Item 3a - International Seed Testing Association

Item 3a - International Seed Testing Association Item 3a - International Seed Testing Association




C HANGES 2004 –<br />

ITEM 3A<br />





PAGE 2 OF 22<br />





0. Summary 2<br />

1. Introduction 3<br />

2. Preliminary work before 1998 4<br />

3. Working group 1998-2002 6<br />

4. Working group 2003-2004 8<br />

5. Conclusions 13<br />

6. Proposed Rules Change 2004 13<br />

7. Literature 15<br />

8. Acknowledgements 15<br />

9. Annex 1: Statistical analyses blower speeds in<br />

purity assessments of Poa pratensis 16



PAGE 3 OF 22<br />

0. Summary<br />

In 1994 the ISTA Purity Committee received information that seed companies had problems<br />

with the purity test of small seeded varieties of Poa pratensis. Internal work in seed<br />

companies in the early 1990s had revealed that in the purity test of small seeded varieties of<br />

Poa pratensis many seeds with caryopsis were blown into the light fraction, and classified as<br />

inert matter according to the ISTA Rules.<br />

Work carried out by the ISTA Working Group on blowing in the late 1990s indicated that the<br />

percentage of pure seed in the light fraction was 65% (average of 10 small seeded varieties).<br />

If the blower setting was lowered to 0.90, the light fraction still contained more than 40% of<br />

pure seeds.<br />

The subject was discussed at the ISTA Extra Ordinary Meetings in 2002 and in 2003. The<br />

discussion in 2003 revealed that several items needed to be evaluated further, and it was<br />

decided to start a new series of experiments. Laboratories from Denmark, the Netherlands<br />

and the USA were involved. This report summarises the results from the previous years and<br />

present the results received from Denmark and the Netherlands in 2003. USA and Canada<br />

(Representing ISTA and AOSA) participated in planning of the new experiment and in<br />

discussion of the results.<br />

When accepting the factor 0.82 for Poa pratensis in 1992 the results of the blowing by this<br />

factor were compared with the hand method. For that reason it was decided that the main<br />

principle for accepting a new blowing method in the ISTA Rules should be the comparison of<br />

the new blowing factor with the hand method (based on PSD41 in the ISTA Rules).<br />

If the amount of particles classified wrongly is the same for both the heavy and the light<br />

fractions, it is assumed that the result of the hand method will be the same as the result<br />

obtained by means of the blower. The equivalence in number of misplaced seeds in the<br />

heavy and the light fraction is at present used when calibrating the seed blowers with the<br />

ISTA calibration samples.<br />

In the examinations in 2003 participated 5 seed testing laboratories. In total 32 samples of 10<br />

small seeded varieties were blown at the blower settings 1.00, 0.90 (only 22 samples), 0.82,<br />

0.70, and 0.60.<br />

The results of the tests revealed that:<br />

• It was possible to obtain similar results when identical samples are blown with<br />

different blower settings at four seed laboratories.<br />

• Identical results were obtained when seed samples of five varieties with different<br />

1000 seed weight were re-analysed at the same seed laboratory.<br />

• Due to variable results between samples of the same variety and between varieties it<br />

is concluded that the pure live seed (PLS) is not suited for selection of the blower<br />

setting of Poa pratensis.<br />

• The equivalence of g misplaced seeds in the heavy and in the light fraction provided<br />

uniform results for all small seeded varieties tested (1000 seed weight from 0.22-0.34<br />

g).<br />

• The factor 0.82 was the optimal blower setting, and it represents the best possible<br />

compromise between the increase in % pure seed and the decrease in %<br />

germination, when the blower settings are reduced from 1.00 to 0.60.<br />

• The factor 0.82 has already been in use for Poa trivialis at the ISTA seed laboratories<br />

for more than 10 years.<br />

• It is, accordingly, proposed that the factor 0.82 should be included in the ISTA Rules<br />

for blowing of all varieties of Poa pratensis with a 1000 seed weight



PAGE 4 OF 22<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Breeding of Poa pratensis has diverted in two directions. One direction is aiming at high<br />

yielding varieties for forage purposes. Another direction is aiming at varieties for amenity<br />

purposes, leading to finer leafed types that grow slower.<br />

It appears that leaf size and plant growth are correlated with seed size.<br />

As a consequence forage types are getting heavier seeds, and amenity types are moving<br />

towards smaller and lighter seeds.<br />

In the 1980s new small seeded varieties of Poa pratensis have entered the markets in<br />

Europe. Presently seed companies are already testing varieties having a 1000 seed weight<br />

as low as 0.19g!<br />

The low seed yield of these varieties is compensated by a premium for good genetic quality.<br />

In the cleaning plant it appeared that the purities requested in the market could only be<br />

reached when heavy seed losses during cleaning were accepted.<br />

Internal work in seed companies in the early 1990s revealed that of these low 1000 seed<br />

weight varieties many seeds with caryopsis (‘pure seed’) are blown into the light fraction, and<br />

classified as inert matter according to the ISTA Rules. <strong>Seed</strong> yields of these varieties in terms<br />

of kilograms per hectare are low as well.<br />

As a consequence of this, good varieties have not reached the market, because on top of an<br />

already low yield of raw material too many valuable seeds had to be cleaned out in order to<br />

reach the purity level as assessed by the present purity test.<br />

In 1994 the ISTA Purity Committee received information that seed companies had problems<br />

with the purity test of small seeded varieties of Poa pratensis. Evidence was presented<br />

indicating that when samples of such varieties were blown on blowers calibrated with the<br />

