ANDREI MARGA Curriculum Vitae - Universitatea Babes - Bolyai ...

ANDREI MARGA Curriculum Vitae - Universitatea Babes - Bolyai ...

ANDREI MARGA Curriculum Vitae - Universitatea Babes - Bolyai ...


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<strong>ANDREI</strong> <strong>MARGA</strong><br />

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong><br />

1. TITLES<br />

2005 Visiting Professor, „Paul Valery” University, Montpellier (France)<br />

2004 – 2005 Gast-Professor, University of Vienna (Austria)<br />

2004 „Erich Voegelin” Gast-Professor, Ludwig Maximilians University, München<br />

(Germany)<br />

1990 – present Professor of Contemporary Philosophy and Logic – The“Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>”<br />

University (BBU), Cluj, Romania<br />

1979 – 1990 Lecturer – Cluj BBU<br />

1971 – 1979 Assistant Lecturer – Cluj BBU<br />


2011<br />

2011<br />

2011-present<br />

2011-present<br />

2011-present<br />

2006 – present<br />

2006 – present<br />

2005 – 2007<br />

2005 – present<br />

2004 – 2005<br />

2004 – present<br />

Senior Consultant for the International Network of Confucius Institutes<br />

(HANBAN Foundation, Beijing, China)<br />

Expert of the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK) (Germany)<br />

Expert of the Agenzia per la Valutazione e la Promozione della Qualità delle<br />

Facoltà Ecclesiastiche (Vatican)<br />

Member of the Collegium of the Journal Society and Economy, Corvinus<br />

University (Budapest)<br />

Member of the Collegium of the Journal of Law, University of Sao Paulo<br />

(Brazil)<br />

Honorary President of the Danubian Rectors Conference<br />

Member of the Academia Europea, Salzburg (Austria)<br />

Member of the Advisory Board of the European Association for International<br />

Education, Amsterdam (Netherland)<br />

Member of the Academia Europea, Jena (Germany)<br />

President of the Danubian Rectors’ Conference<br />

Member of the Collegium of the Magna Charta Observatory, Bologna (Italy)<br />

2004 – present Member of the Council of the United Nations University, Tokyo (Japan)<br />

2001 – 2005 Member of the Board of the European University Association, Bruxelles<br />

(Belgium)<br />

September, 2010

Professor Andrei Marga, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj, România<br />

2001 – 2003 Member of the International Advisory Commission of the University of<br />

Economics, Budapest (Hungary)<br />

2001 – present Member of the Kuratorium of the Institut für Kulturgeschichte Sud-Ost Europa,<br />

München (Germany)<br />

1998 – present Vice-chair of the CEPES – UNESCO Board<br />

1998 Vice-president of the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education, Paris<br />

1995 – 2001 Member of the Committee of Higher Education and Research, Council of<br />

Europe, Strasbourg<br />

3. SIGNIFICANT POSITIONS (selective list)<br />

2010 – present<br />

2008 – present<br />

2004 – 2008<br />

1993 – 2004<br />

Member of the Uniunea Scriitorilor din România<br />

Rector, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj (Romania)<br />

President of the Academic Council of the Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj<br />

(Romania)<br />

Rector, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University (BBU), Cluj (Romania)<br />

• organized BBU as a multicultural university, with studies in<br />

Romanian (89 degree offering sections), Hungarian (51 degree<br />

offering sections), and German (13 degree offering sections) in 20<br />

Faculties and 18 University Colleges;<br />

• BBU has become the most comprehensive institution of higher<br />

education in Romania;<br />

• established BBU as part of the international network of universities;<br />

• in October 2003, BBU was the host of the 5 th Conference of the<br />

European University Association - Working together: Joint Degrees.<br />

1997 – 2000 Minister of National Education of Romania<br />

• launched the program of a comprehensive reform of education<br />

involving: curriculum reform, changes in the academic and the<br />

financial management of education, decentralization, reorganization<br />

of research;<br />

• creation of a new relationship between school and its social and<br />

economic environment, improvement of the infrastructure,<br />

introduction of IT;<br />

• promoted advanced forms of international cooperation and aimed at<br />

a complete transition to a European system of education in<br />

Romania;<br />

• in 2000, the Ministry organized in Bucharest the 4 th Conference of<br />

the European Ministers of Education;<br />

• in May 2000, Romania concluded the negotiations with the European<br />

Union on the Chapter “Education”.<br />

1992 – 1993 Vice-Rector of Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj<br />

1990 – 1992 Dean of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj<br />


2005<br />

2008<br />

2003<br />

2002<br />

Herder Prize (Austria – Germany)<br />

Prize of Sara and Haim Ianculovici Foundation – Haifa (Israel)<br />

Gold Medal – University of Tübingen (Germany)<br />

România – Israel Award & The Medal of Jerusalem (Israel)<br />

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Professor Andrei Marga, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj, România<br />


