alongside the ESM for one year, while the total lending capacity of the two bodies was confirmed at<br />

€500 billion. The adequacy of those funds will be reviewed in March 2012.<br />

to increase the capital of banks to facilitate access to longer term funding<br />

With a view to increasing confidence in the banking system, the European Banking Authority (EBA)<br />

approved a recommendation which involves the creation of a temporary capital buffer for the larger<br />

banks. This will allow them to achieve a capital ratio of 9% (in terms of the highest quality capital),<br />

on the basis of the market value of government securities held in portfolio at the end of September<br />

2011. In order to ease medium to long-term funding difficulties, the European Commission<br />

established uniform rules for all EU countries concerning access by banks to national government<br />

guarantees (in terms of conditions and costs).<br />

to increase the funds available to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to support<br />

countries in difficulty<br />

EU countries are committed to assessing the possibility of providing the IMF with additional funds of<br />

up to €200 billion, to bring the funds available into line with the requirements caused by the crisis.<br />

4 The new procedure led to the harmonisation of time schedules for the enactment of budget laws in member countries and its aim is<br />

to lead to greater co-ordination of tax policies through improved policy co-ordination.<br />

5 The reduction of public debt above a threshold of 60% of GDP is assessed using a numerical parameter and must be equal to one<br />

twentieth of the difference with respect to that threshold. This measure is in addition to that by which the structural deficit must not<br />

exceed 0.50% of GDP during each economic cycle. If it does, then automatic penalties apply if the deficit exceeds 3% of GDP.<br />

6 It was only agreement on a larger cut (53.5%) to the nominal amount of securities held by the private sector that made it possible to<br />

unlock the second package of aid on 21 st February 2012, amounting to €130 billion, as a result of which the default of the Greek<br />

Republic was avoided, ensuring that a public debt to GDP ratio of 120.5% could be reached in 2020.<br />


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