ISTA calibration sample, a considerable amount of pure seeds were blown into the light<br />

fraction and accordingly considered as inert matter.<br />

In 1996 a questionnaire regarding problems with purity analysis of small seeded varieties of<br />

Poa pratensis was sent out to Danish and Dutch seed companies. The replies were that they<br />

had problems with in total 15 small seeded varieties of Poa pratensis.<br />

The received information lead to some activity late 1996, when Hans Arne Jensen (chairman<br />

of the ISTA Purity committee), Danish Plant Directorate sent a draft working plan to<br />

R. Minnaar of NAK in the Netherlands on how to identify the correct blower setting for such<br />

varieties. A student did some preliminary work, but this was never published.<br />

Due to change of personnel, not much happened during the following year or two. After the<br />

ISTA Congress in 1998 in South Africa, when the results of the preliminary work was<br />

presented by Harry Nijënstein during the meeting of the ISTA Purity Committee, a working<br />

group started some activities in the field of this subject. Leadership of the working group was<br />

taken over by Anny van Pijlen of NAK.<br />

Anny van Pijlen sent an enquiry to all members of the purity working group: Ken Allison<br />

(Canada), Sharon Davidson (USA), Ola Kristian Dille (Norway), Hans Arne Jensen<br />

(Denmark), Maria Rosaria Mannino (France), Harry Nijënstein (the Netherlands), Arnold<br />

Larsen (USA), Elzbieta Malluzynska (Poland).<br />

The question asked was: “Do you have any problems with purity analysis of small seeded<br />

varieties of Poa pratensis? And what actions did you take?”



PAGE 5 OF 22<br />

Table 1.1:<br />

The results of the enquiry of 1998.<br />

Country<br />

Answer<br />

The Netherlands<br />

Some private companies have problems<br />

Norway<br />

No problems<br />

Denmark<br />

Some private companies have problems<br />

Poland<br />

No problems<br />

France<br />

No problems<br />

USA<br />

No problems<br />

The reasons for not having problems in some countries are probably twofold: In some<br />

countries little or no production of Poa pratensis takes place (Norway, France, Poland). In the<br />

USA seed companies did not produce many small seeded varieties at that time.<br />

However, because it was quite clear that seeds were classified wrongly in some important<br />

growing areas for Poa pratensis, it was decided to continue the work.<br />

The results of the working group were available in 2001. However, due to communicational<br />

problems, these data were never presented to the purity committee and ISTA meetings in<br />

time for change of the ISTA Rules.<br />

The problems with purity tests of small seed varieties and proposals for change of the ISTA<br />

Rules were discussed at ISTA Extraordinary Meetings in 2002 and in 2003.<br />

During the ISTA EOM in Zürich, Switzerland the latest results of the working group were<br />

presented. As it became obvious that the proposed factor 0.90 did not solve the problem and<br />

number of new questions were asked and it was realized that harmonisation with the AOSA<br />

Rules should be examined, a new series of experiments were set up.<br />

This paper wraps up activities and results from: Before1998, from 1998-2002, and from<br />

2003-2004.<br />

2. Preliminary work before 1998<br />

In the 1940s some research on climax blowing point has been carried out. Leggett (1941)<br />

suggested ‘that considerations should be given to a redefinition of pure seed according to a<br />

standard synthetic sample prepared to conform to the “climax” blowing point.<br />

However, there is no proof that these discussions have lead to adoption of this principle for<br />

acceptance of new methods for the ISTA Rules. On the contrary: the paper of Jensen &<br />

Bülow-Olsen (1992) indicates that for adopting the Poa trivialis blower settings in the ISTA<br />

Rules, the results of the blower were compared with those of the hand method.



PAGE 6 OF 22<br />

The entire purity chapter of the ISTA Rules is based on pure seed definitions. Purity<br />

determinations of other Poa species like Poa secunda/ampla, Poa annua, Poa compressa,<br />

Poa nemoralis, Poa palustris are based on Pure <strong>Seed</strong> Definition (PSD) 41:<br />

“ Spikelet, with lemma and palea enclosing a caryopsis, with or without awn, plus<br />

attached sterile floret.<br />

Floret, with lemma and palea enclosing a caryopsis, with or without awn.<br />

Caryopsis.<br />

Piece of caryopsis larger than one-half the original size. “<br />

In the present experiments PSD41 is used for classifying seeds.<br />

In the early 1990s, when seed companies encountered problems in reaching the requested<br />

purities for small seeded Poa pratensis, these companies did several experiments in order to<br />

find the cause for these problems. This paragraph summarises the results of these<br />

experiments.<br />

Analyses of small seeded varieties of Poa pratensis revealed that a considerable percentage<br />

of pure seeds (according to PSD 41) were blown into the light fraction (see Table 2.1).<br />

Table 2.1:<br />

Experiment carried out by Cebeco <strong>Seed</strong>s in 1994.<br />

Germination percentage of pure seeds (PSD 41) from light fraction. Results are averages of<br />

two seed lots per variety, blown at 2*0.5g.<br />

Variety Weight of 1000<br />

seeds<br />

Purity % Pure seed in<br />

light fraction<br />

Limousine 0.23 87.9 12.5 51<br />

Ampellia 0.29 86.9 9.2 21<br />

Julia 0.29 86.6 7.9 15<br />

Enprima 0.33 84.8 8.5 17<br />

Delft 0.35 90.8 6.9 10<br />

Miracle 0.38 88.8 0.9 12<br />

LSD (p



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Table 2.2<br />

Average seed weights, purity and germination percentages of seeds from the light fraction of<br />

