UBI Banca Group

UBI Banca Group

UBI Banca Group


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- net commission income rose to €316 million (+€13.8 million), the aggregate result of an<br />

overall decrease in commissions on indirect funding, which was more than offset by an<br />

increase in commissions on current accounts (which also included those for commitment<br />

fees);<br />

- the contribution from net income from trading, hedging and disposals and repurchases,<br />

amounting to €2.1 million, was down on the previous year (-€7.5 million), due mainly to the<br />

negative impacts of hedges on fixed rate mortgages and on fair value changes in hedges on<br />

bonds;<br />

- other net operating income and expense increased to €21.4 million (+€8.1 million) benefiting<br />

to a large extent from net income from securitisations and covered bonds, as well as<br />

increased tax recoveries.<br />

Expenses included:<br />

- personnel expense down to €272.4 million (-€4.9 million). Both years were affected by<br />

extraordinary items 1 , net of which this expense increased by €12.1 million from 271.2<br />

million to €283.3 million, as a result of greater costs for company bonuses, salary trends<br />

and incentive schemes, partly offset by decreases in average personnel numbers;<br />

- the overall reduction in other administrative expenses to €197 million (-€7 million) is the<br />

aggregate result of a significant containment in the cost of some items (-€2.4 million for<br />

professional and advisory services; -€1.6 million for outsourced services; -€1.4 million for<br />

postal expenses and -€1.2 million for both credit recovery and rent payable), while the few<br />

items which increased included the tenancy of premises (+€1.6 million), fees for services<br />

provided by <strong>Group</strong> companies (+€1.5 million) and above all indirect taxes (+€3.7 million);<br />

- impairment losses on tangible and intangible assets increased by €0.5 million a €7.7<br />

million.<br />

As a result of the performance reported above, the cost:income ratio improved from 63.5% to<br />

56.6%.<br />

Net impairment losses on loans fell from €96.2 million to €83.1 million (-€13.1 million),<br />

including €73.6 million for specific impairment losses recognised on deteriorated loans (€48.5<br />

million on non-performing loans and €19 million on impaired loans) and €9.5 million for<br />

collective impairment losses on performing loans. The loan loss rate stood at 0.42% compared<br />

to 0.47% twelve months before.<br />

A sum of €1.5 million – classified within profits from the disposal of equity investments –<br />

contributed to pre-tax profit. It related to the sale of a property previously used as a branch<br />

which was then closed in 2010, when the distribution network was rationalised.<br />

As concerns the balance sheet, loans fell progressively from €20.3 billion to €19.6 billion (-€0.7<br />

billion; -3.3%), while the composition changed with an increase in mortgages and other<br />

medium to long-term loans (+€0.9 billion to €12.7 billion), accounting for 64.6% of total loans<br />

(58.1% in December 2010). On the other hand, short-term loans decreased, especially with<br />

regard to “Other transactions” (-€0.9 billion to €2.5 billion) affected by the repayment of some<br />

significant loans to “large corporate” clients. In terms of type of borrower, loans to “households<br />

and local businesses” increased by 4.5% year-on-year, while loans to the large corporate<br />

segment already mentioned decreased by 33.3%, consistent with the objective of not failing to<br />

provide support and liquidity to local economies.<br />

From the viewpoint of the quality of lending, net deteriorated loans increased over twelve<br />

months from €1,061.8 million to €1,212.5 million (+€150.7 million), although the trend<br />

reversed in the fourth quarter: +€95.1 million to €448.4 million for non-performing loans 2<br />

mainly due to transfers from impaired loans; +€92.5 million to €472.1 million for impaired<br />

loans, fuelled above all by new classifications from performing loans; -€31 million to €270<br />

million for restructured loans; -€5.9 million to €22 million for exposures past due and in<br />

arrears. Within the latter, exposures in arrears for between 90 and 180 days relating to<br />

1 The figure for 2011 benefited from the release of provisions set aside previously and better than expected results amounting to €10.9<br />

million before tax. In 2010, on the other hand, the item included higher expense of €6.1 million for leaving incentives, again before<br />

tax.<br />

2 In the second quarter, <strong>Banca</strong> Popolare di Bergamo disposed of unsecured non-performing loans amounting to €2.4 million, written<br />

down by 87.5%, which gave rise to a net loss on the sale of €0.2 million.<br />


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