UTTAR BHIAR (21032010) - Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank

UTTAR BHIAR (21032010) - Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank UTTAR BHIAR (21032010) - Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank


© n[adma H$s dm{f©H$ Am` … é. 1,28,000/- _mVm-{nVm H$s {ejm … {nVm --- ñZmVH$ _mVm --- ñZmVH$ A~ AmJm_r {ddaU H$mo n‹T>Vo g_` g§b¾ Z_yZm CÎma nÌ H$mo Ü`mZ _| aI| Ÿ& n¥ð> 1 Cå_rXdma H$m nyam Zm_ (H$moð>H$ g§. 1) … AmnH$mo AnZm nyam Zm_ A§J«oOr Ho$ ~‹S>o Ajam| _| {bIZm h¡ Ÿ& XoI| Cå_rXdma Zo H¡$go AnZm Zm_ {XE JE ñWmZ na ~mb nm°B§Q> noZ go {bIm h¡ Ÿ& AÝ` {ddaU (H$moð>H$ g§. 2-7) … Amn XoI|Jo {H$ H$moð>H$ g§. 2 go 7 _| _m§Jr J`r OmZH$mar AmgmZr go ^ar Om gH$Vr h¡ Ÿ& ~mb nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à`moJ H$a Ho$ Bg OmZH$mar H$mo ^[a`o Ÿ& (H$moð>H$ 6 _| Hw$N> Z ^a|) àíZ nwpñVH$m AZwH«$_m§H$, àíZ_m{bH$m H«$_m§H$ Am¡a àmê$n H«$. (H$moð>H$ g§. 8-10 _| Ano{jV OmZH$mar) … àíZ nwpñVH$m AZwH«$_m§H$, àíZ _m{bH$m H«$_m§H$ Am¡a àmê$n H«$. (H$moð>H$ 8-10 _| Ano{jV OmZH$mar) àíZ nwpñVH$m na N>nr hþB© h¢ Ÿ& AmnH$mo `o g§»`mE§ narjm Ho$ g_` {_bZo dmbr àíZ nwpñVH$m go AnZo CÎma nÌ na ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go CVmaZr hm|Jr Ÿ& narjmWu Ho$ hñVmja (H$moð>H$ g§. 11) … H¥$n`m `hm§ AnZo hñVmja ~mb ßdmBªQ> noZ go H$a| Ÿ& H$moð>H$ g§. 13 go boH$a AmJo g^r H$moð>H$m| Ho$ {bE EM. ~r. n|{gb H$m à`moJ H$a| Ÿ& Cå_rXdma H$m Zm_ (H$moð>H$ g§. 13) … Zm_ {bIZo Ho$ {bE 10 H$moð>H$m| H$s EH$ n§pŠV h¡ Ÿ& Amn XoI|Jo {H$ àË`oH$ H$moð>H$ Ho$ R>rH$ ZrMo Ho$ H$m°b_ _| 26 A§S>mH¥${V`m| _| A§J« oOr dU©_mbm H$m EH$-EH$ Aja {bIm hþAm h¡ Ÿ& àË`oH$ H$mb_ _| g~go D$na H$s AmH¥${V _| ‘A’ Aja h¡ VWm g~go ZrMo H$s A§S>mH¥${V _| ‘Z’ Aja h¡ Ÿ& XoI| {H$ Cå_rXdma Zo {H$g àH$ma EM.