eight varieties. Experiments by Mommersteeg in 1995, 2*0.5g.<br />

Variety<br />

Number of<br />

samples<br />

Weight of<br />

1000 seeds<br />

Purity<br />

Germination<br />

of total light<br />

fraction<br />

Variation in<br />

germ. light<br />

fraction<br />

Germination<br />

heavy<br />

fraction<br />

Monopoly 19 0.26 91.3 9.9 05 – 20 92.4<br />

Parade 10 0.33 91.3 3.4 01 – 07 89.8<br />

Cynthia 14 0.33 93.5 18.2 08 – 30 92.6<br />

Asset 11 0.36 90.8 10.1 02 – 23 88.8<br />

Geronimo 25 0.37 92.5 16.2 03 – 36 94.0<br />

Saskia 13 0.37 94.1 5.9 01 – 16 86.2<br />

Minstrel 10 0.39 92.5 2.3 00 – 06 85.2<br />

Cocktail 12 0.43 91.7 1.3 01 - 04 83.1<br />

In a third experiment the relation between purity and germination of Poa pratensis varieties<br />

was investigated (Table 2.3).<br />

Although the purity is increased by 3.2% on average at a lower blower setting, germination<br />

percentage is hardly influenced.<br />

The percentage PLS increases from 79% to 81% when the blower setting is increased.<br />

Table 2.3<br />

Relation between purity and germination percentages of 6 varieties, blown at 4 different<br />

blower settings at 2*0.5g. Results are averages of two samples per variety.<br />

Blower setting figures 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2<br />

Variety<br />

Weight<br />

of 1000<br />

seeds<br />

Purity Germ. Purity Germ. Purity Germ Purity Germ<br />

Limousine 0.23 94.2 86 91.6 87 88.6 89 88.3 87<br />

Ampellia 0.29 89.6 88 88.2 88 86.9 89 85.8 90<br />

Julia 0.29 91.6 85 90.5 86 89.5 86 88.8 86<br />

Enprima 0.33 91.0 88 89.8 88 88.9 88 88.3 88<br />

Delft 0.35 92.9 87 91.6 86 90.7 89 89.9 91<br />

Miracle 0.38 97.4 90 96.9 87 96.6 87 96.2 87<br />

average 92.8 87 91.4 87 90.2 88 89.6 88<br />

% PLS 81 80 79 79<br />

3. Working group 1998 – 2002<br />

The ISTA working group for blowing consisted of members from the following countries:<br />

Canada, USA, Norway, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Poland.<br />

The results in the following tables are the averages of work carried out by five laboratories:<br />

three ISTA accredited laboratories in three countries (UK, Denmark, the Netherlands), and<br />

two company laboratories from the Netherlands.



PAGE 8 OF 22<br />

Table 3.1.<br />

Percentage of pure seed blown into the light fraction and percentages of empty seeds blown<br />

in the heavy fraction. Per variety on sample was subdivided in five sub-samples, and send to<br />

five laboratories: three ISTA accredited laboratories in three countries (UK, Denmark, the<br />

Netherlands), and two company laboratories from the Netherlands.<br />

Each lab blew the samples at 1*0.5g (submitted sample).<br />

Weight<br />

of<br />

Blower setting<br />

0.90<br />

factor<br />

0.90<br />

Blower setting<br />

1.00<br />

factor<br />

1.00<br />

Variety 1000 Pure in light Empty in Pure in light Empty in heavy<br />

seeds<br />

heavy<br />

Unique NL 0.20 22.1 12.2 36.5 14.4<br />

Unique USA 0.26 34.5 0.1 72.8 0.0<br />

Barblue 0.26 57.9 5.3 63.2 6.8<br />

Barmax 0.26 83.3 4.0 92.5 8.1<br />

Limousine 0.26 27.5 4.2 42.5 6.1<br />

Washington 0.28 55.4 0.2 86.6 0.2<br />

Monopoly 0.29 16.7 0.1 84.8 0.0<br />

Julia 0.31 51.4 0.0 68.5 0.0<br />

Midnight 0.33 69.5 0.1 74.3 0.2<br />

Viva 0.47 0.0 0.6 29.0 0.6<br />

average 0.29 41.8 2.7 65.1 3.6<br />

At normal blower settings (1.00) the light fraction contained on average 65.1% of pure seeds.<br />

At a blower setting of 0.90 of the normal setting for Poa pratensis, the light fraction still<br />

contains 41.8% of pure seeds (Table 3.1.). In the average figures also the heavy variety<br />

number 2 (1000 seed weight=0.47g) is included. Averages for pure seeds blown into the light<br />

fraction of small seeded varieties only would even be higher.<br />

Although a blower setting of 0.90 improves the situation considerably, still far too many good<br />

seeds are blown into the light fraction and valued as inert matter.<br />

Table 3.2.<br />

Percentage germination of pure seeds after blowing at two different settings. Per variety on<br />

sample was subdivided in five sub-samples, and send to five laboratories: three ISTA<br />

accredited laboratories in three countries (UK, Denmark, the Netherlands), and two company<br />

laboratories from the Netherlands.<br />

Each lab blew the samples at 1*0.5g (submitted sample).<br />

Weight of blower setting 0.90 blower setting 1.00<br />

Variety 1000 seeds. % germination % germination<br />

Unique NL 0.20 66 69<br />

Unique USA 0.26 83 82<br />

Barblue 0.26 69 78<br />

Barmax 0.26 83 84<br />

Limousine 0.26 87 89<br />

Washington 0.28 90 92<br />

Monopoly 0.29 95 93<br />

Julia 0.31 89 89<br />

Midnight 0.33 88 78<br />

Viva 0.47 92 92<br />

average 0.29 84 85



PAGE 9 OF 22<br />

In another experiment the effect of blower settings on the germination level was examined.<br />

