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<strong>AMBULANCE</strong> <strong>VICTORIA</strong><br />

<strong>STRATEGIC</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> – <strong>2012</strong><br />


1. Ambulance Victoria’s Role<br />

Ambulance Victoria is a critical link in Victoria’s Health Care<br />

System. AV provides pre-hospital care for patients experiencing<br />

medical emergencies, and medical transport by road and air to<br />

ensure both emergency and non-emergency patients access<br />

the appropriate level of health care. The overriding aim of the<br />

organisation is to improve the health outcomes of Victorians.<br />

In summary, Ambulance Victoria’s role is to:<br />

Improve the health of the Victorian community<br />

by providing high quality pre-hospital care and<br />

medical transport<br />

2. Overview of Services<br />

AV operates across the State, with major administrative centres in<br />

Melbourne and Ballarat. We have more than 3,000 career employees<br />

and almost 1,000 volunteers, with over 220 road ambulance response<br />

locations. Air ambulance services (fixed wing and helicopter) cover<br />

the entire State.<br />

AV’s primary focus is to deliver services that meet the needs of our<br />

patients, their families and carers, and a range of organisations using<br />

our services (including public and private hospitals, the Transport<br />

Accident Commission, WorkCover and other health bodies).<br />

AV’s Services include:<br />

• Emergency medical response and pre-hospital care<br />

• Emergency medical transport by road or air<br />

• Non-emergency patient transport (including road and<br />

air stretcher transport and clinic transport for walking<br />

and wheelchair patients)<br />

• Major incident management and response<br />

• Retrieval of critically ill adult patients (including advice<br />

and bed coordination)<br />

• Assistance for ambulance patients to access appropriate<br />

care when paramedic care or transport is not required<br />

• Support for other health services in communities where<br />

the full range of services are not easily accessible<br />

• Community education in pre-ambulance arrival<br />

emergency care<br />

• The Ambulance Membership Scheme (ambulance insurance)<br />


3. Principles<br />

AV is committed to a set of ten principles, which provide a guiding framework for<br />

our service delivery to the community and for our internal operations.<br />

AV is committed to:<br />

1. Providing an appropriate response to all requests for service<br />

2. Developing our services to improve patient outcomes, based on the best<br />

available evidence<br />

3. Delivering services efficiently and cost effectively<br />

4. Collaborating with other service providers and the community to improve<br />

health system performance<br />

5. Minimising risks to the safety of patients and staff<br />

6. Safeguarding patient confidentiality and privacy<br />

7. Identifying and addressing community concerns about our services<br />

8. Respecting the values of all members of the community<br />

9. Recognising and valuing our people and their contributions<br />

10. Encouraging and providing opportunities for our people to develop.<br />

4. Strategic Objectives<br />

2. Foster staff development and welfare<br />

Effective service delivery is critically dependent on the skills and<br />

well-being of AV’s staff and volunteers. Minimising the risks to staff health<br />

and safety and encouraging the professional development of all staff are key<br />

organisational commitments.<br />

3. Develop organisational systems and resources to support improved<br />

service delivery<br />

Service delivery is becoming increasingly complex and dependent on more<br />

sophisticated support systems. Ensuring information and business systems<br />

continue to evolve is an essential part of delivering better services to the community.<br />

4. Strengthen community relationships and promote community initiatives<br />

and policy to improve patient outcomes<br />

AV is committed to building on its relationships with all parts of the Victorian<br />

community, to ensure that it understands and responds appropriately to the full<br />

diversity of community needs. Initiatives to develop community capability and<br />

awareness can make an important contribution to improving health outcomes.<br />

AV’s overriding aim of improving health outcomes for Victorians is underpinned by<br />

four strategic objectives, relating to service delivery, staff welfare, organisational<br />

systems and community relationships.<br />

1. Improve service quality and efficiency to better meet patient needs<br />

Continuing development of service quality to ensure patient needs are being met<br />

is fundamental to delivering improved health outcomes. Improved efficiency and<br />

better health system integration can also play a significant role in enabling more<br />

effective service delivery.<br />


5. The Planning Environment<br />

Eleven key challenges have been identified, which AV will need to address<br />

during the planning period and beyond.<br />

Increasing demand for services<br />

Ambulance services in Victoria have been under stress as a result of continuing<br />

strong growth in demand for more than a decade. Since 1999-2000, ambulance<br />

caseload in Victoria has grown by an average of 5.7 per cent per annum, with<br />

both emergency and non-emergency incidents increasing by more than 50 per<br />

cent. Other ambulance services around the world are experiencing similar<br />

demand pressures.<br />

Demand management has been an important focus for more than five years.<br />

The referral system for lower priority 000 callers in Melbourne has played an<br />

important role in controlling demand, with more than 7 per cent of callers not<br />

receiving an emergency ambulance dispatch. There is scope for expansion<br />

of the service and exploration of new emergency demand management<br />

initiatives. Management of non-emergency demand, and ensuring<br />

appropriate allocation of resources to meet patient needs will also be a<br />

priority. These strategies will assist in moderating growth, but increasing<br />

demand is expected to remain a key challenge through the planning period.<br />

The drivers of ambulance demand are similar to those affecting demand for most<br />

other health services. These include demographic change (ageing and population<br />

growth), which accounts for about 25 per cent of the increase in emergency<br />

demand. Trends in the health of the community play a key role, notably the<br />

increasing burden of chronic disease. Other factors also include changes in<br />

medical practice and patient management (e.g. the trend to early discharge<br />

and treatment in the community), social changes (e.g. the increasing number of<br />

people living alone), reduced accessibility to other health services in some areas<br />

(especially general practitioners) and rising community expectations.<br />

Growth has slowed in the last eighteen months, but there is no reason to believe<br />

that the long-term trend has changed. Large numbers of seriously ill patients<br />

