UTTAR BHIAR (21032010) - Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank

UTTAR BHIAR (21032010) - Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank UTTAR BHIAR (21032010) - Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank


VI. {b{IV narjm {b{IV narjm _| [ZåZmZwgma ñVw{Zð> àíZmd{b`m§ hm|Jo … dñVw{Zð> àíZmd{b`m§ H«$. g. àíZmdbr àíZm| H$s g§»`m A{YH$V_ A§H$ {ZYm©[aV g_` 1. Vm{H©$H$ j_Vm 50 50 2. Am§{H$H$ j_Vm 50 50 Hw$b g_` 2 K§Q>o 3. {b{nH$s` A{^`mo½`Vm 50 50 (120 {_ZQ>) Hw$b 150 150 4. A§J« oOr ^mfm * 50 50 30 {_ZQ> * Ho$db Amh©Vm hoVw - `mo½`Vm H«$_m§H$ hoVw A§H$m| H$s JUZm Zht H$s OmEJr H«$_m§H$ 1, 2 Am¡a 3 H$s àíZmd{b`m± {hÝXr VWm A§Jo «Or _| N>nr hm|Jr Ÿ& Bg hoVw {XE JE 2 K§Q>o Ho$ g_` _| Amn {H$gr ^r H«$_ _| nhbr VrZ àíZmd{b`m|/àíZm| H$m CÎma Xo gH$Vo h¡Ÿ& VWm{n, AmnHo$ {hV _| AmnH$mo gy{MV {H$`m OmVm h¡ {H$ {H$gr ^r EH$ àíZmdbr na AË`{YH$ g_` Z bJmE§ Š`m|{H$ {b{IV narjm _| Ah©Vm àmpßV hoVy AmnH$mo n¥WH$V… àË`oH$ àíZmdbr _| CÎmrU© hmoZm h¡ Am¡a gmW hr `mo½`Vm H«$_ _| n`m©ßV A{YH$ A§H$ nmZo h¢Ÿ& A§J«oOr ^mfm H$s àíZmdbr Ho$ {bE AbJ go 30 {_ZQ> {XE OmE§Jo Ÿ& A§J«oOr ^mfm Ho$ {bE {XE JE 30 {_ZQ> Ho$ Xm¡amZ Amn {H$gr AÝ` àíZmdbr Ho$ CÎma Zht Xo gH$Vo h¢Ÿ& CÎmrUmªH$ … Cå_rXdma H$mo A§J« oOr ^mfm H$s àíZmdbr Am¡a àË`oH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm _| nmg hmoZm hmoJm & Cå_rXdmam| H$mo àË`oH$ àíZmdbr _| Ý`yZV_ 35% ( A. Om. /A. O. Om. Cå_rXdmam|$Ho$ {bE 30%) A§H$ boZo hm|Jo Ÿ& Cå_rXdmam| Ûmam g^r n«íZmd{b`m| _| àmßV Hw$b A§H$m| H$mo {b{IV narjm Ho$ ~mX `mo½`Vm gyMr ~ZmZo Ho$ à`moOZ go narjm Ho$ Hw$b A§H$m| H$mo 60 _mZH$a n[ad{V©V {H$`m OmEJm Ÿ& {b{IV narjm H$s àmdrÊ` gyMr ~ZmZo hoVw àW_ ^mJ H$s dñVw{ZîR> narjm AWm©V² nhbr VrZ àíZmd{b`m| _| àmßV A§H$mo H$mo _mZm OmEJm Ÿ& [a[ŠV`m| H$s g§»`m Ho$ AmYma na Ho$db CÝht Cå_rXdmam| H$mo 1 … 4 Ho$ AZwnmV _| gmjmËH$ma Ho$ {bE ~wbm`m Om`oJmŸ{OÝhm|Zo {b{IV narjm _| n`m©á D§$Mm H«$_m§H$ nm`m h¡ & gmjmËH$ma Ho$ {bE A{YH$V_ 40 A§H$ hm|Jo Am¡a Cå_rXdmam| H$mo gmjmËH$ma _| H$_ go H$_ 50% (AOm/AOOm Ho$ {bE 45%) Adí` boZo hm|Jo Ÿ& A§{V_ M`Z {b{IV narjm Am¡a gmjmËH$ma _| àmßV A§H$m| H$mo Omo‹S>Zo Ho$ ~mX àXmZ {H$E JE ñWmZ Ho$ AmYma na hmoJm Ÿ& AJa Amn dñVw{ZîR> àíZmd{b`m| _| JbV CÎma X|Jo Vmo X§S> ñdê$n AmnHo$ A§H$m| _| H$Q>m¡Vr H$s Om`oJr Ÿ& {H$gr ^r àíZmdbr _| nyN>o OmZo dmbo àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ nm±M d¡H$pënH$ CÎma {X`o OmVo h¢ Ÿ& Eogo {H$gr ^r àíZ Ho$ {ZYm©[aV A§H$m| _| go, {OgH$m AmnZo JbV CÎma {X`m h¡, X§S> Ho$ ê$n _| EH$-Mm¡WmB© `m 0.25 A§H$ H$mQ> {bE Om`|Jo Ÿ& AJa Amn {H$gr ^r àíZ Ho$ EH$ go A{YH$ CÎma XoVo h¢ Vmo Cgo ^r JbV CÎma hr _mZm Om`oJm Ÿ& ^bo hr {X`o J`o CÎmam| _| go H$moB© EH$ ghr CÎma ^r em{_b hmo Ÿ& Bg Vah Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ {bE ^r X§S> ñdê$n,CnamoŠV {d{Y go hr, A§H$m| _| H$Q>m¡Vr H$s Om`oJr Ÿ& AJa H$moB© àíZ Imbr N>mo‹S> {X`m OmVm h¡, AWm©V² Amn CgH$m CÎma Zht XoVo h¢, Vmo Cg àíZ Ho$ {bE A§H$m| _| H$moB© ^r H$Q>m¡Vr Zht H$s Om`oJr Ÿ& AJa {H$gr àíZmdbr _| H$Q>m¡Vr {H$`o J`o A§H$ A§em| _| hm|Jo Vmo àmßVm§H$m| H$mo {ZH$Q>V_ nyUmªH$m| _| ~Xb {X`m Om`oJm Ÿ& AV… CÎma XoVo g_` AmnH$mo AË`§V gmdYmZ ahZm Mm{h`o & Z_wZm àíZ dñVw{Zð> narjmE§ dñVw{ZîR> narjmAm| Ho$ {bE Hw$N> Z_yZm àíZ ZrMo {X`o Om aho h¢ Ÿ& Bg àH$ma Ho$ àíZ CXmhaU _mÌ h¢ Ÿ& `h gyMr nyU© Zht h¢ Ÿ& Agbr narjm _| Bg àH$ma Ho$ Hw$N> AWdm g^r àíZ hmo gH$Vo h¢ Am¡a BgHo$ A{V[aº$ AÝ` àH$ma Ho$ ^r hmo gH$Vo h¢ Ÿ& àíZmdbr I … Vm{H©$H$ j_Vm `h àíZmdbr `h XoIZo Ho$ {bE h¡ {H$ Amn {H$VZr AÀN>r Vah gmoM gH$Vo h¢ Ÿ& Bg_| {d{^ÝZ àH$ma Ho$ àíZ hm|Jo Ÿ& `hm± Hw$N> CXmhaU àíZ {X`o h¢ Ÿ& {ZX}e … {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ _| go àË`oH$ àíZ _| Ajam| Ho$ Hw$N> g_yh AWdm eãX {X`o J`o h¢ Ÿ& nm§M _| go Mma _| Hw$N> Z Hw$N> g_mZVm h¡ na§Vw nm§Mdm CZ Mmam| go {^Þ h¡ Ÿ& Omo g~go AbJ h¡ AmnH$mo CgH$m nVm bJmZm h¡ Ÿ& à.1. (1) H$mbm (2) bmb (3) ham (4) nrbm (5) a§J CŠV nm§Mm| _| ‘H$mbm’, ‘bmb’ ‘ham’ VWm ‘nrbm’ EH$ g_yh ~ZmVo h¢ Š`m|{H$ `o a§Jm| Ho$ Zm_ h¢ Ÿ& ‘a§J’ {H$gr a§J H$m Zm_ Zht h¢, AV: AmnH$m CÎma h¡ 5 Ÿ& A~ {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ H$mo hb H$aZo H$m à`mg H$s{OE Ÿ& à.2. (1) XZ (2) MN (3) PQ (4) BC (5) ST {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ gmÑí` na AmYm[aV h¡ Ÿ& à.3. Omo g§~§Y ‘n¡a’ H$m _Zwî` go h¡ dhr ‘Iwa’ H$m {H$ggo h¡ ? (1) n¡a (2) Kmo ‹S>m (3) Hw$Îmm (4) b‹S>H$m (5) OyVm Cn`w©º$ CXmhaU _| nm§Mm| _| go ‘Iwa’H$m {H$g go dhr g§~§Y h¡ Omo n¡a H$m _Zwî` go h¡ ? CÎma h¡ ‘Kmo ‹S>m’ Omo CÎma g§. 2 h¡ Ÿ& A~ {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ hb H$s{OE Ÿ& à.4. ‘{XZ’ H$m ‘amV’ go dhr g§~§Y h¡ Omo ‘X`mbw’ H$m --------- go h¡ Ÿ& (1) H«y$a (2) M_H$Xma (3) H$mbr (4) CXma (5) H¥$Vk 10