On average hardly any difference exist between the two blower settings. Varieties number 5<br />

and 4 deviate. The reason for this is not known (Table 3.2.).<br />

In the enquiry of 1996, 15 varieties of Poa pratensis in Europe with a weight of 1000 seeds<br />

lower than 0.35g were reported to provide problems with the purity tests. In 2003 this number<br />

in Europe had increased to 57 (Table 3.3.), and at present more than half of the varieties in<br />

Europe belongs to the group of small seeded varieties.<br />

Apart from the number of small seeded varieties, also the weight of 1000 seeds of newly<br />

breed varieties appears to decrease.<br />

In Europe the weight of 1000 seeds in new varieties tested now are as low as 0.19g.<br />

Table 3.3.<br />

Number of normal (=>0.35g)and of small seeded (=0.35g<br />




PAGE 10 OF 22<br />

The aim of the new experiment was to elucidate:<br />

• Can similar results be obtained when testing seeds from same seed sample in<br />

different seed laboratories?<br />

• Can similar results be obtained when re-testing seed samples of different varieties in<br />

the same seed laboratory?<br />

• Which blower settings provide both optimal and uniform results when blowing small<br />

seeded varieties of Poa pratensis?<br />

• Can all small seeded varieties be blown at the same blowing point or is it necessary<br />

to have f. inst. one blower setting for varieties with a weight of 1000 seeds between<br />

0.34 and 0.30g and another blower setting for varieties with weight of 1000 seeds<br />



PAGE 11 OF 22<br />

The experiment comprised in total 32 samples distributed on 10 varieties of Poa pratensis.<br />

Table 4.2<br />

Key figures extracted from table 4.1<br />

Variety<br />

Weight of<br />

1000 seeds<br />

Number<br />

of<br />

samples<br />

Number<br />

of seed<br />

lots<br />

Laboratory<br />

Number<br />

Harmony 0.23 4 2 4<br />

Mardonna 0.24 4 2 4<br />

Unique 0.24-0.25 2 1 1,3<br />

Julia 0.26 1 1 1<br />

Platini 0.26-0.28 4 2 4<br />

Sobra 0.27-0.30 4 2 4<br />

Eprima 0.32-0.34 4 4 1,2,3,5<br />

Cynthia 1 1 5<br />

Saskia 1 1 5<br />

Balin 0.31-0.34 4 2 4<br />

Evora 0.45-0.48 3 1 1,2,3<br />

The overall averages from Table 4.1 show that the percent of pure seed increase from 94.6<br />

to 99.8 when the blower setting is changed from 1.00 to 0.60. The increase in percent pure<br />

seed is specific obvious when the blowing factor is changed from 1.00 to 0.82 (Table 4.3).<br />

For germination on average 9% lower germination is obtained when the blower setting is<br />

changed from 1.00 to 0.60. As Poa pratensis in general have a low germination, the blowing<br />

factors 0.60 and 0.70, which give the lowest germination, should be avoided (Table 4.3).<br />

Table 4.3:<br />

Averages for the heavy fraction: Percentage germination and percentage PLS.<br />

In the right part of the table, all samples of which the blower setting of 0.90 was not tested,<br />

were excluded from calculation of the averages.<br />

See Table 4.2. for information on varieties, number of samples etc.<br />

Pure<br />

live<br />

seeds<br />

Excluding<br />

0,90<br />

blower<br />

setting<br />

Including 0,90 Germination (PLS)<br />

Heavy Germination<br />

blower setting % %<br />

%<br />

% %<br />

0.60 99.8 79 79 0.60 99.9 80 80<br />

0.70 99.4 80 80 0.70 99.7 81 80<br />

0.82 98.2 83 81 0.82 98.8 82 81<br />

0.90 97.7 84 82 0.90 97.7 84 82<br />

1.00 94.6 88 83 1.00 95.5 86 83<br />

Pure<br />

live<br />

seeds<br />

(PLS)<br />

%<br />

The calculated content of pure live seeds (PLS) shows a considerable variation between<br />

samples of same variety as well as between varieties (see Table 4.1). The statistical analysis<br />

revealed that the differences were significant (1% level). This factor is, accordingly, not<br />

suited for establishment of the optimal blowing factor for Poa pratensis.



PAGE 12 OF 22<br />

The uniformity of testing samples from the same variety was examined for the variety<br />

Enprima. Identical samples were analyzed at four different seed laboratories (gram pure<br />

seeds in light fractions and gram empty seeds in heavy fractions was only recorded at three<br />

laboratories) For this variety the results at blower speed 0.82 showed no significant<br />

differences among laboratories for g light seed in the heavy fraction and g heavy seed in the<br />

light fraction, except for % heavy seeds, where the amount of was slightly less for laboratory<br />