(about 40 per cent of triage category 1 to 3 patients in Melbourne) are not<br />

transported to hospital emergency departments by ambulance, indicating there<br />

is significant potential for further increases in demand.<br />


Health System development<br />

Ambulance service delivery in Victoria has become an increasingly<br />

well-integrated part of the wider health system in recent years. This process<br />

will continue during the planning period, placing new demands on AV as well as<br />

creating new opportunities to improve services.<br />

There is a clear trend of increasing specialisation of hospital facilities for high<br />

acuity patients, driven by infrastructure costs and the clinical benefits of high<br />

levels of exposure for practitioners. Timely access to these facilities can have<br />

a significant bearing on patient outcome. This may involve ambulances bypassing<br />

the closest hospital to transport a patient to the most appropriate level<br />

of care as quickly as possible. Victoria’s system for managing major trauma is<br />

a well established example of this approach.<br />

Transmission of clinical information from the scene can also assist in reducing<br />

the time to access definitive care by facilitating early activation of specialist<br />

hospital teams. A recent pilot of ECG transmission for Acute Coronary<br />

Syndrome patients in southeast Melbourne has yielded impressive reductions<br />

in the time to definitive treatment, and more widespread implementation is now<br />

occuring. Improved system approaches for stroke patients is another likely<br />

development during the planning period.<br />

There is a long-term trend for reduced length of stay in hospital and a wide<br />

range of demand management strategies designed to prevent or minimise<br />

hospitalisation have been implemented in recent years.<br />

At the same time, there is increasing pressure on primary care services.<br />

As noted above, access to a general practitioner is difficult in some areas,<br />

particularly in rural Victoria.<br />

These changes tend to increase ambulance demand, but there is potential<br />

for paramedics to play a part in managing this demand more effectively. A<br />

number of ambulance services have introduced paramedic or emergency care<br />

practitioner roles in recent years, generally on a trial basis. There is significant<br />

variation in how these roles have been defined, but most involve an extension<br />

of the paramedic scope of practice, with an emphasis on increased assessment,<br />

referral and primary care skills. In Victoria, new roles have been developed in<br />

two remote communities focused on increased support for the local community,<br />

but with no change in clinical practice.<br />

Further exploration of the relevance of these new models of care will be an<br />

important priority during the planning period, focusing on the potential to<br />

improve both ambulance service delivery and wider health system performance.<br />

Hospital specialisation also tends to increase the requirement for patient<br />

transfers between facilities. AV’s air ambulance and adult retrieval services<br />

play a critical role in high acuity transfers. Coordination of these patient<br />

movements can be complex and further development of systems to minimise<br />

delays will be a continuing focus for AV.<br />

A second important system trend affecting ambulance services is an increasing<br />

emphasis on care in the community as an alternative to hospital care.<br />


Equity in Service Delivery<br />

There are inherent difficulties in the provision of ambulance services in remote<br />

areas and areas with lower population densities. The Government’s response<br />

time targets reflect these difficulties, with one target for population centres of<br />

more than 7,500 people, and a somewhat lesser target for the State overall.<br />

Continuing improvements in air ambulance and retrieval systems, including<br />

the introduction of two new helicopters in 2009, will assist in providing better<br />

access to appropriate levels of care across the State.<br />

Nevertheless, a number of key areas have been identified where differentials<br />

in service standards are of particular concern. Cardiac arrest survival rates in<br />

rural areas are well below those achieved in the metropolitan area. This is not<br />

surprising given the importance of rapid response in cardiac arrest outcomes.<br />

However, a more complete understanding of the reasons for the difference is<br />

needed and new strategies to improve performance need to be developed.<br />

Call taking, dispatch and ambulance communications systems play a<br />

critical role in the quality of service delivery. There have been important<br />

improvements in these systems across the State in recent years, but rural<br />

call taking and dispatch systems remain well below best practice standards.<br />

The introduction of a new rural system managed by the Emergency Services<br />

Telecommunications Authority will be a key priority for the planning period.<br />

Another important focus will be further development of an integrated statewide<br />

major incident management system, ensuring there is appropriate capability in<br />

all parts of the State.<br />

Risk of major incidents<br />

AV’s major incident system has been tested by a number of recent events,<br />

including the 2009 bushfires, and has proved its effectiveness. However,<br />

learning from these experiences to strengthen systems is essential to ensure<br />

an appropriate level of preparedness for response to all types of incident<br />

(including pandemic) is maintained. Monitoring risk and close collaboration<br />

with the relevant planning and response agencies at all levels of government<br />

are cornerstones of the system. Further strengthening of national links is a<br />

particular priority for future development of the system. Another key aspect<br />

is the ability to maintain normal services while managing a major incident,<br />

especially if it is prolonged.<br />

Evidence Based Practice<br />

The introduction of the Victorian Ambulance Clinical Information System<br />

was one of the most significant ambulance initiatives in the State in the last<br />

five years. VACIS provides a rich source of clinical data which can assist<br />

in driving the development of clinical practice and education. A number of<br />

other Australian services are now using VACIS, creating the opportunity for<br />

national sharing of consistent data. Linkages with hospital data are also being<br />

established to provide a more complete picture of patient outcomes. Ensuring<br />

the full benefits of this data are realised is an on-going priority.<br />

More generally, quality systems and performance monitoring will continue<br />

to evolve, with particular focus on patient outcome measures. Further<br />

development of AV’s role in pre-hospital research, usually in partnership with<br />

universities or other health services, will also assist in strengthening the<br />

evidence base for service improvement.<br />


Advances in information and technology<br />

Recent developments in information management systems have created new<br />

opportunities to drive performance improvements, but significant challenges<br />

remain. Key priorities include the integration of a number of the systems<br />

inherited from AV’s predecessor organisations, increased real time performance<br />

reporting, wider dissemination of geographic information and improving access<br />

to information for in-field managers. Real time data linkages with hospitals and<br />

greater use of decision support technologies have the potential to significantly<br />

improve operational processes and system performance.<br />

Resource Constraints<br />

The Government provided a major injection of new funding for AV in 2008-2009,<br />

enabling significant recruitment for additional road response resources and<br />

the introduction of two new ambulance helicopters for the State. However, the<br />

demands on the organisation are continuing to grow and there is increasing<br />

competition for scarce resources within the health sector and beyond. In<br />

addition to the financial constraints, the recruitment of qualified paramedics may<br />

become more difficult as competition from other jurisdictions increases.<br />

Continuing improvement in the efficiency of operations is imperative in such a<br />

resource constrained environment. This will include maintaining the current<br />

focus on improving processes for patient handover at hospital emergency<br />

departments and further development of more dynamic deployment of response<br />

units. Complementing the focus on efficiency, strategies to protect and enhance<br />

revenue (especially from the Membership Scheme) will need to be pursued.<br />

Organisational Consolidation<br />

AV commenced operations on 1 July 2008, and integration of the key processes<br />

and systems of its predecessor organisations is now well advanced. However,<br />

a number of significant challenges remain to consolidate the transition process.<br />