~r. n|{gb H$m à`moJ H$a AnZm Zm_ àË`oH$ H$moð>H$ _| Ho$db EH$ Aja {bIH$a ^a {X`m h¡ Am¡a àË`oH$ H$moð>H$ Ho$ ZrMo Cn`wŠV A§S>mH¥${V H$mo H$mbm H$a {X`m h¡ & H¥$n`m Ü`mZ X| {H$ Cå_rXdma Zo AnZo Zm_ Ho$ Xmo ^mJm| Ho$ _Ü` EH$H$moï>H$ Am¡a CgHo$ ZrMo Ho$ H$m°b_ Imbr N>mo‹S> {X`o h¢ & `{X AmnHo$ Zm_ _| A{YH$ Aja h¢ Vmo Ho$db nhbo10 Ajam| H$mo ([aº$ ñWmZ H$mo {_bm H$a) {bI| Omo {XE JE H$moð>H$mo _| Am Om`| & Cå_rXdma H$m AZwH«$_m§H$ (H$moð>H$ g§.14) … AmnH$mo Xg> A§H$m| H$m AZwH«$_m§H$ {X`m OmEJm Ÿ& AZwH«$_m§H$ {bIZo Ho$ {b`o `hm± 10 H$moð>H$ H$s EH$ n§pŠV Xr JB© h¡ & àË`oH$ H$moîR>H$ Ho$ ZrMo N>moQ>r-N>moQ>r 10 A§S>mH¥${V`m§ h¢ {OZH$s H«$_ g§»`m 1 go 9 d 0 VH$ h¢ Ÿ& XoI| Cå_rXdma Zo EM.~r. n|{gb H$m à`moJ H$a AnZm AZwH«$_m§H$ BZ H$moð>H$m| _| Bg àH$ma {bI {X`m h¡ {H$ àË`oH$ H$moð>H$ _| Ho$db EH$ hr A§H$ Am`m h¡ Am¡a H$moð>H$m| Ho$ ZrMo {X`o J`o A§S>mH¥${V`m| _| go Cn`wŠV A§S>mH¥${V`m| H$mo H$mbm H$a {X`m h¡ Ÿ& AmnH$mo AnZm AZwH«$_m§H$ àíZ nwpñVH$m _| {XE JE ñWmZ na ^r {bIZm h¡ & nX (H$moð>H$ g§. 15) … Bg H$moîR>H$ H$mo Imbr a{IE Ÿ& loUr (H$moð>H$ g§.16) … loUr go g§~§{YV H$moS> AZw~§Y-I _| {XE JE h¢ Ÿ& H¥$n`m AnZm loUr H$moS> XoI| Am¡a H$moð>H$ _| ^ao VWm Cn`wº$ A§S>mH¥${V H$mo EM².~r. nopÝgb go H$mbm H$a| Ÿ& Xo{I`o CXmhaU Ho$ Cå_rXdma Zo {H$g àH$ma loUr H$m H$moS> H$moð>H$ _| {bIm h¡ Am¡a Cn`wº$ A§S>mH¥${V H$mo H$mbm {H$`m h¡ Ÿ& àê$n H«$. (H$moð>H$ g§.17) … AmnH$mo H$moð>H$ 17 _| àê$n H«$_m§H$ g§»`m (VrZ A§H$m| _|) {bIZr h¡ Ÿ& {XE JE H$moîR>H$ _| àË`oH$ A§H$ {bI| VWm Cn`wº$ A§S>mH¥${V`m| H$mo EM. ~r. nopÝgb go H$mbm H$a| & narjm H$m _mÜ`_ (H$moð>H$ g§. 18) … V{H©$H$ j_Vm, Am§{H$H$ j_Vm Am¡a {b{nH$s` A{^`mo½`Vm H$s narjmE§ {hÝXr VWm A§J« oOr XmoZm| ^mfmAm| _| h¡ & AmnHo$ nmg {dH$ën h¡ {H$ Amn àíZm| Ho$ CÎma {H$gr ^r ^mfm _| Xo gH$Vo h¢ Ÿ& Bg H$moð>H$ _| Amn Cg ^mfm H$mo Xem©E {OgH$m Amn à`moJ H$a aho h¢ Ÿ& OÝ_ {XZm§H$ (H$moð>H$ g§. 