3 than for laboratory 2 and 5. The result at laboratory 1 may seem high, but this is most<br />

probably because this laboratory received seeds from a different sample.<br />

The blower speed 0.82 had on the average the best balance between g pure seeds in light<br />

fraction and g empty seeds in heavy fraction. This was also the case for 7 out of the 11<br />

varieties. For the remaining 4 varieties the absolute difference for the 0.82 blower speed was<br />

only significant larger than the blower speed with best balance for one variety, Julia (where it<br />

was significant at the 4% level).<br />

The variance between repeated analyses of the same sample are for most variables smaller<br />

for data from blower speed 0.82 than for all data. This indicates that the variability between<br />

repeated analyses is lower for this blower speed than for the others. For % heavy seeds the<br />

standard deviation is *0.017=0.13 which show that the probability of exceeding the ISTA<br />

tolerances will be very low.<br />

The ability to re-test seed samples of five different varieties with different seed weight was<br />

examined by one seed laboratory (laboratory no. 4). The results of the re-test for blower<br />

setting 0,82 are presented in table 4.4. In the table is the differences are the differences<br />

between the analysis results compared with the ISTA Tolerances.<br />

Table 4.4:<br />

Differences between two purity tests on same submitted sample of five varieties compared<br />

with the ISTA Tolerances, Table 3.1. Blower setting 0,82. Laboratory 4.<br />

Variety Pair % Heavy seed<br />

1. test 2. test average difference ISTA Tolerance<br />

Harmony I 99.6 99.6 99.6 0.0 0.5<br />

II 99.2 99.2 99.2 0.0 0.7<br />

Maradonna I 97.7 97.9 97.8 0.2 1.1<br />

II 99.1 99.1 99.1 0.0 0.7<br />

Platini I 99.0 99.2 99.1 0.2 0.7<br />

II 99.4 99.4 99.4 0.0 0.6<br />

Sobra I 99.0 99.0 99.0 0.0 0.8<br />

II 98.1 98.1 98.1 0.0 1.0<br />

Balin I 98.9 99.2 99.1 0.3 0.7<br />

II 98.2 98.6 98.4 0.4 1.0<br />

It appears from table 4.4, that the reproducibility within laboratory 4 is good when blowing<br />

small seeded varieties at blower setting 0,82. The differences between pair of purity analyses<br />

were all within the ISTA Tolerances.<br />

If looking at the blowing level where the grams of pure seed in the light fraction are equal to<br />

or nearly equal to the grams of empty seeds in the heavy fraction, a consistent picture<br />

appears (see table 4.1). All varieties up to Enprima show an optimal blowing point of 0.82.<br />

For Balin the blowing point can either be 0.82 (2 samples) or 0.90 (2 samples).



PAGE 13 OF 22<br />

The variety Evora has a weight of 1000 seeds >0.35 and shall, accordingly, be blown at a<br />

blower setting 1.00.<br />

Returning to the hand method is not an option. The blowing method is both faster and gives<br />

more uniform results than the hand method (Nelson, 1970; Porter & Leggatt, 1942; Leggatt,<br />

1941)<br />

The present ISTA Poa pratensis calibration samples are based on a mixture of commonly<br />

grown varieties with a weight of 1000 seeds ranging from 0.31 to 0.40 g (average 0.35 g).<br />

Care was taken that the new calibration samples gave the same purity results as those<br />

produced in the Netherlands 10-15 years ago.<br />

The differences in seed weight between Poa pratensis and Poa trivialis did for many years<br />

prevent the ISTA stations from using the blowing method for Poa trivialis. AOSA was the<br />

pioneer in solving the problem and introduced the multiplication factor 0.82, when blowing<br />

Poa trivialis on a blower, calibrated with a Poa pratensis calibration sample. Within the ISTA<br />

Purity Committee a study was initiated, and this study confirmed the AOSA factor 0.82<br />

(Jensen & Bülow-Olsen, 1992). The factor of 0.82 for Poa trivialis was introduced into the<br />

ISTA Rules in 1992.<br />

If we look at the 1000 seed weight’s of the small seeded varieties tested in these<br />

experiments, they appear to be on the same level as the weight of 1000 seeds for Poa<br />

trivialis.<br />

Data received from the Netherlands and Denmark give the following weight of 1000 seeds for<br />

varieties of Poa trivialis: Sabre: 0.24 (two lots), Solo: 0.21 (six lots), and Dasas: 0.24 (ten<br />

lots).<br />

Therefore, it is not a surprise that the suggested optimal blower setting 0.82 for small seeded<br />

Poa pratensis varieties is the same as the one already in use for Poa trivialis.<br />

Choosing the already existing blower setting for Poa trivialis has the additional advantage<br />

that no extra blowing points have to be added. This makes it easier for all involved to<br />

implement the blowing factor also for small seed varieties of Poa pratensis.



PAGE 14 OF 22<br />

5. Conclusions<br />

Based on previous results and the results from this study, it can be concluded that:<br />

• It was possible to obtain similar results when identical samples are blown with<br />

different blower settings at four seed laboratories.<br />

• Identical results were obtained when seed samples of five varieties with different<br />

1000 seed weight were re-analysed at the same seed laboratory.<br />

• Due to variable results between samples of the same variety and between varieties it<br />

is obvious that Pure Live <strong>Seed</strong> (PLS) is not suited for selection of the blower setting<br />

of Poa pratensis.<br />

• The equivalence of g misplaced seeds in the heavy and in the light fraction provided<br />

uniform results for all small seeded varieties tested (1000 seed weight from<br />

0.22-0.34 g).<br />

• The factor 0.82 was the optimal blower setting for all small seeded varieties tested,<br />

and it represents the best possible compromise between the increase in % pure seed<br />

and the decrease in % germination when the blower settings are reduced from 1.00<br />

to 0.60.<br />

• The factor 0.82 has already been in use for Poa trivialis at the ISTA seed laboratories<br />

for more than 10 years.<br />

• It is, accordingly, proposed that the factor 0.82 should be included in the ISTA Rules<br />

for blowing of all varieties of Poa pratensis with a 1000 seed weight



PAGE 15 OF 22<br />

List of varieties of Poa pratensis with an average weight of 1000 seeds



PAGE 16 OF 22<br />

7. Literature<br />

Brown … , Porter … (1935). An improved method of testing seeds of Kentucky Bluegrass<br />