These include further development of internal communications processes and<br />

completion of the transition to statewide information and business systems. An<br />

important benefit of the creation of the new organisation is the opportunity it<br />

provides for the refinement of existing processes and systems.<br />


Workforce demographics and expectations<br />

One of the most significant recent changes affecting ambulance services has<br />

been the move from training of paramedics following their employment to<br />

recruitment of graduate paramedics who have already completed a university<br />

degree. This change necessitates a new focus on workforce planning and<br />

liaison with the universities to ensure future staffing needs can be met. It<br />

has also required the development of programs to support the transition<br />

from university to the operational environment, and further evolution of these<br />

programs is expected.<br />

There has been a major emphasis on improving the health, safety and welfare of<br />

the workforce in recent years, and this will continue with further development of<br />

systems to facilitate early intervention and identification of the root causes<br />

of problems.<br />

The new recruitment and education model is also affecting workforce<br />

demographics, with increasing numbers of younger paramedics and women<br />

employed. At the same time, the number of paramedics in older age cohorts<br />

(greater than 50) is also increasing, especially in rural areas.<br />

These changes, as well as more general social trends, are affecting workforce<br />

attitudes and expectations. In particular, staff concerns about work/life balance<br />

will need to be addressed if AV is to remain an employer of choice. This is<br />

likely to involve increased access to part-time work and continuing development<br />

of alternative roster options. Promoting a constructive culture and further<br />

developing internal communications and consultation will also assist in meeting<br />

emerging staff expectations and improving organisational effectiveness.<br />

The availability of appropriate opportunities for professional development<br />

is another key aspect of meeting legitimate staff expectations, as well as<br />

strengthening organisational capability and facilitating succession planning.<br />

The focus on workforce development includes ensuring that opportunities are<br />

available for volunteers, especially those wishing to become career paramedics.<br />


Community expectations and capabilities<br />

There is a clear recognition in the Victorian community of the contribution<br />

paramedics make to its well-being. However, there are opportunities to<br />

improve services and increase access for specific communities through a<br />

better understanding of their needs.<br />

Environmental responsibilities<br />

Environmental change has the potential to impact on AV service delivery,<br />

most obviously by increasing the risk of major incidents such as bushfire or<br />

pandemic. More subtle impacts on the patterns of demand may also occur.<br />

These impacts clearly need to be factored into AV planning.<br />

There have been a number of recent initiatives to improve links with<br />

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities and the Aboriginal<br />

community and to improve staff awareness of community diversity.<br />

Work will continue with these groups to further strengthen relationships;<br />

collaborations with patient groups with special clinical needs will also be<br />

extended. Working with the Department of Health and local communities<br />

to identify opportunities to improve ambulance services and contribute to<br />

better health system performance in specific geographic locations will be<br />

another important priority.<br />

Engagement with the community has also been focused on improving<br />

community capability and preparedness to manage an emergency.<br />

Current programs include targeted promotion of CPR skills and a range of<br />

schools programs, and these will continue to develop.<br />

At the same time, AV has placed increasing emphasis on implementing more<br />

environmentally sustainable practices. However, there is significant scope for<br />

improvement to ensure the organisation meets appropriate environmental targets.<br />

.<br />

There are more than twenty five Community Emergency Response Teams<br />

across the State, providing invaluable access to early initial treatment and<br />

support for career paramedics. Ambulance Community Officers also play<br />

a critical role in AV’s emergency response in more remote areas. Further<br />

developing support systems to ensure the sustainability of AV’s volunteer<br />

response capability will be a high priority during the planning period.<br />


6. Strategic Framework<br />

A set of strategic themes, each linked to one of four strategic objectives set out in section 4, complete the framework for the Strategic Plan<br />

The strategic themes identify the primary aim of the specific initiatives within the plan. Each of the themes is related to one or more of the key<br />

issues outlined in the previous section, and the initiatives linked to the theme are designed to address these issues. A visual representation of<br />

this framework is included on page 26.<br />

Objectives Strategic themes Key issues<br />

1. Improve service quality and<br />

efficiency to better meet patient needs<br />

1.1 Demand management:<br />

Improve matching of patient needs & services<br />

1.2 Process efficiency:<br />

Increase the efficiency of resource use to deliver<br />

improved services<br />

1.3 Health System integration:<br />

Further develop collaboration with other health service<br />

providers to improve health system performance<br />

1.4 Emergency Services coordination:<br />

Further develop collaboration with emergency service<br />

organisations to improve effectiveness of ambulance<br />

service delivery<br />

• Increasing demand for service<br />

• Resource constraints<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Health System developments<br />

• Resource constraints<br />

• Advances in technology<br />

• Equity in service delivery<br />

• Risk of major incidents<br />

• Environmental responsibilities<br />

• Health System developments<br />

• Evidence based practice<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Advances in technology<br />

• Risk of major incidents<br />

• Equity in service delivery<br />

• Community expectations<br />

1.5 Standard and scope of care:<br />

Enhance clinical care to improve patient outcome<br />

• Evidence based practice<br />

• Equity in service delivery<br />

• Health System developments<br />


Objectives Strategic themes Key issues<br />

2. Foster workforce development<br />

and welfare<br />

3. Develop organisational systems<br />

and resources to support improved<br />

service delivery<br />

2.1 Workforce capability:<br />

Support workforce development to increase organisational<br />

effectiveness<br />

2.2 Workforce health and safety:<br />

Improve workforce health & safety<br />

2.3 Workforce wellbeing:<br />

Further develop working environment to promote<br />

workforce well-being<br />

3.1 Performance Monitoring<br />

Refine measurement of performance to drive improved<br />

service delivery<br />

3.2 Information Management<br />

Further develop information systems to support<br />

improvements in service delivery<br />

3.3 Financial Management<br />

Strengthen the organisation’s financial position to support<br />

service delivery development<br />

• Workforce expectations<br />

• Evidence based practice<br />

• Advances in technology<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Workforce expectations<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Workforce expectations<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Resource constraints<br />

