Strychnos 1990 - 2004 - Crops for the Future

Strychnos 1990 - 2004 - Crops for the Future

Strychnos 1990 - 2004 - Crops for the Future


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Author<br />

Title<br />

Year<br />

Source title<br />

Reference<br />

Liu XX; Wang T; Xu QG; Ma CR; Cook JM<br />

Enantiospecific total syn<strong>the</strong>sis of <strong>the</strong> enantiomer of <strong>the</strong> indole alkaloid affinisine<br />

2000<br />

Tetrahedron Letters<br />

41(33): 6299-6303<br />

Abstract<br />

The enantiomer of affinisine has been syn<strong>the</strong>sized (from L-tryptophan) with 100%<br />

diastereoselectivity via <strong>the</strong> asymmetric Pictet-Spengler reaction coupled with a Pd-0 (enolate<br />

mediated) coupling process. This enantiomer has also been converted into a key intermediate which<br />

provides a route to <strong>the</strong> enantiomers of both macroline and alstonerine following <strong>the</strong> previous work of<br />

LeQuesne. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.<br />

Author<br />

Title<br />

Year<br />

Source title<br />

Reference<br />

Lockett, C. T. and L. E. Grivetti<br />

Food-related behaviors during drought: A study of rural Fulani, nor<strong>the</strong>astern Nige<br />

2000<br />

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition<br />

51(2): 91-107<br />

Abstract<br />

Two rural settled Fulani villages in nor<strong>the</strong>ast Nigeria were surveyed <strong>for</strong> dietary practices and use of<br />

edible wild plants (n = 100 adult subjects). Dietary patterns and medical data were obtained <strong>for</strong><br />

children under 5, pregnant and lactating women and <strong>the</strong> elderly. A diversified diet was maintained at<br />

both geographical locations through hunting, ga<strong>the</strong>ring, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry,<br />

food exchanges and cash purchases. Edible wild plants associated with children included fruits of<br />

baure (Ficus sycomorus), faru (Lannea schiniperi), giginya (Gardenia aqualla), kokiya (<strong>Strychnos</strong><br />

spinosa) and nunu (Parinari curatellitolia). Leaves of shiwaka (Veronia colorate) were consumed by<br />

lactating women to stimulate breastmilk production. Generally, fruits of baure (Ficus sycomorus)<br />

were eaten to counter stomach pain; fruits of kisni (Bridelia ferruginea) were eaten to treat diarrhea;<br />

and bark of kuka (Adansonia digitata) was consumed <strong>for</strong> weight gain. Food storage was more<br />

important during wet seasons than dry because of local and regional flooding. Adult Fulani men rode<br />

to distant markets on bicycles, while women walked to market and in some instances expended 3200<br />

k c a l / d a y e n g a g i n g i n t h i s a c t i v i t y .

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