(Poa pratensis L.). Proceedings AOSA 27: 44-49.<br />

Jensen, H.A. & Bülow-Olsen, A. (1992) Comparison of purity analysis results from Poa<br />

trivialis L. samples tested according to the ISTA and the AOSA method. <strong>Seed</strong> Science &<br />

Technology 20: 655-661.<br />

Leggatt, C.W. (1941) The “Climax” blowing point in the testing of grass seeds for<br />

percentages of pure live seed. Contr.: No. 657. Division of Botany and Plant Pathology,<br />

Science Service, D. of A. Ottawa, Canada.<br />

Nelson, B. (1970) Uniform Blowing Procedure for Canada and Rough Bluegrass<br />

Subcommittee. Proceedings of the <strong>Association</strong> of Official <strong>Seed</strong> Analysts. 60: 24-25.<br />

Porter, R.H., Leggatt CW (1942) A new concept of pure seed as applied to seed technology.<br />

Scientific Agriculture 23(2): 80-103.<br />

8. Acknowledgements<br />

The working group acknowledges the analytical work performed by the participating seed<br />

laboratories, the valuable comments received during preparation of the manuscript and the<br />

statistical analysis carried out by Dr. Kristian Kristensen, Biometry Research Unit, Danish<br />

Institute of Agricultural Sciences.



PAGE 17 OF 22<br />

Annex 1:<br />

Statistical analyses blower speeds in purity assessments of Poa pratensis<br />

Kristian Kristensen<br />

Biometry Research Unit, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics<br />

Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences<br />

November 2003<br />

Method<br />

Each variable were first analysed in an analysis that took into account the effects of variety, laboratory and<br />

blower speed as well as all two-way interactions and the three-way interaction. The residual effects were<br />

separated into 1) within sample variation and 2) between sample variation. Mathematically the model may be<br />

written as:<br />

Y = µ + α + β + γ + ( αβ ) + ( αγ ) + ( βγ ) + ( αβγ ) + D + E<br />

vlbsr v l b vl vb lb vlb vs vlbsr<br />

where<br />

Y is the observed value for variety v at laboratory l with blower speed b for replicate r of sample s<br />

D<br />

E<br />

vlbsr<br />

vs<br />

vlbsr<br />

is the random effect of sample s in variety v<br />

is the random effect within sample<br />

D and E are asumed to be independently normally distributed with mean zero and vaiances σ<br />

2<br />

vs vlbsr D<br />

and σ , respectively<br />

2<br />

E<br />

The greeck letters are the fixed effects.<br />

Next all data with blower speed 0.82 were analysed in a model that took into account the effects of variety and<br />

laboratory as well as the two-way interaction. The residual effects were separated into 1) within sample variation<br />

and 2) between sample variation. Mathematically the model may be written as:<br />

Y = µ + α + β + ( αβ)<br />

+ D + E<br />

vlsr v l vl vs vlsr<br />

where<br />

Y is the observed value for variety v at laboratory l with blower speed 0.82 for replicate r of<br />

vlsr<br />

sample s<br />

D is the random effect of sample s in variety v<br />

E<br />

D<br />

vs<br />

vlsr<br />

vs<br />

σ<br />

is the random effect within sample<br />

and E<br />

vlsr<br />

2 2<br />

D E<br />

are asumed to be independently normally distributed with mean zero and vaiances<br />

and σ , respectively<br />

The greeck letters are the fixed effects.<br />

The set of varieties analysed differed from laboratory to laboratory in such a way that the table variety by<br />

laboratory were disconnected. Therefore, in order to estimate the effects of the factors (variety, blower speed and<br />

laboratory) it was necessary to separate the data into two groups: 1) data from laboratory 4 and 2) data from<br />

laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5. In addition it was necessary to delete the blower speed 0.90 in the second group<br />

(laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5). In the estimation also all interactions with laboratory were excluded (they were nonsignificant<br />

or almost non-significant for all variables (see table 1 and 4)).



PAGE 18 OF 22<br />

Results<br />

Model check<br />

The model was checked for the underlying assumptions using graphical methods. The graphics were constructed<br />

to check whether the variability dependent on the response, whether the residuals looked normally distributed<br />

and whether deviating observations were present. This check revealed that rather large discrepancies were<br />

present for the two replicates of Mardona for blower speed 1 at laboratory 4. However, the discrepancies were<br />

judged to be of a size that could have happened by change, so the observations were kept in the analyses.<br />

All data<br />

The analysis showed that there were a significant interaction between blower speed and variety for all characters<br />

except for % pure life seeds. The blower speed had a significant effect on all variables. For only one variable, g<br />

empty seeds in heavy fraction, significant differences between laboratories were found. See table 1. The last<br />

column, Balance, is the difference between g pure seeds in light fractions and g empty seeds in heavy fractions.<br />

The variance components are shown in the bottom part of table 1. The residual variance is the within samples<br />

variation. The sample component is the additional variation when the results comes from different samples. They<br />

were for most variables of similarly size - only for the variables balance and g pure seed in light fraction was the<br />

component for between sample considerable less that the component for within sample. For those two variables<br />

most of the variance were caused by the within sample variability. For the other variables the variance between<br />

two observed values was approximately doubled if the observed values come from different samples compared<br />

to observed values from the same sample.<br />

The effect of Blower speed is shown in table 2. The effect of blower speed was of the same type for both groups<br />

of laboratories although the effects were lager for laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5 than for laboratory 4. For the variable<br />

g empty seeds in heavy fraction the magnitude of the figures were considerable larger for laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5<br />

than for laboratory 4. However, this was mainly caused by the variety Julia (see table 7).<br />