• Evidence based practice<br />

• Organisational consolidation<br />

• Advances in technology<br />

• Organisational consolidation<br />

• Resource constraints<br />

• Organisational consolidation<br />

3.4 Business Systems and processes:<br />

Further develop business systems to support consistency<br />

and quality of service<br />

• Resource constraints<br />

• Advances in technology<br />

• Organisational consolidation<br />


Objectives Strategic themes Key issues<br />

3. Develop organisational systems<br />

and resources to support improved<br />

service delivery (continued)<br />

3.5 Research:<br />

Increase research to support innovation in service delivery<br />

3.6 Environmental Sustainability:<br />

Reduce the environmental impact of AV activities<br />

• Evidence based practice<br />

• Health system developments<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Environmental responsibilities<br />

4. Strengthen community<br />

relationships and promote community<br />

initiatives and policy to improve<br />

patient outcomes<br />

4.1 Community capability and awareness:<br />

Increase community awareness and skills to manage<br />

medical emergencies and collaborations with the community<br />

to improve patient outcomes<br />

4.2 Community relationships and accountability:<br />

Strengthen relationships with the community,<br />

improve understanding of the AV role and fulfil broader<br />

social responsibilities<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Increasing demand for service<br />

• Workforce expectations<br />

• Resource constraints<br />

• Community expectations<br />

• Environmental responsibilities<br />

4.3 Policy and system development:<br />

Further develop the ambulance role in contributing to<br />

broader health policy and systems<br />

• Health system developments<br />

• Increasing demand for service<br />

• Resource constraints<br />


7. Strategic Initiatives <strong>2010</strong> to <strong>2012</strong><br />

Strategic initiatives have been developed to address the four organisational objectives and the aims expressed in the strategic themes. Target outcomes have<br />

been specified for each of the strategic initiatives. The initiatives and targets are described below, grouped according to the relevant AV service delivery area.<br />

1. Improve service quality and efficiency to better meet patient needs<br />

Emergency Response<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Demand management:<br />

Improve matching of patient needs<br />

and services<br />

• Continue to refine 000 call prioritisation and ensure<br />

consistency of prioritisation statewide<br />

• Further develop the metropolitan Referral Service,<br />

increasing the referral options available and the scope of<br />

calls handled, and extend the Service statewide<br />

• Undertake further analysis of the drivers of demand<br />

and work with DH to identify new demand management<br />

strategies, including strategies to improve service delivery<br />

to specific patient categories and improved links to<br />

primary care services<br />

Improved identification of patient needs at the time of<br />

000 call for better targeted response<br />

Increased availability of appropriate alternatives to<br />

emergency ambulance response for lower priority<br />

000 callers<br />

Development of innovative strategies to address demand<br />

• Collaborate with nursing homes and other service<br />

providers to ensure a more appropriate ambulance response<br />

to nursing homes<br />

More appropriate matching of response to the needs<br />

of nursing home staff<br />

• Review planning criteria and methodology for<br />

emergency response resources in rural and remote areas<br />

Equitable basis for prioritising investment in response<br />

resources<br />

• Develop a long-term plan for statewide emergency<br />

response resources, taking into account demographic<br />

change and other drivers of demand<br />

Sufficient emergency response capacity to meet<br />

demand and achieve performance targets<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Process efficiency:<br />

Increase the efficiency of resource<br />

use to deliver improved services<br />

• Improve the efficiency of the response process by:<br />

> Reducing case times<br />

> Improving the efficiency of logistic support processes<br />

> More dynamic deployment of resource units, building on<br />

current use of the Siren decision support system<br />

> Improving the management of urgent (Code 2) cases<br />

> Improving the efficiency of the interface with hospitals<br />

• Review dispatch rules (in conjunction with refinement<br />

of 000 call prioritisation), and ensure consistency of<br />

dispatch practice statewide<br />

• Complete implementation of a new operational<br />

front-line management model<br />

• Transfer rural call taking and dispatch to a single<br />

Communications Centre operated by ESTA, using a new<br />

Computer Aided Dispatch system<br />

• Continue to work with ESTA to improve call taking and<br />

dispatch processes<br />

• Develop and implement a statewide rostering system<br />

and paramedic placement model<br />

• Refine coordination processes for the management of<br />

time critical patient transfers<br />

Increased availability of response units and improved<br />

response times<br />

Better matching of dispatch with patient needs and<br />

more effective use of resources<br />

More effective management and improved<br />

operational performance<br />

More efficient and effective rural call taking and dispatch<br />

More efficient and effective call taking and dispatch<br />

More cost effective use of operational workforce and<br />

improved consistency of service delivery<br />

More efficient and timely transfer of time critical patients<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Health system integration:<br />

Further develop collaboration with<br />

other health service providers to<br />

improve system performance<br />

• In conjunction with DH and the major health services,<br />

develop and implement improved processes for selection<br />

of hospital destinations<br />

• In conjunction with health services, further develop and<br />

implement systems for en route transmission of clinical<br />

information to receiving hospitals to enable early activation<br />

of the hospital response<br />

Better access for patients to definitive care<br />

Improved access for patients to definitive care<br />

• Continue development and implementation of an<br />

integrated strategy for acute coronary care patients,<br />

including early access to primary coronary angioplasty<br />

services and in-field thrombolysis where appropriate<br />

• Identify patient care pathways which provide a potential<br />

alternative to attendance at a hospital ED and explore<br />

options to improve their accessibility to paramedics<br />

Improved outcomes for acute coronary care patients<br />

Earlier access for patients to appropriate care<br />

• Work with DH and health services to evaluate and<br />

refine the current ambulance role in the response to<br />

mental health patients<br />

Improved service delivery for mental health patients<br />

• Work with DH regions to develop and implement strategies<br />

for improved integration and coordination of ambulance<br />

and health services<br />

Improved integration with regional health services<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Emergency services coordination:<br />