2011<br />

2010<br />

2010<br />

2009<br />

2008<br />

2008<br />

2006<br />

2006<br />

2006<br />

2005<br />

2003<br />

2003<br />

2002<br />

2000<br />

2000<br />

2000<br />

1999<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – Baku Pedagogical State University (Azerbaidjan)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – “Alecu Russo” Balty State University (Republic of<br />

Moldova)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – „Corvinus” University of Budapest (Hungary)<br />

Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana in grado di Cavaliere (President<br />

of Italian Republic)<br />

Honorary Dignitary of Carmel City (Israel)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – „Paul Valery” University of Montpellier (France)<br />

Doctor of Humane Letters – Plymouth State University of New Hampshire<br />

State (USA)<br />

A Commendation of the Governor of State of New Hampshire (USA)<br />

Medaglia Pontificia. Anno I. BenedictusXVI (Vatican)<br />

Medaglia Pontificia. Anno XXVI. Joannes Paulus II (Vatican)<br />

Das Grosse Verdienstkreuz (President of Germany)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – Debrecen University (Hungary)<br />

Palmes Académiques – Ministère de l’Education Nationale (France)<br />

Gra-Cruz da Ordem National do Merito (President of Portugal)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – “Ion Creangă” University of Chiandnău (Republic of<br />

Moldova)<br />

Insigne Aureum – University of Maribor (Slovenia)<br />

Grand Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite (President of France)<br />


2003 Premiul Naţional “Brătianu” (Romania)<br />

1985 “Simion Bărnuţiu” Award of the Romanian Academy<br />


2011<br />

2011<br />

2010<br />

2009<br />

2008<br />

2006<br />

2004<br />

2004<br />

2000<br />

2000<br />

Crucea Patriarhală – Patriarhia Română (România)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceva (Romania)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia (Romania)<br />

Medalia „Prieten al Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România” – Federaţia<br />

Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România (The Federation of Jewish Communities from<br />

Romania)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – The “Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureş (Romania)<br />

Insigna de Aur – Forumul Democrat German din Banat (Demokratisches Forum der<br />

Deutschen in Banat) (Romania)<br />

Crucea Transilvană – Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Română a Vadului, Feleacului si<br />

Clujului (Romania)<br />

Medalia „Iuliu Hossu” – Episcopia Greco-Catolică Cluj – Gherla (Romania)<br />

Ordinul Naţional Pentru Merit, rangul Mare Cruce (Romania)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – The University of Baia Mare (Romania)<br />

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Professor Andrei Marga, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj, România<br />

2000<br />

1999<br />

1999<br />

Ordinul Crucea Sfintului Apostol Andrei – Galaţi (Romania)<br />

Doctor Honoris Causa – The “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaand (Romania)<br />

Honorary Citizen of the City of Bistriţa (Romania)<br />

8. EDUCATION<br />

1976 Ph.D. in Contemporary Philosophy (BBU)<br />

1971 B.A. in Philosophy with minor in Sociology (BBU)<br />

Fellowships (for at least one semester):<br />

1996 National Endowment for Democracy, Washington DC (USA)<br />

1991 Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC (USA)<br />

1980 – 1994 DAAD, Universities of Erlangen, Münster, and Frankfurt am Main Universities;<br />

“Max Planck” Institute – Starnberg (Germany)<br />

Scholarships (for at least one year):<br />

1975 – 1976 DAAD, Freiburg im Breisgau and Bielefeld Universities (Germany)<br />

9. Foreign languages (spoken):<br />

English, German, French, Italian<br />

10. Areas of interests:<br />

Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of the European Unification, American<br />

Pragmatism, Logic, Religion in the Era of Globalisation, University Development<br />

11. Marital Status: Married to Felicia–Delia <strong>MARGA</strong> – Associate Professor of Modern Applied<br />

Languages and Intercultural Communication at the Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University,<br />

Cluj, Romania<br />


A. Books – single author:<br />

1. The Destiny of Europe, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2011, 496 p.<br />

2. România actuală (Diagnoză), Editura Eikon, Cluj, 2011, 250 p.<br />

3. Riflessioni italiane, Editura Grinta, 2011, 182 p.<br />

4. Profilul and reforma Universităţii clujene (Profile and Reform of the Cluj University), Cluj University<br />

Press, Cluj, 2011, 480 p. (third edition).<br />

5. Challenges, Values and Vision, Cluj University Press, Cluj, 2011, 475 p. (second edition).<br />

6. Argumentarea (Argumentation), Editura Academiei Române, Bucharest, 2010, 303 p.<br />

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Professor Andrei Marga, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj, România<br />