The blower speed 0.82 had on the average the best balance between g pure seeds in light fraction and g empty<br />

seeds in heavy fraction (table 2). This was also the case for 7 out of the 11 varieties (table 7). For the remaining 4<br />

varieties the absolute difference for the 0.82 blower speed was only significant larger than the blower speed with<br />

best balance for one variety, Julia (where it was significant at the 4% level).<br />

Table 1 Significance of fixed effects and estimated variance components for each variable<br />

using all data<br />

Effect name % heavy Germination % pure live g pure in light g empty in Balance, g<br />

seeds percent seeds frac. heavy frac.<br />

Significance of fixed effects *<br />

Variety ** ** * *** **<br />

Laboratory ***<br />

Blowers. *** *** *** *** *** ***<br />

V×L *<br />

V×B *** ** (*) *** *** ***<br />

L×B<br />

V×L×B<br />

Estimated random effects<br />

Sample 0.647 5.698 8.515 0.000016 0.000003 0.000008<br />

Residual 0.607 9.001 7.995 0.000045 0.000005 0.000058<br />

* ) One, two of three asterisks denote that the effect is significant at the 5%, 1% or 0.1% level,<br />




PAGE 19 OF 22<br />

Table 2 Estimated effects of Blower speed<br />

Blower speed % heavy seeds Germinatio % pure live mg pure in mg empty in Balance, mg<br />

n percent seeds light frac. heavy frac.<br />

Laboratory 4<br />

0.60 100.0 79.3 79.3 0.0 7.0 -7.0<br />

0.70 99.8 80.4 80.2 0.1 6.1 -6.0<br />

0.82 98.9 81.0 80.2 1.7 2.0 -0.3<br />

0.90 97.8 82.7 81.0 7.5 0.3 7.2<br />

1.00 95.5 85.6 81.9 28.7 0.0 28.7<br />

Laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5<br />

0.60 99.4 77.7 77.3 0.0 25.2 -25.5<br />

0.70 98.7 80.0 79.0 0.4 22.4 -22.1<br />

0.82 96.9 85.1 82.5 5.8 14.7 -9.0<br />

1.00 91.7 90.0 82.6 35.2 11.1 23.9<br />

For the variable g empty seeds in heavy fraction there was a significant effect of laboratory. This was mainly<br />

caused by laboratory 1 that had a high value and laboratory 4 that had a low value (table 3). However, it should<br />

be noted that the difference between laboratory 4 and the other three couldn't be separated from the effect of the<br />

groups of varieties analysed at the two laboratories.<br />

Table 3 Effect of laboratory for the variable mg empty seeds in heavy fraction<br />

Laboratory Lab 4 Lab 1,2,3,5<br />

1 25<br />

3 13<br />

4 3<br />

5 17<br />

Data at blower speed 0.82<br />

When analysing data where seeds were cleaned at the blower speed 0.82 significant effects of variety were found<br />

for most variables. For the same data significant effects of laboratory were found for 3 variables (see table 4). I<br />

addition a specific test for differences between laboratories for the variety Enprima was added (Enprima was the<br />

only variety analysed by all samples). Significant differences between laboratories were only found for % heavy<br />

seeds and were mainly caused by the relative low value at laboratory 3 (note: laboratory 1 received a different<br />

sample).<br />

The variance components (bottom part of figure 4) are for most variables smaller for data from blower speed<br />

0.82 than for all data. This indicates the variability between repeated analyses are lower for this blower speed<br />

than for the others. For % heavy seeds the standard deviation is √0.017=0.13 which show that a difference larger<br />

than 0.6 between two samples will be very rare.<br />

Table 4 Significance of fixed effects and estimated variance components for each variable<br />

using only data from blower speed 0.82.<br />

Effect name % heavy Germination % pure live g pure in light g empty in Balance, g<br />

seeds percent seeds frac. heavy frac.<br />

Significance of fixed effects *<br />

Variety ** ** ** *** ***<br />

Laboratory *** *** **<br />

V×L *<br />

Laboratories *<br />

for Enprima<br />

Estimated random effects<br />

Sample 0.309 1.100 1.827 0.000002 0.000003 0.000005<br />

Residual 0.017 11.450 11.256 0.000003 0.000001 0.000038<br />

* ) One, two of three asterisks denote that the effect is significant at the 5%, 1% or 0.1% level, respectively



PAGE 20 OF 22<br />

Table 5 Estimated effects of varieties for blower speed 0.82<br />

Blower speed<br />

% heavy<br />

seeds<br />

Germination<br />

percent<br />

% pure live<br />

seeds<br />

mg pure in<br />

light frac.<br />

mg empty in<br />

heavy frac.<br />

Balance, mg<br />

Laboratory 4<br />

Balin 98.7 81.5 80.5 0.9 6.2 -5.3<br />

Harmony 99.4 86.5 86.0 0.2 0.3 -0.1<br />

Mardona 98.5 62.5 61.5 2.3 1.5 0.8<br />

Platini 99.2 84.5 83.9 4.0 0.6 3.4<br />

Sobra 98.5 90.3 88.9 0.9 1.3 -0.4<br />

Laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5<br />

Cynthia 95.5 87.0 83.1 5.5 2.3 3.1<br />

Enprima 97.7 88.0 85.9 2.0 3.1 -1.2<br />

Evora 98.0 93.3 91.4 -1.7 4.1 -5.8<br />

Julia 95.2 84.5 80.4 13.8 66.3 -53.0<br />

Saskia 98.7 86.0 85.0 1.7 3.2 -1.6<br />

Unique 95.9 69.2 66.3 14.3 8.3 6.0<br />

The estimated effects for each variety are shown in table 5. For germination and % pure live in seeds the<br />

varieties Mardona and Unique had significant low values. For the three variables mg pure seeds in light fraction,<br />

mg empty in heavy fraction and balance Julia had values that deviated from most other varieties. The variety<br />

