Policy 7230A - Department of Administration

Policy 7230A - Department of Administration Policy 7230A - Department of Administration


8.2. Maintain Records Analyze Discovered Threats Once incidents have been detected analysis is required to determine the appropriate manner in which to proceed with subsequent incident response processes: • Investigate discovered precursors and indicators to determine if a valid threat may occur, is occurring or has occurred. • Fully document all aspects of the incident and incident response. • Prioritize the Agency’s response to incidents according to potential impact. • Notify appropriate individuals within the organization once the threat has been validated and prioritized. Contain Threats to Minimize Loss and Maintain Operations Once incidents have been understood and response prioritized the threat associated with the incident must be contained to prevent impact to other systems and thus minimize overall impact: • Select a containment strategy appropriate to the incident, the impacted system and the available resources. • Gather evidence to allow for further investigation, as the incident progresses and once it is complete, as well as potential prosecution. • Where time and resources permit, identify the attacker to help stop the incident as well as to prepare for potential prosecution. Eradicate Contained Threats and Recover to Normal Operations After threats have been fully contained they must be fully removed from impacted systems and those systems must be returned to normal operational status: • Eradicate all non-evidentiary remnants of incident. • Recover affected systems and system components to preincident status and return to normal operations. • Maintain heightened monitoring of the affected system(s) for a period of time subsequent to an incident to ensure there are no lingering impacts. Perform Post-Recovery Tasks When the threats associated with an incident have been verifiably removed from the system, follow-up work must be performed: • Retain evidence according to predetermined standards. • Collect lessons learned and prepare a formal incident response report. 19

Capture documentation appropriate to all incident response processes: • Create and maintain incident monitoring logs. 20

Capture documentation appropriate to all incident response processes:<br />

• Create and maintain incident monitoring logs.<br />


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