Further develop collaboration with<br />

emergency service organisations to<br />

improve effectiveness of service delivery<br />

Standard and scope of care:<br />

Enhance clinical care to improve<br />

patient outcomes<br />

• Evaluate the pilot Country Fire Authority Emergency<br />

Medical Response program in outer Melbourne (involving<br />

simultaneous dispatch of AV and CFA resources to<br />

suspected cardiac arrest cases) and, subject to the outcome,<br />

implement the EMR program in appropriate areas statewide<br />

• Further develop the AV Clinical Risk Management System,<br />

including sentinel event and clinical incident systems<br />

• Strengthen systems for review of the Clinical Practice<br />

Guidelines by drawing on VACIS data, including<br />

establishment of links with hospital (and other) data to assist<br />

outcome analysis<br />

Improved cardiac arrest outcomes<br />

Identification of opportunities for system improvement<br />

Stronger evidence base for clinical practice<br />

• Improve systems to facilitate the clinical development of<br />

paramedics based on VACIS data<br />

• Review the current paramedic scope of practice and<br />

develop appropriate new model(s) of paramedic practice,<br />

taking into account the needs of the specific communities<br />

served by AV, health system developments and experience<br />

in other jurisdictions<br />

Improved clinical support and development<br />

for paramedics<br />

Evaluation of new models of paramedic practice to<br />

support improved health system performance and<br />

(if appropriate) initial implementation of new model(s)<br />

• Investigate statewide variation in cardiac arrest outcomes<br />

and develop strategies to reduce differences<br />

Improved cardiac arrest outcomes<br />


Non-Emergency Transport<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Demand management:<br />

Improve matching of patient needs<br />

and services<br />

• In conjunction with DH, review and refine the current<br />

criteria for use of non-emergency transport<br />

Improved matching of resource type with patient need<br />

Process efficiency:<br />

Increase the efficiency of resource use<br />

to deliver improved services<br />

• Develop and implement a statewide non-emergency<br />

services strategy, with a particular focus on options for rural<br />

service delivery and appropriate use of non-emergency<br />

resources for high acuity transports<br />

• Complete statewide implementation of a non-emergency<br />

scheduling and vectoring system<br />

More efficient fleet management and improved<br />

service delivery<br />

Health system integration:<br />

Further develop collaboration with other<br />

health service providers to improve<br />

system performance<br />

• Explore options to assist hospital discharge processes in<br />

collaboration with DH and health services<br />

• Develop relationships with non-government agencies to<br />

assist with rural low acuity patient transport<br />

Improved patient flow in hospitals<br />

Improved allocation of resources and service delivery<br />

to rural and low acuity patients<br />


Air Ambulance<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Demand management:<br />

Improve matching of patient needs<br />

and services<br />

• Continue to refine dispatch criteria to ensure appropriate<br />

use of aircraft<br />

Better matching of dispatch with patient needs and more<br />

effective use of resources<br />

Process efficiency:<br />

Increase the efficiency of resource use to<br />

delivery improved services<br />

• Prepare a strategy for the long term development of<br />

air ambulance operations and implement the strategy<br />

progressively<br />

More efficient and effective air ambulance operations<br />

Health system integration:<br />

Further develop collaboration with other<br />

health service providers to improve<br />

system performance<br />

• Work with rural and regional health services to improve the<br />

timeliness of aircraft activation<br />

Earlier access for patients to appropriate care<br />

Retrieval Services<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Process efficiency:<br />

Increase the efficiency of resource use<br />

to deliver improved service<br />

• Implement the ARV service improvement plan and<br />

benchmark performance with other jurisdictions<br />

Improved service delivery for adult medical retrievals<br />

Health system integration:<br />

Further develop collaboration with other<br />

health service providers to improve<br />

system performance<br />

• Collaborate with DH and the non-adult retrieval services<br />

(peri-natal, neo-natal and paediatric) to improve the<br />

interface between the services and air ambulance<br />

Improved service delivery for non-adult medical<br />

retrievals<br />

• Continue to work with DH and health services to improve<br />

the management of access to critical care beds<br />

Improved accessibility of critical care beds<br />


Major Incident Preparedness<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Demand management:<br />

Improve matching of patient needs<br />

and services<br />

Process efficiency:<br />

Increase the efficiency of resource use to<br />

deliver improved services<br />

• Continue close monitoring of the risks of all types of major<br />

incident, and ensure appropriate AV capability is developed<br />

and maintained<br />

• Continue development of major incident response<br />

processes to ensure statewide consistency of approach<br />

AV major incident capability meeting Government<br />

and community expectations<br />

Integrated and consistent statewide response to<br />

major incidents<br />

Health system integration:<br />

Further develop collaboration with other<br />

health service providers to improve<br />

system performance<br />

• Continue major incident planning, liaison and coordination<br />

with all relevant national and State response and planning<br />

bodies<br />

Improved coordination of major incident response<br />

agencies and strengthened system capability to<br />

respond to a major incident<br />

Emergency services coordination:<br />

Further develop collaboration with<br />

emergency service organisations to<br />

improve effectiveness of service delivery<br />

• Continue work with inter-state ambulance services (via the<br />

Council of Ambulance Authorities) and emergency services<br />

organisations to ensure appropriate ambulance involvement<br />

in national major incident planning<br />

Improved coordination of major incident response<br />

agencies and strengthened system capability to<br />

respond to a major incident<br />


2. Foster workforce development and welfare<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Workforce capability:<br />

Support workforce development to<br />

increase organisational effectiveness<br />

• Develop a long-term workforce plan which identifies future<br />

organisational workforce needs and assists universities to<br />

plan student intakes<br />

• Support national initiatives on paramedic course<br />

accreditation through the Council of Ambulance Authorities,<br />

and continue AV liaison with universities regarding their<br />

selection procedures and curricula of paramedic courses<br />

Assured future supply of appropriately qualified<br />

paramedics<br />

Continuing development of paramedic education to meet<br />

service delivery needs<br />

• Review the current program for graduate paramedic<br />

recruits and explore options to improve their transition into<br />

the workforce<br />

Improved pathway for paramedic graduates to obtain<br />

the experience required to practice independently<br />

• Promote the career development of paramedics, including<br />

progression to specialist roles (MICA, Clinical Instructor,<br />

Clinical Specialist, Clinical Support Officer, Flight Paramedic<br />

etc)<br />

Improved AV clinical performance and workforce<br />

satisfaction<br />

• Further expand opportunities for all members of the<br />

workforce to develop their management and technical skills<br />

and strengthen the succession planning framework<br />

Improved management capability and succession<br />

planning<br />

• Develop and implement new strategies to attract and retain<br />

paramedics in regional and rural areas<br />

Improved retention of rural operational workforce<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Workforce capability:<br />