7. Criza and după criză (Crisis and after the crisis), Editura Eikon, Cluj, 2010, 210 p. (second edition)<br />

8. Absolutul astăzi. Teologia and filosofia lui Joseph Ratzinger (Absolute today. Joseph Ratzinger's<br />

theology and philosophy), Editura Eikon, Cluj, 2010, 370 p.<br />

9. Fraţii mai mari. Intâlniri cu iudaismul (Older brothers. Encounters with Judaism), Editura Hasefer,<br />

Bucharest, 2009, 270 p.<br />

10. Philosophie der europäischen Einigung, Cluj University Press, Cluj, 2009, 380 p.<br />

11. La Sortie du Relativisme, Editura Limes, Cluj, 2008, 324 p. (second edition).<br />

12. Philosophia et Theologia Hodie, Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene, Cluj, 2008, 580 p.<br />

13. Dialoguri cu David Ward, HeNoi Paul, Roland Lohkamp, Michel Grimaldi, E.S. Zenon Cardinal<br />

Grocholewski, Hans Gert Pöttering, E.S. Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, Î.P.S. Bartolomeu Anania,<br />

Robert S. Wistrich, Gianfranco Ghirlanda, Édith Cresson, Hans Küng, René-Samuel Sirat, Gianni<br />

Vattimo, Cluj University Press, Cluj, 2008, 389 p.<br />

14. Diagnoze. Articole and eseuri (Diagnostics. Articles and essays), Editura Eikon, Cluj, 2008, 550 p.<br />

15. Relativism and Its Consequences. Relativismul and consecinţele sale, Cluj University Press, Cluj,<br />

2007, 350 p.<br />

16. Anii reformei 1997-2000 (The Years of Reform 1997-2000), Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene,<br />

Cluj, 2007, 570 p. (second edition)<br />

17. Filosofia lui Habermas (The Philosophy of Habermas), Editura Polirom, Iaand, 2006, 520 p.<br />

18. Speranţa Raţiunii. Interviuri (The Hope in Reason. Interviews), Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii<br />

Europene, Cluj, 2006, 412 p.<br />

19. University Reform Today, Cluj University Press, 2005, 450 p. (fourth edition)<br />

20. Bildung und Modernisierung, Cluj University Press, 2005, 364 p. (third edition)<br />

21. Die kulturelle Wende. Philosophische Konsequenzen der Transformation, Cluj University Press,<br />

Cluj, 2004, 610 p.<br />

22. După unsprezece ani. Eleven years after, Cluj University Press, 2004, 110 p.<br />

23. Religia in era globalizării (Religion in the Era of Globalisation), Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii<br />

Europene, Cluj, 2003, 285 p.<br />

24. Filosofia unificării europene (The Philosophy of European Unification), Editura Fundaţiei pentru<br />

Studii Europene, Cluj, 2003, 436 p. (third edition)<br />

25. Introducere in filosofia contemporană (Introduction in the Contemporary Philosophy), Editura<br />

Polirom, Iaand, 2002, 560 p. (second edition)<br />

26. Ieandrea din trecut (Documente and reflecţii) (The Way Out of the Past – Documents and<br />

Reflections), Editura Alma Mater, Cluj, 2002, 264 p.<br />

27. Educaţia in tranziţie (Education in Transition), Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1999, 126 p.<br />

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Professor Andrei Marga, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj, România<br />

28. Reconstrucţia pragmatică a filosofiei (The Pragmatic Reconstruction of Philosophy), Editura<br />

Polirom, Iaand, 1998, 193 p.<br />

29. Academic Reform. A Case Study, Cluj University Press, 1997, 100 p.<br />

30. <strong>Universitatea</strong> in tranziţie (University in Transition), Editura Apostrof, Cluj, 1996, 209 p.<br />

31. Philosophy in the Eastern Transition, Editura Apostrof, Cluj, 1995, 283 p. (extended version)<br />

32. Explorări in actualitate (Explorations into the Present Time), Editura Apostrof, Cluj, 1995, 187 p.<br />

33. Introducere in metodologia and argumentarea filosofică (Introduction in the Philosophical<br />

Methodology and Argumentation), Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1992, 194 p.<br />

34. Raţionalitate, comunicare, argumentare (Rationality, Communication, Argumentation), Editura Dacia,<br />

Cluj, 1991, 327 p.<br />

35. Cunoaştere and sens. Perspective critice asupra pozitivismului (Cognition and Sense. A Critical<br />

Approach of Positivism), Editura Politică, Bucharest, 1984, 256 p.<br />

36. Herbert Marcuse. Studiu critic (Herbert Marcuse. A Critical Study), Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1980, 250 p.<br />

B. Translations from German and editions of translations from English and German:<br />

1. Jürgen Habermas, Cunoaştere and comunicare, Editura Politică, Bucharest, 1983.<br />

2. Manfred Riedel, Comprehensiune sau explicare?, Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1989.<br />

3. Filosofia americană. Antologie, Volumul 1, Filosofia americană clasică. „Introducere”, Editura All,<br />

Bucharest, 2000.<br />

4. Hans Küng, Judaismul, Editura Hasefer, Bucharest, 2005, „Introducere: O cotitură istorică”.<br />

5. Jürgen Habermas, Joseph Ratzinger, Dialectica secularizării. Despre raţiune and credinţă, Editura<br />

Apostrof, Cluj, 2005, „Introducere: Premisele unei dezbateri epocale: Habermas – Ratzinger”.<br />

6. Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI, Interpretarea biblică in criză, Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii<br />

Europene, Cluj, 2008, „Introducere: Metodologia lui Joseph Ratzinger”.<br />

7. Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI, Europa in criza culturilor, Editura Apostrof, Cluj, 2008, „Introducere:<br />

Europa lui Joseph Ratzinger”.<br />

8. Andrei Marga, Theodor Berchem, Jan Sadlak (eds.), Living in Truth. A Conceptual Framework for a<br />

Wisdom Society and the European Construction, Cluj University Press, 2008.<br />

C. Studies and articles in different languages (selective list)<br />

(over 30 studies and articles highly ranked in international databases)<br />

1. “Religion and the State Nowadays”, in Reason and Faith at the Beginning of the New Millennium,<br />

Monica Meruţiu (ed.), Cluj-Napoca, EFES, 2011, pp. 21-38.<br />

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Professor Andrei Marga, Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University, Cluj, România<br />

2. “Religion and the State Nowadays”, in Auflösung historischer Konflikte im Donauraum. Festschrift für<br />

Ferenc Glatz zum 70. Geburtstag, Arnold Suppan (Hrsg.), Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2011, pp. 27-<br />

42.<br />

3. “The European Identity. A Generative Concept”, in Cádiz y la constitución de 1812, Christian Wentzlaff-<br />

Eggebert (ed.), Martín Traine (coord.), La Plata, Ediciones del lado de Acá, 2011, pp. 19-49.<br />

4. “About University Governance”, in Balkan Universities network meeting ”Balkan spring educational<br />

conference – Challenges of Higher Education Institutions in the Balkans, Trakya University, 2010, pp.<br />

92-110.<br />

5. “The University of the 21 st Century: Challenges”, in The International Journal of higher education and<br />

democracy – AUDEM, volumul 1, State University of New York Press, 2010, pp. 18-46.<br />

6. „Consequences of the crises: new concepts”, in Society and Economy – Journal oh the Corvinus<br />

University of Budapesta, Budapesta, 2010, pp. 179-194.<br />

7. „Intentionnalité et Signification”, in Studia Europaea, No. 3, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, pp. 5-21.<br />

8. „Emancipation, Assimilation, Dissimilation”, in Studia Judaica, XVIII, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, pp. 17-39.<br />

9. „Prospettive del sistema universitario romeno: attuazione del Processo di Bologna”, in Michele<br />

Marsonet (a cura di), Atti del Convegno Genova, la Romania e l’Europa, Genova, 29-30 Gennaio 3010,<br />

Brigati, Genova, 2010, pp. 15-32.<br />

10. “Rumänien zwanzig Jahre nach den demokratischen Umbrüchen von 1989”, in Hans-Joachim Veen,<br />

Peter März, Franz-Josef Schlichting (Hrsg.), Die Folgen der Revolution. 20 Jahre nach dem<br />

Kommunismus, Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar Wien, 2010, pp. 83-99.<br />

11. “Europe and America”, in Ernest H. Latham, Jr. (Ed.), US – Romanian Relations in the Twentieth<br />

Century, Cluj University Press, 2010, pp. 19-30.<br />

12. “Multilingualism, multiculturalism and autonomy”, in Sjur Bergan and Radu Damian (Eds.), Higher<br />

education for modern societies: competences and values, Council of Europe higher education series<br />

No. 15, Council of Europe Publishing, 2010, pp. 49-55.<br />

13. “Die Krise 2008-2009”, in Nóda Mózses, Zamfir Korinna, Diósi Dávid, Bodó Márta (Eds.), Ideje az<br />

emlékezésnek. Liber amicorum: a 60 éves Marton József köszöntése, Szent István Társulat,<br />

Budapesta, Verbum, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, pp. 275-288.<br />

14. “Die Funktion der kritischen Theorie im politischen Transformationsprozess Osteuropas”, in Cristian<br />

Alvarado Leyton, Philipp Erchinger (Hrsg.), Identität und Unterschied. Zur Theorie von Kultur, Differenz<br />

und Transdifferenz, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2010, pp. 263-275.<br />

15. “The University and the Relativism”, in Seminarium. Commentarii Pro Seminariis, Vocationibus<br />

Ecclesiasticis, Universitatibus et Scholis Catholicis, Nova Series Anno XLIX, No. 4, Città del Vaticano,<br />

octombrie-decembrie 2009, pp. 617-643.<br />

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16. “Foreword: The Applied Theory of Multiple Identities”, in Rareş Moldovan, Petronia Petrar (Eds.),<br />

Constructions of Identity (V), Editura Napoca-Star, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, pp. 5-6.<br />

