When Men Do Nothing - Voice Male Magazine

When Men Do Nothing - Voice Male Magazine

When Men Do Nothing - Voice Male Magazine


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By Rob Okun<br />

Choreographing the<br />

Father-Son Dance<br />

Rain was gently falling overhead;<br />

clouds obscured the stars. I was safe<br />

and dry in my son Jonah’s tent. I<br />

turned off the flashlight and dozed. I was<br />

sleeping a parent’s weekend sleep—one ear<br />

open waiting for his safe return. Old habits<br />

die hard; I needn’t have been so vigilant. He<br />

had only gone in search of cell service to call<br />

his girlfriend to say goodnight; he was years<br />

past high school curfews.<br />

Jonah is our youngest and had recently<br />

finished college. As a graduation present<br />

we were spending the weekend at a writing<br />

workshop at a conference center and camp<br />

we both have a long history with and deeply<br />

love. We hadn’t done something like this for<br />

some time—just the two of us going away<br />

for a few days—so the gift was as much for<br />

me as for him.<br />

Fathers and mothers benefit from oneon-one<br />

time with their progeny, regardless<br />

of their age. Parenting adult children (Jonah<br />

has three older sisters in their late twenties<br />

and early thirties) isn’t as straightforward<br />

as raising younger kids. Hopefully, after a<br />

few decades on the job, we’ve learned to<br />

shift from the spread-the-peanut-butter-onthe-bread<br />

Mother/Father role to TC (trusted<br />

consultant) available 24/7. It’s a practice,<br />

though, learning to balance offering support<br />

with keeping hands off. I don’t always get<br />

it right. The weekend Jonah and I spent<br />

together afforded me plenty of opportunities<br />

to practice. I had to pay attention, knowing<br />

when it was time to lead and when it was<br />

time to follow in the beautiful, complicated<br />

father-son dance we’d been choreographing<br />

for more than two decades.<br />

<strong>When</strong> he returned to the tent, unzipping<br />

the flap slowly so as not to wake me, I whispered<br />

a greeting. “Everything okay?” “Yeah,<br />

Dad. Everything’s great.”<br />

Once he’d settled into his sleeping bag,<br />

we lay in the dark for a long time talking; my<br />

heart brimming over with happiness. It was<br />

not about the content—rich and varied—it<br />

was about how comfortable we were, how<br />

relaxed, how intimate. For me, the weekend<br />

had been a success before it had barely<br />

begun. I slept deeply until a hard rain fell at<br />

first light.<br />

As private and personal as these moments<br />

are, isn’t it better for men to talk about them<br />

with one another than bury them under the<br />

cloak of men’s silence? How else can we<br />

break free of our legacy of isolation, of too<br />

rarely sharing our feelings? How can we<br />

hope to transform our lives if we are stuck<br />

in our silos of individual invulnerability?<br />

How can fathers help raise sons to access<br />

their emotional lives if we aren’t willing to<br />

access ours?<br />

Becoming a father, of course, isn’t necessary<br />

for every man to become a full adult,<br />

to find his way as a man. But even for<br />

those who aren’t fathers, there are plenty of<br />

occasions to mentor, to “uncle”—to access<br />

that part of ourselves that innately knows<br />

how to nurture. There’s a tenderness to<br />

fathering that gets lost in popular culture’s<br />

stick figure sketch—dad as good-natured<br />

bumbler. Happily, change is afoot; it’s time<br />

to quicken the pace.<br />

As more men step forward to honor<br />

their roles as fathers (see the moving<br />

Fathering columns by Jeremy Adam Smith<br />

and Gregory Collins on pages 22 and 23),<br />

there’s an opportunity for even more of us<br />

to take the initiative to balance our private,<br />

personal approach to fathering with a more<br />

public, political one. Our underrepresented<br />

voices in the ongoing war against women,<br />

for example, is a case in point. It is an apt<br />

moment for fathers to organize as fathers on<br />

behalf of our wives, daughters and sisters—<br />

biological and otherwise. It’s a powerful time<br />

for fathers to embrace that enduring insight<br />

from the women’s movement: the personal<br />

is political. Rather than stand mute when old<br />

school men seek to impose their will on decisions<br />

that rightly belong to women, imagine<br />

campaigns that begin with “As a father, I…”<br />

The Fatherhood Brigade remains an underdeveloped<br />

force for social change.<br />

After the weekend, Jonah went back to<br />

his house and garden and I returned to mine.<br />

If previous patterns prevailed, some days<br />

would pass before I’d hear from him. As<br />

difficult as it is going from total contact to no<br />

contact at all, it gave me a chance to reflect<br />

on our time together. In quiet moments<br />

throughout the weekend, whether attending<br />

the same workshop or sitting together at<br />

meals, I’d look over at him engaged in<br />

conversation and marvel at the man he has<br />

become. Considerably more emotionally<br />

intelligent than I was in my early twenties,<br />

what I realized was this: In the father-son<br />

dance we’ve been practicing since he was<br />

a baby, we had learned more than just how<br />

to avoid stepping on each other’s toes. Now<br />

we were learning how to balance the space<br />

between leading and following. That lesson,<br />

I realized, applies to all the others parts of<br />

my life—from my work with men to my<br />

relationships at home. In the space between<br />

leading and following is everything I need<br />

to know.<br />

<strong>Voice</strong> <strong>Male</strong> editor Rob Okun can be reached at<br />

rob@voicemalemagazine.org.<br />

<br />

<strong>Voice</strong> <strong>Male</strong> PREVIEW<br />

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