Support workforce development to<br />

increase organisational effectiveness<br />

(continued)<br />

• Further develop strategies and support processes to ensure<br />

the engagement, sustainability, reward and recognition of the<br />

volunteer workforce<br />

• Further support the professional development of Ambulance<br />

Community Officers and Community Emergency Responders<br />

(including development of pathways to paramedic education)<br />

• Further develop and implement flexible learning options<br />

(e.g. on-line systems)<br />

• Further develop programs to promote workforce awareness<br />

of the needs of CALD and Aboriginal communities<br />

• Promote continuing development of a constructive and<br />

consistent organisational culture, including further<br />

development of mechanisms for workforce engagement,<br />

communication and consultation<br />

Improved integration of volunteers with AV operations<br />

and better patient outcomes in communities served by<br />

volunteers<br />

Improved level of service to rural communities and<br />

supply of paramedics in rural locations<br />

Improved workforce access to training and education<br />

programs<br />

Improved service delivery for CALD and Aboriginal<br />

communities<br />

Constructive attitudes and behaviours focused on<br />

common objectives<br />

Workforce health and safety:<br />

Improve workforce health and safety<br />

• Develop and implement an integrated AV Occupational<br />

Health and Safety Strategic Plan, with a focus on:<br />

> Health check and immunisation programs<br />

> Early intervention<br />

> Appropriateness of equipment<br />

> Manual handling injuries<br />

> Managing aggression/assault<br />

> Stress<br />

> Fatigue<br />

> Monitoring of trends and root cause analysis to identify<br />

underlying issues<br />

> Benchmarking with other jurisdictions<br />

Reduced workforce injuries and lost time<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Workforce well-being:<br />

Further develop working environment to<br />

promote workforce well-being<br />

• Develop further initiatives to provide greater flexibility in<br />

working arrangements, including increased availability<br />

of part time options<br />

• Continue exploration of alternative rosters, taking into<br />

account workforce welfare impacts and service delivery<br />

requirements<br />

• Continue program of branch refurbishment to improve<br />

employees’ working environment<br />

Increased opportunities for a better work/life balance<br />

Identification of a suite of preferred future rosters<br />

Improved working environment for both operational<br />

and administrative workforce<br />

3. Develop organisational systems and resources to improve service delivery<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Performance monitoring:<br />

Refine measurement of performance to<br />

drive improved service<br />

• Continue development of AV performance measures and<br />

targets (including operational, clinical and support services<br />

measures) and extend benchmarking with comparable<br />

services<br />

• In consultation with ESTA, further develop CAD<br />

performance measures for ambulance, reflecting both the<br />

speed and quality of call-taking and dispatch<br />

More complete view of AV performance and value<br />

Refined set of call-taking and dispatch performance<br />

measures, reflecting service delivery needs<br />

• Establish links with external data sources to facilitate<br />

further development of patient outcome measures<br />

• Work with DH and health services to develop measures of<br />

health system performance (including an AV component)<br />

Improved understanding of AV impact on<br />

patient outcomes<br />

More complete view of system performance and<br />

AV contribution<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Information mangement:<br />

Further develop systems to support<br />

improvements in service delivery<br />

• Develop and implement a comprehensive Information<br />

Management Strategic Plan with a focus on:<br />

> Identification of future information requirements<br />

> Further integration of data from internal and external sources<br />

> Extending use of GIS data<br />

> Provision of real time management information<br />

> Real time transmission and receipt of clinical and management<br />

data with hospitals (e.g. pre-arrival ECG, projected arrivals,<br />

hospital status)<br />

> Infrastructure requirements to support systems development<br />

> Organisational consistency<br />

• Complete implementation of integrated statewide<br />

information systems for key processes, including<br />

financial, human resource, payroll, time and attendance,<br />

and clinical systems<br />

Increased accessibility, completeness, reliability and<br />

timeliness of management information to support<br />

improved decision-making<br />

Consistent management processes<br />

Financial mangement:<br />

Strengthen the organisation’s financial<br />

position to support service development<br />

• Explore opportunities to refine the current funding model and<br />

increase clarity about future funding<br />

• Continue development of strategies to improve the<br />

performance of the Membership Scheme (including the<br />

introduction of new products)<br />

• Develop and implement strategies to increase the capacity<br />

to fund new initiatives internally<br />

Increased certainty about future financial position<br />

to support longer term service planning<br />

Increased revenue from Membership Scheme<br />

Increased ability to implement service innovations<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Business systems and processes:<br />

Further develop business systems to<br />

support consistency and quality of<br />

service delivery<br />

Research:<br />

Increase research to support innovation in<br />

service delivery<br />

• Further develop AV quality and risk management systems,<br />

including business continuity systems<br />

• Explore opportunities to establish further data links with<br />

business partners<br />

• Implement improved logistics management systems (for fleet,<br />

medical equipment, supplies etc)<br />

• Ensure AV clinical data is effectively used to support<br />

innovations in practice and promote the national roll-out<br />

of VACIS to facilitate national ambulance research and<br />

benchmarking<br />

• Continue to build research collaborations with universities,<br />

health services and other research bodies<br />

• Monitor international research and innovation in ambulance<br />

and the broader health sector to identify opportunities to<br />

improve service delivery<br />

Increased reliability and consistency of service delivery<br />

Increased efficiency of business processes<br />

Increased efficiency and effectiveness of operations<br />

support processes<br />

Further evidence-based development of practice<br />

Increased research to identify clinical and operational<br />

service improvement opportunities<br />

Early identification of options to improve services<br />

Environmental responsibilities:<br />

Reduce the environmental impact of<br />

AV activities<br />

• Implement an organisational plan to reduce the<br />

environmental impact of AV activities<br />

Reduced environmental impacts and improved<br />

environmental sustainability<br />


4. Strengthen community relationships and promote community initiatives and policy to improve patient outcomes<br />

Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Community capability and awareness:<br />