VI. WRITTEN EXAMINATION In the written examination there will be Objective tests as follows. OBJECTIVE TESTS Sr. No. Name of the Test No. of Questions Maximum Marks Time Allotted 1. Reasoning Ability 50 50 Total Composite 2. Numerical Ability 50 50 time of 120 Minutes 3. Clerical Aptitude 50 50 i.e. 2 hours TOTAL 150 150 4. English Language* 50 50 30 Minutes * Only Qualifying – the marks will not be reckoned for merit ranking. Sr. No. 1, 2 and 3 of the Tests will be printed in Hindi & English You may attempt first three the tests / questions in any order you like in the time of 2 hours alloted for this. However, in your interest you are advised not to spend too much time on any one of the tests because, to qualify in the written examination you have to pass each one of the tests separately, and also obtain sufficiently high marks in the merit order. 30 minutes will be given separately for the test of English Language. During the 30 minutes time for the test of English Language, you cannot attempt any other test. Pass Marks : The candidate MUST pass in each of the objective tests including test of English Language. The candidates must obtain minimum of 35% marks (30% for SC/ST) in each test. Total marks obtained in all the papers by the candidates will be converted treating aggregate marks as 60 for the purpose of preparing merit list after written examination.For the purpose of preparing merit list, marks obtained in first part of the objective tests i.e. first three tests will be considered. Depending upon the number of vacancies only those candidates, who rank sufficiently high in the written test will be called for interview in ratio of 1 : 4. Maximum marks for interview will be 40 and candidates must obtain minimum 50% (For SC/ST 45%) marks in interview. Final selection will be on the basis of the ranking accorded, after adding the marks obtained in the written test and interview. THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWER MARKED BY YOU IN THE OBJECTIVE TESTS. There are five alternatives in every question of a test. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by you, one-fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. If for any question you give more than one answer, it will be treated as wrong even if one of the given answers happens to be right and there will be the same penalty as above for that question. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is given by you, there will be no penalty for that question. If the total of the penalty for a test is in fraction, the marks obtained will be rounded off to the nearest integer. YOU SHOULD THEREFORE BE CAREFUL IN MARKING YOUR ANSWERS. SAMPLE QUESTIONS OBJECTIVE TESTS Below are given some sample questions for the objective type tests. The types of questions are only illustrative and not exhaustive. In actual examination you may find questions on some or all of these types and also questions on the types not mentioned here. TEST I : REASONING ABILITY This is a test to see how well you can think. It contains questions of various kinds. Here are some sample questions. Directions : In each of the following questions, there is a group of letters or words given. Four of the five are alike in a certain way, while one is different. Find out the one which is different. Q.1. (1) black (2) red (3) green (4) yellow (5) paint Of the five, ‘black’, ‘red’, ‘green’, and ‘yellow’ form a group as they are names of colours. ‘Paint’ is not the name of a colour. Therefore (5) is the answer. Now try to solve the following question. Q.2. (1) XZ (2) MN (3) PQ (4) BC (5) ST Following are the questions based on analogy. Q.3. “Foot” is related to “Man” in the same way as “Hoof” is related to ––––– (1) Leg (2) Horse (3) Dog (4) Boy (5) Shoe In the above example, with which one of the five, “Hoof” has the same relationship as “Foot” has to “Man” ? The answer is “Horse”, which is answer number (2). Now try the following questions. Q.4. “Day” is related to “Night” in the same way as “Kind” is related to ––––– (1) Cruel (2) Bright (3) Dark (4) Generous (5) Gratitude 11