20) … Cå_rXdma H$s OÝ_{V{W 04.03.1987 h¡ & Xo{IE Cå_rXdma Zo {H$g àH$ma H$moð>H$m| _| {XZm§H$, _mg Am¡a df© {bIm h¢ Am¡a Cn`wº$ A§S>mH¥${V`m| H$mo H$mbm {H$`m h¡ Ÿ& `{X {XZm§H$ AWdm _mg EH$ A§H$ H$s g§»`m _| h¢ Vmo Cggo nyd© ‘eyÝ`’ bJm X| Ÿ& AÜ``Z/emIm (H$moð>H$ g§.21) … BgHo$ A§VJ©V Cå_rXdma H$mo AnZo AÜ``Z H$s emIm AWm©V² H$bm, {dkmZ, dm{UÁ`, B§Or{Z`[a¨J VWm àm¡Úmo{JH$s `m à~§YH$s` Am{X {bIZm h¡ & `{X AmnZo BgHo$ Abmdm {H$gr Xygar emIm Ho$ {df`m| H$m AÜ``Z {H$`m h¡ Vmo ‘AÝ`’H$mo A§{H$V H$a| Ÿ& {ejm H$m _mÜ`_ (H$moð>H$ g§.22) … Bg H$moð>H$ _| {ejm Ho$ {d{^ÝZ ñVam| AWm©V² Eg. Eg. gr. (Xgdt), EM. Eg. gr. (~mahdt), ñZmVH$ ({S>J«r) Am¡a ñZmVH$moÎma (nr. Or.) ñVam| na {ejm Ho$ _mÜ`_ Ho$ ~mao _| {ddaU XoZm h¡ Ÿ& ^mfmAm| Ho$ H$moS> ZrMo {XE JE h¢ … H$moS> ^mfm H$moS> ^mfm H$moS> ^mfm H$moS> ^mfm 11 Ag_r 15 {hÝXr 19 _amR>r 23 qgYr 12 ~§Jmbr 16 H$ÝZS> 20 C{‹S>`m 24 V{_b 13 A§J« oOr 17 H$í_rar 21 n§Om~r 25 VobwJw 14 JwOamVr 18 _b`mb_ 22 g§ñH¥$V 26 CXy h_mao CXmhaU Ho$ Cå_rXdma Zo Eg. Eg. gr. ñVa VH$ H$s n‹T>mB© {hÝXr _mÜ`_ go H$s O~{H$ EM. Eg. gr. go AmJo ñZmVH$ ñVa VH$ CgH$s {ejm H$m _mÜ`_ A§J«oOr Wm Bg{bE CgZo Eg. Eg. gr. Ho$ H$moð>H$ _o| H$moS> g§»`m 15 VWm EM. Eg. gr. Am¡a ñZmVH$ H$moð>H$m| _| H$moS> g§»`m 13 {bIr h¡ Ÿ& CgZo àË`oH$ H$moð>H$ Ho$ ZrMo {XE JE H$m°b_ _| Cn`wº$ A§S>mH¥${V H$mo H$mbm ^r H$a {X`m h¡ Ÿ& àmßVmH$m| H$m à{VeV (H$moð>H$ g§. 23) … Bg H$moð>H$ _| àË`oH$ ñVa H$s narjm _| àmßVm§H$m| Ho$ à{VeV H$mo (Xmo A§H$m| _| nyU© H$aHo$) {XImZm h¡ Ÿ& àË`oH$ narjm ñVa Ho$ {bE XmoZm| A§H$ {bIZo hoVw Xmo-Xmo H$moð>H$ {XE JE h¢ Ÿ& àË`oH$ H$moð>H$ Ho$ ZrMo1 go 9 Am¡a 0 VH$ H$s 10 A§S>mH¥${V`m§ h¡ {OZ_| go Cn`wŠV A§S>mH¥${V H$mo H$mbm H$aZm h¡ Ÿ& `{X narjm g§ñWm Ûmam J«oS> {XE JE hm| Vmo CZH$mo g_mZ à{VeV _| ~XbH$a Cn`w©º$ T>§J go Xem©`| Ÿ& 6