Increase community awareness and skills<br />

to manage medical emergencies and<br />

collaborations with the community to<br />

improve patient outcomes<br />

• Continue to develop community CPR skills, with a focus<br />

on at risk groups, CALD communities and the Aboriginal<br />

community<br />

• Collaborate with partner organisations (including<br />

community safety organisations and first aid providers) to<br />

reduce preventable injuries and increase the community<br />

uptake of first aid training<br />

Increased community capability in CPR, contributing<br />

to improved cardiac arrest survival rates<br />

Increased community capability in injury prevention and<br />

first aid<br />

• Develop strategies for community engagement to improve<br />

the community/ambulance response for specific clinical<br />

conditions (e.g. asthma, stroke, diabetes, mental health<br />

and cardiovascular)<br />

Improved patient outcomes<br />

Community relationships and<br />

accountability:<br />

Strengthen relationships with the<br />

community, improve understanding of the<br />

AV role and fulfil broad social<br />

responsibilities<br />

• Further develop mechanisms for community engagement,<br />

including the Community Advisory Committee and auxiliaries<br />

• Continue to develop community relationships to improve<br />

access and equity, with a particular focus on CALD<br />

communities and the Aboriginal community, including the<br />

development of an AV Reconciliation Plan<br />

• Explore options to increase public awareness of appropriate<br />

ambulance use<br />

• Refine public reporting of AV performance, including<br />

additional reporting of clinical outcomes and clinical incidents<br />

Improved understanding of community needs<br />

Improved responsiveness to specific community needs<br />

More appropriate use of ambulance services<br />

Increased public accountability<br />


Strategic themes Strategies Outcomes<br />

Health policy and system<br />

development:<br />

Further develop the ambulance role in<br />

improving the health system performance<br />

• Provide policy input to DH to ensure unintended<br />

impacts of health system developments on ambulance<br />

service delivery are minimised<br />

• Collaborate with DH and health services to identify<br />

opportunities and develop strategies to improve the health<br />

system response for specific categories of high acuity patients<br />

• Strengthen links with the primary health care sector and<br />

explore options to improve service delivery via partnerships<br />

with other service providers, particularly general practitioners<br />

More effective and appropriate use of<br />

ambulance services<br />

Better coordination of ambulance and health<br />

services and improved outcomes for high<br />

acuity patients<br />

More appropriate use of ambulance services and<br />

improved patient outcomes<br />

• Work through the Council of Ambulance Authorities to<br />

improve the recognition of the ambulance role and issues<br />

at a national level<br />

Increased national recognition of the ambulance<br />

contribution to health system performance<br />


AV Strategic Framework<br />

AV role and principles<br />

Strategic objectives<br />

Improve Service<br />

Quality & Efficiency<br />

Foster Staff<br />

Development &<br />

Welfare<br />

Develop Systems &<br />

Resources<br />

Strengthen<br />

Community<br />

Relationships &<br />

Promote Initiatives<br />

Planning environment and issues<br />

Strategic themes<br />

• Demand Management<br />

• Process Efficiency<br />

• Health System Integration<br />

• Emergency Services Coordination<br />

• Standard & Scope of Care<br />

• Workforce Capability<br />

• Workforce Health & Safety<br />

• Workforce Well-being<br />

• Performance Monitoring<br />

• Information Management<br />

• Financial Management<br />

• Business Systems & Processes<br />

• Research<br />

• Environmental Sustainability<br />

• Community Capability & Awareness<br />

• Community Relationships & Accountability<br />

• Policy & System Development<br />


8. Performance measurement<br />

AV monitors its organisational performance using a suite of<br />

performance indicators grouped into four broad categories, which<br />

are closely aligned to the four strategic objectives outlined above:<br />

> Service delivery standards<br />

> Workforce development and welfare<br />

8.1 Service delivery standards<br />

These performance indicators measure the quality of AV service delivery<br />

Performance<br />

Indicator<br />

Measures<br />

> Resource management and cost effectiveness<br />

> Health system and community capability<br />

Further development of the indicator suite is proposed during the<br />

planning period, with particular focus on refinement and expansion<br />

of service delivery indicators including measures of response time,<br />

clinical outcome and non-emergency performance (see Section 7<br />

above). Where necessary, more specific measures will also be<br />

introduced to evaluate the effectiveness of each of the strategies<br />

outlined in Section 7.<br />

Existing performance indicators and related measurement<br />

definitions are detailed below. Specific targets are set for each<br />

measure every year in the AV Annual Plan.<br />

Call taking and<br />

dispatching times<br />

Emergency<br />

response times<br />

Standard of care<br />

Percentage of 000 calls answered within 5 seconds<br />

Percentage of Code 1 incidents with total time<br />

to dispatch within 150 seconds<br />

90th percentile response time to suspected<br />

cardiac arrests (Priority 0)<br />

Percentage of Code 1 incidents responded to<br />

within 15 minutes<br />

Percentage of Code 1 incidents responded<br />

to within 15 minutes in urban centres with<br />

population greater than 7,500<br />

Percentage of audited cases meeting standards<br />

(compliance with Clinical Practice guidelines)<br />

> emergency cases<br />

> non-emergency cases<br />

> CERT<br />


Performance<br />

Indicator<br />

Patient outcomes<br />

Measures<br />

1<br />

Percentage of adult cardiac arrest patients<br />

with vital signs at hospital<br />

Percentage of adult cardiac arrests patients<br />

surviving to hospital discharge<br />

Mean reduction in pain score for<br />

> ischaemic chest pain<br />

> traumatic pain<br />

Percentage of patients with initial severe cardiac<br />

relief or traumatic pain who receive significant<br />

pain relief<br />

Percentage of potential major trauma patients<br />

(non-trapped) with scene time less than or<br />

equal to 20 minutes<br />

1<br />

8.2 Workforce development and welfare<br />

These performance indicators measure the effectiveness<br />

of strategies to promote workforce development, health<br />

and safety<br />

Performance<br />

Indicator<br />

Workforce<br />

education and<br />

training<br />

Workforce health and<br />

safety<br />

Measures<br />

Average days of training per employee per year<br />

Sick leave rate<br />

> operational employees<br />

> non-operational employees<br />

Average annual days lost through work-related injury<br />

per operational employee<br />

Patient satisfaction<br />

Percentage of patients (or their carers)<br />

satisfied or very satisfied with service<br />