VI. {b{IV narjm<br />

{b{IV narjm _| [ZåZmZwgma ñVw{Zð> àíZmd{b`m§ hm|Jo …<br />

dñVw{Zð> àíZmd{b`m§<br />

H«$. g. àíZmdbr àíZm| H$s g§»`m A{YH$V_ A§H$ {ZYm©[aV g_`<br />

1. Vm{H©$H$ j_Vm 50 50<br />

2. Am§{H$H$ j_Vm 50 50<br />

Hw$b g_`<br />

2 K§Q>o<br />

3. {b{nH$s` A{^`mo½`Vm 50 50<br />

(120 {_ZQ>)<br />

Hw$b 150 150<br />

4. A§J« oOr ^mfm * 50 50 30 {_ZQ><br />

* Ho$db Amh©Vm hoVw - `mo½`Vm H«$_m§H$ hoVw A§H$m| H$s JUZm Zht H$s OmEJr<br />

H«$_m§H$ 1, 2 Am¡a 3 H$s àíZmd{b`m± {hÝXr VWm A§Jo «Or _| N>nr hm|Jr Ÿ&<br />

Bg hoVw {XE JE 2 K§Q>o Ho$ g_` _| Amn {H$gr ^r H«$_ _| nhbr VrZ àíZmd{b`m|/àíZm| H$m CÎma Xo gH$Vo h¡Ÿ& VWm{n, AmnHo$ {hV _| AmnH$mo gy{MV {H$`m OmVm<br />

h¡ {H$ {H$gr ^r EH$ àíZmdbr na AË`{YH$ g_` Z bJmE§ Š`m|{H$ {b{IV narjm _| Ah©Vm àmpßV hoVy AmnH$mo n¥WH$V… àË`oH$ àíZmdbr _| CÎmrU© hmoZm h¡ Am¡a gmW<br />

hr `mo½`Vm H«$_ _| n`m©ßV A{YH$ A§H$ nmZo h¢Ÿ& A§J«oOr ^mfm H$s àíZmdbr Ho$ {bE AbJ go 30 {_ZQ> {XE OmE§Jo Ÿ& A§J«oOr ^mfm Ho$ {bE {XE JE 30 {_ZQ> Ho$ Xm¡amZ<br />

Amn {H$gr AÝ` àíZmdbr Ho$ CÎma Zht Xo gH$Vo h¢Ÿ&<br />

CÎmrUmªH$ … Cå_rXdma H$mo A§J« oOr ^mfm H$s àíZmdbr Am¡a àË`oH$ dñVw{Zð> narjm _| nmg hmoZm hmoJm & Cå_rXdmam| H$mo àË`oH$ àíZmdbr _| Ý`yZV_ 35%<br />

( A. Om. /A. O. Om. Cå_rXdmam|$Ho$ {bE 30%) A§H$ boZo hm|Jo Ÿ& Cå_rXdmam| Ûmam g^r n«íZmd{b`m| _| àmßV Hw$b A§H$m| H$mo {b{IV narjm Ho$ ~mX `mo½`Vm gyMr<br />

~ZmZo Ho$ à`moOZ go narjm Ho$ Hw$b A§H$m| H$mo 60 _mZH$a n[ad{V©V {H$`m OmEJm Ÿ& {b{IV narjm H$s àmdrÊ` gyMr ~ZmZo hoVw àW_ ^mJ H$s dñVw{ZîR> narjm AWm©V²<br />

nhbr VrZ àíZmd{b`m| _| àmßV A§H$mo H$mo _mZm OmEJm Ÿ& [a[ŠV`m| H$s g§»`m Ho$ AmYma na Ho$db CÝht Cå_rXdmam| H$mo 1 … 4 Ho$ AZwnmV _| gmjmËH$ma Ho$ {bE<br />

~wbm`m Om`oJmŸ{OÝhm|Zo {b{IV narjm _| n`m©á D§$Mm H«$_m§H$ nm`m h¡ & gmjmËH$ma Ho$ {bE A{YH$V_ 40 A§H$ hm|Jo Am¡a Cå_rXdmam| H$mo gmjmËH$ma _| H$_ go H$_<br />

50% (AOm/AOOm Ho$ {bE 45%) Adí` boZo hm|Jo Ÿ& A§{V_ M`Z {b{IV narjm Am¡a gmjmËH$ma _| àmßV A§H$m| H$mo Omo‹S>Zo Ho$ ~mX àXmZ {H$E JE ñWmZ Ho$<br />

AmYma na hmoJm Ÿ&<br />

AJa Amn dñVw{ZîR> àíZmd{b`m| _| JbV CÎma X|Jo Vmo X§S> ñdê$n AmnHo$ A§H$m| _| H$Q>m¡Vr H$s Om`oJr Ÿ& {H$gr ^r àíZmdbr _| nyN>o OmZo dmbo<br />

àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ nm±M d¡H$pënH$ CÎma {X`o OmVo h¢ Ÿ& Eogo {H$gr ^r àíZ Ho$ {ZYm©[aV A§H$m| _| go, {OgH$m AmnZo JbV CÎma {X`m h¡, X§S> Ho$ ê$n _| EH$-Mm¡WmB© `m<br />