Annual Family Income : Rs. 1,28,000/- Parental Education : Father – Graduate Mother – Graduate Now please refer to the enclosed Specimen Answersheet while reading the following description. Side I Full Name of the Candidate (Box No. 1) : You have to write in capitals your full name in English. See how the candidate has written her name in the space provided by using ball-point pen. Other information (Box No. 2 to 7) : You will find that the information asked for in the boxes from 2 to 7 can be filled in easily. Fill in this information by using ball-point pen. (Keep box 6 blank) Test Booklet Serial Number, Test Battery Number and Test Form Number (Information required in Boxes 8-10) : Test Booklet Serial Number, Test battery Number and Test Form Number (information required in Boxes 8-10) are printed on the test booklet. You have to copy these numbers on your answer sheet using ball point pen from the test booklet which you will receive at the time of examination. Candidate’s Signature (Box No. 11) : Please put your signature by ball point pen. USE HB PENCIL FROM BOX NO. 13 ONWARDS Candidate’s Name (Box No. 13) : There is a row of 10 boxes for writing the name. Just below each box you will find a column of 26 ovals each containing a letter of the English alphabet. The top oval in each contains a letter ‘A’ whereas the last oval bears ‘Z’. See how the candidate has written her name in capitals by entering one letter in each box using HB pencil, and has blackened the appropriate oval under each box. Please note that the candidate has left one box and respective column of ovals blank between two parts of her name. If your name contains more letters write only the first 10 letters (including space) which you can accommodate in the Boxes provided. Candidate’s Roll Number (Box No. 14) : You will be assigned a 10 digit Roll Number. There is a row of 10 boxes provided to write the Roll Number. Just below each box there are 10 ovals numbered from 1 to 9 and 0. See how the candidate has written her Roll Number in the boxes, entering one digit in each box by using HB pencil and has blackened the appropriate oval under each box. You have to write your Roll Number on the test booklet also in the space provided for it. Post (Box No. 15) : Please leave this box blank. Category (Box No. 16) : Category codes are given in Annexure – I. Please find out the code number of the category you belong to and enter the code in the box and blacken the appropriate oval by HB pencil. See how the candidate in the example has written and darkened the appropriate oval for her category. Test Form No. (Box No. 17) : You will have to write the test form number (3 digits) under Box 17. Write each of the digits in the boxes provided and blacken the appropriate ovals by HB pencil. Version of the Test Used (Box No.18) : Tests of Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and Clerical Aptitude are printed in Hindi and English. You have a choice of referring the tests in either of the languages. Indicate in the box the language which you are referring to. Date of Birth (Box No. 20) : Date of birth of this candidate is 04.03.1987. See how the candidate has entered the date, month and the year in the boxes and darkened the appropriate ovals correctly. If the date or the month happens to be single digit you should indicate this by prefixing ‘zero’. Discipline/faculty (Box No. 21) : Under this the candidate has to mark his/her Faculty of Study. viz. Arts, Science, Commerce, Engineering and Technology or Management. If the faculty studied by you is other than these, then indicate as ‘others’. Medium of Instruction (Box No. 22) : In this box, the information about medium of instruction at various levels of study, viz. SSC, (X Std.), HSC (XII Std.), Graduation (DEGREE) and Post Graduation (PG) is to be indicated. The language codes are given below : Code Language Code Language Code Language Code Language 11 Assamese 15 Hindi 19 Marathi 23 Sindhi 12 Bengali 16 Kannada 20 Oriya 24 Tamil 13 English 17 Kashmiri 21 Punjabi 25 Telugu 14 Gujarati 18 Malayalam 22 Sanskrit 26 Urdu The candidate in our example has studied in Hindi Medium at SSC level whereas from HSC onwards upto Graduation, her medium of instruction was English.Therefore, she has written Code 15 under SSC and Code 13 under HSC and Degree. Also she has blackened the appropriate ovals in the column below each box. Percentage of Marks (Box No. 23) : In this box percentage of marks obtained at each level of examination (rounded off to two digits) is to be indicated. For each level of examination, two boxes for writing two digits have been provided. Under each boxed space, 10 ovals ranging from 1 to 9 & 0 have been provided for blackening the appropriate oval. In case grades are given by an examining agency, convert the same into equivalent percentages and indicate as above. 7