17. “Emancipation, assimilation, disimilation”, in Alina Branda, Ion Cuceu (Eds.), Romania Occidentalis,<br />

Romania Orientalis. Festschrift für Ion Taloş, Editura Fundaţiei pentru Studii Europene, Editura Mega,<br />

Cluj-Napoca, 2009, pp. 371-387.<br />

18. “Competitiveness, Values, Vision (European Aspects)”, in Il Caleidoscopio delle identità. Contributi per<br />

l’Europa, a cura di Giuliana Parotto, EUT – Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2009, pp. 99-118.<br />

19. “Democracy as Form of Life”, in Eurolimes. Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies “Jean<br />

Monnet” European Centre of Excellence, University of Oradea & University of Debrecen, Volume 8,<br />

Autumn 2009, pp. 141-153.<br />

20. “Le radici comuni dell’Europa: il giudaismo e il cristianesimo”, in La Gazzada, Istituto Superiore di Studi<br />

Religiosi, Fondazione Ambrosiana Paolo VI, No. 57/XXIX, II, 2009, pp. 31-38.<br />

21. “The University of the 21 st century. Challenges”, in Rassegna di Pedagogia. Pädagogische Umschau,<br />

Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa – Roma, LXVII 1-4, Gennaio-Dicembre 2009, pp. 215-231.<br />

22. “Joseph Ratzingers Methodologie”, in Transylvanian Review, Volume XVIII, No. 3, 2009, Cluj, pp.106-<br />

123.<br />

23. “European Consequences of Moses Maimonides’ Thinking?”, in Studia Judaica, Volume XVII, Cluj-<br />

Napoca, 2009, pp. 19-35.<br />

24. “Multiculturalism, inter-culturality and leadership”, in Higher Education at a time of transformation,<br />

Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2009, pp. 57-58.<br />

25. “Values of the University”, in Jan Sadlak, Klaus Hüfner, Remus Pricopie and Laura Grünberg (Eds.),<br />

Topical Contributions and Outcomes, UNESCO-CEPES Forum on Higher Education in the Europe<br />

Region: Access, Values, Quality and Competitiveness, Bucharest, 2009, pp. 151-174.<br />

26. “Freiheit, Reform, europäische Integration (Über die kritische Theorie)”, in Rainer Schubert and Mihai-<br />

Andrei Todoca (Eds.), Aufklärung heute / Iluminismul astăzi, Cluj University Press, 2008, pp. 161-195.<br />

27. “The Way Out of Relativism. To the Firm Values”, in Andrei Marga, Theodor Berchem, Jan Sadlak<br />

(Eds.), Living in Truth. A Conceptual Framework for a Wisdom Society and the European Construction,<br />

Cluj University Press, 2008, pp. 111-126.<br />

28. “Multiculturalism, Interculturality and Leadership”, in Higher Education in the World 3, Palgrave<br />

Macmillan, New York, 2008, pp. 114-118.<br />

29. “Management, Strategic Planning and Vision. Practical Aspects”, in Journal of University Development<br />

and Academic Management, Cluj University Press, Volume V, No. 9-10, September 2008, pp. 49-60.<br />

30. “The University of the 21 st Century. Challenges”, in Journal of University Development and Academic<br />

Management, Cluj University Press, Volume V, No. 9-10, September 2008, pp. 117-149.<br />

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31. “What is Kabbalah?”, in Studia Judaica, Volume XVI, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, pp. 22-29.<br />

32. “Konkurenčnost, Vrednote, Vizija”, in Obrazi Evrope. Evropa, Svet in Humanost V 21. Stoletju, Inštitut<br />

Nove revije, zavod da humanistiko, Ljubljana, 2008, pp. 98-104.<br />

33. “Nietzsches Europa”, in Ştefan Cobzaş (Ed.), Topics in Mathematics, Computer Science and<br />

Philosophy. A Festschrift for Wolfgang W. Breckner on his 65 th Anniversary, Cluj University Press,<br />

2008, pp. 1-22.<br />

34. “The Frontiers of Europe”, in Studia Universitatis Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>, Studia Europaea, LII, 3, Cluj-Napoca,<br />

2007, pp. 5-11.<br />

35. “Sul concetto di Europa tra Settecento e Ottocento”, in Francesco Guida (a cura di), Dalla Giovine<br />

Europa alla Grande Europa, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2007, pp. 9-24.<br />

36. “Die Öffnung des Ostens. Wiederbelebung der demokratischen Traditionen”, in Dr. Christian Bode und<br />

Dr. Dorothea Jecht (Hrsg.), 20 Jahre “Wandel durch Austausch”, Festschrift für Theodor Berchem,<br />

Moeker Merkur Druck und Medien GmbH & Co. KG, Köln, 2007, pp. 81-85.<br />

37. “The Religious Turn. On the new Relation between Science, Philosophy and Religion”, in Miroslav<br />

Polzer, Silvo Devetak, Ludvik Toplak, Felix Unger and Maria Eder (Eds.), Religion and European<br />