0.25 A§H$ H$mQ> {bE Om`|Jo Ÿ& AJa Amn {H$gr ^r àíZ Ho$ EH$ go A{YH$ CÎma XoVo h¢ Vmo Cgo ^r JbV CÎma hr _mZm Om`oJm Ÿ& ^bo hr {X`o J`o CÎmam| _| go H$moB©<br />

EH$ ghr CÎma ^r em{_b hmo Ÿ& Bg Vah Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ {bE ^r X§S> ñdê$n,CnamoŠV {d{Y go hr, A§H$m| _| H$Q>m¡Vr H$s Om`oJr Ÿ& AJa H$moB© àíZ Imbr N>mo‹S> {X`m OmVm<br />

h¡, AWm©V² Amn CgH$m CÎma Zht XoVo h¢, Vmo Cg àíZ Ho$ {bE A§H$m| _| H$moB© ^r H$Q>m¡Vr Zht H$s Om`oJr Ÿ& AJa {H$gr àíZmdbr _| H$Q>m¡Vr {H$`o J`o A§H$ A§em| _|<br />

hm|Jo Vmo àmßVm§H$m| H$mo {ZH$Q>V_ nyUmªH$m| _| ~Xb {X`m Om`oJm Ÿ& AV… CÎma XoVo g_` AmnH$mo AË`§V gmdYmZ ahZm Mm{h`o &<br />

Z_wZm àíZ<br />

dñVw{Zð> narjmE§<br />

dñVw{ZîR> narjmAm| Ho$ {bE Hw$N> Z_yZm àíZ ZrMo {X`o Om aho h¢ Ÿ& Bg àH$ma Ho$ àíZ CXmhaU _mÌ h¢ Ÿ& `h gyMr nyU© Zht h¢ Ÿ& Agbr narjm _| Bg àH$ma Ho$ Hw$N><br />

AWdm g^r àíZ hmo gH$Vo h¢ Am¡a BgHo$ A{V[aº$ AÝ` àH$ma Ho$ ^r hmo gH$Vo h¢ Ÿ&<br />

àíZmdbr I … Vm{H©$H$ j_Vm<br />

`h àíZmdbr `h XoIZo Ho$ {bE h¡ {H$ Amn {H$VZr AÀN>r Vah gmoM gH$Vo h¢ Ÿ& Bg_| {d{^ÝZ àH$ma Ho$ àíZ hm|Jo Ÿ& `hm± Hw$N> CXmhaU àíZ {X`o h¢ Ÿ&<br />

{ZX}e … {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ _| go àË`oH$ àíZ _| Ajam| Ho$ Hw$N> g_yh AWdm eãX {X`o J`o h¢ Ÿ& nm§M _| go Mma _| Hw$N> Z Hw$N> g_mZVm h¡ na§Vw nm§Mdm CZ Mmam|<br />

go {^Þ h¡ Ÿ& Omo g~go AbJ h¡ AmnH$mo CgH$m nVm bJmZm h¡ Ÿ&<br />

à.1. (1) H$mbm (2) bmb (3) ham (4) nrbm (5) a§J<br />

CŠV nm§Mm| _| ‘H$mbm’, ‘bmb’ ‘ham’ VWm ‘nrbm’ EH$ g_yh ~ZmVo h¢ Š`m|{H$ `o a§Jm| Ho$ Zm_ h¢ Ÿ& ‘a§J’ {H$gr a§J H$m Zm_ Zht h¢, AV: AmnH$m CÎma h¡ 5 Ÿ&<br />

A~ {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ H$mo hb H$aZo H$m à`mg H$s{OE Ÿ&<br />

à.2. (1) XZ (2) MN (3) PQ (4) BC (5) ST<br />

{ZåZ{b{IV àíZ gmÑí` na AmYm[aV h¡ Ÿ&<br />

à.3. Omo g§~§Y ‘n¡a’ H$m _Zwî` go h¡ dhr ‘Iwa’ H$m {H$ggo h¡ ?<br />

(1) n¡a (2) Kmo ‹S>m (3) Hw$Îmm (4) b‹S>H$m (5) OyVm<br />

Cn`w©º$ CXmhaU _| nm§Mm| _| go ‘Iwa’H$m {H$g go dhr g§~§Y h¡ Omo n¡a H$m _Zwî` go h¡ ? CÎma h¡ ‘Kmo ‹S>m’ Omo CÎma g§. 2 h¡ Ÿ&<br />

A~ {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ hb H$s{OE Ÿ&<br />

à.4.<br />

‘{XZ’ H$m ‘amV’ go dhr g§~§Y h¡ Omo ‘X`mbw’ H$m --------- go h¡ Ÿ&<br />

(1) H«y$a (2) M_H$Xma (3) H$mbr (4) CXma (5) H¥$Vk<br />


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