Annual Family Income : Rs. 1,28,000/-<br />

Parental Education : Father – Graduate<br />

Mother – Graduate<br />

Now please refer to the enclosed Specimen Answersheet while reading the following description.<br />

Side I<br />

Full Name of the Candidate (Box No. 1) : You have to write in capitals your full name in English. See how the candidate has<br />

written her name in the space provided by using ball-point pen.<br />

Other information (Box No. 2 to 7) : You will find that the information asked for in the boxes from 2 to 7 can be filled in easily.<br />

Fill in this information by using ball-point pen. (Keep box 6 blank)<br />

Test Booklet Serial Number, Test Battery Number and Test Form Number (Information required in<br />

Boxes 8-10) : Test Booklet Serial Number, Test battery Number and Test Form Number (information required in Boxes 8-10)<br />

are printed on the test booklet. You have to copy these numbers on your answer sheet using ball point pen from the test booklet<br />

which you will receive at the time of examination.<br />

Candidate’s Signature (Box No. 11) : Please put your signature by ball point pen.<br />


Candidate’s Name (Box No. 13) : There is a row of 10 boxes for writing the name. Just below each box you will find a column<br />

of 26 ovals each containing a letter of the English alphabet. The top oval in each contains a letter ‘A’ whereas the last oval bears<br />

‘Z’. See how the candidate has written her name in capitals by entering one letter in each box using HB pencil, and has<br />

blackened the appropriate oval under each box. Please note that the candidate has left one box and respective column of ovals<br />

blank between two parts of her name. If your name contains more letters write only the first 10 letters (including space)<br />

which you can accommodate in the Boxes provided.<br />

Candidate’s Roll Number (Box No. 14) : You will be assigned a 10 digit Roll Number. There is a row of 10 boxes provided to<br />

write the Roll Number. Just below each box there are 10 ovals numbered from 1 to 9 and 0. See how the candidate has written<br />

her Roll Number in the boxes, entering one digit in each box by using HB pencil and has blackened the appropriate oval under<br />

each box. You have to write your Roll Number on the test booklet also in the space provided for it.<br />

Post (Box No. 15) : Please leave this box blank.<br />

Category (Box No. 16) : Category codes are given in Annexure – I. Please find out the code number of the category you belong<br />

to and enter the code in the box and blacken the appropriate oval by HB pencil. See how the candidate in the example has<br />

written and darkened the appropriate oval for her category.<br />

Test Form No. (Box No. 17) : You will have to write the test form number (3 digits) under Box 17. Write each of the digits in the<br />

boxes provided and blacken the appropriate ovals by HB pencil.<br />

Version of the Test Used (Box No.18) : Tests of Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and Clerical Aptitude are printed in Hindi<br />

and English. You have a choice of referring the tests in either of the languages. Indicate in the box the language which you are<br />

referring to.<br />

Date of Birth (Box No. 20) : Date of birth of this candidate is 04.03.1987. See how the candidate has entered the date, month<br />

and the year in the boxes and darkened the appropriate ovals correctly. If the date or the month happens to be single digit you<br />

should indicate this by prefixing ‘zero’.<br />

Discipline/faculty (Box No. 21) : Under this the candidate has to mark his/her Faculty of Study. viz. Arts, Science, Commerce,<br />

Engineering and Technology or Management. If the faculty studied by you is other than these, then indicate as ‘others’.<br />

Medium of Instruction (Box No. 22) : In this box, the information about medium of instruction at various levels of study, viz.<br />

SSC, (X Std.), HSC (XII Std.), Graduation (DEGREE) and Post Graduation (PG) is to be indicated. The language codes are given<br />

below :<br />

Code Language Code Language Code Language Code Language<br />

11 Assamese 15 Hindi 19 Marathi 23 Sindhi<br />

12 Bengali 16 Kannada 20 Oriya 24 Tamil<br />

13 English 17 Kashmiri 21 Punjabi 25 Telugu<br />

14 Gujarati 18 Malayalam 22 Sanskrit 26 Urdu<br />

The candidate in our example has studied in Hindi Medium at SSC level whereas from HSC onwards upto Graduation, her<br />

medium of instruction was English.Therefore, she has written Code 15 under SSC and Code 13 under HSC and Degree. Also<br />

she has blackened the appropriate ovals in the column below each box.<br />

Percentage of Marks (Box No. 23) : In this box percentage of marks obtained at each level of examination (rounded off to two<br />

digits) is to be indicated. For each level of examination, two boxes for writing two digits have been provided. Under each boxed<br />

space, 10 ovals ranging from 1 to 9 & 0 have been provided for blackening the appropriate oval. In case grades are given by an<br />

examining agency, convert the same into equivalent percentages and indicate as above.<br />


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