Integration. Religion as a Factor of Stability and Development in South Eastern Europe, Volume 6,<br />

Weimar, 2007, pp. 281-292.<br />

38. “Az oktatásügy szükséges reformjai”, in Aki a gondolatokat tettre váltja. Tanulmánykötet a 60 éves<br />

Koltai Dénes tiszteletére, Pécs, 2007, pp. 131-139.<br />

39. “Pragmatism and the American Mind”, in Philosophy of Pragmatism. Religious Premises, Moral Issues<br />

and Historical Impact, Cluj, 2007, pp. 3-19.<br />

40. “The Cultural Legitimacy of the European University”, in Seminarium. Commentarii Pro Seminariis,<br />

Vocationibus Ecclesiasticis, Universitatibus et Scholis Catholicis, Nova Series Anno XLVII, No. 2, Città<br />

del Vaticano, 2007, pp. 529-554.<br />

41. “On the Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State“, in Studia Judaica, Volume XV, Cluj-Napoca, 2007, pp.<br />

20-29.<br />

42. “Die Wiederherstellung des Dreiecks, Jerusalem, Athen, Rom”, in Klaus Dethloff, Ludwig Nagl,<br />

Friedrich Wolfram (Hrsg.), «Die Grenze des Menschen ist göttlich», Beiträge zur Religionsphilosophie,<br />

Parerga Verlag, Berlin, 2007, pp. 69-105.<br />

43. “Über die postsäkulare Gesellschaft”, in Atheismen und Säkularisierung oder Wie religiös sind noch die<br />

Bürgergesellschaften Europas, Stift Heiligenkreuz – Kaisersaal, 2006, pp. 213-230.<br />

44. “Le nouveau concept de l’homme”, in Emilian Cioc and Ciprian Mihali (Eds.), L’Europe à venir :<br />

sécularisation, justice, démocratie, Actes de l’Université européenne d’été du réseau OFFRES, IDEA<br />

Design & Print, Cluj-Napoca, 3-13 septembre 2006, pp. 15-23.<br />

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45. “The Cultural Legitimacy of the European University”, in Higher Education in Europe, Volume 31, No. 4,<br />

2006, pp. 425-438.<br />

46. “La correlación de las identidades”, in Christian Wenzlaff – Eggbert (Ed.), Europa como espacio<br />

cultural: La identidad y las instituciones europeas, „Kölner Beiträge zur Lateinamerica – Forschung”,<br />

Hrsgb. von Christian Wentzlaff-Eggbert und Martin Traine, Universität zu Köln, 2006, pp. 12-25.<br />

47. “Europeanization in Higher Education: the Legitimacy of the University”, in Ivan Rozman&Lucka Lorber<br />

(Eds.), The Role of Universities and the Competitiveness of the Danube Region, Maribor University,<br />

2006, pp. 81-94.<br />

48. “Le Debat Habermas – Ratzinger. Convergences et implications”, in Conscience et Liberté, Berna, No.<br />

66, 2005, pp. 65-77.<br />

49. “Academic Consequences of Globalisation. Open markets, autonomous organizations, creative minds”,<br />

in Malcolm H. Field, James Figan (Eds.), Education Across Borders. Philosophy, Policy, Pedagogy.<br />

New Paradigms and Challenges, Waseda University, Tokyo, 2005, pp. 17-28.<br />

50. “Europeanization in Educational Policy and Recent Developments within Bologna Process”, in Jan de<br />

Groof, Gracienne Lauwers (Eds.), Cultural and Educational Rights in the Enlarged Europe, Wolf Legal<br />

Publishers, Nijmegen, 2005, pp. 157-166.<br />

51. “Korszerüség, vallás és müvelödés”, in Emlékkönyv Gálfy Zoltán 80. születésnapjára, Cluj, 2004, pp.<br />

131-143.<br />

52. “Hannah Arendt and History”, in Studia Judaica, Volume XI-XII, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, pp. 137-160.<br />

53. “Multicultural Education in Romania”, in International Journal for Education Law and Policy, Antwerp,<br />

2004, pp. 45-53.<br />

54. “Internationalisation of European Universities”, in Atenei, Review of Ministero dell’ Istruzione,<br />

dell’Università e della Ricerca, Roma, 2003.<br />

55. “Kompatibilisierung der Unterrichtsyssteme”, in Institut für Donauraum und Mitteleuropa Info,<br />

Sonderheft 8, 2003, pp. 12-15 and 17-18.<br />

56. “Die Mission und die Funktionen der Universität heute”, in Universität in der Gesellschaft.<br />

Verantwortung und Chancen für die Zukunft. Wilfried Böhm und Martin Lindauer (Hrsg.), Ernst Klett<br />

Verlag, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Leipzig, 2003, pp.183-211.<br />

57. “Ein großer Schritt voran. Über das Österreichische Universitätsgesetz 2002”, in Stefan Titscher, Sigurd<br />