Unique had a very high value for the variable mg pure in light fraction.<br />

The estimated effects for each laboratory are shown in table 6. For the variable % heavy seeds laboratory 4 and 1<br />

had higher values than the other, bur only laboratory 1 and 3 differed significantly (laboratory 4 can not be<br />

compared statistically with the other laboratories). For the variables mg empty seeds in heavy fraction and<br />

balance the values at laboratory 4 are much closer to zero, than for the other 3 laboratories. However, the<br />

estimates for laboratory 4 cannot be compared statistically with the values for the other laboratories.<br />

Table 6 Estimated effects of laboratories for blower speed 0.82<br />

Blower speed<br />

% heavy<br />

seeds<br />

Germination<br />

percent<br />

% pure live<br />

seeds<br />

mg pure in<br />

light frac.<br />

mg empty in<br />

heavy frac.<br />

Balance,<br />

mg<br />

Laboratory 4<br />

4 98.9 81.1 80.2 1.7 2.0 -0.3<br />

Laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5<br />

1 97.4 81.2 79.2 8.4 21.7 13.2<br />

2 96.7 82.0 79.3<br />

3 96.2 85.8 82.6 5.0 9.3 -4.3<br />

5 96.9 89.7 86.9 4.2 12.7 -8.5



PAGE 21 OF 22<br />

Table 7 Estimated blower by variety effects for two groups of laboratories<br />

Blower<br />

Laboratory 4 Laboratory 1, 2, 3 and 5<br />

speed Balin Harmony Mardona Platini Sobra Cynthia Enprima Evora Julia Saskia Unique<br />

% heavy seeds<br />

0.60 100 100 100 100 100 99.4 99.8 99.1 98.7 99.9 99.6<br />

0.70 99.6 99.8 99.9 99.9 99.7 98.1 98.9 98.8 98.1 99.5 98.7<br />

0.82 98.7 99.4 98.5 99.3 98.5 95.5 97.6 98.0 95.7 98.7 95.9<br />

0.90 97.2 99.1 96.1 98.8 97.8 . . . . . .<br />

1.00 95.1 98.0 89.8 97.9 96.6 88.5 95.2 96.3 84.7 97.0 88.5<br />

Germination<br />

0.60 78.3 86.0 62.2 83.2 87.0 80.9 83.7 87.4 73.6 85.9 54.7<br />

0.70 80.8 86.3 62.5 84.3 88.3 78.9 84.5 87.4 80.6 90.9 57.7<br />

0.82 81.5 86.5 62.5 84.5 90.2 89.9 88.7 92.4 82.6 88.9 68.2<br />

0.90 84.8 87.0 62.2 86.0 93.5 . . . . . .<br />

1.00 87.0 88.8 73.0 86.5 92.8 90.9 94.5 93.7 89.6 90.9 80.2<br />

% pure live seeds<br />

0.60 78.2 86.0 62.3 83.3 87.0 80.4 83.6 86.6 72.8 85.8 54.6<br />

0.70 80.4 86.1 62.4 84.2 88.0 77.3 83.6 86.3 79.2 90.4 57.0<br />

0.82 80.5 86.0 61.5 83.9 88.9 85.7 86.7 90.5 79.2 87.7 65.4<br />

0.90 82.4 86.2 60.0 84.9 91.5 . . . . . .<br />

1.00 82.7 87.0 65.6 84.7 89.6 80.2 90.0 90.2 76.2 88.1 71.1<br />

mg pure seeds in light fraction<br />

0.60 0.1 -0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.1 2.1 0.0 -3.0 -2.7 2.0 0.6<br />

0.70 0.1 0.1 0.2 -0.0 0.1 2.0 0.2 -2.5 0.6 2.0 0.4<br />

0.82 1.0 0.3 2.3 4.0 0.9 5.8 2.0 -2.2 13.3 2.0 14.1<br />

0.90 5.5 3.0 18.5 6.0 4.7 . . . . . .<br />

1.00 20.7 13.0 79.1 14.8 16.0 39.6 13.5 5.6 98.1 9.7 44.6<br />

mg empty seeds in heavy fraction<br />

0.60 12.5 4.1 5.8 3.2 9.4 6.1 16.2 15.7 91.1 4.9 17.1<br />

0.70 11.1 1.9 8.1 2.5 6.7 6.6 9.4 10.4 96.8 3.9 7.4<br />

0.82 6.3 0.3 1.5 0.6 1.3 1.9 3.0 4.9 67.1 2.8 8.5<br />

0.90 1.1 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 . . . . . .<br />

1.00 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.0 -4.8 64.0 1.4 3.7<br />

Balance, mg<br />

0.60 -12 -4.2 -5.7 -3.2 -9.4 -3.7 -16 -19 -94 -2.6 -17<br />

0.70 -11 -1.8 -7.9 -2.5 -6.6 -4.3 -9.4 -13 -97 -1.6 -7.2<br />

0.82 -5.3 -0.1 0.8 3.4 -0.4 4.2 -1.2 -7.5 -54 -0.5 5.4<br />

0.90 4.4 2.9 18.3 5.9 4.5 . . . . . .<br />

1.00 20.7 13.0 79.1 14.8 16.0 38.4 12.3 10.0 33.7 8.6 40.7

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