Number of complaints per thousand cases<br />

> total complaints<br />

> substantiated complaints<br />

Percentage of members satisfied or very<br />

satisfied with the Membership Scheme<br />

Workforce<br />

satisfaction<br />

Average full shift overtime per week (operational<br />

employees)<br />

Percentage of workforce satisfied (or better) working<br />

at AV<br />

> operational employees<br />

> non-operational employees<br />

1. Adult cardiac arrests not witnessed by a paramedic, presenting in VF/VT where resuscitation attempted<br />


8.3 Resource management and cost effectiveness<br />

These performance indicators measure the effectiveness of<br />

resource and cost management and of financial strategies to<br />

support service delivery<br />

8.4 Health system & community capability<br />

These performance indicators measure the effectiveness of<br />

other health care providers, partner organisations and the<br />

broader community in contributing to emergency outcomes<br />

Performance<br />

Indicator<br />

Measures<br />

Performance<br />

Indicator<br />

Measures<br />

Service delivery costs<br />

Overhead costs<br />

Cost per case for each service delivery category<br />

> emergency road<br />

> non-emergency road<br />

> air ambulance rotary wing<br />

> air ambulance fixed wing<br />

> adult retrieval<br />

Percentage of operating expenditure spent on<br />

administration<br />

Management of low<br />

priority 000 callers<br />

First responder<br />

programs<br />

Percentage of 000 callers receiving health<br />

advice or service from another health<br />

provider as an alternative to emergency<br />

ambulance response<br />

Percentage of suspected cardiac arrest cases<br />

(Priority 0) where (non-AV) first responder<br />

arrives first<br />

Generation of<br />

non-government<br />

revenue<br />

Financial liquidity<br />

Percentage of population (excluding pensioners<br />

and health care card owners), who are members<br />

of the Membership Scheme<br />

Administrative cost per member of the<br />

Membership Scheme<br />

• Quick asset ratio<br />

• Current asset ratio<br />

Community first aid<br />

skills<br />

Community<br />

satisfaction<br />

Health sector<br />

satisfaction<br />

Percentage of incidents where CERT is<br />

dispatched and arrives first<br />

Percentage of witnessed cardiac arrests where<br />

bystander CPR is undertaken<br />

Percentage of community satisfied or very<br />

satisfied with AV performance<br />

Percentage of health sector stakeholders<br />

satisfied with AV performance<br />


9. Ambulance Victoria in <strong>2012</strong><br />

AV’s strategies to <strong>2012</strong> build on the significant development of Victoria’s<br />

ambulance services which have occurred over the last ten years.<br />

The creation of a single statewide service in 2008 was a major step<br />

in a continuing process of transformation. On-going work to ensure<br />

consistency and integration of services and systems will be a continuing<br />

theme during the planning period.<br />

Major developments in service delivery by <strong>2012</strong> will include:<br />

• Rationalisation of rural communications centres, and statewide<br />

consistency in call taking and dispatching<br />

• Progress towards more consistent patient outcomes across the<br />

State (particularly cardiac arrest outcomes)<br />

• Continuing improvement in coordination and integration with the<br />

broader health sector, including improved performance at the hospital<br />

interface and extension of referral options<br />

• Evaluation of options for extending the scope of paramedic<br />

practice and (if appropriate) initial implementation of new model(s)<br />

• More efficient and dynamic management of emergency response<br />

resources<br />

• Strengthening of statewide major incident response systems and<br />

capability<br />

• More consistent statewide approach to the provision of nonemergency<br />

patient transport<br />

• More efficient and effective air ambulance services<br />

• Improved levels of service for adult retrievals statewide<br />

There will be a continuing focus on workforce development and welfare through<br />

the planning period. This will include promotion of a positive and consistent<br />

organisational culture and further development of mechanisms for workforce<br />

engagement and consultation.<br />

Strategies to minimise health and safety risks to the workforce will remain a key<br />

priority, and options to provide more flexible working arrangements will be developed.<br />

The program of facilities refurbishments will continue across the State.<br />

AV will work closely with the universities to ensure paramedic education meets<br />

organisational requirements and there is an appropriate future supply of qualified<br />

workforce.<br />

Organisational information systems will continue to evolve, with particular focus on<br />

integration of systems and data across the organisation, more real time reporting,<br />

more effective use of GIS data and better linkages with relevant external data.<br />

Use of VACIS data to support more evidence based approaches to clinical practice<br />

and training, and research to drive innovation will be significant priorities.<br />

Reducing AV’s environmental footprint will be an important objective for the planning<br />

period.<br />

AV is committed to further strengthening community relationships across the State,<br />

with a particular focus on improving its responsiveness to special needs and increasing<br />

the capability of communities to manage emergencies prior to ambulance arrival.<br />


Glossary & abbreviations<br />

ACO<br />

ARV<br />

AV<br />

CAA<br />

CAD<br />

CALD<br />

CERT<br />

CFA<br />

CPG<br />

DH<br />

Dispatch Code<br />

ECG<br />

ED<br />

EMA<br />

ESTA<br />

GIS<br />

MFB<br />

MICA<br />

MTS<br />

Single<br />

Responder<br />

Ambulance Community Officer<br />

Adult Retrieval Victoria<br />

Ambulance Victoria<br />

Council of Ambulance Authorities Australia<br />

Computer Aided Dispatch<br />

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse<br />

Community Emergency Response Team<br />

Country Fire Authority<br />

Clinical Practice Guidelines<br />

Department of Health<br />

Priority of ambulance dispatch (From 1 to 3; Code 1 means a<br />

time critical dispatch, with a response using lights and sirens)<br />

Electrocardiogram<br />

Hospital Emergency Department<br />

Emergency Management Australia<br />

Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority<br />

Geographic Information Systems<br />

Metropolitan Fire Brigade<br />

Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance<br />

Major Trauma Service (The Alfred Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital & Royal Children’s Hospital)<br />

MICA paramedic or Ambulance paramedic response unit<br />

without transport capability (usually a sedan)<br />

SHERP<br />

State Health Emergency Response Plan<br />

Triage Category Priority assigned to patients in hospital emergency departments (from 1 to 5)<br />

VACIS<br />

Victoria Ambulance Clinical Information System<br />

VACU<br />

Victorian Ambulance Counselling Unit<br />


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