Hollinger (Hrsg.), Hochschulreform in Europa – konkret. Österreichs Universitäten auf dem Weg vom<br />

Gesetz zur Realitat, Leske und Budrich Verlag, Opladen, 2003, pp. 23-40.<br />

58. “Reform of Education in Romania in the 1990s: A Retrospective”, in Higher Education in Europe, Vol.<br />

XXVII, Nos. 1-2, 2002, pp. 123-135.<br />

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59. “Die Bedeutung der Bibel für die Kultur in Rumänien”, in Karl Schwarz und Wolfgang Wischmeyer,<br />

SOMEF. Süd-Ost-Mittel-Eurpäischer Fakultätentag für Evangelische Theologie. Dokmentation der<br />

Kongresse 1999 und 2001, Wien, 2002, pp. 127-136.<br />

60. “Choices for a High Performant University”, in Salzburg Seminar, Universities Project. Final Report<br />

1997-2002, Salzburg, Viena, Middelburg, 2002, pp. 38-42.<br />

61. “University Autonomy in Romania”, in Autonomy and Responsibility. The Universities’ Obligations for<br />

the XXI Century, Bologna University Press, Bologna, 2002, pp. 81-88.<br />

62. “From Teleology to Awareness of Possibility. The Existentialist Turn in Philosophy and Judaism”, in<br />

Studia Judaica, Volume X, Cluj-Napoca, 2001 pp. 204-210.<br />

63. “Brain Drain and Professional Development”, in Attracting Young Scientists, Sofia, 2002.<br />

64. “University Interaction in Central and South Eastern Europe”, in Higher Education in Europe, Volume<br />

XXVI, No. 2, 2001, pp. 165-169.<br />

65. “Europäische Identitätsbildung in Osteuropa”, in Ludwig Kühnhardt (Hrsg.), Europäische Identität:<br />

Paradigmen und Methodenfragen, CEIS, Bonn, 2001.<br />

66. “Remembrance of Tragedy”, in The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust, Proceedings,<br />

Stockholm, 2000, pp.143-144.<br />

67. “Changes in the Education for Roma”, in International Expert Symposium on Roma Questions,<br />

Ambasada Finlandei, Bucharest, 2000, pp. 14-16.<br />

68. “Vom Relativismus zu festen Werten”, in Horst Fassel und Christoph Waack (Hrsg.), Regionen im<br />

Östlichen Europa – Kontinuitäten, Zäsuren und Perspektiven, Im Selbstverlag des Geographischen<br />

Instituts der Universität Tübingen, 2000, pp. 5-14.<br />

69. “Quality of Education and Social Cohesion”, in Strengthening the Common European House of<br />

Education. Social Cohesion and Quality – a Challenge for Education, Portugalia, 2000, pp.18-20.<br />

70. “Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University”, in UNESCO-CEPES Studies in Higher Education. Ten Years After and<br />

Looking Ahead: A Review of the Transformation of Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe,<br />

Bucharest, 2000, pp. 249-267.<br />

71. “Die Universität als Forum des Kulturdialogs. Das Beispiel Klausenburg”, in Horst Förster und Horst<br />

Fassel (Hrsg.), Kulturdialog und akzeptierte Vielfalt? Rumänien und rumänische Sprachgebiete nach<br />

1918, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Stuttgart, 1999, pp. 43-56.<br />

72. “Guidelines for the Reform of Education”, in Higher Education in Europe, Volume XXIV, No. 1, 1999,<br />

pp. 131-139.<br />

73. “Sprache als Machtinstrument”, in Krista Zach (Hrsg.), Rumänien im Brennpunkt, Verlag Süd-<br />

Ostdeutsches Kulturwerk, München, 1998, pp. 271 – 282.<br />

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74. “The Universities New Future in Europe”, in CRE Action. Revue de l’Association des Universités<br />

Européennes, Berlin, 1998, pp. 65-70.<br />

75. “Die rumänisch–deutschen Kulturbeziehungen nach 1989. Die Erfahrung der Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> Universität<br />

Klausenburg”, in Krista Zach (Hrsg.), Rumänien im Brennpunkt, Verlag Süd-Ostdeutsches Kulturwerk,<br />

München, 1998, pp. 111-118.<br />

76. “The Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University of Cluj-Napoca”, in Andris Barblan, Catherine Fayaut, Mary O’Mahony<br />

(eds.), An European Agenda for Change in Higher Education in the XXI Century. Twenty Case Studies,<br />

UNESCO, CRE, Genova, 1998, pp.7-29.<br />

77. “Experiencing Multicultural Organisation: The Case of Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong> University”, in Higher Education in<br />

Europe, Volumul XXIII, No. 1, 1998, pp. 77-82.<br />

78. “Die Ausbildungreform in Rumänien” in Horst Fassel (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftstrukturen in Rumänien vor<br />

und nach 1989. Funktionsmodelle und Entwürfe, Institut für Donauschwäbische Geschichte und<br />

Landeskunde, Tübingen, 1998, pp. 9-18.<br />

79. “Über die kulturellen Ressourcen des Demokratisierung. Der Fall Rumänien”, in Emeritierung von<br />

Georg Weber, Westfälische Wilhelms – Universität zu Münster, 1997, pp. 21-32.<br />

80. “Grenzen und Dilemmata der Transformation”, in Armin Nassehi (Hrsg.), Nation, Ethnie, Minderheit.<br />

Beiträge zur Aktualität ethnischer Konflikte, Böhlau Verlag, Köln, Weimar, Wien, 1997, pp. 409-426.<br />

81. “The Culture of Scholarship in Europe Today”, in “Daedalus”. Journal of the American Academy of Arts<br />

and Sciences, Volumul 123, No. 3, 1997, pp.171-184.<br />

82. “Reforming the Postcommunist University”, in Journal of Democracy, April 1997, Washington DC,<br />

pp.159-167.<br />

83. “Europa and America”, in Transylvanian Review, Volumul VI, No. 4, 1997, Cluj, pp.14-25.<br />

84. “Lucian Blaga’s Philosophy of Science”, in Transylvanian Review, Volumul V, No. 1, 1996, Cluj, pp. 52-<br />

62.<br />

85. “Limits and Dilemmas of Transition”, in Elzbieta Matynia (ed.), Grappling with Democracy. Deliberations<br />

on Post-Communist Societies (1990-1995), Sociologicke Nakladatelstvi, Praga, 1996, pp. 92-100.<br />

86. “Rumänische ethnische Identifizierung”, in Zeitschrift für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde, Böhlau Verlag,<br />

Köln, Weimar, Wien, Heft 1, 1995, pp. 35-45.<br />

87. “The Modern World and the Individual”, in Bernd Magnus and Stephen Cullenberg (eds.), Whither<br />

Marxism? Global Crises in International Perspectives, Routledge, New-York and Londra, 1995, pp. 79-<br />

108.<br />

88. “Cultural and Political Trends in Romania Before and After 1989”, in East European Politics and<br />

Societies, University of California Press, Volume 7, No. 1, 1993, pp. 14-32.<br />

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89. “Vernunft und Schaffen. Über Constantin Noica’s Philosophie”, in Studia Universitatis Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>,<br />

Philosophia, 1, Cluj-Napoca,1990.<br />

90. “Liberté et raison. A propos du destin de la Révolution française”, in Anuarul Institutului de Istorie and<br />

Arheologie, Cluj, 1989.<br />

91. “On Rationality”, in Noesis, Bucharest, No. 1, 1988.<br />

92. “La rationalité de la science”, in Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales. Philosophie et logique,<br />

Bucharest, 1987.<br />

93. “Objectivity and Interest in Knowledge”, in Noesis, Bucharest, No. 2, 1984.<br />

94. “Sobra los tipos des sciencias”, in Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales. Philosophie et logique, No.<br />

4, 1984.<br />

95. “On Meaning”, in Revue Roumaine de Sciences Sociales, Philosophie et Logique, No. 2-3, 1983.<br />

D. Studies and Articles in Romanian language (selective list)<br />

1. „Raţionalitate and complexitate (Asupra concepţiei lui Luhmann)”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 5, 1987,<br />

Bucharest.<br />

2. „Raţionalitatea and tipurile ei”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 3, 1987, Bucharest.<br />

3. „Pragmatismul lui Peirce”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 6, 1986.<br />

4. „Pragmatismul transcendental and problema cunoaşterii”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 4, 1986.<br />

5. „Asupra filosofiei lui Bolzano”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 2, 1986.<br />

6. „Raţionalitate, comunicare, argumentare (schiţă a ideii de raţiune)”, in Studia, Philosophia, No. 2, 1986.<br />

7. „Raţionalismul metodic”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 3, 1985, Bucharest.<br />

8. „Logica explicaţiei acţiunilor”, in Studia, Philosophia, 1984, Cluj.<br />

9. „Despre teoria intereselor de cunoaştere”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 5, 1984, Bucharest.<br />

10. „Jaspers versus Heidegger”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 4, 1983, Bucharest.<br />

11. „Perspectivismul lui Ortega y Gasset”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 1, 1983, Bucharest.<br />

12. „Conceptualizări filosofice in opera lui Habermas”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 2, 1982, Bucharest.<br />

13. „Hermeneutica filosofică and reabilitarea filosofiei practice”, in Revista de Filosofie, No. 1, 1982,<br />

Bucharest.<br />

14. „Raţionalismul relativist al lui von Wright”, in Studia Universitas Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>. Philosophia, 1981.<br />

15. „Opera lui Horkheimer”, in Studia Universitas Babeş-<strong>Bolyai</strong>. Philosophia, 1978.<br />

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